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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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So I went to see the Prairie Home Companion live tonight, and I was really gratified to see that during the pre-show when Garrison Keillor came out slamming the proposed marriage amendment in Minnesota (that would restrict marriage to hetero couples) the audience erupted with cheers and claps, and this was an audience of mostly elderly people in their fifties and sixties.

Also he really came out slamming Romney and the republicans in tonights show. I mean, the show always has a liberal bent, but this was by far the most explicit its ever been. One line was something like "why on earth would we hand the country back to the clowns that got us here with a financial crisis and three wars?"

I was listening to this on the way home from the grocery store. I caught the 2 wars part. I was surprised to hear it. Such a good show. Do you happen to get the Thomas Jefferson Hour? It's good, and Clay Jenkinson is a wonderful historian/scholar.
So I went to see the Prairie Home Companion live tonight, and I was really gratified to see that during the pre-show when Garrison Keillor came out slamming the proposed marriage amendment in Minnesota (that would restrict marriage to hetero couples) the audience erupted with cheers and claps, and this was an audience of mostly elderly people in their fifties and sixties.

Also he really came out slamming Romney and the republicans in tonights show. I mean, the show always has a liberal bent, but this was by far the most explicit its ever been. One line was something like "why on earth would we hand the country back to the clowns that got us here with a financial crisis and three wars?"

I love Garrison Keillor. I've met him twice. The first time was at a book signing and then again just randomly somewhere 6 or so years later. He actually remembered me, well not my name but he remembered that I was learning french! How the hell do you do that?
I asked this the other day, but didn't see any response...

WHat happened to Florida? Is there some reason why it's tanked so much relative to other states? Even Nate notes it today.
Iran has suggested they were ready to talk before, only to take the ball back to their corner. This recent move should be taken with a grain of salt, but it's far to wonder whether these crippling sanctions have finally convinced them that it's time to move on. If that's the case than it sure makes the GOP's talking points look stupid.

I'd love to see the schadenfreude of Obama meeting directly with the ayatollah for a couple days, then on the third day boom: Iran gives up all their nuclear ambitions. It'll never happen, but the outrage would sustain me until the end of days.


This election makes me miss life in a blue state.

In other news for the first time in his life my dad is voting democrat. Mitt really screwed up there. My mind is blown. +1 Obama. In pa. :(


CNN's homepage.


What a joke of a news organization.
Iran has suggested they were ready to talk before, only to take the ball back to their corner. This recent move should be taken with a grain of salt, but it's far to wonder whether these crippling sanctions have finally convinced them that it's time to move on. If that's the case than it sure makes the GOP's talking points look stupid.

I'd love to see the schadenfreude of Obama meeting directly with the ayatollah for a couple days, then on the third day boom: Iran gives up all their nuclear ambitions. It'll never happen, but the outrage would sustain me until the end of days.

Apparently this talks leak/story is considered bad politics. Also, WH has already said no such agreement has happened.

Expect this to be a major focus in debate tomorrow.

It is mind blowing that talks with Iran would be considered bad politics...only in America. WTF.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Latest polls from CO and NH give Romney slight leads

No they don't. Look at CO on 538. The latest poll was PPP +5. And EV starts Monday.

NH is a tossup, even though 538 says it's like 65% Obama.

But I do think Obama will win the rest.


This almost definitely means that Iran will be a big talking point in the debates, giving Obama plenty of room to bring up how Romney has more or less said he wants to go to war with them. Obama can show how he's tried to address the issue peacefully and point out that Romney wants to go in guns blazing and tie him to GWB foreign policy.

Maybe these US officials came out with this today just to bring the talking point up and give Obama more ammo against Romney [/tinfoilhat]

What states does Romney need if he loses Ohio?

He would need all of the following:
Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Nevada, and even with that it would barely give him the win with 273.


So apparently a right wing radical is ahead in the Honolulu mayoral race.

His number 1 election priority?

Kill the mass transit project.

Its well underway


$500 million have already been spent, with $2 billion committed in contracts.

And if he wins, he will pull a chris christie and simply knock it down.

WTF is wrong with this country?

So I don't live in Hawaii (but I will soon) so I have been trying my best to follow this.

Let me try to explain what I understand to be the situation.

I wouldn't call Cayetano a "right-wing radical." He was the Democratic Lt. Governor and later Governor for two terms (Hawaii has a two term limit). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Cayetano

Hawaii generally (but not always - the previous governor is a Republican) votes reliably Democratic, there's a lot of history behind that that I don't think I know well enough to distill here, but I'm sure you can search for info on why that is for those who are curious.

This is my opinion - what I would call Cayetano is an opportunist. Rail is not popular in Hawaii. There is a perception that it will destroy the scenic views (for example, Hawaii has a law banning billboards), and the way they have decided to build it is to start building it far away from the Honolulu city center (so the net result is that really no one is going to be able to take advantage of it at first). A lot of the bellyaching is coming from rich households living far away from where the rail line will go when it is completed, so they perceive their tax dollars going to wreck the scenery without any benefit to them.

It's also not that far along. While they did break ground on it, recently a lawsuit came up claiming that the government didn't do enough studies for environmental/archeological impact, (and sure enough they found bones in the last few months along the route) which the government lost, halting the progress of rail.

Now the mayoral race is pretty much a referendum on rail, with Cayetano's campaign basically a single-issue one from what I can tell. (think "I'm just like the other guy, except if you vote for me, I'll kill the rail project.") The tone of the race is sharply sharply negative on both sides, with everyone flooding the airwaves with attack ads (and this was back in July, when I was visiting)...

I remember hearing that Hawaii has the worst traffic in the country (and I totally believe it). Personally I support rail but I am not sure it will survive past this election :( Sadly I will not be there in time to vote on this issue, so I'm watching to see what happens...

Also, as far as solar/etc...land is fairly limited on the island. What you DO see are lots of individual homeowners with photovoltaic panels installed on their roof. Personally I think the ideal would be to install a large enough system to charge an all electric car like a Leaf, which would be sufficient for most commuting on the island.



No Scrubs
I wonder if they were saving this shit for the day of the debate or for afterwards or what.

Probably out of some sense of not wanting to politicize it. Saying that they probably OKed the leak just so it would be out there and they could deny it while everyone knowing about it so it doesn't look like they're trying to score points.
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