yup. I think Chuck Todd (groan) said this morning that the positives for Obama is that his numbers showing stalling, not sliding, and Romney is just gaining back Republican leaning "Independents" and getting a shot of enthusiasm, instead of Obama losing his own support. Meaning the fundamentals of the race have not changed in any fashion that can't be turned around with one good news cycle.
Obama pre-debate had some enthusiasm issues and the debate clearly made it a little worse, he said, but he seemed particularly grim still on Romney's prospect because 'Ohio polling has not shown significant shifting since the debate, Obama is still over 50 there, and unless he can grab that state and somehow get Wisconsin and Iowa, he's not going to win. And I can't see how he grabs Iowa or Wisconsin, but certainly not both if he loses Ohio."
A word of note: Democrats need to learn to fucking COMPOSE themselves. Calm the fuck down Dems. Jesus. You guys made Obama's bad news cycle infinitely worse; he lost a single debate of three, after winning every news cycle since June. Yes he lost the debate, but there were no sweeping lines to take and the jobs report mitigated some of the impact all on its own. It was not a loss that could not have been overcome in a blink. But no doubt, Democrats extended the bleeding. MAN UP, GUYS, THIS IS POLITICS.