Everyone's focused on the giants game.Hows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
Everyone's focused on the giants game.Hows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
man, now that all 3 are done...some debate/chess game 101 was at play here
feign weakness in the early moves, offer up some pawns & get your opponent cocky/hungry, then start those aggressive gambits outta nowhere that leave only time to breathe and maybe react defensively, that's some sun tzu shit right there
Lions season ends tonight, Obama may have won re-election tonight. Dunno how to feel
Yep.If debates really mattered, we would see a huge Obama bump.
Thing is, they don't matter. It's the media narrative and we'll see if the media is as harsh on Romney as they were on Obama when he was passive. Obviously we won't see the GOP pile on their guy. They're actually good at politics!
Can't wait till Soledad O Brien drinks John Snu Snu tears tomorrow
I wonder now if Obama lost the first debate on purpose, the bar was raised so high for him that when he lost that expectation shifted to Romney and he failed twice when Obama just beat his ass
I cannot honestly believe now having watched all 3 debates that Obama was just outplayed.
Hows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
Damn chicago screwed you twice
If debates really mattered, we would see a huge Obama bump.
Thing is, they don't matter. It's the media narrative and we'll see if the media is as harsh on Romney as they were on Obama when he was passive. Obviously we won't see the GOP pile on their guy. They're actually good at politics!
yep, my couple outspoken ones are the sameHows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
man, now that all 3 are done...some debate/chess game 101 was at play here
feign weakness in the early moves, offer up some pawns & get your opponent cocky/hungry, then start those aggressive gambits outta nowhere that leave only time to breathe and maybe react defensively, that's some sun tzu shit right there
Glenn Beck's tweet was funny and all, but it's followed by 10+ tweets berating Obama for being a bully and praising Romney for taking the high road. You guys are reading into it too much.
Hows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
CNN says Obama won the debate 48% to 40%
But, people would change their vote to Obama by 24% and Romney by 25%
Mother of pearl, voter registration closes in 3 hours and this girl I know says she doesnt want to register because of jury duty.
I wonder what Tagg and Obama was talking about?
Ann Coulter said:I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard.
CNN says Obama won the debate 48% to 40%
But, people would change their vote to Obama by 24% and Romney by 25%
Mother of pearl, voter registration closes in 3 hours and this girl I know says she doesnt want to register because of jury duty.
I wonder what Tagg and Obama was talking about?
Lions season ends tonight, Obama may have won re-election tonight. Dunno how to feel
Consumer Surveys
@Google_Surveys instant #debate reaction: #Obama 45.1%/#Romney 35.3% goo.gl/uC1Gf @fivethirtyeight @MysteryPollster @washingtonpost
Hows your facebook looking guys? My four conservatives are dead silent tonight
Seriously guys, I dont even
Lawl John King thinking that Romney still is gaining momentum in swing states
Nice. Polls should start looking more upswinging for Obama in the next week hopefully
I am sensing, more than ever thus far, some cracks in the GOP facade. My relatives online are livid right now. And the free republic crew isn't a happy ground either.
I think they know that Obama has this. And I think it's killing them.
CNN says Obama won the debate 48% to 40%
But, people would change their vote to Obama by 24% and Romney by 25%
Uh, what state cuz I got jury duty even though I hadn't been registered to vote yet..
Absolutely not.
Also, if you're playing a not-an-idiot, you never "feign weakness" in chess. Actual chess ain't some Wu-Tang, metaphorical sword fight in a storm of falling petals, match.
Unless, as I said, you feel your opponent is an idiot.
...Wait, you might be right.