CNN numbers 48 / 40 O
Bad news for Obama.
CNN numbers 48 / 40 O
That wasn't even funny. How anyone can think Romney is qualified to be President is beyond me, and it's scary that about half of the country thinks he is. Hopefully this debate will be a wake-up call to at least some of them.
As I said in the official thread, Romney sounded and looked a lot like Obama in the first debate. Very reserved, almost disoriented, and didn't defend himself from some pretty direct attacks. And when he wasn't being passive, he was agreeing with Obama. I gotta say I was 100% wrong on this debate: I assumed Romney would come out with the bluster and "strength" conservatives champion. Instead he tried to Obama, and it failed.
Eric Erickson is pretending like the debate was a wash, but I can't imagine Romney's camp being happy about what happened. More interestingly I want to see what the neoconservatives have to say about his performance and answers tonight; they can't be happy about Romney giving a deadline for Afghanistan, for instance. And like Obama when he claimed Romney's Social Security support was the same as his in the first debate, Romney basically agreed with Obama's Iran sanctions. Amazing...
Obama dominated the entire debate. I thought Romney did great at the very end when he got to list off the various bad economic data to Obama, but that was it.
48 O
40 R
All Fox keeps saying is Obama was too aggressive and rude to the respectful, kind Romney.
Not bad, The New Yorker.
CNN said more Republicans watch the debate.
CNN numbers 48 / 40 O
Not bad, The New Yorker.
PublicPolicyPolling @ppppolls
Most eye catching cross tab to me- even white voters think Obama won the debate by a 49/45 margin:
How many Repubs in this one? +10?
Serious business for white people yo!
So by applying logic to their poll it's a statistical draw. IT'S A HORSE RACE PEOPLE!!
We have less horses now
We have less horses now
Is Wolf Blitzer trying to spin this?
This needs to be an ad.
That's a masterful troll. Bravo The New Yorker.
Gergen said Obama was the favorite to win the Presidency before tonight. Also shout out to Fareed to bringing out the undecided voters poll showing a more wider margin.
We're not here to criticize each other or talk about who has more dancing horses.
Exactly. This was a god dam blowout.Oh snap after all polls out Media now comfortably saying Obama won it. They do caveat it though that it is not by much.
translation Obama won big time.
Chris Wallace is saying that it was Romney's decision to take a more passive, non-confrontational tone in this debate; he's insinuating the campaign wanted him to be more combative and really challenge Obama.
You could tell Romney realized his plan backfired, primarily because the same Obama from debate #2 showed up tonight.
So.. do we see any new states coming back into play with this? Or have we just seen the further solidification of Obama's states?
I'm thinking the latter. Which is fine by me.![]()
is there a video of the cnn undecideds?
Obama dominated the debate. Romney seemed rather reserved and spent a lot of time agreeing with Obama. He has spent months basically talking loud, and I was surprised he didn't continue that bluster tonight given the conservative view that foreign policy is all about being a dick to friends and enemies.
This makes me question if Romney even wants to be president anymore. He just seemed tired and not really into it.
bravo performance by obama this evening. looking at the early snap polls i'm reasonably sure my algorithm will respond positively to the numbers. this may seal the deal for obama.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
You have an algorithm now too...?
You have an algorithm now too...?
What the fuck?
From the OT debate thread.
So good, had to quote it here.
We went into the field in NV as soon as the debate ended for a poll that will be released Wednesday and voters there say Obama won big too