AB, if you never thought Romney had a chance till today, what changed?
Romney has always had a 50-50 chance due to the polarized electorate and the fact that Obama's now an incumbent
AB, if you never thought Romney had a chance till today, what changed?
Romney has always had a 50-50 chance due to the polarized electorate and the fact that Obama's now an incumbent
God dammit Diablos and cartoon_soldier should get their own thread.
If the only thing testing your sanity is posts like mine, in light of what's going on in Ohio in regards to polling and otherwise, you might be in denial.I just convince myself it's a shtick like PD to save my sanity.
God dammit Diablos and cartoon_soldier should get their own thread.
AB, if you never thought Romney had a chance till today, what changed?
Romney has always had a 50-50 chance due to the polarized electorate and the fact that Obama's now an incumbent
His point is that Romney is such a bad candidate with so many disadvantages, running against the best campaign team of all time...and is still in a toss up race. He blames it on the people, I blame if on the candidate.
This thread spent weeks claiming Ohio was a sure bet, nothing to worry about, and lampooned those who dared think otherwise. Well despite saving the auto industry and supporting unions, Obama is barely leading in Ohio. That's pathetic. And again: we wouldn't be having this discussion if Obama showed up to the first debate.
As I said no one should throw their hands up for either candidate until tomorrow night. Stil, Obama's camp can't be happy seeing the map crumble for two weeks
Hmm?As I said no one should throw their hands up for either candidate until tomorrow night.
I haven't changed my position: I think Romney will win.
You blame the candidate? Really? After all of Obama's accomplishments in spite of a Congress determined to block anything good he does and you blame him for half the country's stupidity in supporting a complete sociopath for a candidate?
Come the fuck on.
Nate Silver has Ohio as a Lean Obama state. I trust him more than you.His point is that Romney is such a bad candidate with so many disadvantages, running against the best campaign team of all time...and is still in a toss up race. He blames it on the people, I blame if on the candidate.
This thread spent weeks claiming Ohio was a sure bet, nothing to worry about, and lampooned those who dared think otherwise. Well despite saving the auto industry and supporting unions, Obama is barely leading in Ohio. That's pathetic. And again: we wouldn't be having this discussion if Obama showed up to the first debate.
As I said no one should throw their hands up for either candidate until tomorrow night. Stil, Obama's camp can't be happy seeing the map crumble for two weeks
It's PD. This can't be your first exposure to PD, can it?
Ehh even pre-conventions you could argue Obama potentially having a 5, perhaps 10 point spread where it counts
The really bad Ohio poll...apart from the topline numbers the internals look bad for Obama
Me too, but if it ends up being within a point:Nate Silver has Ohio as a Lean Obama state. I trust him more than you.
I definitely blame Americans for the most part, but Obama gets some of the blame for not taking advantage of his primetime first spot vs. Romney in the debate. Romney looked like the incumbent and Obama looked tarnished and unprepared.
Romney did one thing in that debate that Obama and his team had spent months attacking him on - looking Presidential. He passed that gap that had been putting off a lot of blue collar white voters in the Midwest and that is where the first debate was dangerous for Obama.
Stop looking at individual polls
As I said before debating the president automatically makes you look presidential, even if obama brang some heat to that debate. Romney by just being able to go toe to toe with obama is going to bring up the enthusiasm of those who weren't sure about romney being president. Romney was going to gain from the first debate no matter what.
Me too, but if it ends up being within a point:
This guy doesn't give a fuck and could potentially hand the election to Romney.
Let’s not kid ourselves about just how cheap offshore labor really is. We not only pay substantially less per hour, we also avoid the costs we would incur if these workers immigrated here. We don’t pay for their medical expenses when they show up in the emergency room without insurance. We don’t pay for their pension costs if they don’t save for retirement. We don’t pay for their children’s public education. Nor do we pay for their out-of-wedlock children, their unemployment benefits and workers’ compensation, their slip and fall torts, their wear and tear on our public infrastructure, and the cost of their drunk driving, drug use and other crimes. We outsource pollution, its adverse effects on our health, and its clean-up costs. Neither the employees nor their employers are here to vote and seek political handouts.
Under the proposal, all personal exemptions, itemized deductions, personal credits except for the earned income credit, and all above-the-line adjustments to income except for retirement savings deductions and the deduction for self employment taxes would be repealed. The largest categories of deductions repealed are present-law deductions for home mortgage interest expenses, State and local taxes, and charitable contributions. In addition, the exclusions for certain employee fringe benefits, such as employer contributions for health and life insurance, would be repealed. The standard deduction would remain.
