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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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In OH that is a valid concern but nobody is contesting anything in Iowa, the GOP is more concerned about keeping Steve King in office and trying to pick a side in the Latham and Boswell election.

They could really care less about the Presidency since Obama is so firmly entrenched, the OH SoS is just batshit insane and will end up in jail sooner or later

But not before the election, if ever


I think we should dispense with the pretenses and just have another civil war. Republicans want to win at any cost, even if it means undermining our democracy. This is a quiet insurrection.

This is some Game of Thrones type shit.

I honestly believe that voter suppression tactics should be considered tantamount to treason. They're such a blatant subversion of the democratic process that the entire nation is built upon, and yet we have Republican officials getting away with it every single election. I really wish the issue was taken more seriously. Instead we have right-wing justices wanting to fuck with the VRA and the Ohio Secretary of State trying desperately to disrupt the process without even hiding it. How does this shit happen in 2012, let alone America?

I'm reminded again of John Lewis' speech at the DNC. So good. Already seems like forever ago. = \



Good news everyone!

Florida State beat University of Miami.

According to Chuck God every time this happens during an election year, the Democrat wins Florida.

Ice in my veins!

Nice! If Obama repeats in Florida, that renders Ohio irrelevant yes? I sure hope so, I hate this state enough as it is. I am still shocked that he won this state 4 years ago with all these ignorant confederate flag flying rednecks here.
Nice! If Obama repeats in Florida, that renders Ohio irrelevant yes? I sure hope so, I hate this state enough as it is. I am still shocked that he won this state 4 years ago with all these ignorant confederate flag flying rednecks here.
Yes. If Obama won Florida, he'd only need one more swing state - even New Hampshire - to reach 270. That's if you don't already give him Wisconsin.


I don't see the point in going crazy until after monday's debate. It's time for Obama to seal the deal. If he doesn't...I'll be winning a lot of bets next month

I've been reading this thread for a while now and you are kind of an enigma to me. A lot of the reasons you thought Romney would win (the implosion of the Euro tanking the economy, for instance) didn't turn out to be true. Obviously new reasons have come up that Romney might win. Do you think you picked the right outcome, but not for the right reasons? More importantly who do you want to win?
No idea on how often, but here...


Here's an example:


The guy's disabled father is being asked to show up in person with a driver's license. They are supposed to make provisions for disabled people but his early vote has just been turned into a provisional ballot, counted post election. Obama's gotta win without Ohio.
I'm pretty sure Obama's not going to sit and let Ohio get stolen. His lawyers have already successfully overturned GOP bullshit about early voting. It's pretty clear John Husted is getting desperate, and Obama's not going to sit it out like Kerry.


I'm pretty sure Obama's not going to sit and let Ohio get stolen. His lawyers have already successfully overturned GOP bullshit about early voting. It's pretty clear John Husted is getting desperate, and Obama's not going to sit it out like Kerry.
Well time is running out.
I've been reading this thread for a while now and you are kind of an enigma to me. A lot of the reasons you thought Romney would win (the implosion of the Euro tanking the economy, for instance) didn't turn out to be true. Obviously new reasons have come up that Romney might win. Do you think you picked the right outcome, but not for the right reasons? More importantly who do you want to win?
He wants Hillary to win in 2016. That's the only thing he's been consistent on.


Not me. I'm as cool as a cucumber. On ice.


No, Aaron - not you! You've been consistently confident!

This place is only going to get worse as we approach Election Day, I suppose.

I stand by my prediction, although I'm 50-50 on Virginia and New Hampshire. And my other half holds it as a complete metaphysical certitude* that Obama will win New Hampshire. We shall see.

One look at Husted, and I'm reminded me of the "racist frat boy" types that I met at Ole Miss back in the 90s. Totally unscrupulous. But I remain confident that Obama knows well what he'd be trying.


* Note.. my partner is not John McLaughlin. But he does like to imitate him.


you guys are getting hysterical

Yeah this is a bit much even for me. I don't like these voter suppression tactics and people should vigorously oppose this kind of stuff but I think even Nate Silver said he doesn't think it will amount to a meaningful difference on election day and he was talking about states with even stricter rules than Ohio.
You think what Husted is doing is no big deal?

It will be contested or resolved by the civil rights groups and activists or another wave of lawyers by the federal government. Whichever is efficient. It's a shameless attempt by the state though. This is why gubernatorial elections are important, and I hope OH has learned it's lesson by picking this turd Kasich over Strickland.


