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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Clinton planned the finacial collapse in the 90s. The DNC knew it would take place, so they sacrificed Kerry to make way for Obama in 2008, who would take credit for the recovery, setting up Hilary in 2016. They destroyed America for 16 years of control!
They also made Bush as incompetent as possible, even ensuring that both elections would be plagued by some oddness (Ohio in 04, Gore winning the popular vote in 00) to tap into liberal angst!


New post by Nate is draining Hopium. :(

He seems to be saying this is as good as it gets.

Also struck down the Mondale analogy pretty well.
I don't see the point in going crazy until after monday's debate. It's time for Obama to seal the deal. If he doesn't...I'll be winning a lot of bets next month


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Holy shit you are a downer

His post is pretty neutral

But, all Willard R Money has to do is get a high turnout 15 point lead on Obama with remaining voters in Ohio and Iowa, then get CO, NV, and NH to win.
So Im reading the college football thread, switch windows/tabs, come back and see this

Texas picked up 4 and I think Florida picked up a bunch too. Will be a nice pickup for the Dems when they flip texas :)

Yup, florida texas moving on....

LMAO @ Obama mike drop on SNL

A little off topic but ok....

Is Halo a big seller in Japan?

College football thread always go off topic...

Florida went from 27 to 29.

Moving right along....

GOPers basically got a ninja pre-2010 Iowa out of the census data.

Wait, what?

Thats when I realized I was reading the wrong thread.


How come:

Repubs were able to shut down Acorn, now some acorn type stuff or worse going on with Repubs and nothing? Where is Eric Holder? Issa can insert himself into bullshit but Eric is AWOL at least quiet when it matters?

Most lib websites have Repub ads blasting Obama and the Democrats, have yet to see or hear a Dem ad on Republican TV or radio.


Not sure how that is a bad thing

Diablos just wants Obama to have like a 10pt win to feel safe
Thank you.

It's depressing because Obama kicked ass last time but Romney's first debate still seems to be on voters' minds. Like Nate said if there were 10 more debates left then they'd start to discredit it.

It could have been the diff between a comfy margin (ie 6-7, maybe 10pts) and what we see now
What's the deal with New Hampshire being the only red state in New England? It also bums me out that Indiana is a red state when all the neighbors that we claim (I.E. everyone but Kentucky) are blue. Obama barely eked out a win last time and that was pretty much due to Indy and college towns. My county voted blue, so that was nice. But we've been a Dem/union strong hold for decades, even though we went for GWB in 2004 by a significant margin.

Man, John Kerry really was a terrible choice, wasn't he? That should have been the easiest Dem presidential win since Gerald Ford was president. I really can't believe that John Kerry was the best they could come up with. Even at the time, and I was still in high school. He's really the equivalent of Romney. Except a bit more honest and without the stranger danger vibe. That was such an ugly election. I would say I'm more aware now and therefore would notice it more, but this year doesn't seem nearly as heated as 2000, 2004, or 2008. But then again, I've really tuned out pretty significantly, so I might be missing the ridiculous charged emotions that were going on 4 and 8 years ago. Plus I'm not around nearly as many people. In 2004 I was in school with 1500 other stupid kids and we all thought we were so smart and well informed on all the issues. And the last election I was working in an office with 500-800 people depending on shifts. This election I work in a building with about 30 people tops, and I work 3rds so I only directly work with 3 other people. And politics rarely comes up.

Yea lesson learned. No more unelectable snobby East Coast Elites.

I still remember Democrats trying to market Kerry as a Kennedy.


I have confidence in Obama getting enough votes to win Ohio, but I am also expecting massive amounts of bullshit voter fraud claims as an excuse to throw out tons of early/absentee votes. It's actually already started, with Ohio's Secretary of State ordering officials to contact absentee voters by mail when there's a problem with their ballot instead of by phone. They are then told to show up to the local elections board in person to resolve the issue, defeating the entire purpose of absentee ballots.

