Oh that guy, Paul Ryan... I almost forgot about him.. Remember when Biden brutally pwned him?
Obama had his biggest polling leads in that state AFTER Ryan was on the ticket.
I'm surprised this isn't getting more play, considering how big of a deal everyone made when Gore lost Tennessee. I believe the last time that the winner lost his home state was Woodrow Wilson in 1916. Then again, perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that Romney identifies himself more with Bain than with any individual state.Nobody gives a shit that the VP comes from their state. Hell, Romney is going to lose both states he claims to be from. The Walker thing is a whole other issue as polls showed that people didn't like the recall process.
NH will only matter if Obama loses OH, in which case it's time to panic anyway.New Hampshire worries me because they have an ethnically homogeneous population that lacks stabilizing subsets of minorities. In a State like Florida for example with heavy black and hispanic populations you can bank on reliable voting patterns among those groups. 95% of blacks for Obama and 60% or so of hispanics for Obama. Most people in a State like that are already locked in.
But New Hampshire? An entire small state of persuadable white people is unpredictable and prone to swings, with a mere 20,000 votes or so representing 3-4% of the vote, easily a winning margin.
Yeah the fact that he doesn't have an actual homestate and that he probably isn't going to win any of his faux-homestates or a state that elected him to governor should be a pretty big deal. Yet it's not. Librul media bias.
Gore didn't win his home state and won the popular vote in 2000 (and the electoral college if the recount in florida was allowed to continue).
Gore won. Supreme Court took the win away from him.Isn't that a long way of saying Gore lost?
Which is pretty pathetic after having been elected into office for what, 16 years in that state?Gore didn't win his home state...
''I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message''Romney was pretty bad tonight. Every strong point was when he was repeating what Obama already said. With little video editing, you could show how Romney essentially endorsed every Obama foreign policy position.
Karl Rove's headline over at Fox News.
"Romney presented himself as Commander in Chief, Obama came off as Louis XIV"
Oh, Karl Rove. Come the fuck on.
Joe Scarborough is on point with his talking points this morning, word for word what Romney surrogates were saying last night
"Romney's debate tone was pitch perfect" What a joke
Which Romney failed hard with his nonsense about the navy.Something something commander-in-chief test.
I guess Obama needed to dumb down his navy talk even further because poor Joe couldn't understand.Romney has "zingers" and is assertive in the first debate=fantastic
Obama does it=not being presidential
Something something commander-in-chief test.
Joe Scarborough said:But I found his tone, at times, to be jarring for a sitting commander in chief. I would roll my eyes at a cable news pundit who used the line "The 80s called and they want their foreign policy back." But that line is cringe-inducing from a president. His snarky response to Mitt Romney's legitimate concern about the shrinking size of the U.S. Navy was also unfortunate.
I'm actually really surprised romney has a chance. I've never heard a romney supporter actually say what his policies are. It's all about Obama is destroying the country. It's actually quite disturbing.
From his Politico article:
Romney has "zingers" and is assertive in the first debate=fantastic
Obama does it=not being presidential
Today Show is being pretty rough toward Romney, saying his strategy was to just show up.
Joe Scarborough is melting down right now
Yeah. Really good. Assume it's hitting the BG states?
It'll be interesting to see the reactions in a week or so once people start finally realizing the cold, hard reality of the EV math and that the election isn't decided by national popular vote.
Having Joe tears for breakfast.
Yeah. Really good. Assume it's hitting the BG states?
Something something commander-in-chief test.
Obama was always going to get attacked either way. Doesn't attack enough gets steamrolled by Romney..... Attacks he's a big meany. I'd rather have Obama be rude and win verses not calling out romneys bullshit and losing.
I don't know why it matters what the morning talk shows, which are always the most garbage of the garbage, say. We all saw the snap polls and saw the way they immediately framed things.
I'm most rattled by chuck Todd's crap about it being so close in the battleground states. We've all seen the same polls and I know he's exaggerating but I feel like maybe he has super secret polls we don't know about![]()
That and Romney is a pathological lier and flip flops on everything. Somebody has to call himYup I said similar before, it's much better to look as a bully than the bullied. And the funny thing is Romney started this whole thing, when obama was pretty calm in the first debate.
I don't know why it matters what the morning talk shows, which are always the most garbage of the garbage, say. We all saw the snap polls and saw the way they immediately framed things.
I'm most rattled by chuck Todd's crap about it being so close in the battleground states. We've all seen the same polls and I know he's exaggerating but I feel like maybe he has super secret polls we don't know about![]()
I'm actually really surprised romney has a chance. I've never heard a romney supporter actually say what his policies are. It's all about Obama is destroying the country. It's actually quite disturbing.
chuck todd was spouting bullshit on the today show about how there are technically still bayonets in the marines somewhere.
come on, son
I feel a puke coming on!DailyKos has polls coming out thismorning showing 7 of 9 battlegrounds within 2 points, with a decent shot (based on his tweet yesterday) of Romney being up in some portion of them. The battlegrounds are close. But I'll take close and stable.
I feel a puke coming on!
I feel a puke coming on!
I feel a puke coming on!
prediction: obama's actually going to tick up in 538 in spite of these PPP polls