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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

It was always great talking to you man. Will you still post at the other place?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Damn, TA. Didn't know you were leaving. It's been good times. I'll pour one out for you tonight.


Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.
Seems like everyone is leaving lately.


you'll be back, toxicadam. in another name or another time, youuuu'll be back >:)

liked to read your stuff, since it was always a little different than the echo chamber. so... presence will be missed.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Oh wow, it's been fun. Good luck with everything!


I wish that just for once we could not eat our own. I kinda like that we do but not when the stakes are high.
Agreed this morning Obama surrogate had to defend Obama against Sullivan's comments on NBC. I mean I'm glad and all that we can recognize and admit when a democrat does bad but this isn't what the Obama campaign should be doing right now. We have more important things to talk about than how Sullivan wants to melt down.


Democrats Keep Voter Registration Lead in 4 Battleground States

Democrats hold the registration advantage over Republicans in four of six battleground states that will play a key role in the presidential election, even as Republicans and independents have recorded larger net gains since late 2008, data compiled by Bloomberg shows.
Democrats have the edge over Republicans in Florida, Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina. In Colorado and New Hampshire, Republicans outnumber Democrats, according to the analysis of state data. Three other battlegrounds -- Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin -- don’t report registration statistics by party.


I'd feel better if Plouffe was saying that then Gibbs.

I think Obama will be fine as long as he stares down Romney & brings his campaign trail swag (basically act more cocky). That's really the 2 main things he needs to work on.

Keys to next debate

- Don't look like you're going to fall asleep every two minutes
- LOOK at your opponent when he is talking, look at your paper far less.
- Try to minimize the professorial (is this the new buzzword of the season? ugh) droning on and on.

After that, in my view, it's to memorize Romney's positions and key quotes on them, and then try to pin him against a wall aggressively. Don't let him shift without having to bite his own ass. And then simply articulate your own positions more passionately. In short, be the alpha dog


After that, in my view, it's to memorize Romney's positions and key quotes on them, and then try to pin him against a wall aggressively. Don't let him shift without having to bite his own ass. And then simply articulate your own positions more passionately. In short, be the alpha dog

That's what I was looking for in the first debate. I don't care much about style and demeanor. What he needs to do is nail Romney any time his position shifts or he outright lies. I just read that Romney once again changed his position on abortion. CALL HIM OUT ON IT. Let voters know that this is a man who will say or do anything simply to be elected. That he lacks anything resembling a spine, and holds no strong beliefs. He'll believe and say what he thinks it takes to appeal to the electorate he's trying to win over at that time. And a man like that can't be trusted to govern.
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Even at your pithiest, you were good people. Going to miss your posts here. Take it easy, man.


That's what I was looking for in the first debate. I don't care much about style and demeanor. What he needs to do is nail Romney any time his position shifts or he outright lies. I just read that Romney once again changed his position on abortion. CALL HIM OUT ON IT. Let voters know that this is a man who will say or do anything simply to be elected. That he lacks anything resembling a spine, and holds no strong beliefs. He'll believe and say what he thinks it takes to appeal to the electorate he's trying to win over at that time. And a man like that can't be trusted to govern.

Yep, and then he can bust out the line that Howard Dean used on Kerry (and Bush later stole), that "You may not agree with me on every issue but at least you know where I stand".


Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

I know you & I rarely conversed, but I always appreciated your posts on GAF. You're one of my favorite people here.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

WTF Man. You can't leave!

One of Us. One of Us.

PS: Enjoy your life :p
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Why the fuck are you leaving? Poligaf will surely die. Oh and btw, can you give me my tag back before you leave?


But companies don't set prices and quantity by tax policy, they set marginal revenues to marginal supply.

here is an example.

You earn $100k profit. It cost you $10k to hire a new person and he produces revenues of $30k. You are now taxed at 10% of profits ($10k currently) and let's say all non-worker costs from added production is $5k (more supply = more shipping or something).

An extra worker would net you $15k pre-tax and you pay $1500 of that in taxes leaving you at $13.5k in added pre-tax profit. Now you earn $115k in pre-tax profits and $103.5k in total take home money.

So you obviously hire this new person.

Now, let's say I double the taxes to 20% of increased income. Well, you pay $20k in taxes. The worker still provides the same stuff. Now you still earn $15k pre-tax but pay $3k in taxes leaving you with $12k in taxes on the new income.

Your pre-tax profits go from $80k to $92k.

you still hire a new worker. Your profits are smaller but your decision is unchanged. You are trying to profit maximize, not tax minimize!

The taxes don't affect this, mathematically. They can't, because they are taxed on profits, not revenues. And the first rule is you set marginal revenues to marginal costs and income taxes play no part in either (other taxes do, however, like property and sales).

And let's say I don't have the money to hire a new person. Well then, I'll borrow it if it still nets me profit, right? Why wouldn't I?

Posts like this are why I come here. :)
Posts like this are why I come here. :)

I think the one thing he is leaving out is risk. Companies do not make decisions based simply on the potential to increase profits by $1. Yes, it probably makes sense to hire a worker for $30K if you are going to increase your profits by $15K, but you also have to account for a potential downturn - do I hire that person, or do I try to squeeze a little more out of my current employees. Companies hate uncertainty.