Romney did one thing in that debate that Obama and his team had spent months attacking him on - looking Presidential. He passed that gap that had been putting off a lot of blue collar white voters in the Midwest and that is where the first debate was dangerous for Obama.
Me too, but if it ends up being within a point:
This guy doesn't give a fuck and could potentially hand the election to Romney.
OH Poll average is Obama +1.4, not that different from PPP's poll. The more concerning part is the movement in PPP's poll.
I agree that the first debate always helps the challenger. Obama's problem was that the gap was so wide.
I don't believe Romney has a 100% chance, just a better chance than Obama.
I don't follow the economy regularly, but 8% unemployment seems pretty normal to me. I know Obama didn't fulfill his campaign promise, but I really didn't expect much in 3.5 years. It's going to take more than 10 years to get the economy to get everything back to where it was in 2000. I don't care what Romney, Obama, or anyone else says.
He's got a feeling, brotherAt this point in time, Obama is at 70% in the sportsbooks and 60% on IEM and Intrade. There is no tangible reason to say Romney has a better chance
He has to focus on VA, FL, and OH because he has no choice. Beyond those, he needs to try to contend NH as much as possible, because it's his best path to victory if he does not win CO. I'm not sure whether it's in his interest to pour resources into NV and IA, especially since the latter has started early voting. I want to say that he should at least try to keep them in play, but he also has to be realistic about his chances.If it were me, it would be to focus on the aforementioned 3 and then Colorado. Obama has a huge campaign office advantage there, but Romney has hung tight. If Romney got out there and moved his people who will surely do nothing in PA or WI and get Colorado to go red, it would be pretty impressive, especially with all that talk earlier in the year on GAF about how CO was forever to be a lost cause to Republicans based alone on how many new hispanics were there in the last 4 years.
Romney hasn't led, or even tied, a Wisconsin poll since late August. 538 gives Obama an 80% chance of winning - more than even Ohio.WI is close.
OH is the big prize. Obama must keep it at all costs. The PPP poll sucks in that regards.
Even putting aside the fact that the poll is no worse than many others in the past, I thought we would've learned by now not to extrapolate the state of an entire race based upon a single poll (or even a few polls). We should be no more likely to believe that Obama leads Ohio by one than we should believe that Obama leads Iowa by eight.The really bad Ohio poll...apart from the topline numbers the internals look bad for Obama.
America is hilarious. I always talk about the average IQ being 100, meaning that half are at or below that mark, and this is the most obvious way to prove that point.
What is it with the double standards in this country? Obama's campaign almost completely imploded because of Rev. Wright's commentary post-9/11. He had to denounce him, his church, completely disassociate himself from it. And what seemed like by the act of some miracle he got back in the game, barely, and went on to get elected.
But the words of Rev. Wright were not Obama's. Sure he was his spiritual advisor and whatnot, but they were not his words.
Yet somehow, it's okay for Mitt to get away with calling half the country dirty, useless poors -- in a secret meeting behind closed doors, not in a Church where anyone from the general public could hear Rev. Wright. He lies his way through apologizing, says he cares about 100% of all Americans, and it's not a problem.
Does anyone else find that just a little upsetting?
Fucking unbelievable.
Vote for Romney?Blame me guys. I'm voting Obama and no one I've ever supported has won the Presidency. Nader-Kerry-Nader-Obama.
There's no way Dems are as excited to vote than Rethugs. If it comes down to turnout vs. turnout we've gotta hope that Obama ground game accounts for at least 1% in the states where he will desperately need it to winThe RAND change is almost entirely in the intention to vote aspect. Romney supporters have increased by 2 percentage here why Obama's has dropped by 1 % (since the peaks of Obama +6).
I honestly have no idea what's causing these fluctuations. And it's impossible to know if this is concentrated in the South. i honestly don't understand what drives the intention to vote because you'd think by now someone would already decide if they're voting or not, especially if they partake in a weekly poll.
On the positive side, in RAND their Ohio sample is showing people switching from Romney to Obama more than the reverse the past 7 days.
I'm pretty much convinced at this point it's all up to Obama getting the vote out. Every model (except Gallup) shows Obama has a sizable lead among registered voters. It's all about getting them out there.
for some good news, rand also shows a 1.8% shift from romney to obama in each of the last two days.
anyone know if any polls are going to be out today, aside from the national ones?
Could be noise. We have to see it reflected in a better overall poll
Romney up to 206 in the RCP electoral map now.