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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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And as someone else said, we'll have a clear precedent of an obstructive party ruining government to a point where a president cannot properly govern in an economic crisis.

It's really stunning how the GOP completely rejected variations of their own proposals just to stymie Obama. Unfortunately for partisans but thankfully for the country, most Democrats are too reasonable to do the same even if Obama loses


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
New Ras numbers:
Iowa: 49-47, O
Colorado: 49-48, O
New Mexico: 54-43, O
Nevada: 47-47
Connecticut: 51-45, O
(conducted on Oct 7 & 8th)

Encouraging numbers if he doesn't blow the next two debates.
As a former Arizona resident, this would warm my heart. Hopefully Grijalva can help GOTV and make this happen.

Arizona was only going blue in an election with slightly depressed GOP turnout. That's clearly not going to happen now (barring a shift back to pre-debate numbers for Obama). I think it'll be a 3-5% margin for Romney and clearly show the state will go blue sometime in the future, just not now.


has calmed down a bit.

I liked the exchange where the President is saying "It's a 7 game series and we were up 2-0" then the DJ jumps in and says "AND you had an open jumper that you missed!!!" to win the 3rd game. My thoughts exactly. This should've been 3-0 using the President's analogy, but certainly, he sounds fired up, he sounds like a man who knows where he went wrong, and I think the 2nd debate will put him up 3-1.


I think Ryan is going to pull sort of a Romney.
Anything he gets accused of or called can be explained away as those were my ideas/policies but I am now supporting the policies of the head of the ticket.
I think Ryan is going to pull sort of a Romney.
Anything he gets accused of or called can be explained away as those were my ideas/policies but I am now supporting the policies of the head of the ticket.

Pulling a Romney is basically being more likable than the other guy. Ryan will not accomplish this. I'm sure he will have plenty of lies and excuses but Biden is far and away going to be more likable.

Just watch this if you think Ryan is going to be more amiable than Biden tomorrow night.

(the clip where he cuts the interview short when asked about taxes; I'm sure most of you have already seen it)


I liked the exchange where the President is saying "It's a 7 game series and we were up 2-0" then the DJ jumps in and says "AND you had an open jumper that you missed!!!" to win the 3rd game. My thoughts exactly. This should've been 3-0 using the President's analogy, but certainly, he sounds fired up, he sounds like a man who knows where he went wrong, and I think the 2nd debate will put him up 3-1.
I'm just relieved that he seems to have a good feel for the pulse of the party. He isn't bubbled-in or willfully oblivious. Not surprising, but still good to hear.


And on the topic of Ras: I don't put much stock in Ras for exact numbers, but as a reference point. As Ami said: if this is the best Romney can pull-off wi Ras' numbers, he's still in pretty lousy shape. Because of his team's incredibly dominant ground game, close states will most likely stick with Obama.


get some go again
biden doesn't have to worry about fox news calling him an angry black man so he can call out romney/ryan on some of their bullshit. maybe throw in some jokes and biden can walk away the winner of the debate and change the media narrative to the obama rising.
biden doesn't have to worry about fox news calling him an angry black man so he can call out romney/ryan on some of their bullshit. maybe throw in some jokes and biden can walk away the winner of the debate and change the media narrative to the obama comeback.

And you know the media just fucking loves an underdog...but they also love a tight race...so we'll see.
Romney says he met SEAL who was killed in Libya attack

A day after delivering a major foreign policy speech -- which included sharp criticism of President Barack Obama's response to the terrorist attack -- Romney acknowledged having met the SEAL, Glen Doherty, during a past holiday party.

"This is kind of a strange story so bear with me here," Romney told an audience on a farm outside of Des Moines. He went on to say that he and his wife, Ann Romney, had been invited to a neighborhood Christmas party a few years ago, but they inadvertently went to the wrong party.

"We were a little embarrassed, but they treated us well nonetheless. And I got to meet some really interesting people," Romney continued.



I'm surprised it's not 100% after Arizona passed the "harass Latinos for looking foreign" law.
If Democrats can successfully champion comprehensive immigration reform, they'll be sitting pretty when demographics begin to really change in Arizona and Texas. Having the three most populous states (CA, NY, TX) solidly blue would be really tough for the GOP to overcome.

Arizona would be a nice bonus, too.


If Democrats can successfully champion comprehensive immigration reform, they'll be sitting pretty when demographics begin to really change in Arizona and Texas. Having the three most populous states (CA, NY, TX) solidly blue would be really tough for the GOP to overcome.

Arizona would be a nice bonus, too.

That is why Obama losing would be a disaster for Democrats. Looking at the demographics, there is no way Romney doesn't do immigration reform if he wins by the skin of his teeth..



Joe Walsh Attacks Tammy Duckworth With Photo Of Her Picking Out Dress
“I was marching in a parade in Schaumburg (Ill.), Sunday, two days before the Democratic convention,” Walsh said, holding up the photo, “when Tammy Duckworth was on a stage down in Charlotte (N.C.) — if you can look at the picture — picking out a dress for her speech Tuesday night.”

Back in September, Walsh issued a statement attacking Duckworth’s speech at the convention, and accusing her of dodging debates: “It has become abundantly clear that at this point the only debate Ms. Duckworth is actually interested in having is which outfit she’ll be wearing for her big speech.” Walsh pointed to the photo on Tuesday night as a way to explain what he said previously.
“And I think darn near everybody in this audience is sick and tired — and I’ll say with a smile — of Republicans and Democrats, elected officials, who seem to poll test every syllable of every word that they utter, because they’re so afraid of offending people and losing votes,” said Walsh. “You’re seeing the perfect example of that up here on this stage. Tammy Duckworth will not say a thing that David Axelrod and her advisers won’t let her say.”


