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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
If the GOP really worried about electability, Huntsman would have been their man.

Huntsman was the only candidate I remember the Obama campaign staff admitted they were worried about running in 2012. That why they offered him a job as a way to "taint" him with the repub ideologues who couldn't see past him crossing the isle to ever work with Obama.


I maintain my earlier point: If Obama had spent longer in the Senate, he would have been a more effective President.


How about if the GOP wasn't batshit insane?


You both can be right.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Had he stayed longer in the senate there is a chance he would become one of them, in a bad way. Say what you will about Obama's negotiation, he did what Clinton, Johnson or Nixon couldn't do.


Setec Astronomer
Well, this is one point in favor of gubernatorial experience, as they have jostled with a legislative body before. There's also something to be said about coming from the system itself, but that's why he has Biden.
I just got done reading that. This was the section where it really sinks in how screwed Romney is:
Romney's campaign must be seeing the same numbers because Romney is turning CULTURE WARRIOR on Obama.
Creator of "The Wire" David Simon had a great face palm listening to Christine O'Donnell on overtime.
Reid made some statements to that effect.

Reid's not exactly a progressive warrior but he's certainly found his spine since the 2010 elections.
Not only is his rhetoric worth paying attention to, but just as important is his deteriorating relationship with McConnell. Did anyone else see the way they were going at it right before the vote on the Bush tax cuts? Or when Reid was reading Norm and Ornstein's book explaining that the Republicans are the problem and Mitch laughing at him? Mitch called Ornstein an "ultra liberal," and Ornstein fired back.


Did anyone read Obama's books? Being in Senate gave him the realization he needed a bigger goal in order to get anything significant done.

He said it was an old boys club and he's right. He's the anti-McCain. Being in the Senate longer would have fizzled his drive.
If Republicans and conservatives are saying that now, then that's how they'll react if Mittens loses. Which implies they'll move further to the right after 2012.


If Republicans and conservatives are saying that now, then that's how they'll react if Mittens loses. Which implies they'll move further to the right after 2012.

lol, that's nearly impossible. Unless they are planning to have a libertarian candidate for 2016


Joe Scarborough just said: "A real conservative would be winning now."


And so it begins. Excuse after excuse, with Republican's refusing to entertain the idea Obama might actually be a good President.

Will the "real conservative" please stand up?


They really are going with praising Clinton to attack Obama aren't they?
"Think about it," Gingrich said on CNN's "State of the Union," summing up how he interpreted Clinton's message: "I had the longest period of economic growth in economic history; you didn't, Mr. Obama. I got to four balanced budgets by working with Republicans; you didn't, Mr. Obama."

"You can take his speech, spin it not very much, and it's actually a condemnation of the fact that Obama learned nothing ... out of the 2010 election."


Well, that narrative from the jobs report shifted p. quickly.

Up +4 now in Ras? Damn, what a shift.

And Romney will get thrown under that bus, just like McCain.


So...he's going to piss off his own base...that only supports him because they hate Obama...by saying he's not going to repeal one of the main things they hate most about his agenda.



I really think he screwed up big time.
“I’m not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” he said on NBC’s “Meet The Press. “One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like.”
Asked on “Meet The Press” if he wants to repeal those two popular provisions of the law, Romney said, “Well, of course not. I say we’re going to replace Obamacare. And I’m replacing it with my own plan. And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people.”

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

He's treading an incredibly dangerous game. If they ask him about specifically what he's going to repeal, what's he going to say? If he says the mandate then hopefully someone points out that Massachusetts had the same thing. If he says the extra medicaid funding then...well, that might look good to some of his base, but I'm betting it won't be a winning statement in general.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I want someone to make a photoshop of Rom-bomb Battlefield with him losing the race to the giant koopa.


An interesting article from WaPo:


Obama comes off as quite weak, a little bit out of his depth.

This is literally the fourth or fifth "secret story behind the debt ceiling showdown" story I've read, and they're almost all about how -- despite all appearances and all the available evidence during the crisis -- Boehner didn't really get rolled by Cantor and Ryan and have to give up a Grand Bargain for what is essentially a clean bill, Obama somehow was weak and that's why Boehner looked bad, and they all have secret sources from Boehner!s office. So I'm a little doubtful. Because when I was watching, it definitely looked like the back channel sources said there was a deal, and then Boehner went back to his caucus, and suddenly there was no deal any more and Cantor was in the negotiations now. Of course, this would make Boehner a historically powerless Speaker, so he probably doesn't like that framing much, but that's what I saw, and this story doesn't even attempt to reexplain that.

