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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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This article is a few different sorts of wtf

First off, the right attacked the girl that asked about the pay gap and called her a feminist, etc. Kind of crazy how they attack a legitimate question, and something Mitt especially should have had to answer.

Second, she's still undecided:

So why is she undecided? Talking to Fenton today was an exercise in the frustrations and incoherences of such voters. She says she approves of Obama’s health insurance reform, since it’s allowed her to stay on her parents’ insurance. “That’s been really critical, especially for me,” she said. “I’ve had some medical things that I’ve had to get tested and had to go to the doctor fairly often.”

But she also says she’s worried about the deficit: “$16 trillion in debt is a huge figure.” And she’s torn on the question of whether she’s better off than four years ago. “While I’m feeling healthy and safe and comfortable, I can’t really feel the same about our nation.” And she claims to be dissatisfied with the answer she got from both candidates: “I asked for new solutions, not what they’ve already done.”

Despite asking a question that raised the hackles of the anti-feminist brigade, Fenton was vehement when I asked her if she’s a feminist. “Absolutely not,” she said. “I’m a 24-year-old woman that lives in the United States and feels like I should be treated the same as anyone else. That makes me a normal human being.”

I asked her to clarify how she defined feminism, given that she’d told me she was passionate about “women’s equality in the workforce” and had said, “I’m very protective of my reproductive rights.” Fenton said, “I’m not only concerned with women.”

Did she think that one candidate would be better for women? “That’s hard to say,” she said. “I can only speculate, but if I had to guess, gosh, my gut says President Obama. Based on the fact that he has said, I know he has two daughters so the cause is close to him. Governor Romney has granddaughters, that might help.” She thought more. On the wage gap, she said vaguely, “I think people around the president making choices would be more more susceptible to action on that. I don’t think Mitt Romney’s people might be as concerned as they ought to be.”

So, she gets healthcare from Obama. The first thing Obama even did was basically put into place legislation that helps the problem she asked in this very debate. She is, herself doing fine, safe, and comfortable. But, hey, that deficit is a large number! She is protective of her reproductive rights, but what might she ultimately make her decision on? ... daughters. Obama has daughters, so her gut says him.

I don't want to attack her, since she's apparently getting enough, but damn!


But I saw this on the only unbiased network there is:



cuban conservative friend thinks romney takes it with NH, NV and WI (he's betting our homestate of FL) over IA and CO. telling me obama's only chance is electoral, cant get popular vote etc. it's a good feeling.

is FL leaning in either direction? sometimes i wish we were 2 states, cause the north is just retired old white dudes who wish this state was considered "the south" and everything interesting (read: south of disney) would break off and float to cuba anyway

ps Poli-GAF is it more helpful if i vote the 1st day of early voting? does that reflect better?


This article is a few different sorts of wtf

First off, the right attacked the girl that asked about the pay gap and called her a feminist, etc. Kind of crazy how they attack a legitimate question, and something Mitt especially should have had to answer.

Second, she's still undecided:

So, she gets healthcare from Obama. The first thing Obama even did was basically put into place legislation that helps the problem she asked in this very debate. She is, herself doing fine, safe, and comfortable. But, hey, that deficit is a large number! She is protective of her reproductive rights, but what might she ultimately make her decision on? ... daughters. Obama has daughters, so her gut says him.

I don't want to attack her, since she's apparently getting enough, but damn!

I don't get it. I truly don't. She has to be bluffing. Oh well, she lives in NY so it's not like her vote - for president anyways - matters.


Why aren't old people (aka Romney voters) voting early? They have nothing else to do. Is the Romney ground game so bad they can't pick them up and drive them?

I vote on election day because it's no hassle for me and it makes it feel like more of an event. This attitude makes me kind of weird among young people, but old people are probably a lot more likely to feel an attachment to voting on election day.

For the record, I support early voting for the sake of people who find voting to be a bigger pain in the ass than my experience and I don't see it as a lesser way to vote.
This article is a few different sorts of wtf

First off, the right attacked the girl that asked about the pay gap and called her a feminist, etc. Kind of crazy how they attack a legitimate question, and something Mitt especially should have had to answer.

Second, she's still undecided:

So, she gets healthcare from Obama. The first thing Obama even did was basically put into place legislation that helps the problem she asked in this very debate. She is, herself doing fine, safe, and comfortable. But, hey, that deficit is a large number! She is protective of her reproductive rights, but what might she ultimately make her decision on? ... daughters. Obama has daughters, so her gut says him.