That is why Obama losing would be a disaster for Democrats. Looking at the demographics, there is no way Romney doesn't do immigration reform if he wins by the skin of his teeth..
It's a very important election. If Obama wins, we have a chance to get back to a balanced fiscal policy, let the Bush tax cuts expire, take a more moderate approach in the middle east, get immigration reform passed, reinforce Obamacare, and maybe even get a couple good SCOTUS judges on the court (or at least replace any liberal justices who die/retire).
And you know the media just fucking loves an underdog...but they also love a tight race...so we'll see.
Yep. Right now, the "narrative" is that Ryan is the underdog. If he's still breathing by the end of the debate, the pundits and media machine are gonna say "Biden backed up Obama, didn't make mistakes and did the job of being VP. Ryan held on to his own". If Biden bodyslams Ryan, we're not gonna get "Biden clobbers Ryan" story. But if Ryan makes Biden screw up even for a little bit, we're gonna get "Ryan clobbers Biden" story.


Yep. Right now, the "narrative" is that Ryan is the underdog. If he's still breathing by the end of the debate, the pundits and media machine are gonna say "Biden backed up Obama, didn't make mistakes and did the job of being VP. Ryan held on to his own". If Biden bodyslams Ryan, we're not gonna get "Biden clobbers Ryan" story. But if Ryan makes Biden screw up even for a little bit, we're gonna get "Ryan clobbers Biden" story.

Wait, it is? I thought the narrative was that Biden was the underdog because of all the gaffes and the old thing. What is the narrative about the narrative today?


Drudge already heading off a possible Biden win at the VP debate with their latest headline.


Heh, would have been amazing considering how much more important one of these events actually has. ;)

Can't relax till next debate.

I think a second bad debate performance is equivalent to a true Obama gaffe.

Unless it's just a catastrophic performance, I don't actually think a second bad debate would be as horrible as this one. I think now people's expectations have shifted accordingly and are just looking for Obama to fight a little, and so the polls won't have as massive a swing as this week's debate did.

I think what these polls illustrate is that Obama has a floor and he ain't going lower than it; and so far Romney has a ceiling he's not getting much higher than. And Obama with the superior ground game is probably going to be the difference. Obama would have to do something truly significantly awful to smash that floor. I'm not sure just another bad debate performance would do it, because there is a third debate about foreign policy and unless Obama begins to blow Romney during the Libya segment he can't look anything but good during that.


Wait, it is? I thought the narrative was that Biden was the underdog because of all the gaffes and the old thing. What is the narrative about the narrative today?

Seriously. All I've heard is that Biden is a liability and a moron because he says stuff like the first major reform in health care in decades is a "big fucking deal".
Seriously. All I've heard is that Biden is a liability and a moron because he says stuff like the first major reform in health care in decades is a "big fucking deal".

I personally like him because he's a firebrand. There's gaffes that point to a politician's stupidity or ignorance, and then there's gaffes that point to their human emotion.

Biden is full of the latter.


The problem is Romney has shown a willingness to brazenly spout lie and after lie during a debate, and I don't think that will stop even in the FP debate. Look for him to say things like "he spent tax dollars in Libya to hand the country to Al Qaeda", "allowed a strong ally in Egypt to fall to the Muslim Brotherhood", "been soft on Iran", "hasn't supported Israel", and "been complicit to the atrocities in Syria". It's all bullshit, but unless Obama hits back hard, it won't matter, just like the first debate.


I personally like him because he's a firebrand. There's gaffes that point to a politician's stupidity or ignorance, and then there's gaffes that point to their human emotion.

Biden is full of the latter.

I agree. I'm not afraid that Biden will let Ryan walk all over him like Obama let Romney.

Jesus, I hate how Obama came off as such a push-over. Stop being such a goddamn Huxtable and FIGHT BACK.


Seriously. All I've heard is that Biden is a liability and a moron because he says stuff like the first major reform in health care in decades is a "big fucking deal".

Like before the presidential debates... it depends on who you talk to. Advocates for candidate always play down the performance of their candidate before the debate. What I 'think' is going to happen at the debate is Biden going a more aggressive but still calm and comforting route he took against Palin in 2008. Furthermore unlike Ryan I think Biden is going to do a better job soliciting the top of the ticket which is really what the VP debate had been used in the past for. "I am a surrogate for my ticket, not boon upon myself nor a distraction." That is basically all a VP is good for when you really get down to it. People thought Palin 'won' the debate because she actually looked semi-competent and in that regard 'aided' her ticket, but Biden did a much better job selling the top of the ticket compared to Palin who did more work trying to sell herself.


Another one from Ras (so make your own mental adjustments when reading)..

Obama: 51
Romney: 46

The standout point? Obama was at 51 last for last month's Ras poll. Romney just gained points.
More evidence for an Obama floor, perhaps?
Another one from Ras (so make your own mental adjustments when reading)..

Obama: 51
Romney: 46

The standout point? Obama was at 51 last for last month's Ras poll. Romney just gained points.
More evidence for an Obama floor, perhaps?

Huh, context for those numbers please? State, national? Tracking poll?


What state? lol

Huh, context for those numbers please? State, national? Tracking poll?
Derp... Pennsylvania.

Sorry. Trying to work and post at the same time doesn't work. :p

And this soldier issue with Romney only cements in my mind the idea that he's a walking gaffe machine. It's like it's always something with this man. Like he always has a .22LR pointed at his foot, ready to blast away. (Hi Manos!)
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