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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Previous ARG OH poll was +1 Obama so that's a 2 point swing, not sure about Colorado

ARG really doesn't have a consistent lean, if you look at 538 -- they're always somewhere and it's never near the consensus. The model does not give them a ton of respect.

Nate Cohn has a timely article on Gallup's likely voter model:

This afternoon, Gallup applied its likely voter model for the first time and found Romney gaining 5 points compared to registered voters. But while a persistent likely-registered voter gap isn't good for the president's chances, it's worth remembering that this is about the same difference that Gallup found at this point four years ago. As you can see, Gallup initially showed a 6 point gap between likely and registered voters, which shrunk to just a couple of points by Election Day.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
That's quite a discrepancy between RV and LV in their model. Would love to see the breakdown.
I'm saying their actions over a four year period have demonstrated that they do not believe it's the most pressing issue today. You inferred that denying that is like being a 9/11 truther.

You also claimed that Romney puts jobs over the enviroment, yet Obama's adminstration intentionally derailed the Kerry energy bill because of the shaky economy in 2010. Instead focusing on getting HCR done.

Yes, denying global warming is like being a 9/11 truther. There's certainly the same level of scientific consensus on both levels.

Also: Are you saying that Mitt Romney will have a better environmental track record than Obama? Are you saying that my claim regarding Romney is untrue?

There is no balance to Romney's approach that we can see. He believes that we'll somehow "market efficiency" ourselves out of this problem. There's more of a balance to Obama's approach. Again, he can do one of his vaunted policy shifts, but I would be pleasantly surprised. Certainly his performance in his debate and his gross exaggeration about the failures of green energy companies indicate he is not going to shift this position.


Just an aside, but the super-pacs have really been pouring money into buying billboard space in Ohio (I did lots of travelling in the past week). They all look real amaturish and seem to posit this election as 'America vs Obama'.

Not sure what kind of effect they will have, but I can't recall an election where I have seen so many for a presidential race.

Yes, denying global warming is like being a 9/11 truther. There's certainly the same level of scientific consensus on both levels.

So, then you should hurl your accusations at the Obama administration as they have had all the power to do something major to combat the 'most pressing' issue and have done very little. Always with a mindful eye on not upsetting the 2012 election or the precarious economy.

Don't actions speak louder than words? Haven't there actions spoke like something a Republican candidate would do while in office? But instead you want to carry the water for them ...

Obama in 2008

Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We've seen record drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season. Climate change and our dependence on foreign oil, if left unaddressed, will continue to weaken our economy and threaten our national security."

What happened?


Junior Member
LoL! Well the media has its narrative until the VP debates.

Ive already voted, so I'm laying low until election day.
All of these polls are going off the same thing (the debate). All of these are just confirming that Romney did get a bump from it. Relax.


Hence my comparison to McCain. Jackson50 is right that campaigns tend to try out various lines of attacks, but McCain took that to another level by making an ad out of every comment Obama made, thing he did, etc. It led us to Joe The Plumber, afterall.

Obama came off as disinterested and lacking in specifics at the debate. The last thing he needs to do is start looking petty and reactionary.
Yeah, I guess that's a good way to put it. In a few weeks it is going to seem ridiculous that so many people got so worked up over Obama's style crimes or whatever in the first debate. I can only imagine how history will judge our era if that ends up being the decisive factor in the election.

The Obama campaign just needs to keep doing what they're doing and Romney's bounce from the debate will fade.

Well screw me silly, I always thought GHWB was the most popular president who lost re-election. Someone is feeding wrong information to me.



Only starting!

I'm normally a very very panicky sort of guy, so it's good I've held it together this long.

Thing that has me worried really is it being close mixed with the voter suppression crap. Without a lot of that I still be confident in a small win. Now I'm still thinking Obama will win, but its hinged on his debate performances. Also it'd be nice if Biden had a good debate.


Not panicking at all, but I hope Obama and the dems realize that they have to go for the throat during the next two debates. Obama should use the same tactics and resolve to go after Romney as he did OBL. In fact, the former is more dangerous for America compared to the latter.
Well screw me silly, I always thought GHWB was the most popular president who lost re-election. Someone is feeding wrong information to me.

That would actually be Ford; his approvals were apparently in the 45-50% range in the second half of 1976, though the polling data was bizarrely sparse that year.

(Carter's were closer to 40%, and no other losing incumbent had polling data available for them - though Hoover would probably put them all to shame if Gallup had been founded 10 years earlier)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Not panicking at all, but I hope Obama and the dems realize that they have to go for the throat during the next two debates. Obama should use the same tactics and resolve to go after Romney as he did OBL. In fact, the former is more dangerous for America compared to the latter.