I actually think that, in the end, Husted may have helped Obama.. by pointing to how important it is that people in Ohio vote. Especially groups that like to vote for Democrats. This may end-up being the ultimate irony of his collective antics.

Sorry guys, truth hit me. I think it's time we accept President Romney and Chairman Ryan.
Damn. Getting lonely here.
I've been reading this thread for a while now and you are kind of an enigma to me. A lot of the reasons you thought Romney would win (the implosion of the Euro tanking the economy, for instance) didn't turn out to be true. Obviously new reasons have come up that Romney might win. Do you think you picked the right outcome, but not for the right reasons? More importantly who do you want to win?

I haven't changed my position: I think Romney will win. It seems like Obama's debate win hasn't changed anything - this has gone from a potential Obama blowout to a toss up.
I haven't changed my position: I think Romney will win. It seems like Obama's debate win hasn't changed anything - this has gone from a potential Obama blowout to a toss up.

lol, even you know that in no world was there ever going to be an Obama blowout

And this thread is getting unbearable to read. It would honestly be more interesting to read conservative counterpoints than see a bunch of scared liberals about to have heart attacks and PD just inciting it.


I haven't changed my position: I think Romney will win. It seems like Obama's debate win hasn't changed anything - this has gone from a potential Obama blowout to a toss up.

This guy is not an authority on anything it's best to leave him to his opinions.


I haven't changed my position: I think Romney will win. It seems like Obama's debate win hasn't changed anything - this has gone from a potential Obama blowout to a toss up.

That shows you debates don't mean jack. This election was always going to be close and the negative coverage for Romney in September just exaggerated Obama's lead. We are right back where we were before the conventions
That shows you debates don't mean jack. This election was always going to be close and the negative coverage for Romney in December just exaggerated Obama's lead. We are right back where we were before the conventions

Debates don't matter? Obama might lose this election because of the first debate. It was never likely the second debate would make a similar impact, unless it was a repeat of the first


Debates don't matter? Obama might lose this election because of the first debate. It was never likely the second debate would make a similar impact, unless it was a repeat of the first

If Obama loses, he was going to lose anyways. The same polls you're pointing at to prove the first debate mattered show very few folks changed their minds afterwards (I didn't see higher than 6% in any polls that asked that). An Obama blowout was never in the cards with 8% unemployment and a hostile media (unlike everyone but Fox in 2008)


If Obama loses, he was going to lose anyways. The same polls you're pointing at to prove the first debate mattered show very few folks changed their minds afterwards (I didn't see higher than 6% in any polls that asked that). An Obama blowout was never in the cards with 8% unemployment and a hostile media (unlike everyone but Fox in 2008)

Agreed all Romney had to do was put up a fight, by the natural position of being able to be combative at the debate with the president makes the challenger look presidential. Unenthusiastic Republicans and Independant leaning republicans were always going to come back to romney as long as he showed up. Obama is going to win but the election was always going to be close.


President Obama will keep up a grueling pace on the campaign trail later this week, visiting six states in two days, all in an effort to boost enthusiasm in the final days heading into election day.

Obama will make stops in Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, sleeping on Air Force One and spending time calling undecided voters and volunteers, the campaign said Sunday.

Adapting the campaign's "Forward." motto, the trip is being billed as the "America Forward!" tour. Its aim is to reach "as many voters as possible about the critical choice in this election -- moving America forward toward an economy built to last with a strong middle class versus going back to the same policies that crashed our economy in the first place," the campaign in announcing the trip Saturday.

"The president believes we have to work for every vote, and so every door knock, every phone call, and every volunteer could mean the difference between continuing our path forward or going back," the announcement added.

The full schedule: Obama will begin Wednesday in Iowa and then travel to Denver for a rally at Meadow at City Park and then on to Las Vegas for a late night grassroots event.

Rather than staying in a hotel, Obama will get back aboard Air Force One for a red eye flight to a Thursday grassroots rally in Tampa, Fla., and an event on the tarmac in Richmond, Va.

Then, he'll travel west again to Chicago to cast his vote under Illinois early voting rules. No battleground trip would be complete without Ohio, and Obama will wrap up his travels with a grassroot event in Cleveland on Thursday night.
I don't think Romney is working this hard, is he?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I will admit that the possibility, in my mind, of Romney winning has always been an absolute non-possibility up until today.