Election night is going to give me a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or both. I'm damn happy that Halo 4 is coming out on Election Day now. I thought it was a bit irresponsible before, but at least I have something to distract myself until the polls close.


Next time the Steelers are in the Superbowl I invite everyone here to read the NFL thread during that time.

Probably the only time Diablos gets any worse.


I have confidence in Obama getting enough votes to win Ohio, but I am also expecting massive amounts of bullshit voter fraud claims as an excuse to throw out tons of early/absentee votes. It's actually already started, with Ohio's Secretary of State ordering officials to contact absentee voters by mail when there's a problem with their ballot instead of by phone. They are then told to show up to the local elections board in person to resolve the issue, defeating the entire purpose of absentee ballots.

Election night is going to give me a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or both. I'm damn happy that Halo 4 is coming out on Election Day now. I thought it was a bit irresponsible before, but at least I have something to distract myself until the polls close.
wtf? How often is this happening?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I have confidence in Obama getting enough votes to win Ohio, but I am also expecting massive amounts of bullshit voter fraud claims as an excuse to throw out tons of early/absentee votes. It's actually already started, with Ohio's Secretary of State ordering officials to contact absentee voters by mail when there's a problem with their ballot instead of by phone. They are then told to show up to the local elections board in person to resolve the issue, defeating the entire purpose of absentee ballots.

Election night is going to give me a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or both. I'm damn happy that Halo 4 is coming out on Election Day now. I thought it was a bit irresponsible before, but at least I have something to distract myself until the polls close.



I have confidence in Obama getting enough votes to win Ohio, but I am also expecting massive amounts of bullshit voter fraud claims as an excuse to throw out tons of early/absentee votes. It's actually already started, with Ohio's Secretary of State ordering officials to contact absentee voters by mail when there's a problem with their ballot instead of by phone. They are then told to show up to the local elections board in person to resolve the issue, defeating the entire purpose of absentee ballots.

Election night is going to give me a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or both. I'm damn happy that Halo 4 is coming out on Election Day now. I thought it was a bit irresponsible before, but at least I have something to distract myself until the polls close.

Congrats on making Diablos even more paranoid lol


wtf? How often is this happening?

No idea on how often, but here...


COLUMBUS (AP) -- Voter rights groups in Ohio are raising questions about an order from the state's elections chief that bans local election boards from calling or emailing people about errors on their absentee ballots.

The directive from Secretary of State Jon Husted requires boards to notify voters by mail if their ballots are invalid. Voters would then need to appear at their board during office hours to address any problems. He's also told boards to provide accommodations for the disabled.

Groups including Common Cause Ohio and Project Vote told reporters Tuesday the order causes unnecessary delays and could possibly prevent votes from being counted. They're concerned voters will overlook the notifications.

The groups are encouraging voters to call the boards and ask if there are problems with their absentee ballots.

Here's an example:


The guy's disabled father is being asked to show up in person with a driver's license. They are supposed to make provisions for disabled people but his early vote has just been turned into a provisional ballot, counted post election. Obama's gotta win without Ohio.
No idea on how often, but here...


Here's an example:


The guy's disabled father is being asked to show up in person with a driver's license. They are supposed to make provisions for disabled people but his early vote has just been turned into a provisional ballot, counted post election. Obama's gotta win without Ohio.

IE why I'm not confident in Ohio, and why a +1 "lead" doesn't mean shit. It's been obvious for months that Husted has an agenda beyond doing his job.






I think we should dispense with the pretenses and just have another civil war. Republicans want to win at any cost, even if it means undermining our democracy. This is a quiet insurrection.

This is some Game of Thrones type shit.


No idea on how often, but here...


Here's an example:


The guy's disabled father is being asked to show up in person with a driver's license. They are supposed to make provisions for disabled people but his early vote has just been turned into a provisional ballot, counted post election. Obama's gotta win without Ohio.

I've been following the Husted drama really closely.