Let's hope Obama is not remembered for the biggest fuck up by a Presidential Campaign while they were running away with the ball.

Need Romney/Obama heads put on this video if that happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjVNzbQF9jA

Romney still has major work ahead of him on the electoral map.


Romney advisers say the key battlegrounds are now within the margin of error, a significant shift from two weeks ago, when Obama led in Ohio, for example, by six to 10 points, depending on the survey. They are far more bullish today than they were a few weeks ago amid Romney’s difficulties.

Obama advisers say they, too, have seen some movement toward Romney but make two points to counter what the Romney team is saying. In Ohio, for example, they say that they still believe the president holds a real lead and that they remain narrowly ahead in a number of other states.

They argue that the big margins of two weeks ago were always destined to tighten, given everything that is known about these states from past campaigns. The debates, they say, accelerated a process that was likely to happen sometime in October.

But from their research, the race has begun to settle down. Romney is not continuing to gain ground. “Romney has consolidated some of the gains he was going to get anyway,” said White House senior adviser David Plouffe. “We weren’t going to win battlegrounds by 10 points.”



Yup. I've read that an incredible ground game (like Obama's) can swing the numbers a few percentage points. My general stance is that if a state is tied going into Election Day, I'm inclined to bet on Obama winning it.
Yeah. The literature indicates a superior ground game could boost turnout moderately. And to further your second point, polls often omit the organizational advantage. First, because the effect is cumulative. And, second, because it typically attracts marginal voters who don't qualify as "likely." Obama could easily overachieve on election day relative to his polling.
It was always great talking to you man. Will you still post at the other place?
Is that the site where you obsessively dissect every post/poster on NeoGAF? Yikes.
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.
I can't say I ever learned from your posts. But you always gave your best effort, and I commend that. Good luck.


I'm not pulling a Diablos here but on the other hand one's gotta wonder who all these people are who watched that debate and went, " Well by GAWD, Romney's right!".

Low-information voters and soft Obama supporters. Though he was spouting nothing but bullshit, Romney came off as much more authoritative and convincing than Obama, who seemed like he almost wanted to GIVE Romney the job.


Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.
Maaan, gonna suck losing you, TA. Always considered you a solid poster and you often brought a needed perspective here. Anyway, enjoy the post-GAF life.
I'm not pulling a Diablos here but on the other hand one's gotta wonder who all these people are who watched that debate and went, " Well by GAWD, Romney's right!".

What we are seeing is that the debate has caused Republican Enthusiasm to spike, which means they identify as LV more and that helps in Polls. Apart from that it did move some undecided voters (low information voters)


If Obama loses, I wonder how he'll be remembered - as a bumbling Carter or Ford or a Reagan or Clinton who just happened to not get a second shot. It will be interesting to see if his own side instantly jumps ship and starts attacks of their own or if they stick with him through the years.


Yeah. The literature indicates a superior ground game could boost turnout moderately. And to further your second point, polls often omit the organizational advantage. First, because the effect is cumulative. And, second, because it typically attracts marginal voters who don't qualify as "likely." Obama could easily overachieve on election day relative to his polling.Is that the site where you obsessively dissect every post/poster on NeoGAF? Yikes.I can't say I ever learned from your posts. But you always gave your best effort, and I commend that. Good luck.
The ground game sounds pretty incredible.


If Obama loses, I wonder how he'll be remembered - as a bumbling Carter or Ford or a Reagan or Clinton who just happened to not get a second shot. It will be interesting to see if his own side instantly jumps ship and starts attacks of their own or if they stick with him through the years.
He'd probably be remembered like George HW Bush. Competent and moderate, but a victim of electoral circumstances.

What makes me feel better about this analogy is that Romney isn't 1/10 the politician that Clinton was.
If Obama loses, I wonder how he'll be remembered - as a bumbling Carter or Ford or a Reagan or Clinton who just happened to not get a second shot. It will be interesting to see if his own side instantly jumps ship and starts attacks of their own or if they stick with him through the years.

"Only losers get one term."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.



If Obama loses, I wonder how he'll be remembered - as a bumbling Carter or Ford or a Reagan or Clinton who just happened to not get a second shot. It will be interesting to see if his own side instantly jumps ship and starts attacks of their own or if they stick with him through the years.

I'd guess the Dems would jump ship really quickly and you'd even see conservative Dems running to "fix Obamacare" in 2014. Unlike how the GOP keeps polishing both Bush turds years later, Dems shun their guys (see Carter)


Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Is there a specific reason you're leaving GAF? Or will you just not be posting anymore?

Anyways, I think you are a good poster. From your posts, I gather you're a closeted Republican who seems to dislike many things about the GOP but just couldn't bring yourself to play for the other team. One of those "Independents" out there :)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If Obama loses, I wonder how he'll be remembered - as a bumbling Carter or Ford or a Reagan or Clinton who just happened to not get a second shot. It will be interesting to see if his own side instantly jumps ship and starts attacks of their own or if they stick with him through the years.

