What's the deal with New Hampshire being the only red state in New England? It also bums me out that Indiana is a red state when all the neighbors that we claim (I.E. everyone but Kentucky) are blue. Obama barely eked out a win last time and that was pretty much due to Indy and college towns. My county voted blue, so that was nice. But we've been a Dem/union strong hold for decades, even though we went for GWB in 2004 by a significant margin.
Man, John Kerry really was a terrible choice, wasn't he? That should have been the easiest Dem presidential win since Gerald Ford was president. I really can't believe that John Kerry was the best they could come up with. Even at the time, and I was still in high school. He's really the equivalent of Romney. Except a bit more honest and without the stranger danger vibe. That was such an ugly election. I would say I'm more aware now and therefore would notice it more, but this year doesn't seem nearly as heated as 2000, 2004, or 2008. But then again, I've really tuned out pretty significantly, so I might be missing the ridiculous charged emotions that were going on 4 and 8 years ago. Plus I'm not around nearly as many people. In 2004 I was in school with 1500 other stupid kids and we all thought we were so smart and well informed on all the issues. And the last election I was working in an office with 500-800 people depending on shifts. This election I work in a building with about 30 people tops, and I work 3rds so I only directly work with 3 other people. And politics rarely comes up.