I would not be shocked if this guy finds himself behind bars in a few years if he gets voted out and somebody audits the SoS office


I think we should dispense with the pretenses and just have another civil war. Republicans want to win at any cost, even if it means undermining our democracy. This is a quiet insurrection.

I'm not sure how necessary the war would be. Cutting off the south would improve the solvency/economy of the north.
Waiting on NAACP and Al Sharpton to start raising hell over this.
because that will help

This is why a close election is dangerous, especially after what happened in 2010. Republicans took control of multiple states on every level - legislation, Sec of State, etc. It's why re-taking the House was always unlikely barring a wave election, and why republicans are well positioned to ensure they win certain states. Obama's absentee vote lead is dropping, now imagine a bunch of those get thrown out due to being filled out "sloppy" or being "unclear." Same in Florida.

The good news is that Obama is actually president, and there will be even more lawyers and election watchers on site for election day. But let's not forget polls are showing Obama is losing Ohio and Iowa amongst voters who plan on voting on election day. IE get rid of a few absentee ballots and let the voters do the rest on November 6th.

Husted will get some type of promotion if Romney wins Ohio, just watch.


because that will help

This is why a close election is dangerous, especially after what happened in 2010. Republicans took control of multiple states on every level - legislation, Sec of State, etc. It's why re-taking the House was always unlikely barring a wave election, and why republicans are well positioned to ensure they win certain states. Obama's absentee vote lead is dropping, now imagine a bunch of those get thrown out due to being filled out "sloppy" or being "unclear." Same in Florida.

The good news is that Obama is actually president, and there will be even more lawyers and election watchers on site for election day. But let's not forget polls are showing Obama is losing Ohio and Iowa amongst voters who plan on voting on election day. IE get rid of a few absentee ballots and let the voters do the rest on November 6th.

Husted will get some type of promotion if Romney wins Ohio, just watch.

I have to imagine that Obama is no sucker and knows exactly what's going on.

Could even be that Husted has federal agents looking over his shoulder.
Good news everyone!

Florida State beat University of Miami.

According to Chuck God every time this happens during an election year, the Democrat wins Florida.

Ice in my veins!
because that will help

This is why a close election is dangerous, especially after what happened in 2010. Republicans took control of multiple states on every level - legislation, Sec of State, etc. It's why re-taking the House was always unlikely barring a wave election, and why republicans are well positioned to ensure they win certain states. Obama's absentee vote lead is dropping, now imagine a bunch of those get thrown out due to being filled out "sloppy" or being "unclear." Same in Florida.

The good news is that Obama is actually president, and there will be even more
lawyers and election watchers on site for election day. But let's not forget polls are showing Obama is losing Ohio and Iowa amongst voters who plan on voting on election day. IE get rid of a few absentee ballots and let the voters do the rest on November 6th.

Husted will get some type of promotion if Romney wins Ohio, just watch.

Well yeah, I just find it funny lol


because that will help

This is why a close election is dangerous, especially after what happened in 2010. Republicans took control of multiple states on every level - legislation, Sec of State, etc. It's why re-taking the House was always unlikely barring a wave election, and why republicans are well positioned to ensure they win certain states. Obama's absentee vote lead is dropping, now imagine a bunch of those get thrown out due to being filled out "sloppy" or being "unclear." Same in Florida.

The good news is that Obama is actually president, and there will be even more lawyers and election watchers on site for election day. But let's not forget polls are showing Obama is losing Ohio and Iowa amongst voters who plan on voting on election day. IE get rid of a few absentee ballots and let the voters do the rest on November 6th.

Husted will get some type of promotion if Romney wins Ohio, just watch.

In OH that is a valid concern but nobody is contesting anything in Iowa, the GOP is more concerned about keeping Steve King in office and trying to pick a side in the Latham and Boswell election.

They could really care less about the Presidency since Obama is so firmly entrenched, the OH SoS is just batshit insane and will end up in jail sooner or later
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