An interesting article from WaPo:
Obama comes off as quite weak, a little bit out of his depth.
This is literally the fourth or fifth "secret story behind the debt ceiling showdown" story I've read, and they're almost all about how -- despite all appearances and all the available evidence during the crisis -- Boehner didn't really get rolled by Cantor and Ryan and have to give up a Grand Bargain for what is essentially a clean bill, Obama somehow was weak and that's why
Boehner looked bad, and they all have secret sources from Boehner!s office. So I'm a little doubtful. Because when I was watching, it definitely looked like the back channel sources said there was a deal, and then Boehner went back to his caucus, and suddenly there was no deal any more and Cantor was in the negotiations now. Of course, this would make Boehner a historically powerless Speaker, so he probably doesn't like that framing much, but that's what I saw, and this story doesn't even attempt to reexplain that.
This story also says that house Republicans "dropped" the two step demand, as if the President holding a press conference to say he would veto a two-step bill because It would be playing political games, or McConnell breaking ranks to allow cloture on the BCA because of Biden's negotiation, we're somehow irrelevant to the decision. It blames Obama for getting dominated by Congress and turns around and blames him for not being willing to sign anything Congress passes to avert the shutdown. It doesn't mention seignorage at all, which was definitely being floated around that time, as well as declaring the limit an executive responsibility. And, of course, it doesn't mention the unprecedented brinksmanship in making the debt ceiling an issue at all.
The Soviet Union would be proud of such a journalist.