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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Romney flubs around for 18 months and has one good day by his standards(his lies weren't called out) and is now in the lead? This country can't be that dumb, can it?


What do you think?
::cracks knuckles::

Truly, this is a defining challenge for the Obama campaign. If he and Biden turn in excellent debate performances over the next couple of weeks, they can kneecap whatever bounce Romney's getting from his own, while hammering the point home that we really are better off for having Obama as president. The Senate will most likely remain in our hands and see some much-needed filibuster reform, and while the House is a longshot, a strong Obama showing will carry along more progressive House members, hopefully breaking the anti-Obama fever in a Congress held hostage by the tea party.

In four years, in the twilight of the president's second term, he was beside himself in meditation, minutes before he's set to introduce the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. She's run a spirited campaign, much like the one he just barely overcame in 2008, and looks like a lock for the White House. Under his leadership, the economy has come roaring back, stronger than ever, the United States has affirmed its role in the world as peacemaker, not trouble-starter, and American citizens are less burdened by healthcare costs and more secure in their well-being. His approval rating has topped 60%, his legacy matched only by a few exceptional men before him. Still, he was pensive. For a man who had accomplished so much, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was still that much more to be done. Footsteps crept near him in the wings. He turned over and saw the stunning figure of his wife, Michelle. She had aged gracefully.

"Barack, dear, are you okay?" she asked.

He wasn't sure how to respond. Often, it was best just to quell concern, dismiss any problems and let the silence do the talking. But this had been on his mind for a while and he needed to let it out.

"Am I a good man?" he asked with the face of sincerity. Michelle smiled, as if relieved.

"Of course you are," she said. "You've done so much for our country. You've done so much for our children. And you've done so much for me." This answer was not yet good enough for Barack, although it had eased him up a little.

"You're right," he conceded. "I just can't let go of this idea, that for all I've done, for all the privilege I've been granted as president, I still haven't done enough."

"What are you talking about? Families can rest easy at night knowing their sons and daughters are at home instead of overseas. They can wake up knowing they have a job to go to, and their children will have good schools. Many who have been denied this dream because of who they are will share in such prosperity their ancestors couldn't have even imagined. You've done a lot for this world, Barack, perhaps more than any man in history. To ask more of you would be too much."

Michelle's words had inspired a certain sense of relief in Barack he had not felt in a long time. It was almost time for him to make his speech, in support of Hillary, the woman he trusted to finish whatever business he'd had left over. Ready to go, he turned back to Michelle once more.

"One more question," he asked. "When all this is over, can we go back home? To Chicago? I miss it there."

She smiled. "Yes, we can."

Barack stepped up the podium to a rousing chorus of adoring constituents. People whose lives had been changed for the better as a result of his 8-year tenure as president. It was an overwhelming sensation, and his favorite part of the campaign trail.

"My fellow Americans..."


That was goddamn beautiful. Damn near magical even.
Romney flubs around for 18 months and has one good day by his standards(his lies weren't called out) and is now in the lead? This country can't be that dumb, can it?

Again, what does that say about Obama's lead? The fact that Romney could tell half the country they suck, then take the lead, tells me more about Obama than Romney


Actually it says more so about the gullibility and sheer stupidity of the average American.

This. Good fucking lord we're stupid in this country. Dude says half the country sucks an then lies his godammed ass off to their faces. The country collectively shrugs and says "oh hey, he's actually not that bad of a guy..."

Fuck this country... Shining beacon on a hill my ass... We're a stain wiped across the civilized world if anything... Smh
You're right, it's known that he ended Rudy Guiliani's political career with one sentence.
There was a lot of liberal circle-jerking over how Romney was going to debate poorly and he blew past expectations.

I bet the opposite holds true for Biden. Conservatives seem to forget he's been doing this shit for like, 40 years.
Just donated 15 bucks to Obama. I'm 2 for 1 on donations-winning now (Tarryl Clark and Russ Feingold lost; Kathy Hochul won) so let's see if we can tie that up.


There was a lot of liberal circle-jerking over how Romney was going to debate poorly and he blew past expectations.

I bet the opposite holds true for Biden. Conservatives seem to forget he's been doing this shit for like, 40 years.
Actually, the chatter on conservative blogs has been pretty respectful regarding Biden debating skills. I don't get the sense that anyone on the right is bullish going into Thursday night.
Actually, the chatter on conservative blogs has been pretty respectful regarding Biden debating skills. I don't get the sense that anyone on the right is bullish going into Thursday night.

Yeah, it's generally the more obnoxious among them that are putting forth the whole "Biden is terrible at everything" meme (and they're the ones that get the most attention as a result of that)


Yep, until I see Romney making significant headway in Ohio/Wisconsin/Iowa (meaning leading, not just being down a few pts) I'm not worrying. This past week has just pushed the race towards where it was pre-convention after the Ryan pick.


Yeah, it's generally the more obnoxious among them that are putting forth the whole "Biden is terrible at everything" meme (and they're the ones that get the most attention as a result of that)
Well, let's not go too far here. Hotair.com's specific nickname for him is "the garrulous idiot".

My comment is that everyone who is even remotely objective has to at least recognize his debating ability, and that is the prevailing tone on the conservative blogs.


Nate Silver: Awaiting a couple more polls, but possible our model will show its largest one-day swing of the year.


So with the whole swing state things still very much in Obama's favor what are the chances he takes the electoral votes and romney wins the popular vote? Haha the electoral college would be written out by the next year.


Nate Silver: Awaiting a couple more polls, but possible our model will show its largest one-day swing of the year.



Hahaha, this thread is going to self-destruct before we reach the second debate.
I'm sort of confused by Gallup, how is Obama's Approval rating exploding to the highest it's been since bin Laden while he's slipping against Romney? One is a 3 day average for sure but does that imply that once we get arid of the 7-day averages from immediately following the debate that we'll see some sort of huge explosion of support for Obama in the polls?
I stink at parsing economic news, but this reads as good news for Obama, yes?


Some highlights:

U.S. debt has shrunk to a six-year low relative to the size of the economy as homeowners, cities and companies cut borrowing, undermining rating companies’ downgrading of the nation’s credit rating.


Total indebtedness including that of federal and state governments and consumers has fallen to 3.29 times gross domestic product, the least since 2006, from a peak of 3.59 four years ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.


Consumer debt declined to $11.4 trillion at the end of the second quarter, from a peak of $12.7 trillion in 2008.
I'm sort of confused by Gallup, how is Obama's Approval rating exploding to the highest it's been since bin Laden while he's slipping against Romney? One is a 3 day average for sure but does that imply that once we get arid of the 7-day averages from immediately following the debate that we'll see some sort of huge explosion of support for Obama in the polls?

Combo of switch to likely voter model and jump in GOP enthusiasm which will naturally temper in the coming days (and already has a bit).


Nate Silver: Awaiting a couple more polls, but possible our model will show its largest one-day swing of the year.



Considering he started in July, is this really surprising with all the favorable press for Romney?
Romney's polls were better today than yesterday. The bump ain't over.
Where? Two models switched to likely voter which always moves numbers right. The new polls include most numbers fright after the debate. Wait a bit for the self-correction by respondents.
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