I will admit that the possibility, in my mind, of Romney winning has always been an absolute non-possibility up until today.
I mean, you have the best campaign team of all team in Obama's corner. You have the best ground game of all time. You have a very likable president who has done a lot of big things.
Then you have a guy that represents to a T the sliminess of politics. This is a man who has lied through his teeth for the last two years in the hopes that he would have a shot at the presidency. He out-crazied the other Republicans at the debates, and during the primaries. He shifted to literally almost every single position possible in order to gain votes and confidence. He has half the campaign offices as Obama and less cash to spend. He started out highly unlikable to almost all people, he is a Mormon, and one of the wealthiest people in America. He has avoided delineating almost any plans on anything, and instead relies on fake math to do his work for him. This has been exposed as terrible by almost everyone. He has alienated immigrants, women, evangelicals, blacks, gays, and even his own people.
And this guy might have a chance to win the presidency.
America is hilarious. I always talk about the average IQ being 100, meaning that half are at or below that mark, and this is the most obvious way to prove that point.
That said, due to his shapeshifting ways, we simply cannot find out how Romney would be in office without him getting there. Will we get 2008 campaign Mitt (probably not all that bad), 2012 campaign Romney (if he holds onto his few stickler positions, we are all screwed), Governor Romney (signed healthcare legislation, gay marriage rights, etc. into law, even raised some taxes and closed loopholes to balance the budget, would probably be optimal Romney)???
If we could get a heavy D majority in both houses and Romney into office, he might be forced to be Moderate Mitt again...