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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Good news everyone!

The debate is almost here!

And Biden is going to rake Ryan over the coals so hard, he will quit both his house and vp candidacy.

It will be glorious.


1) Biden has lots of free time for debate prep, he doesnt do much
2) Biden isn't shy
3) Biden doesnt have to worry about being an angry black guy
4) Biden is old and white, people VOTE for angry old white men. Fuck, hes like the GOP wet dream, biggest crossover since Washington.
5) Biden doesn't take bs.

The debate will be the best thing on TV since Jack Bauer saved the world.

If Biden fucks this up, goodbye poligaf, this thread will be unbearable

biden's favorability was ranked lowest in a list with himself, bill clinton, and the obamas. he was the only one with a negative favorability.

the only solace there is that ryan's is probably lower. i'm not really that impressed with ryan as a speaker. he comes off as a poor man's bill clinton. biden can fuck up, but he always sounds pretty genuine can be pretty charming.

it's also weird to think there's only two years separating his age now from when mccain ran in 2008. despite being old, he might still be able to pull off a win, visually, since he can be pretty energetic.
i understand a lot of mccain's problems come from the torture he endured in the pow camp
it's not like an old guy's beaten a younger guy before either.
These new polls make Fox News projected electoral map even funnier



Except this is nothing that Obama didn't promise to do when he ran in 2008, for all those who were paying attention. I mean the GOP made a huge issue out of it when he said he'd go into Pakistan if he had to. I don't think his foreign policy is political calculus, I think he's taking what he believes to be the pragmatic solution to the problem.

I am absolutely convinced that pragmatism is Obama's guiding principle and in that respect he is my ideal president. I ask for no more from my leaders.

Eh, I do not believe he was happy to send 30K troops to Afghanistan. Maybe he's okay with the drones as opposed to more troops..
Eh, I do not believe he was happy to send 30K troops to Afghanistan. Maybe he's okay with the drones as opposed to more troops..
Of course he is. Its a way of avoiding confrontration and accountability. Traits that define his presidency... What other way would a chicago pol have it?
I live in Ypsi and there's this dude not far from my place with a huge Tea Party flag LOL

I live in Ypsi too and have had Romney folks come to my door. They get the same look of disappointment in their eyes that delivery folks get when they see I'm black. But just as a I give above average tips, I was nice to the Romney folks and we even shared some anti-Obama sentiments; but ultimately I told them I was still voting for him and bid them adieu
I live in Ypsi too and have had Romney folks come to my door. They get the same look of disappointment in their eyes that delivery folks get when they see I'm black. But just as a I give above average tips, I was nice to the Romney folks and we even shared some anti-Obama sentiments; but ultimately I told them I was still voting for him and bid them adieu

Top notch


All 3 Quinnipiac polls:

Colorado: Romney 48%, Obama 47% (was Obama 48/47 prior)
Virginia: Obama 51%, Romney 46% (was Obama 50/46 prior) LOL
Wisconsin: Obama 50%, Romney 47% (was Obama 51/45)

colorado flipping would suck. i don't see it lasting, but that's ground zero for the debate, so maybe that's partly why romney's up. i'd rather obama win virginia than colorado though, if i had to choose.
Internals of the Quinnipiac polls show some interesting stuff. One of my favorites:

Which program would you change to reduce the deficit?

The military: Colorado 47%, Virginia 47%, Wisconsin 53%
Social Security: Colorado 21%, Virginia 21%, Wisconsin 18%
Medicare: Colorado 21%, Virginia 18%, Wisconsin 18%

Increasing defense spending isn't exactly a winning message for Romney
Obama won CO by 9. What has Obama done for it to be this close? Or is his support just down based on LV?
His margin in 2008 came from winning white independents, who he's down with this year.

CO's been pretty close all year, actually now that I think of it. I don't think either candidate's held a clear advantage in polling, not like Obama's +8 or whatever in Ohio.

