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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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It is a decent poll result for Obama, but I'm a bit confused why this is great news. +4 isn't an insurmountable lead at all, and if Ohio goes toss up the math gets a lot easier for Romney.

+4 at this moment in the polls in the most important swing state is an excellent place to be. Again, even the size of the bounce Romney seems to have already gotten is unprecedented in many respects. If he were to get another equally sized bounce before November he STILL wouldn't be leading in Ohio.

edit: Everybody already made this point, FINE, I was busy in another window.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
+4 at this moment in the polls in the most important swing state is an excellent place to be. Again, even the size of the bounce Romney seems to have already gotten is unprecedented in many respects. If he were to get another equally sized bounce before November he STILL wouldn't be leading in Ohio.

I see your point. But I would buy into it a lot more if all the Ohio polls this week show similar numbers. If Obama +4 is the biggest lead he has, I do not think that is safe at all.
Lawl at anyone getting their feathers ruffled because Mittens is following the same path as John Kerry

don't let Phee Phee's Phony Political Phud Phactory get to you, he's still mad about what happened to Hillary in 08


So after all that, Romney still has no realistic path to 270. Why are people freaking out? The simple electoral math of this election hasn't changed since the Spring. Romney needs to win either Wisconsin, PA, or Michigan plus Ohio and every other swing state to get to 270. Right now he's not even winning Ohio. There is literally 0 cause for concern until that changes.
I understand that. But a 4 point lead is not all that significant. Do not get me wrong- it is a decent result, but I think it is being overstated because of how bad the polls have been looking the last day or so. A week ago I doubt people would be ecstatic about a poll showing Obama up 4 points.
A four point lead with a moe of three is a huge lead, statistically. It means Obama has 92% odds to win. This is where the media does not explain stats right.


Junior Member
All of you chicken littles need to get one thing through your heads;

Romney isn't winning Ohio. Thus, Romney isn't winning the election.

It's as simple as that. So stop panicking and just make sure you vote on election day.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
A four point lead with a moe of three is a huge lead, statistically. It means Obama has 92% odds to win. This is where the media does not explain stats right.

I understand. Honestly I do. I guess my point which I tried to explain above is that right now you and others seem to be taking the CNN poll as the only, final word on what is going on in Ohio right now. If 3 other reputable polls come out this week showing Obama up 4 points I will absolutely agree with you. One poll showing a 4 point lead doesn't tell me nearly as much as you all seem to think it does.


How about this for good psychological news re: CNN/ORC in Ohio:

After two days of fretting over party ID changes in Pew, we do not need to look into the crosstabs and "correct" weird-looking demographics to get a more favorable result in Ohio. Meanwhile the unskewers are probably back to saying Romney is surely ahead by 10 based on the true party ID.
All of you chicken littles need to get one thing through your heads;

Romney isn't winning Ohio. Thus, Romney isn't winning the election.

It's as simple as that. So stop panicking and just make sure you vote on election day.

but literally everything except the thing that'll win him the election is bad for Obama!

I understand. Honestly I do. I guess my point which I tried to explain above is that right now you and others seem to be taking the CNN poll as the only, final word on what is going on in Ohio right now. If 3 other reputable polls come out this week showing Obama up 4 points I will absolutely agree with you. One poll showing a 4 point lead doesn't tell me nearly as much as you all seem to think it does.
Oh I'm sorry. I'm not implying this is an end all poll. Just saying it's not a good poll for Romney. I agree we need more data. I also think we need more data without immediate debate polling in it.

Romney got a bounce. But I'm not ready to clear it a shift.


Oh I'm sorry. I'm not implying this is an end all poll. Just saying it's not a good poll for Romney. I agree we need more data. I also think we need more data without immediate debate polling in it.

Romney got a bounce. But I'm not ready to clear it a shift.
romney gained 6 points in the CNN Ohio poll. That isn't a shift?



oct 1- good day for obama
oct 2- good day for obama
oct 3- good day for obama
oct 4- romney is best
oct 5- romney is best
oct 6- eh, they're both okay
oct 7- obama slight lead
oct 8- obama slight lead

just trying to make sense of how the 7-day polls have been moving. particularly gallup, where it's showing the guy with a nice spread in the approval ratings over 3 days.
If after Romney's best night in the entire election, and Obama's worst night in the entire election, the best Romney can muster is become tied with Obama in national poll and still lag in state polls, this election was and still is over long time ago. The bump will surely subside by next week.

I agree that Obama screwed up in the debates and gave Romney an unnecessary boost. But the polls are showing that Obama could've afforded to. The public isn't completely sour yet. But if Obama screws up again, this race will become really hard to predict.


romney gained 6 points in the CNN Ohio poll. That isn't a shift?

From a single occurrence? No its not, a shift implies a dramatic 'game changer' where it stays at +6 for the rest of the race, a bump means they got well... a bump but it implies that it will recede back to normal levels. One poll or even one day of polls does not make a shift, we have to wait till we have had more sampling data across a weeks worth of days to see that.
if it's back to O+6 in ohio next week (the most likely of these given the CNN poll's inclusion of interviews pre-10/7) then no, it probably wasn't a shift

if it's still in the O+2-4 range, then maybe it was

if it gets still closer (and PD has a better chance of becoming an OT mod in the next month), it definitely was


All of you chicken littles need to get one thing through your heads;

Romney isn't winning Ohio. Thus, Romney isn't winning the election.

It's as simple as that. So stop panicking and just make sure you vote on election day.

Jon Husted is still secretary of state in Ohio and despite the appeals court ruling, they've left the early voting decision up to the individual counties. Each county has one rep from each party with the tie being broken by the secretary of state. See where I'm going with this? You cannot afford to have the race as close in Ohio as the CNN poll shows.


Jon Husted is still secretary of state in Ohio and despite the appeals court ruling, they've left the early voting decision up to the individual counties. Each county has one rep from each party with the tie being broken by the secretary of state. See where I'm going with this? You cannot afford to have the race as close in Ohio as the CNN poll shows.
4 points is NOT close.

People are really acting weird today.
romney gained 6 points in the CNN Ohio poll. That isn't a shift?

Too early to say that it's a shift, and even if it was then it's from "Romney in a big hole" (which, let's face it, being -10 in any political poll is a big damn hole) to "Romney in a small hole": he's still in a hole.


4 points is NOT close.

People are really acting weird today.

You're acting like there's nothing to worry about at all with these numbers and there clearly is reason to be concerned. Not "sky is falling" hysteria but "we need to do better than this" concern.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The trolling in this thread is getting to the point where a mod might step in.
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