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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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PAUL: And it's wrong. They are accepting Keynes with regard to military spending...

KRUGMAN: Weaponized Keynesianism.

PAUL: ... but not with regard to domestic spending."
That was awesome.


New Gallup. Obama by 5 (49-44). Job approval down 2 back to 50% though

Technically it's down a net 4% since he lost 2% in approval and gained 2% in disapproval. Since that is a 3 day average vs. a 7 day average like the election comparison it is likely the post-convention bounce is starting to come back to earth. Although it was silly to assume it would last more than a few days.


Technically it's down a net 4% since he lost 2% in approval and gained 2% in disapproval. Since that is a 3 day average vs. a 7 day average like the election comparison it is likely the post-convention bounce is starting to come back to earth. Although it was silly to assume it would last more than a few days.

I don't think anyone assumed the bump would last, the debate I thought was it was assumed there would be no bump at all


Obama's 'Gone to Great Lengths' to Keep Gas Prices High, Ryan Says

SAN RAMON, Calif. - Paul Ryan said today the president has gone to "great lengths" to make gas more expensive in this country.

The vice presidential candidate visited Google headquarters in Montainview to hold a Google+ Hangout where he took questions from supporters at campaign offices all over the country, including a question from a senior citizen in Florida named Ruth. She asked him how he was going to "improve the situation" of sky high gas prices.



So, yeah... 2016 has made $26mil at the Box office. What the ever loving fuck?

Fahrenheit 9/11 made $119m, over $200m WW. While its not exactly the same thing, don't be surprised when a movie is made that caters to a fervant segment of the population politically.

Its the same reason Rush, Hannity and FOX News are so successful.
am i dreaming?
Obamacare will be part of the American fabric just like Medicare was in 1968 or social security in 1940. The GOP won’t be able to repeal it or run against it. In fact the Dems in 2016 will be the ones running on repealing obamacare and replacing it with single payer. The right wing position will be obamacare


Nate Silver thinks it's possible that the bump is big enough that some of it will persist.

Now, that was not the case going into the DNC as we all were told that big bumps just did not happen anymore. Only after the DNC did we all realize it was not bumps don't happen it was just Romney and the RNC stunk and failed to connect with voters.


Hypothetically, if Obamacare were somehow repealed, would you hold Republican voters responsible for the deaths of 26,000 people per year? I would.


am i dreaming?

Not going to happen in 2016, but that will happen eventually. I think it'll take a few more states implementing single payer before the country warms up to it enough.

And it's kind of surprising someone would be surprised by Obamacare becoming the right wing position.... It was essentially a right wing idea. It is a right wing position. It's a compromise from the very beginning.


Romney is a big liar. Yeah, like he is going to eliminate all the loopholes he jumps through. That would basically be saying that everything he's done has been bad for the country when he has proudly says if he didn't do such tax-avoidance then he should not be elected.


He is a flip-flopper or a liar. And you hired Ryan who's budget is proved to MASSIVELY cut taxes on the rich. So I'm going with liar.

Desperate liar trying to get votes.

Romney is such a joke. Hes going to give the rich a 20% tax cut........but not really.....but hes not going to tell us how hes going to do it.

Its pretty much the same with all his other "points". Hes going to replace Obamacare with something better.......but won't tell us what. Hes going to increase military spending but not say on what. Its incredibly vague nonsense. No wonder why he is taking such a hit after the conventions. I think a lot of people saw through all the bullshit and aren't like what they are hearing.


From FreeRepublic via Romney keeping some of Obamacare intact;


They aren't too happy.


Wow, look at the picture on the wall.
It's so stupid. They are just throwing anything crap they can.. what possible reason would any president want gas prices to be high? lol
So he can win the election!

Maybe not 2016, but I can see it happening eventually. Liberals always wanted single payer. Obamacare was the compromise.
I think by 2016 opposition to it will be tempered, since most of the bill will have gone through by then and it'd be a logistical nightmare to repeal it.

Maybe in 2020 or 2024 Republicans will attack Democrats for trying to tarnish the legacy of Barack Obama. He'll be like Clinton, but without the personal scandals dragging him down.


That's how I think things will play out too.
Though I'm guessing it will start with a public option as opposed to medicare for all, for political reasons (avoiding the wrath of the insurance companies for as long as you can).

Insurance gets to expensive -> politicians do public option
Public option gets 80-90% participation rate -> single payer


Speaking of odd online forums, my wife is a huge frequenter of christianforums, and debates with them there quite often even though she is no longer a Christian. They have some pretty silly people over there, too, in the political threads, though I don't think she's the sole island of reason.


Insurance gets to expensive -> politicians do public option
Public option gets 80-90% participation rate -> single payer
I can also totally see this starting at the state level.
Most states are big enough to run a public insurance program, and it will get most of the (stupid) constitutional bickering out of the way.

Not to mention that politically, it will be much easier to pass in solid blue states.
Listening to MTP, I wish someone would ask a politician who says that tax payer money shouldn't be used for abortions why my taxes must be used for killing a person with the death penalty since I believe that to be morally wrong.


So if Obama wins, we just have to implement all the features of Obamacare in 2014, and the debate will be over.

It's like playing red zone defense with a lead in the final minutes. You just need to keep them from scoring. You win if you get the ball back. Obama can win this election and then take a knee.

Once that's in place, I'm hopeful that mass public discontent over the mandate will mean we get the public option by 2016.

Which is why it will be the exact place you'll find me come November 6th.

Same here. I might register an account for the hell of it. After all the "Marxist Kenyan Muslim" posts I've had to endure for four years, I won't be holding back.


So if Obama wins, we just have to implement all the features of Obamacare in 2014, and the debate will be over.

It's like playing red zone defense with a lead in the final minutes. You just need to keep them from scoring. You win if you get the ball back. Obama can win this election and then take a knee.
You know what they say about prevent defense...


I can also totally see this starting at the state level.
Most states are big enough to run a public insurance program, and it will get most of the (stupid) constitutional bickering out of the way.

Not to mention that politically, it will be much easier to pass in solid blue states.

Vermont is already on this path. I think by 2017 they'll have single payer.

What I'd like to see happen is businesses flocking to single payer states because it lifts the healthcare burden off of them. Then the rest of the states all wonder wtf and have to implement it themselves or pressure the federal government to implement it because they're losing out.


Free Republic said:
Please let this be a soundbite from Romney and he will get rid of that and the pre-existing condition. It may have worked somewhat in Mass., but it can't work nation-wide - witness Canada and England and other European nations. Disasters all.

El Oh fucking El.

These people live in a completely different reality.

Apparently it is possible to pleasure one's self to the idea of the free market. I had never considered that such a fetish existed, but Free Republic offers abundant proof that it does.
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