I mean, you have the best campaign team of all team in Obama's corner. You have the best ground game of all time. You have a very likable president who has done a lot of big things.

Then you have a guy that represents to a T the sliminess of politics. This is a man who has lied through his teeth for the last two years in the hopes that he would have a shot at the presidency. He out-crazied the other Republicans at the debates, and during the primaries. He shifted to literally almost every single position possible in order to gain votes and confidence. He has half the campaign offices as Obama and less cash to spend. He started out highly unlikable to almost all people, he is a Mormon, and one of the wealthiest people in America. He has avoided delineating almost any plans on anything, and instead relies on fake math to do his work for him. This has been exposed as terrible by almost everyone. He has alienated immigrants, women, evangelicals, blacks, gays, and even his own people.

And this guy might have a chance to win the presidency.

America is hilarious. I always talk about the average IQ being 100, meaning that half are at or below that mark, and this is the most obvious way to prove that point.

That said, due to his shapeshifting ways, we simply cannot find out how Romney would be in office without him getting there. Will we get 2008 campaign Mitt (probably not all that bad), 2012 campaign Romney (if he holds onto his few stickler positions, we are all screwed), Governor Romney (signed healthcare legislation, gay marriage rights, etc. into law, even raised some taxes and closed loopholes to balance the budget, would probably be optimal Romney)???

If we could get a heavy D majority in both houses and Romney into office, he might be forced to be Moderate Mitt again... :p


Romney doesn't need 6 states, he needs Ohio, Florida and any one other swing state. He would be smart to start hitting the phone banks and town circuits, though.

Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and then any other swing state, actually. Romney needs to contest all six of those battlegrounds. His electoral map is narrower.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Romney doesn't need 6 states, he needs Ohio, Florida and any one other swing state. He would be smart to start hitting the phone banks and town circuits, though.
Romney actually needs OH, FL, VA, and another swing state. However, Romney faces an uphill battle in just about all of them, so he can't simply focus on only a few states. He needs to put some effort into taking as many as he can. No point in putting all his resources in, say, CO only to lose it.


Romney will probably carry Florida but he's down in Ohio and Virginia is a legitimate tossup, and Obama is ahead in all the other swing states as well.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Romney actually needs OH, FL, VA, and another swing state. However, Romney faces an uphill battle in just about all of them, so he can't simply focus on only a few states. He needs to put some effort into taking as many as he can.

If it were me, it would be to focus on the aforementioned 3 and then Colorado. Obama has a huge campaign office advantage there, but Romney has hung tight. If Romney got out there and moved his people who will surely do nothing in PA or WI and get Colorado to go red, it would be pretty impressive, especially with all that talk earlier in the year on GAF about how CO was forever to be a lost cause to Republicans based alone on how many new hispanics were there in the last 4 years.
If it were me, it would be to focus on the aforementioned 3 and then Colorado. Obama has a huge campaign office advantage there, but Romney has hung tight. If Romney got out there and moved his people who will surely do nothing in PA or WI and get Colorado to go red, it would be pretty impressive, especially with all that talk earlier in the year on GAF about how CO was forever to be a lost cause to Republicans based alone on how many new hispanics were there in the last 4 years.
Romney's problem is his path is dependent on winning most of the swing states. All his efforts go kaplooey if Obama wins Florida, for example.

Not that he can't pull it off, just that he's got a taller order than Obama.


Why is Romney wasting resources contesting PA? I'm surprised that the GOP have yet to learn that PA is electoral fool's gold to them.


Wow, even AB is starting to have serious doubts?

I feel like I'm living in a bad dream.

Romney has a lot of problems but Ohio basically breaking the law and suspending Obama votes is extremely worrisome given it's looking like a 1, 2 at best, point race there.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Why is Romney wasting resources contesting PA? I'm surprised that the GOP have yet to learn that PA is electoral fool's gold to them.

Seriously. Romney is going to lose being stupid, despite the electorate just begging for a reason to reelect the best President in 12 years.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wow, even AB is starting to have serious doubts?

I feel like I'm living in a bad dream.

I would still buy all of the intrade Obama shares at this point, but if Romney had some Zen-level 3rd debate performance (Obama couldn't f up foreign policy debate, could he?) I would start selling, even at a loss.

The electorate wants a strong white male to tuck them in at night. :(
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