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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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My thoughts are increasingly turning to the House.

If Obama wins and GOP holds the House, Obama's second term will be about preserving the accomplishments of his first. If Dems win back the House, it will be about building upon the accomplishments of Obama's first term.

Well, I think Obama running up his margin is as good a proxy as any for how we should expect that to go. Will definitely be worth seeing how the DNC influences the generic ballot and Senate races.

While I'd be very happy for an Obama second term that revolved around winding down Afghanistan, successfully implementing the ACA, a few supremes and holding off the fiscal cliff, I'd love to see him get a shot at long term fiscal reform and some kind of tuition cost control effort.

How did Mittens do in this year's debates, was he as awkward as he was in 2008? Obama can bury him forever there.

He completely decapitated Rick Perry, but was seen as being outshined by Gingrich.

Basically, I think the reviews were that he did his homework with getting prepped, did a good job when the issues were on comfortable ground, but also didn't necessarily wow anyone and got flustured when unexpected topics came up.


How did Mittens do in this year's debates, was he as awkward as he was in 2008? Obama can bury him forever next month.

Not good. He got visibly angry a few times, and just didn't perform that well. He did have one debate where he won hands down, but apparently that was with a new prep coach that he fired immediately afterwards.


Wat. Why would he do that?

No one has a clue, but the turnaround was so visible that people were giving a lot of credit to that new coach. Perhaps he got angry for not getting any credit? I really don't know, but it was a big joke around here when it happened.


Romney: The Result Of GOP Convention Is I’m Better Known
I don't think I was as well known, of course, as the president. And-- and so we had a convention and I got better known. People go to see Ann and hear our story. And-- and the result of that is I'm better known, for better or for worse. And that allows me to continue to hammer away on what I do to get America on the right track. And I have really two months to be able to convince people I can do a better job than the incumbent. I think I can do that. So I'm-- I'm in a better spot than I was before the convention.

To me it sounds like he knows no one is convince yet.
Obama increased his lead over Romney in certain favorable characteristics. Asked who was more "eloquent," 50 percent of the 1,720 registered voters questioned in the poll favored Obama, compared to 25 percent for Romney. Asked about being "smart enough for the job," 46 percent sided with Obama compared to 37 percent for Romney.

In fact, Obama led Romney in a dozen such favorable characteristics, such as "represents America" or "has the right values." The only such category in which Romney had an advantage was being "a man of faith," as 44 percent picked Romney, who is Mormon, compared to 31 percent for Obama, who is Christian.

Why is 'a man of faith' even a 'favorable characteristic'? Grumble grumble. I don't view people that believe in mythical creatures such as angels, ghosts, demons, etc. as a good thing.


LOL nope Clint Eastwood fucked that up for him, nobody remembers his speech or his video thanks to the empty chair

Even sans Eastwood, his speech was bland and boring as hell. I remember Rubio and Christie's speech (hell, even Ann's speech, but that's mostly for the lulz) more than Mitt's.
Why is 'a man of faith' even a 'favorable characteristic'? Grumble grumble. I don't view people that believe in mythical creatures such as angels, ghosts, demons, etc. as a good thing.
Now, now. Liberals are accepting of different viewpoints when it comes to faith. Unlike teaparty Conservatives who make Atheists and Muslims walk the plank for not being Christians, Liberals do not make anyone, no matter what they believe in, walk the plank for not being Atheists or Agnostics. Yeah the wording of the phrase is little stupid. Gotta agree with that.




I'm actually going to be on a college campus for this election. It should be awesome. I was an undergrad for the 2004 election, and everyone was just depressed as fuck when the race was called for Bush. This election should be a goddamn party! People will probably get laid that night.
I'm actually going to be on a college campus for this election. It should be awesome. I was an undergrad for the 2004 election, and everyone was just depressed as fuck when the race was called for Bush. This election should be a goddamn party! People will probably get laid that night.
People fuck in celebration after Obama's victory?



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Not enough faces and palms for this.

This is the beginning of his total meltdown. Jesus Christ. This man has no fucking clue. He truly is utterly inconsistent. His campaign staff, his base and party bosses are gonna be PISSED.

I think he doesn't understand the math he is playing with. You can't encourage a base based on lies and red meat and then walk away from those in a last ditch attempt to appeal to the center. Both sides will see you're a craven shitheel.
I think he doesn't understand the math he is playing with. You can't encourage a base based on lies and red meat and then walk away from those in a last ditch attempt to appeal to the center. Both sides will see you're a craven shitheel.
That Etch-a-Sketch in action.
Wait, so Romney is now saying he wants to keep certain parts of Obamacare and replace the other parts with those which Obamacare is based on?

How did Mittens do in this year's debates, was he as awkward as he was in 2008? Obama can bury him forever next month.

Romney is very good on the attack and with pre-scripted lines. When he's on defense and off script, he's in trouble
Wait, so Romney is now saying he wants to keep certain parts of Obamacare and replace the other parts with those which Obamacare is based on?

Romney is very good on the attack and with pre-scripted lines. When he's on defense and off script, he's in trouble

Most republicans hold the same position: keep pre-existing condition ban, kids on parents insurance...shit can everything else; I don't see why people are making such a big deal about this. Boehner, Cantor, and many other republicans make this argument too.