Quinnipiac did the senate contests for Virginia and Wisconsin as well - in WI Tammy Baldwin leads by 2 (48-46, it was tied at 47 last time they polled) while Kaine has a 7 point lead in Virginia, unchanged from their last poll.

One thing about Colorado - like Nevada, pollsters failed to pick up on Hispanic turnout in 2010, that gave Michael Bennet the smallest of victories. The effect wasn't as profound in Colorado (about 4 points), and Bennet wasn't written off like Reid was, but it was still there. I believe Hickenlooper's winning margin was also undersold as well, though he was always leading big.


The internals of that Colorado poll are ugly. Obama's approval ratings and numbers on jobs are rather bad. And they don't like Biden lol

Seems to me like a lot of people aren't voting on just that. Also the "honest @ trustworthy" and "cares about my problems" look good for Obama on all 3
I'm surprised Kaine hasn't dipped after that first debate where he said the 47% should have their taxes raised. Dunno if that's a sign of him being lucky or running against George fucking Allen
Bold prediction: I will have a better election night than PD

PhoenixDark said:
I'm surprised Kaine hasn't dipped after that first debate where he said the 47% should have their taxes raised. Dunno if that's a sign of him being lucky or running against George fucking Allen
I feel like that's something that would only hurt him among Democrats, really. Not that it wasn't dumb, just something that most independents would hear and be like "hurdur, that makes sense"
Internals of the Quinnipiac polls show some interesting stuff. One of my favorites:

Which program would you change to reduce the deficit?

The military: Colorado 47%, Virginia 47%, Wisconsin 53%
Social Security: Colorado 21%, Virginia 21%, Wisconsin 18%
Medicare: Colorado 21%, Virginia 18%, Wisconsin 18%

Increasing defense spending isn't exactly a winning message for Romney

Wow, from my time there I was pretty sure Colorado was a military town.
Those Q polls are quite good for Obama. A few more polls like that over the next few days would show just how hard Romney's path to victory really is.

Don't fuck this up in the next debate. Obama spent some house money this past week.
Internals of the Quinnipiac polls show some interesting stuff. One of my favorites:

Which program would you change to reduce the deficit?

The military: Colorado 47%, Virginia 47%, Wisconsin 53%
Social Security: Colorado 21%, Virginia 21%, Wisconsin 18%
Medicare: Colorado 21%, Virginia 18%, Wisconsin 18%

Increasing defense spending isn't exactly a winning message for Romney

Nearly half of Virginians ok with defense cuts? That's amazing given how big the defense industry is there (and the employment/federal money it provides).



The chief executive of JPMorgan Chase & Co, Jamie Dimon, waded into the U.S. fiscal debate on Wednesday when he said he was willing to pay a higher individual tax rate while calling for lower corporate taxes so U.S. business can compete in a global economy.

"I don't mind paying 39.6 percent in taxes," Dimon said in an interview in Washington at the Council on Foreign Relations, backing the Democrats' position.

Speaking at the CFR event, Dimon also discussed the losses incurred by JPMorgan buying Wall Street firm Bear Stearns during the financial crisis, and the massive losses incurred by a London-based trader called the “London whale.”

On the subject of taxes, Dimon said he might back an increase in the capital gains tax rate to around 24 percent from 15 percent, a proposal by President Barack Obama, for people making above $250,000.

Republicans want to extend low rates that expire on Dec. 31 for all income groups, while Obama and Democrats want to extend the lower rates only for households earning up to $250,000.

A job creator is okay with his taxes being raised? :eek:


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Bloomberg guy on Morning Joe compared Obama job record with 4 years ago and inferred both conditions were Obama responsibility and ignored trajectory entirely - everyone just sat there nodding. Also this is first time I watched morning joe. Its like taking a slo-mo ride through a malfunctioning Disney animatronics politics ride.


Am I the only one noticing all the minorities that are showing up at the Romney rallies all of a sudden? At the convention and previous rallies they were few and far between now it looks like and Obama crowd.
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