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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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- A complete and total meltdown of our economy

- Obama caught fucking a white women on camera

- A full scale war between Israel and Iran

Want to know what these three things have in common?

They're not going to happen.

Obama will win. The only question right now is how big of a win it will be.

Co-signed...Seriously, you guys need to chill.
Fox is puffing out their chest lol


LOL. I can't believe they gave themselves Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Iowa, and New Mexico but not Nevada. It looks like they told some intern to make nearly all of middle-America red except where Obama came from.

Any competent news organization would be embarrassed to put up such an unbelievably stupid map.


It's a town hall debate. Any attacks will have to be pivoted off of audience members questions.

He doesn't need to attack Romney. What needs to be is 110% direct and straight to the point. If Romney says anything in his answers he need to address the new questioner then quickly and forcefully point out what Romney just said was a lie then quickly turn his attention to the new question. He needs to cover everything. Simply do not let Romney repeat BS over and over again unchallenged.

For all that is scared he needs to say the words lie and untrue. "What Gov. Romney has just said is a lie/untrue. It's a lie because of A, B, and C. Now in regard to <question that was asked>.......

That is how he should respond. Connect the words lie and untrue with Romney's name over and over again. So that is the main take away when they remember the debate. Not the word liar because that's a direct attack. Let people come to that conclusion but go after what he says as fast as possible even if the response is rehearsed so he doesn't have to think of it right then and there.
We're sunk, guys. If Bush can get 8 years, what is stopping Romney from getting 8?

And what if the Electoral votes start going in Romney's favor? *And* on top of that, what if this completely changes the Senate and House races?

Republican president, republican house, republican senate... Aghhh!!!
We're sunk, guys. If Bush can get 8 years, what is stopping Romney from getting 8?

And what if the Electoral votes start going in Romney's favor? *And* on top of that, what if this completely changes the Senate and House races?

Republican president, republican house, republican senate... Aghhh!!!

He doesn't need to attack Romney. What needs to be is 110% direct and straight to the point. If Romney says anything in his answers he need to address the new questioner then quickly and forcefully point out what Romney just said was a lie then quickly turn his attention to the new question. He needs to cover everything. Simply do not let Romney repeat BS over and over again unchallenged.
This. He absolutely cannot let Romney's bullshit linger in the air unquestioned and therefore legitimized. If Obama can passionately call out Romney's shit while detailing his own accomplishments and plans we won't have a repeat of the first debate.

Good god it's going to be a long time till election for this thread
There is far more bitching about bitching than there is bitching in this thread. THAT really gets old.

If you guys just want positive vibes than post something positive.


These polls really make me nervous. I've been fucking around with 270towin.com a lot, and it seems that it all comes down to Obama holding Ohio and Pennsylvania. If he loses either of those, he needs Florida, which I don't think he'll win. If he keeps OH and PA, then Romney can still win by picking up CO, NV, IA, and NH.

Intrade dicking me around for two weeks might have been a good thing in retrospect. Best-case scenario: I buy in at a much lower price. Worse-case scenario: I cut my losses with the transfer fees. I was frothing at the bit to put $5k on Obama when he was at 80% on Intrade with the hopes of making $1250.


Fox is puffing out their chest lol


Makes perfect sense, they were about to cry in 2008 and were sooooooooooooooooo depressed when PA and OH turned blue

They are out of their fucking minds though, did Dick Morris do that map?!?

How does Romney exactly get IA and MN? MN is like IL and MI when it comes to voting for Obama. IA hates him and Obama just needs to win the two major city centers which both have huge colleges and more population then the rural corners (which also hate Romney)
lol, it hasn't even been a week since the debate, don't you think your gloating is a bit premature PD?

I'm not gloating. My position has been clear for a month: I predicted Romney would win the debate and tie the polls. I didn't expect people here to basically become unskwers overnight, questioning LV models and hand wringing over bounces.

Obama's non-base support was clearly weak. The minute voters found Romney acceptable they moved to him (to a degree). Notice, his favorables are up significantly in most of the recent polling. That tells me people are becoming comfortable with the idea of Romney being president, whether they vote for him or not. That was always the danger of this debate, and one I kept harping on. Challengers are often legitimized in the first debate; for the first time in the campaign, they share the stage with the incumbent, and as long as they don't fall off stage that tends to improve their standing in voters' eyes.

