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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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That is why Obama losing would be a disaster for Democrats. Looking at the demographics, there is no way Romney doesn't do immigration reform if he wins by the skin of his teeth..

If Republicans would actually do things like proper immigration reform, they wouldn't be so scary.

The reason why they are scary is because they won't.


If Republicans would actually do things like proper immigration reform, they wouldn't be so scary.

The reason why they are scary is because they won't.

They will do it when it suits their political needs. The demographics are just too stacked against them to ignore a key issue for the fastest growing minority group in the country any longer


Beautiful. Fuck you, Rombot. This better get as much play as Romney's despicable pandering using her son's death

What is disgusting is his head cock and eye movement as he waits for audience reaction to key words or zingers. @0:46

I notice this from him alot.


They will do it when it suits their political needs. The demographics are just too stacked against them to ignore a key issue for the fastest growing minority group in the country any longer

Didn't Mitt say something about this in the 47% video. He said they have to watch that Latinos don't become a democratic block like African Americans.


In the other thread, I said this:

I'm not against the voucher system. There is a huge caveat on that part. The government has to move away from trying to run it and instead move to having strict regulations to the point where violating those regulations has an extreme consequences.

Not sure where I fit. I was a republican but when they went bible thumping, they lost me.

I'm guessing you're against single payer health care? Why exactly? You sound like a reasonable (Eisenhower) Republican, at least you've recognized the party is no longer what it used to be.


More info on the UNF FL poll


A new University of North Florida poll reveals President Barack Obama has a four-percentage point lead over Mitt Romney, 49 – 45 percent.

The key to the Obama lead is support from African-American voters (96 percent to 3 percent) and Hispanic voters (59 percent to 33 percent).

Also of interest, 37 percent of likely voters “haven’t heard enough about” Paul Ryan, Republican vice presidential candidate,to have an opinion of him, which highlights the importance of his performance in the vice presidential debate Thursday.

The survey was conducted between Oct. 1 and Oct. 9. The maargin of error for the entire sample is +/- 3.49 percent.
If Democrats can successfully champion comprehensive immigration reform, they'll be sitting pretty when demographics begin to really change in Arizona and Texas. Having the three most populous states (CA, NY, TX) solidly blue would be really tough for the GOP to overcome.

Arizona would be a nice bonus, too.

and then we'll have a true one party socialist regime for the rest of time for the USA. GAF's wet dream.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Man, if Texas ever goes blue...I don't know how you get past that. That seems insurmountable, you'd have to get basically the entire midwest solid red
I think the one thing he is leaving out is risk. Companies do not make decisions based simply on the potential to increase profits by $1. Yes, it probably makes sense to hire a worker for $30K if you are going to increase your profits by $15K, but you also have to account for a potential downturn - do I hire that person, or do I try to squeeze a little more out of my current employees. Companies hate uncertainty.

Indeed. That is why ensuring that demand for goods and services is optimized is so important--when demand is assured to be adequate, risk of hiring and producing goods and services is minimized. And ensuring that aggregate demand--i.e., the demand for goods and services by individuals in the aggregate--is adequate is the responsibility of the government, because it creates money, spends money, and taxes money, which vitally affects demand. Moreover, taxes are relevant to aggregate demand. However, it is not the taxes on individual businesses that matter to aggregate demand, but the taxes of everybody else--i.e., consumers. If taxes on consumers--average, working people--are too high, aggregate demand will suffer. Of course, government spending is also relevant. The more a government net spends (i.e., spends more than taxes), the higher aggregate demand will be. It is net spending that controls here, not simply taxes or spending in isolation.
So basically, Obama has gone from winning in blowout territory to winning decidedly. I think it's time to panic.

Umm...Not sure where the winning decidedly comes from. We need more OH, IA and WI polls. Even Nate will tell you that if the margin of victory in the popular vote is +2% the user will win EC too.
i dont think you can. civil war time maybe. that's about it at that point as republicans would never be represented as president again. you'd have almost 50% of the population forever never be in power.

Though to be fair, I think, at that point, the GOP would've formed into something else entirely already, distancing themselves from the crazy.

But, in the off chance that they didn't....lol. A Dem would have to fuck up on the scale of GWB to lose the White House.


i dont think you can. civil war time maybe. that's about it at that point as republicans would never be represented as president again. you'd have almost 50% of the population forever never be in power.
Their "moment of realization" on this matter is going to be fascinating, perhaps scary, and incredibly entertaining to watch. They're boned, and many of them don't even realize it yet.
Again. Who and where are these "complacent" voters? People keep throwing that out there when in reality there's little, if any, evidence for it.

Ok, here's an example:

Someone could poll me on whether I liked some person singing on American Idol. I could give a high approval to that but it doesn't mean that will get me actually call the phone number and vote for them.


because 90% of GAF isn't a lib or socialist?

Please tell me you see the difference between these two ideologies.

I appreciate your posts because they show us exactly how much difficulty the Republican party is going to have doing the reinvention it badly needs to do and why they're going to spend 20 years nominating Carters and Mondales.


Once Texas goes demographically blue, the GOP will be forced to review its core positions and completely abandon its Southern Strategy (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_..._of_southern_voters_bolster_its_chances_.html), lest it be replaced by another party.

If they're smart, they'll realize they need to do this sooner rather than later.

Of course, the Electoral College going away would negate the impact of Texas going blue; however, the demographics of the country as a whole are veering left, so even if we finally switch to popular vote for the presidential election, the GOP will need to leave its medieval politics behind it.


I think people on here have too much faith in Obama. He's been a good President, but he's not (currently) the game changer that someone like Clinton was.

What are Clinton's tangible achievements for progressives outside of a good economy (which is no small thing)?
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