Too bad no journalist is smart enough to ask the obvious follow up: how do you get rid of the mandate but keep the pre-existing condition rule? That would raise health care costs


Ohio used to be a Red State, what the fuck.

It's been a swing state for a while, and Obama is popular there due to the success of the auto bailout which Romney opposed. Also the Bain shit damaged him there.

Without Ohio, Romney will need to win at least Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, and Iowa out of the remaining battlegrounds. Which is not happening.
Romney is a big liar. Yeah, like he is going to eliminate all the loopholes he jumps through. That would basically be saying that everything he's done has been bad for the country when he has proudly says if he didn't do such tax-avoidance then he should not be elected.

Mitt Romney rejected claims by President Barack Obama that he would sign off on more tax breaks for the wealthy if elected president, but again declined to offer specifics on how exactly he would accomplish his goal of lowering taxes for other Americans while also balancing the budget.

In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Romney said he would offset his proposed 20 percent tax cut for all Americans by eliminating loopholes and deductions for high-income earners. He argued that his plan would in effect lower taxes for middle class Americans while keeping tax rates the same for wealthy Americans.

"People at the high end, high income taxpayers, are going to have fewer deductions and exemptions. Those numbers are going to come down. Otherwise they'd get a tax break," Romney told NBC. "And I want to make sure people understand, despite what the Democrats said at their convention, I am not reducing taxes on high income taxpayers."

He is a flip-flopper or a liar. And you hired Ryan who's budget is proved to MASSIVELY cut taxes on the rich. So I'm going with liar.

Desperate liar trying to get votes.


Too bad no journalist is smart enough to ask the obvious follow up: how do you get rid of the mandate but keep the pre-existing condition rule? That would raise health care costs

Thankfully there are debates



California spends more on prisons than it does on its higher education system.

Sometimes I hate this country so fucking much. I'd vote for any politician who ran on a platform of releasing all prisoners who were incarcerated for drug possession. Fuck downgrading them from prison to county jail; I'm talking straight-up release. I'd also add a "foul-tip rule" to the 3 strikes law: only a violent felony can count as a third strike.

Our priorities are so goddamn ass-backwards. We have the world's strongest and most expensive military, and the world's largest prison population, but fuck decent healthcare for anyone without a white-collar job, and btw, all university students will graduate with a small mortgage to pay off.


Junior Member
Is it just me, or is the Romney campaign starting to spiral out of control?

First you had the RNC, which ended with Eastwood talking to a chair.

Then you had Romney doing NOTHING during the DNC.

Then you had Romney getting owned by Fox News for not supporting the troops.

Then you had Romney smacking down the Republican congress for supporting the downsizing of the U.S. military.

Now you have Romney saying he's going to keep parts of Obamacare intact, which contradicts his earlier claim that he's going to repeal all of it on Day 1.

We shouldn't get overconfident. But gotdamn this is looking like 2008 all over again. I don't know what Obama is doing, but Dems need to copy his campaign playbook for the next 20 years.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Most republicans hold the same position: keep pre-existing condition ban, kids on parents insurance...shit can everything else; I don't see why people are making such a big deal about this. Boehner, Cantor, and many other republicans make this argument too.

Too bad no journalist is smart enough to ask the obvious follow up: how do you get rid of the mandate but keep the pre-existing condition rule? That would raise health care costs

Also, what will you be replacing it with? What exactly is his plan? This guy has not given details for anything.


So he'll close the job-killing deficit with $5 trillion in tax cuts, and he'll repeal Obamacare, but replace it with Obamacare. Great platform.


Junior Member
From FreeRepublic via Romney keeping some of Obamacare intact;


They aren't too happy.

I can't defend/understand this
Romney: It’s My ‘Preference’ That The Supreme Court Reverse Roe V. Wade

Mitt Romney was diplomatic in his response to questions about abortion and Roe v. Wade in an interview on "Meet the Press" Sunday, saying he is pro-life and prefers that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe. Democrats made their pro-choice position a centerpiece of their convention in Charlotte earlier this week.

"I recognize there are two lives involved: the mom and the unborn child," Romney said. "And I believe that people of good conscience have chosen different paths in this regard. But I am pro-life and will intend, if I'm president of the United States, to encourage pro-life policies."

Romney declined to say he would "fight" for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, saying instead it was up to the Supreme Court.

So he'll nominate pro-life judges then. So how can he argue he won't do anything to take away the right to choose?


I'd like to trade all Free Republic posters to Syria for the people in one of their refugee camps plus draft picks.

We could throw in cash considerations if Syria balks.


Rand Paul, by the way.

"KRUGMAN: Right now, Mitt Romney has an ad blitz where he's accusing Obama of cutting defense spending, which is actually, you know, that's not really true, but and then he says and the reason this is terrible is it because it will eliminate jobs. So the Romney campaign's position is government spending can't create jobs unless it goes to defense contractors in which case it's the lifeblood of the economy...

PAUL: And that's an inconsistency. That's an inconsistency.

KRUGMAN: It's pretty major.

PAUL: And it's wrong. They are accepting Keynes with regard to military spending...

KRUGMAN: Weaponized Keynesianism.

PAUL: ... but not with regard to domestic spending."
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