That may greatly depend on how bad Romney was as president. If Romney is sufficiently reviled and does enough damage, many may look back and see Obama as being largely the victim of American stupidity for fleeing to Romney's ticket.

There will always be a certain percentage of ultra right wing people and pundits who will go to their grave painting Obama as the literal anti-christ. Honestly, I feel even GW Bush is not being treated so poorly now that he's out of office - it seems he's merely looked at as bumbling, and (correctly) judged as being nothing more than a figurehead for the real men responsible for the shit that went down under his watch.


Low-information voters and soft Obama supporters. Though he was spouting nothing but bullshit, Romney came off as much more authoritative and convincing than Obama, who seemed like he almost wanted to GIVE Romney the job.

Not even. Again, they were moderate Republicans. Who would you expect Romney to lose after his convention and 47%? And who's most likely to view him charitably after he switches to moderate for one debate? Again, most of them were always going to vote for Romney, just like the Obama camp said (copying me).


This plus Measley's post from yesterday have me feeling a bit better.

I guess this is why Romney moved a few people from Pennsylvania to Ohio.
I get the feeling that Ohio is still Obama's by 3-to-5 points (before ground game). For various reasons, Romney seems to have a low ceiling there, as the folks here seem very hesitant to kick out a president who has lavished attention (and job-saving policies) on them. As long as Ohio remains in Obama's pocket, I remain quite confident. All this losing talk still perplexes me.

Now, if we have two more debates like the last one? All bets are off.


Using my second to last post to bid you all adieu. Thanks for the laughs, the information and the spirited debates. I can honestly say that I have learned quite a bit in my time here which is always a good thing when present yourself as a know-it-all. I will definitely miss all the quality posters that occasionally post in this thread and will most likely still lurk to some degree during huge events.

But 35,000 posts and 8 years is enough for me (and enough OF me). See ya around the internet.

Leaving a community you are a part of because you reach some arbitrary post number is honestly quite strange. I hope all is well. Take care.


N.M. Attorney General Investigating GOP ‘Voter Suppression’
“I will not tolerate voter suppression efforts by anyone, period,” King said in a statement. “We have received a number of complaints since last Friday that there seems to be a concerted effort afoot to discourage some New Mexicans from exercising their right to vote this November. My office is committed to helping ensure fair elections by working to put an immediate stop to such misinformation and publicly correcting what has already been disseminated.”


That front-page Politco piece concerning the angst on the left is f'n hilarious. It's like peering into this thread over the past week. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/82226.html
“That’s my party: Irrational overconfidence followed by irrational despair,” quipped veteran Democratic political consultant Jim Jordan, summing up the view of Obama’s campaign and a half-dozen top Democratic aides interviewed for this story...

A handful of liberal pundits — amplifying the visceral reactions of the party’s liberal base to the debate and Obama’s subsequent dip in the polls — think the plane is plunging into a cliff. They have found their muse in Daily Beast columnist Andrew Sullivan, whom Obama reads regularly and was once invited to a White House state dinner.

“Did Obama just throw away the election?” Sullivan wrote in a widely read column posted Monday night, which drew 21,000 Facebook likes within a few hours...

Shortly after last Wednesday’s debate, Kevin Baker, a progressive writing on Harper’s site, declared there was “no reasonable explanation — no acceptable explanation” for Obama’s debate performance — apart from wanting to lose.

“We will get [an excuse], of course. We always do,” he lamented. “Michael Dukakis had a cold for his big debate. … Al Gore never really wanted the political career that his father pressured him into. Etc., etc., etc. Barack Obama has repeatedly informed us that he hates living in the White House and can’t wait to be an ex-president.

Back in 2008, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe had a word for doubters: “Bedwetters.”

South Carolina Democratic Chairman Dick Harpootlian, a member of Obama’s national finance committee, said there’s “no panic from the folks working on the campaign and writing the checks,” but added that he has often been approached over the past few days by the fretting faithful alarmed by the president’s slide.

“Yeah, there’s plenty of coffee shop chatter and worried Democrats in the neighborhood,” he said. “People are telling me they are worried about the polls and why Obama did so badly. … I tell ’em to get their asses over to North Carolina and help out if you are so concerned.”

Just picked out some of my fav parts. Some of the reactions, like Sullivan's, are just embarrassingly pathetic. And it really does more to hurt things than help.

Anyway, that last quote I bolded p. much summed up my feelings on it too. If you're worried, then there are tons of outlets out there to volunteer (https://my.barackobama.com/page/s/become-a-volunteer) and help out, no matter what state you're in. And if that's just not possible, then donate/donate/donate. Better to turn those scary feelings into something constructive, and if Bams does lose, well, at least YOU can say you went down trying.


Leaving a community you are a part of because you reach some arbitrary post number is honestly quite strange.

Yeah. I have 41,960 posts and that doesn't count my first 3 years on the old GAF site when I was much more active and actually visited the Gaming side often lol
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