Romney not only proved he can look and act like a president, he managed to look more presidential than Obama - who looked shaken, disinterested, and completely unprepared. I expected the debate to feature Obama talking down to Romney with respect to the 47% comments and how a president should act. Instead Romney managed to talk down to Obama. It's similar to what Kerry achieved in 2004, but the numbers show Romney did it far more effectively.

Is Obama finished? No - I've never said he has no chance of winning, I've simply argued I believe Romney has a better chance of winning (and will win). But Obama is out of wrenches to throw in Romney's gears. He is not a good debater, period. I don't believe he's going to turn in a dud again, but he won't knock anything out the park either. Which means the race will remain a dead heat. All Romney needs is a hail mary


I think I'm going to spend my free time playing video games instead of following this election over the rest of the month. This thread is going to kill me.


Pew and PPP also showed a strong Romney bounce the other day, but once again what I said before holds true. Their polling period was the four days after the debate. If next week their results are the same, then it is a sign that we have a problem.

One complication is that "Romney now ahead!" will control the news cycle at least through Thursday, which makes it a self-reinforcing thing.
That ad might be the best I've seen yet from Obama. Awesome.

It's funny because Sesame St objected to the use of Big Bird in political campaign, calling Sesame St "apolitical". Bunch of pussies, you better not object because your entire street's gonna be a fucking hobo town if Romney wins.


- A complete and total meltdown of our economy

- Obama caught fucking a white women on camera

- A full scale war between Israel and Iran

Want to know what these three things have in common?

They're not going to happen.

Obama will win. The only question right now is how big of a win it will be.

This sort of talk works when Obama is in the lead. There has been 6+ national polls out today. Obama was behind or tied in all of them. More behind than tied.
There is far more bitching about bitching than there is bitching in this thread. THAT really gets old.

If you guys just want positive vibes than post something positive.

Think I'm going to start posting news recaps/interesting articles like this rather than meta-bitching about Diablos and PD:

AP finally posts some journalism about Romney's "pre-existing conditions" lie...

Tommy Thompson has a McCain moment, forgets how many houses he owns...

Ron Rosenbaum posts a scathing article regarding the basis of the modern GOP's base in Southern racism...

Jack "Obama's using wall hacks on the BLS" Welch quits his contract with Fortune after everyone (including Fortune) rips him for the claim of fabrication...


Josh Romney: Dad ‘Learned How To Debate An Obstinate Child’
"I don't know if you guys saw the debate last week," Josh Romney said, as the crowd cheered and applauded. "I take a lot of pride in that, because — I don't know if you noticed, but I was — me and my brothers were responsible for my dad doing so well. We were the ones, as kids, that kept saying the same thing over and over. And we'd say the same lie over and over. And my dad learned then, not to believe it. While we didn't go to any of the formal debate preparation, we did the real hard stuff.

"So as a father, he learned how to debate an obstinate child. We had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun watching the debate."

Oh man so funny!


Professional Schmuck
I know it's cute to some of you, but the concern trolling, Hilary trolling, and basic nonsense is really making this thread unreadable right now. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with the thread as-is, but every time I log in I see PD clowning you guys with his nonsense.

Nothing has changed guys. The difference between 98% chance of winning and 75% chance of winning is zero.
So, then you should hurl your accusations at the Obama administration as they have had all the power to do something major to combat the 'most pressing' issue and have done very little. Always with a mindful eye on not upsetting the 2012 election or the precarious economy.

How is this doing very little?

Environmentalists have cheered several of President Obama&#8217;s moves during his first term, including: passage of the Recovery Act and its funding for environmental and habitat restoration and water quality improvements; passage of the first comprehensive National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, the Coasts and the Great Lakes; and the signing of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, which expanded land protections and water conservation across two million acres of federal wilderness.
Obama also formed the Partnership for Sustainable Communities to bring together federal agencies to help communities nationwide improve access to affordable housing and increase low cost transportation options while protecting the environment.

He also established new rules to reduce the negative impacts of mountain-top removal coal mining, set historic standards limiting greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks, made substantial investments in clean energy, proposed the first-ever carbon pollution limits for new fossil-fuel-fired power plants, and reduced carbon emissions within the federal government.