I don't want to attack her, since she's apparently getting enough, but damn!

Undecided voters like her aren't particularly bright. "I got Obamacare and trust Obama on the women's healthcare issues, but omg 16trillions a big number that's not going to affect me in any way shape or form and 80% of which was created by GOP."


Good on you! I still fail to see how you can catch flack for fact checking, but then again this is probably irrational people we're dealing with (no offense to your FB friends/coworkers)

Spot on. Birthers that think he's Muslim etc etc. they still believe in trickle down while the state is dying. I've never seen a region where facts hurt so bad.

Anyone openly supporting Obama is insulted without recourse.

My student behave better. It's disgusting.


This article is a few different sorts of wtf

First off, the right attacked the girl that asked about the pay gap and called her a feminist, etc. Kind of crazy how they attack a legitimate question, and something Mitt especially should have had to answer.

Second, she's still undecided:

So, she gets healthcare from Obama. The first thing Obama even did was basically put into place legislation that helps the problem she asked in this very debate. She is, herself doing fine, safe, and comfortable. But, hey, that deficit is a large number! She is protective of her reproductive rights, but what might she ultimately make her decision on? ... daughters. Obama has daughters, so her gut says him.

I don't want to attack her, since she's apparently getting enough, but damn!

That just further proves that undecided voters are idiots. good god...
Undecided voters like her aren't particularly bright. "I got Obamacare and trust Obama on the women's healthcare issues, but omg 16trillions a big number that's not going to affect me in any way shape or form and 80% of which was created by GOP."

fixed that for you. At this stage of the game anyone truly "undecided" either isn't interested enough to pay attention, or simply doesn't have the comprehension to understand policy when they read it or hear it.

The internet is on everything now, people. If you want to know something no matter where you are it literally takes seconds.
I decided for my election night drinking game i'll take a shot of something good if Obama wins a state I called for Romney. If NC stays blue i want to revel in it.
I have no idea why that race is so tight.
It's following the same pattern as last time. Linda spends a lot early, gets close, the dem starts campaigning in earnest and she just falls away. She got closer than she did last time, by about 4 points. So she might end up losing by 8 this time instead of 12. But I'd bet the final results will be closer to 12.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I still don't understand why he wrote that op-Ed. He wasn't running for anything and the guy understands credit and capital markets. What is his problem?

Romney is a poor campaigner and a poor electoral strategist but he's not an idiot. Why would he think that would help?


I still don't understand why he wrote that op-Ed. He wasn't running for anything and the guy understands credit and capital markets. What is his problem?

Romney is a poor campaigner and a poor electoral strategist but he's not an idiot. Why would he think that would help?
He lacks a lot of common sense.


I just got my voter registration papers (not that it's likely going to matter since I'm registered in CA), so I'm super pumped to be voting for the first time! I only became a citizen after the 2008 election and I wasn't registed to vote in 2010.

This is my first time doing one of these but how does this map look to you guys? I took Florida, North Carolina and Indiana off the table for Obama just as a sort of "best case" for Romney but I can't see anything too wrong with it otherwise. Thoughts?

Looks like they got that guy in Va who was throwing away voter registration forms:


A Pennsylvania man employed by a company working for the Republican Party of Virginia was arrested by investigators from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s office on Thursday and charged with destroying voter registration forms.

Colin Small, a 31-year-old resident of Phoenixville, Pa., worked for Pinpoint, a company hired to register voters on behalf of the Republican Party of Virginia. Prosecutors charged him with four counts of destruction of voter registration applications, eight counts of failing to disclose voter registration applications and one count of obstruction of justice.


I just got my voter registration papers (not that it's likely going to matter since I'm registered in CA), so I'm super pumped to be voting for the first time! I only became a citizen after the 2008 election and I wasn't registed to vote in 2010.

This is my first time doing one of these but how does this map look to you guys? I took Florida, North Carolina and Indiana off the table for Obama just as a sort of "best case" for Romney but I can't see anything too wrong with it otherwise. Thoughts?


Romney is definitely not taking Hawaii, but otherwise looks accurate.
I still don't understand why he wrote that op-Ed. He wasn't running for anything and the guy understands credit and capital markets. What is his problem?

Romney is a poor campaigner and a poor electoral strategist but he's not an idiot. Why would he think that would help?

Laughably incorrect. Romney has been running for president nonstop since he left Massachusetts. He even turned down a VERY high paying position after losing to McCain because he was fixated on running again in 2012.