This story also says that house Republicans "dropped" the two step demand, as if the President holding a press conference to say he would veto a two-step bill because It would be playing political games, or McConnell breaking ranks to allow cloture on the BCA because of Biden's negotiation, we're somehow irrelevant to the decision. It blames Obama for getting dominated by Congress and turns around and blames him for not being willing to sign anything Congress passes to avert the shutdown. It doesn't mention seignorage at all, which was definitely being floated around that time, as well as declaring the limit an executive responsibility. And, of course, it doesn't mention the unprecedented brinksmanship in making the debt ceiling an issue at all.

The Soviet Union would be proud of such a journalist.


Does Mitt realize he looks desperate? MTP is no place for spouse photo-ops. Gregory is a shitstain for agreeing to this. Pissing all over Russert's legacy



Romney's been saying the whole time he's going to keep preexisting condition coverage and letting your kids stay on your plan, because those are the only things Obamacare has done yet and naturally they're extremely popular. Usually he says he will repeal the bill and pass another bill that has those things but no mandate (and other secret provisions that will make it actually work via magic). This, admittedly, is a terrible idea, but I don't think it rises to the level that this headline is saying it does.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Romney was always damned in terms of appealing to people who just want every word and deed to represent "Down with Obama". The sheer degree of Down with Obama madness that has been cultivated is incompatible with any political reality.

If Romney stays hardline and said all Obamacare would be wiped out, he gets attacked for taking care away from orphans with pre-existing conditions.

If Romney softens on Obamacare repeal, by admitting some parts of it are good, then he is endorsing Obama in the eyes of the fanatical Obama-hating base.


So...he's going to piss off his own base...that only supports him because they hate Obama...by saying he's not going to repeal one of the main things they hate most about his agenda.




I can only imagine this was brought about by the wizards that run his god awful campaign, after they saw how well Health Care went over at the DNC and the fact they refused to run from it.


Asked on “Meet The Press” if he wants to repeal those two popular provisions of the law, Romney said, “Well, of course not. I say we’re going to replace Obamacare. And I’m replacing it with my own plan. And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people.”

Romneycare mandate is ripe for the killing now. Good luck mitts.



I actually want to see how Romney can pull this off. It would be the most impressive thing about his campaign besides all the damn money they have.


from ppp:

seems in line with what both campaigns are saying.

If Palin and the economy were the downfall of McCain's 2008 run I think the RNC might be the downfall of Romney.

It seems we are seeing almost a replay of the GOP Primaries except the difference is more money won't beat Obama like it did Santorum/Gingrinch.


Obsidian fan
How would the Obamacare stuff do any significant damage to his chances? The people who hate it aren't exactly gonna go vote for Obama instead, and they despise Obama so much I don't see them not voting as that would only help Bams.

It does make him look like an idiot though, but then again even his base doesn't like him so I guess that doesn't matter.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Rasmussen is +4 Obama. Rasmussen. That's a hell of a bounce.


It looks like OH and VA are increasingly out of reach for Romney at this point. At which point, gg.

That said, I want Obama to have 270 just from the states where he is leading by double digits again.


That article is partisan bullshit from Bob Woodward. I'm just annoyed it took me to the end of the article to determine that to be true. The phrase "fiscal cliff" is pretty much a dead giveaway, although the breathless prose that sounds like GOP fanfiction ("He blasted the president to his face"; "jaws dropped") is also indicative.
It smacks of the tortured Carter narrative. Obama is a hapless dunce aimlessly flailing from failure to crises.
That is not nearly doubled.
It's arithmetic.


No Ohio? GG Romney.

At this point, is the only thing worth debating is just how badly Romney is going to lose?

My thoughts are increasingly turning to the House.

If Obama wins and GOP holds the House, Obama's second term will be about preserving the accomplishments of his first. If Dems win back the House, it will be about building upon the accomplishments of Obama's first term.
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