That's certainly more than Republicans have done since the first Bush, and that's more than they are proposing to do. That's more than any President has accomplished on the issue of climate change in particular.

Don't actions speak louder than words? Haven't there actions spoke like something a Republican candidate would do while in office? But instead you want to carry the water for them ...

Let's look at modern day Republican actions. I highly doubt Romney will deviate from the party line.

For example, let's see what the Republican House has proposed doing (just looking at riders attached to spending bills):


* A rider in the Energy and Water appropriation (Sec. 109) offered by Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) would block the Army Corps of Engineers from clarifying which streams and wetlands are protected by the Clean Water Act. Blocking the Corps would threaten those waters, many of which are sources of drinking water and help with flood control.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 434) offered by Rep. Simpson would block the EPA from strengthening oversight of coal ash disposal. The EPA was acting in response to the massive release of toxic coal wastes in Tennessee in 2010.

* A rider in both the Agriculture appropriation (H.R. 2112, Sec. 749) and the Military Construction appropriation (H.R. 2055, Sec. 417) offered by Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) would allow the federal government to purchase dirtier fuels for its vehicles, waiving current law. The rider says the government can buy fuels like liquid coal even though current law forbids purchasing alternative fuels that emit more carbon pollution than conventional fuels do.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 428) offered by Rep. Simpson would prevent the EPA from limiting pollution from livestock production under the Clean Air Act.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 429) offered by Rep. Simpson would prevent the EPA from requiring the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from manure management systems.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 431) offered by Rep. Simpson would prevent the EPA from limiting carbon pollution from power plants and other stationary sources.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation offered by Rep. John Carter (R-TX) would block the EPA from limiting toxic air pollution from cement kilns.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 453) offered by Rep. Steve Austria (R-OH) would block the EPA from setting new mileage standards for cars and from allowing California to do so.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 454) offered by Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) would block the EPA from updating limits on coarse particle pollution.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 461) offered by Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) would block the EPA from limiting ammonia pollution from poultry and livestock facilities.

* A rider in the Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 462) offered by Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) would delay the EPA from limiting toxic pollution from power plants. The rider would also delay the EPA from limiting cross-state air pollution.

Yep, clearly better than Obama.

Obama in 2008

What happened?

Not as much as expected, but there's only so much one can do when facing opposition from Blue Dog Democrats & Republicans.

He's doing what he can, and it is much better than the other feasible options.


Think I'm going to start posting news recaps/interesting articles like this rather than meta-bitching about Diablos and PD:

AP finally posts some journalism about Romney's "pre-existing conditions" lie...

Tommy Thompson has a McCain moment, forgets how many houses he owns...

Ron Rosenbaum posts a scathing article regarding the basis of the modern GOP's base in Southern racism...

Jack "Obama's using wall hacks on the BLS" Welch quits his contract with Fortune after everyone (including Fortune) rips him for the claim of fabrication...

Sent from my iPad lol

Can't wait for the next debate, I want to see Romney back under 25% chance of being elected.
DEVELOPING: Welch Stops Writing for Reuters, Fortune in Conspiracy Tweet

Yeah, I wouldn't want a conspiracy theorist writing for me. It is one thing to have an opinion, but it is another to push conspiracy theories when you have absolutely no evidence. If he really felt the data point was bad he could just say it was an outlier . . . a non random sampling. But he instead went with the Chicago thugs conspiracy theory.


A two point shift basically ties the election though

Electoral College ding ding ding. National polls don't mean shit until we finally decide to get rid of the Electoral College.

Or are you saying that this would be a uniform two point shift in every state? Even then, would that tie the election?


It's funny because Sesame St objected to the use of Big Bird in political campaign, calling Sesame St "apolitical". Bunch of pussies, you better not object because your entire street's gonna be a fucking hobo town if Romney wins.

Sesame Workshop makes millions each year - they are essentially getting unnecessary corporate welfare right now. They are in no risk of going away when Romney wins.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I know it's cute to some of you, but the concern trolling, Hilary trolling, and basic nonsense is really making this thread unreadable right now. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with the thread as-is, but every time I log in I see PD clowning you guys with his nonsense.