Romney wrote that editorial because he (and most conservatives) were banking on the intervention failing, and becoming another albatross around the neck of the administration. had THAT happened, Romney would have been able to point to his position as some kind of proof that he saw it coming a mile away, and he's just the business genius this country needs to bring it back to prosperity.

unfortunately for him, the auto industry recovery was one of the few spots of the recovery to overperform (thanks in part to toyota's recall troubles- which no one could have predicted), and Obama looks like a hero for backing it. It seems obvious now, but that wasn't necessarily the case back then, especially when you consider that conservatives blame almost every single one of the auto industry's failings on the unions. Without breaking them up, conservatives figured any intervention would simply get bogged down in union nonsense and fail anyway.
This article is a few different sorts of wtf

Second, she's still undecided:

So, she gets healthcare from Obama. The first thing Obama even did was basically put into place legislation that helps the problem she asked in this very debate. She is, herself doing fine, safe, and comfortable. But, hey, that deficit is a large number! She is protective of her reproductive rights, but what might she ultimately make her decision on? ... daughters. Obama has daughters, so her gut says him.

I don't want to attack her, since she's apparently getting enough, but damn!
I totally understand that woman.

She's a dumbshit.
I just got my voter registration papers (not that it's likely going to matter since I'm registered in CA), so I'm super pumped to be voting for the first time! I only became a citizen after the 2008 election and I wasn't registed to vote in 2010.

This is my first time doing one of these but how does this map look to you guys? I took Florida, North Carolina and Indiana off the table for Obama just as a sort of "best case" for Romney but I can't see anything too wrong with it otherwise. Thoughts?

As already mentioned, hawaii is solid blue.

I'm a pessimist so I'd put VA and CO in Romney's column but Obama still wins.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Laughably incorrect. Romney has been running for president nonstop since he left Massachusetts. He even turned down a VERY high paying position after losing to McCain because he was fixated on running again in 2012.

Romney wrote that editorial because he (and most conservatives) were banking on the intervention failing, and becoming another albatross around the neck of the administration. had THAT happened, Romney would have been able to point to his position as some kind of proof that he saw it coming a mile away, and he's just the business genius this country needs to bring it back to prosperity.

unfortunately for him, the auto industry recovery was one of the few spots of the recovery to overperform (thanks in part to toyota's recall troubles- which no one could have predicted), and Obama looks like a hero for backing it. It seems obvious now, but that wasn't necessarily the case back then, especially when you consider that conservatives blame almost every single one of the auto industry's failings on the unions. Without breaking them up, conservatives figured any intervention would simply get bogged down in union nonsense and fail anyway.
there was that one recent exposé-- I don't remember where though-- where it said mitt and family didn't want him to run though. Only Ann and I think one of the wives voted yes. Maybe keeping his options open?


lol, i remember those. crumpled shirts, disheveled hair. dude was a mess.

I remember a semi-terrified stare, sweating, and lots of blinking. :lol

Just got done watching his Daily Show appearance, very night and day from 2008. He's a stats nerd at heart and as such is never going to be a fountain of charisma on camera, but I'm glad he's getting more exposure through the media (and getting better at it).
there was that one recent exposé-- I don't remember where though-- where it said mitt and family didn't want him to run though. Only Ann and I think one of the wives voted yes. Maybe keeping his options open?

no one sane wants their family to run for president. Michelle didn't want Barack as US senator, much less President of the United States. Family privacy is invaded, life turned upside down, you're beaten up on national television for years while you run- it's awful. Only crazy people enjoy it.

But it's clear Romney has something- probably hubris, maybe a need to one up dad, that's kept him running. He checked out of the Mass. Governorship halfway through his first term and spent $30 million of his own cash last time trying to get elected. This is CLEARLY a goal for him that isn't going to get shot down by tripp or tagg or whatever complaining.

edit: here it is.

Romney turns down offer from Tiger Management in 2008

Romney turned down a $30 million a year job PLUS investment profits to manage a hedge fund immediately after his loss in 2008. He's only estimated to be worth 250 million or so, so this is easily more than 1/10 of his total net worth per year...not chump change by any means, even for Romney, and enough to recoup every single cent he lost in his campaign in less than a year. He was clearly still running. the article has more details about his prep during that time that really makes it obvious as well.


538 forecast actually increased to 65.7 from 64.8 yesterday, despite the Gallup poll. Nate's not buying it. Good stuff.


So, something I've been meaning to ask: How/when exactly do they check your eligibility to vote (mainly ones citizenship)? When registering or when voting? Does the state check it or do you have to bring in your passport or birth certificate?

thanks guys :)
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