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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Interesting. We have more horserace numbers coming tonight, from ABC/Washington Post.

The new ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals that while President Obama’s approval rating jumped to 55%, more Americans still disapprove of Romney than approve of him.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll found the same short term boost for Romney that eventually subsided after the debate, “Night-to-night data indicate a sizable boost for Romney, and drop for Obama, on Thursday night, a day after their first debate, which Romney widely is seen as having won. But both of those trends subsequently subsided in this poll, conducted Thursday through Sunday.”


Only other four presidential candidates have had higher unfavorables than favorables at this point in the race in the ABC News/Washington Post poll, and all have gone on to lose. Jimmy Carter in 1980, Walter Mondale in 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1992, and John Kerry in 2004 were all in Romney’s position and they all lost.


I still want more VA/OH/FL numbers.


Where? Two models switched to likely voter which always moves numbers right. The new polls include most numbers fright after the debate. Wait a bit for the self-correction by respondents.

Claiming they switched to LV shouldn't count as an excuse. Obama had a bad polling day today, no need to spin that.
If it's back towards Obama I will laugh hysterically, but my money is on Romney breaking 30% to win.

I'll guess higher. Between 35 and 40 percent. Even if only temporarily because of all the polls currently having him winning.

I don't think it'll be anything more than a sustained blip, though, caused by the polling.


No Scrubs
I'll guess higher. Between 35 and 40 percent. Even if only temporarily because of all the polls currently having him winning.

I don't think it'll be anything more than a sustained blip, though, caused by the polling.

I agree, though on a personal note I doubt he gets more than 37% at the most here. I feel like that'll be his ceiling for this bump with 30% as his floor, unless of course we get the Comedy option of Obama getting a bump.


This eases the panic I've been having since last week. I'm really hoping Nate is teasing a total erosion of Romney's post debate bounce.

Why would he be teasing that? How would the numbers move back to Obama? There weren't any good Obama polls today at all. It was Obama's worst polling day of the entire campaign by a large margin. The ABC/Wash Post one is just favorability numbers, those have no impact on 538.


No Scrubs
Why would he be teasing that? How would the numbers move back to Obama? There weren't any good Obama polls today at all. It was Obama's worst polling day of the entire campaign by a large margin. The ABC/Wash Post one is just favorability numbers, those have no impact on 538.

The favorability number feels weird when compared to the polling though. If 55% approve, then why does he not have 55% of the vote? Are people just jumping on the Romney band wagon?


This thread needs a reboot. Start with a new OP, place it in the general OT forum for a while to attract new blood and go from there.
*Breathe in*


*breathe out*



Obama up 4 in Ohio according to new CNN poll.

Yeah.. that ice in my veins just got a bit harder. They really don't like Romney there. He looks like the guys who shut plants down, like the guys who come in to hand-out pink slips. The whole "GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead" saying is still a strong influence there.

It looks like Obama refuses to go under 50% there. :)


Unconfirmed Member
I've said it once, I'll say it again: Biden is the one who will decide how this debate turns out.

Yeah, I agree. Ryan is fairly predictable. I think we know decently well how he's going to approach this debate and how he is going to fare, so it's really up to Biden to decide what exactly the story is coming out of the debate. My guess is that we're not going to have a clear consensus with the VP debate the way we did coming out of the first debate, with both sides scoring some points while also getting new ammunition against the other. Ryan is likely going to lie his ass off, and Biden is far more likely to call him on it than Obama is. On the flip side, Biden is more likely than Obama to screw up some facts, and it's also very possible that he says something really silly or phrases something really poorly.

The net result, I think, is likely to be a fairly mixed response to the debate that doesn't really turn the polls much either way. That would be good news for Obama as it would stop the bleeding and blunt Romney's momentum. The next two presidential debates are also much more favorable to Obama than the first, which was centered around his most vulnerable positions. Obama engages people very well, so a town hall format should work very well for him and open up more opportunities to rebuff Romney's points. He is also no dummy and knows full well what people are saying about his first debate performance, so I think you're going to see him a lot more energized. He has looked that way in his stump speeches since the debate as well. And then the final debate should be almost a gift for Obama. Foreign policy is an area he's very strong on and that he's very confident about (unlike his domestic policy record, which he has almost been apologetic for throughout the campaign, even at the DNC), and it's a topic that Romney is notably weak on. Even if Romney does "better than expected," Obama should win that debate fairly clearly, with only staunch Republican partisans/Fox News declaring otherwise, particularly because it's been pretty clear that warmongering with Iran is not a popular idea, and Romney/the GOP's hawkish positions don't play as well in 2012 as they might have in, say, 2004.

As long as Romney's bump doesn't get much bigger than it already is, and as long as Biden does his job of blunting Republican momentum, Obama should be in good shape going forward. It is still, as of right now, clearly Obama's race to lose.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
That'll do, pig.

It is a decent poll result for Obama, but I'm a bit confused why this is great news. +4 isn't an insurmountable lead at all, and if Ohio goes toss up the math gets a lot easier for Romney.