Nothing has changed guys. The difference between 98% chance of winning and 75% chance of winning is zero.

The chicken littleing and concern trolling was alot worse in 2008.
Romney flubs around for 18 months and has one good day by his standards(his lies weren't called out) and is now in the lead? This country can't be that dumb, can it?

“Sometimes, with your economy, now, there just ain’t no puzzlin’ it out,” Laramie said as he ladled out beans and watched the sun set over the National Mall. “It might be a rattler, it might be the wind rustlin’ the sage, it might be rumors that strategic metal prices are going to spike and drive up the cost of microchips used in cell phones and computers resulting in a marked decrease in consumer spending. Could be anything, really.”

started laughing when i got to this and i don't know when i'm going to stop

(and that's just the second paragraph)
There is far more bitching about bitching than there is bitching in this thread. THAT really gets old.

If you guys just want positive vibes than post something positive.
::cracks knuckles::

Truly, this was a defining challenge for the Obama campaign. It was thought that if he and Biden turned in excellent debate performances over the next couple of weeks, they would kneecap whatever bounce Romney's getting from his own, while hammering the point home that as a nation, we really were better off for having Obama as president. They certainly delivered, bringing Obama across the finish line in a landslide victory. The Senate remained firmly in Democratic hands and saw some much-needed filibuster reform, allowing progress to march on. While winning back the House was considered a longshot, Obama's strong showing carried along the more progressive House members with him, narrowing John Boehner's majority and allowing the fever to break in a Congress held hostage by the tea party. Winning the House back in 2014 was a cakewalk by comparison. Remarkable change unfolded...

In four years, in the twilight of the president's second term, he was beside himself in meditation, minutes before he's set to introduce the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. She's run a spirited campaign, much like the one he just barely overcame in 2008, and looks like a lock for the White House. Under his leadership, the economy had come roaring back, stronger than ever, the United States had affirmed its role in the world as peacemaker, not trouble-starter, and American citizens were less burdened by healthcare costs and more secure in their well-being. His approval rating topped 60%, his legacy matched only by a few exceptional men before him. Still, he was pensive. For a man who had accomplished so much, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was still that much more to be done. Footsteps crept near him in the wings. He turned over and saw the stunning figure of his wife, Michelle. She had aged gracefully.

"Barack, dear, are you okay?" she asked.

He wasn't sure how to respond. Often, it was best just to quell concern, dismiss any problems and let the silence do the talking. But this had been on his mind for a while and he needed to let it out.

"Am I a good man?" he asked with the face of sincerity. Michelle smiled, as if relieved.

"Of course you are," she said. "You've done so much for our country. You've done so much for our children. And you've done so much for me." This answer was not yet good enough for Barack, although it had eased him up a little.

"You're right," he conceded. "I just can't let go of this idea, that for all I've done, for all the privilege I've been granted as president, I still haven't done enough."

"What are you talking about? Families can rest easy at night knowing their sons and daughters are at home instead of overseas. They can wake up knowing they have a job to go to, and their children will have good schools. Many who have been denied this dream because of who they are will share in such prosperity their ancestors couldn't have even imagined. You've done a lot for this world, Barack, perhaps more than any man in history. To ask more of you would be too much."

Michelle's words had inspired a certain sense of relief in Barack he had not felt in a long time. It was almost time for him to make his speech, in support of Hillary, the woman he trusted to finish whatever business he'd had left over. Ready to go, he turned back to Michelle once more.

"One more question," he asked. "When all this is over, can we go back home? To Chicago? I miss it there."

She smiled. "Yes, we can."

Barack stepped up the podium to a rousing chorus of adoring constituents. People whose lives had been changed for the better as a result of his 8-year tenure as president. It was an overwhelming sensation, and his favorite part of the campaign trail.

"My fellow Americans..."


A two point shift basically ties the election though

A tie after the "BEST DEBATE PERFORMANCE EVAR" is better than losing for Obama. He just has to defend his policies forcefully in the next debate. I'm not mad that he didn't attack Romney. I'm mad that he didn't respond strongly to attacks on his record. If he can't defend what he's done, why should anyone else?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Great, my township website (PA) still showing incorrect info about the state of the voter ID law but their listed email address for official contact is conveniently broken.
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