The next debate is not very conducive to head on attacking.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
How so, I'm sure many things can be found if Obama has the will to attack him. He can always mention the previous debate, the 47% comment, etc.

Sorry forgot to add in format after debate. It is a town hall with people asking questions, etc. Head on attacks usually do not come off very well in that format.


Well, those who are worrying are at least being pro-active about it, right? Donate/volunteer/help GOTV, just do something positive with that pent-up frustration instead of contributing to the snowballing psychological damage that Dems tend to inflict on themselves. Ground games win elections, national polls four weeks out, don't.


How so, I'm sure many things can be found if Obama has the will to attack him. He can always mention the previous debate, the 47% comment, etc.

Town Hall isn't about attacking. It's about making contrasts while answering the questions. Obama must do that


The Romney bounce just isn't making any sense to me. He should have lost at least a bit of it because of the unemployment news... Unless the rights fucking conspiracy got hold of that. Still if he's getting a ~3 point bounce now just think what it'd be with mediocre unemployment numbers or an uptick.

It gets weirder with Obama's approval going up, too...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Romney bounce just isn't making any sense to me. He should have lost at least a bit of it because of the unemployment news... Unless the rights fucking conspiracy got hold of that. Still if he's getting a ~3 point bounce now just think what it'd be with mediocre unemployment numbers or an uptick.

He did. You are just looking at different ways to calculate likely voters.

Obama is in the same spot as he was before the debates in Gallup's RV poll.

Since both are a 7-day rolling average, my assumption is that the debate days are being weighed more heavily than the post-debate ones. It will even out by the end of the week.
The Romney bounce just isn't making any sense to me. He should have lost at least a bit of it because of the unemployment news...

He already did lose a bit of it - bear in mind that Gallup, Pew, and PPP (for DKos/SEIU) all still incorporate a significant amount of interviews from last Thursday/Friday, with that amount being more disproportionate in the latter two.


Well, those who are worrying are at least being pro-active about it, right? Donate/volunteer/help GOTV, just do something positive with that pent-up frustration instead of contributing to the snowballing psychological damage that Dems tend to inflict on themselves.
I think most of us are in Obama lock states. I know I am. One thing that we can do is take advantage of Intrade's low prices.



Obama Coming Back Among Registered Voters

Obama's slight 49% to 46% seven-day lead among registered voters is just about where it was in the seven days prior to the debate. This trend suggests that Romney's impressive debate performance -- 72% of debate watchers said he did the better job -- may not have a lasting impact. Additionally, Friday's generally positive jobs report from the government, showing that unemployment fell below 8% for the first time since January 2009, may have helped Obama's standing.

Although Gallup's main focus is on seven-day rolling averages, a breakdown of interviewing over shorter periods can be helpful in understanding the short-term impact of events like conventions and debates. As Gallup reported Monday, Romney gained ground among registered voters in the immediate aftermath of his Oct. 3 debate, moving from a five-point deficit prior to the debate to a tie in the three days that immediately followed. Most of that gain was driven by substantial Romney leads in the Thursday and Friday tracking.

Since Saturday, however, Obama has regained a 50% to 45% edge among registered voters in interviewing conducted Sunday and Monday -- the same as his margin in the three days prior to the debate. Although these two days of interviewing involve relatively small sample sizes, they suggest that Romney's debate "bounce" may be fading.

There's hope!


The Romney bounce just isn't making any sense to me. He should have lost at least a bit of it because of the unemployment news... Unless the rights fucking conspiracy got hold of that. Still if he's getting a ~3 point bounce now just think what it'd be with mediocre unemployment numbers or an uptick.

It gets weirder with Obama's approval going up, too...

I think it'd be Obama +3 among RVs... most of this "bounce" is LV kicking in on Gallup.


The Romney bounce just isn't making any sense to me. He should have lost at least a bit of it because of the unemployment news... Unless the rights fucking conspiracy got hold of that. Still if he's getting a ~3 point bounce now just think what it'd be with mediocre unemployment numbers or an uptick.

It gets weirder with Obama's approval going up, too...
Majority of the polls release today is the same as yesterday.

doesn't really look like this is going away. man, what a reversal of fortune.

the worst thing to come of a romney presidency would be a ryan vice-presidency. and the possibility that ryan gets the presidency after 8 years.
Than you are not paying attention at all.


I prefer this narrative of a close race over an Obama blowout if only because it stops people from voting Green Party or staying home
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