I remember many people in the 2008 Poligaf threads dismissing Ohio as unreliable and generally holding a grudge against the state because of 2004. I'm glad that my home has been redeemed somewhat.


I'm really hoping Nate is teasing a total erosion of Romney's post debate bounce.

Sorry, but you should disabuse yourself of this notion right now. Nate is probably hinting at Romney's chances going up on based on today's polling, which the model will increase based previous gains that have not yet been reversed. Probably around a 10-14% gain for Romney.
*Breathe in*


*breathe out*


Dat 47% ceiling
Sorry, but you should disabuse yourself of this notion right now. Nate is probably hinting at Romney's chances going up on based on today's polling, which the model will increase based previous gains that have not yet been reversed. Probably around a 10-14% gain for Romney.

This. Nate is going to boost Romney by 10-20%. Still Obama's election to lose.


It is a decent poll result for Obama, but I'm a bit confused why this is great news. +4 isn't an insurmountable lead at all, and if Ohio goes toss up the math gets a lot easier for Romney.
The last CNN poll was like a 10 point lead. How is this good?

It's a great result because it is showing Obama ahead in the most important state of the election within the same period that Pew showed Romney ahead 4 nationally.

We've gone over a million times at this point: We know that Romney gained a large bounce in polling after the debate. Especially on thursday and friday. That is not in doubt. What we do not know is to what extent this has continued into the present. But IF thursday and friday were Romney's best results and he is coming back down to earth now, then the fact that at the height of his bounce he was still behind in Ohio by 4 is good news for Obama.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I didn't say that I thought it was likely that that was what Nate was hinting at... I just said I was hoping. I've been in maximum chicken little mode lately and was wanting some good news.


It is a decent poll result for Obama, but I'm a bit confused why this is great news. +4 isn't an insurmountable lead at all, and if Ohio goes toss up the math gets a lot easier for Romney.

It's basically mathematically impossible for Romney to win if Obama gets 51% in Ohio.
Claiming they switched to LV shouldn't count as an excuse. Obama had a bad polling day today, no need to spin that.
I'm not saying it was not good for Romney. But the lv model was always showing it closer than rv models. Gallup released the rv model and it's Obama up three


If that's the lowest that Obama goes at Romney's height of popularity.. hehe..

Let the Republicans have their faux-hope this week. Watching them witness their nightmare-come-true on Election Night is going to be some Grade-A entertainment, indeed.

edit: I usually leave Ohio white on my 270 iPad app. No more. It stays light blue, muahaha! Obama would have to be caught in bed with one of Sasha's classmates to lose Ohio at this point.


This "Joe Biden is an idiot" meme may actually play well for the Obama camp. Unjustified low expectations and all of that.

Agreed. It's possible that my expectations are too high, but my expectations don't really matter since I'm definitely voting for Obama (well, unless the outcome is so certain that I feel comfortable voting for Jill Stein). The people who need to be persuaded probably have near universal low expectations for Biden.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
It's basically mathematically impossible for Romney to win if Obama gets 51% in Ohio.

I understand that. But a 4 point lead is not all that significant. Do not get me wrong- it is a decent result, but I think it is being overstated because of how bad the polls have been looking the last day or so. A week ago I doubt people would be ecstatic about a poll showing Obama up 4 points.


If that's the lowest that Obama goes at Romney's height of popularity.. hehe..

Let the Republicans have their faux-hope this week. Watching them witness their nightmare-come-true on Election Night is going to be some Grade-A entertainment, indeed.

Even if Obama does win, I'd rather have Dems make gains in congress than a chance to enjoy GOP disappointment after a close election.


See? Relax... And remember, no GOP candidate has won without OH. Consider there's also early voting there, and a certain POTUS is there today @ OSU. He got this.


Dear, did you honestly believe Obama had a chance of winning Ohio by 10 points? The poll was also conducted on some of the worst nights for Bams, too.
Your first presidential election you followed was 2008. You don't know what it's like to lose.
Obama up four in Ohio with his bounce in it? Uh, that's terrible for Romney. It's barely statistically different from the pre-debate polls.
Is Obama finished? No - I've never said he has no chance of winning, I've simply argued I believe Romney has a better chance of winning (and will win). But Obama is out of wrenches to throw in Romney's gears. He is not a good debater, period. I don't believe he's going to turn in a dud again, but he won't knock anything out the park either. Which means the race will remain a dead heat. All Romney needs is a hail mary
I think you're letting your true feelings show when you make statements like this. Implying that Romney has a better chance, but needs a hail mary? You do know what a hail mary is? Don't the Lions need a lot of those every year?


Even if Obama does win, I'd rather have Dems make gains in congress than a chance to enjoy GOP disappointment after a close election.
Oh, I agree. I'm a foodie when it comes to tasting GOP tears (the rednecks around here in 2008/09 provided quite a lovely banquet), but I'd gladly give-up this "dining" in exchange for Congressional gains.
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