PPP Nevada
Obama 51
Mitt Romney 47
Nevada and Ohio (assuming Wisconsin) is all it takes.
PPP Nevada
Obama 51
Mitt Romney 47
Seems like Obama is reaching 50+ percent in a lot of state polls now.
PA will get called for Obama the second the polls close.
I'm still in nervous Diablos mode though. I think Obama has one lousy debate performance left in him.
Obama's gone if he has another crap debate performance.
Nevada and Ohio (assuming Wisconsin) is all it takes.
Lakers were done in 2010 if they lost Games 6 and 7.
Guess what happened?
Keep in mind that every poll of Nevada in 2010 lowballed Reid's support based on Hispanic voters, and for the most part they haven't adjusted anything in 2012.obama being consistently above 50 in OH and NV is very reassuring.
One factor that may have pulled the party ID more heavily toward Democrats in this poll was early voting. One-in-five respondents (18 percent) said they have already voted, and, of those, almost two-thirds (63 percent) said they voted for Obama.
They tried to get rid of the early voting 3 days before the election (and I believe even that was overturned) - they still have it for several weeks leading up to the election, just cut some hours.Sorry, what? I thought Ohio got rid of the early voting thing? And even then, I thought that was only 3 days before the election?
Keep in mind that every poll of Nevada in 2010 lowballed Reid's support based on Hispanic voters, and for the most part they haven't adjusted anything in 2012.
Ah huh.Obama's gone if he has another crap debate performance.
They tried to get rid of the early voting 3 days before the election (and I believe even that was overturned) - they still have it for several weeks leading up to the election, just cut some hours.
So how are these people voting already?
i think he has iowa, colorado, new hampshire and wisconsin. he needs to win either ohio, florida, virginia, or nevada to win.
Good news everyone!
The debate is almost here!
And Biden is going to rake Ryan over the coals so hard, he will quit both his house and vp candidacy.
It will be glorious.
1) Biden has lots of free time for debate prep, he doesnt do much
2) Biden isn't shy
3) Biden doesnt have to worry about being an angry black guy
4) Biden is old and white, people VOTE for angry old white men. Fuck, hes like the GOP wet dream, biggest crossover since Washington.
5) Biden doesn't take bs.
The debate will be the best thing on TV since Jack Bauer saved the world.
If Biden fucks this up, goodbye poligaf, this thread will be unbearable
I'm saying they still have it in place. All they did was reduce the hours and made it so only military voters could vote on the Friday-Saturday-Sunday weekend before election day. The latter portion was overturned, and the reduced hours were made universal across the board when the GOP wanted to allow longer voting hours in GOP heavy areas.So how are these people voting already?
1) Biden has lots of free time for debate prep, he doesnt do much
2) Biden isn't shy
3) Biden doesnt have to worry about being an angry black guy
4) Biden is old and white, people VOTE for angry old white men. Fuck, hes like the GOP wet dream, biggest crossover since Washington.
5) Biden doesn't take bs.
would pay to see this go down like you describe it. thankfully i overslept the first debate (in germany). Expect this one to be more hilarious
Stream of consciousness time, my apologies in advance:
Some of the posts in here really bother me for different ways, whether it is the ignorant conservatives that come in here or the liberal back-patting, but the absolutely worst posts in here are these:
- I love donating my time to the amazing ground game that is the Obama re-elction campaign. Obama has a record fundraising month? I can't wait to donate my money and time!
Honestly, the amount of cognitive dissonance for the Obama Administrations complete failings on civil liberties and the use of evil military tactics is astounding. Had Bush killed tens of thousands of civilians by the use of drones, you people would be up in arms. Had Bush done things that would allow him to detain indefinitely US citizens without due process or habeas corpus, you would have been screaming. Had Bush signed ACTA and consistently done other things outside of the Executive Branch's purview, you would have called for impeachment. In fact, when Bush did many of these aforementioned things, you guys were calling him the worst president ever, begging for impeachment (I am talking outside of the bogus wars, which Obama, to his credit, took his sweet time, but still wound down).
I agree, thats why Im not voting Obama.
Stream of consciousness time, my apologies in advance:
Some of the posts in here really bother me for different ways, whether it is the ignorant conservatives that come in here or the liberal back-patting, but the absolutely worst posts in here are these:
- I love donating my time to the amazing ground game that is the Obama re-elction campaign. Obama has a record fundraising month? I can't wait to donate my money and time!
Honestly, the amount of cognitive dissonance for the Obama Administrations complete failings on civil liberties and the use of evil military tactics is astounding. Had Bush killed tens of thousands of civilians by the use of drones, you people would be up in arms. Had Bush done things that would allow him to detain indefinitely US citizens without due process or habeas corpus, you would have been screaming. Had Bush signed ACTA and consistently done other things outside of the Executive Branch's purview, you would have called for impeachment. In fact, when Bush did many of these aforementioned things, you guys were calling him the worst president ever, begging for impeachment (I am talking outside of the bogus wars, which Obama, to his credit, took his sweet time, but still wound down).
Partisan dissonance is why we constantly elect representatives that we hate because we feel that, although Congress is bought and paid for by big special interests, our guy is still fighting the good fight. Anything to not let those crazy right wing nutters into power. If that is our attitude when we go to the polls, then we have already lost.
-" I went to this awesome rally. Famous musicians/politicans/actors were there. It was awesome, they even passed out flyers telling us who to vote for."
WTF? How is any of this a good thing? Great, we are using hacks and shiny things to promote nothing at all except the party line. Did the flyers telling you who to vote for that got passed out have a big square on it with a D in the middle? "Here, you lazy piece of shit students and other young people. You are easily convinced and assuaged by celebrities and flashing lights. Here is a leaflet for candidates you need to vote for. Make sure you post this on Twitter/Facebook/Youtube and let your friends know how awesome this party is!" It is sad to see when GAFFERS are as easily fooled as other sheep in both parties that walk lock-step with whatever their party does.
Imagine if we all put the same fervor behind a candidate like Jill Stein? "She still wouldn't win," you say. This is the age of the internet and the Movement Society. Had Ross Perot been a younger, more charismatic person, while still being exorbitantly and independently wealthy, who knows how high he could have reached, and that was an era before the internet. In this day and age, a candidate like that with enough backing (money) wouldn't be limited by the thought of "can they even hit double digits?" but instead by, "could they pull out a win? Barring that, could the fact that they are so passionately supported cause some real reform and change by them getting 20 - 25% of the popular vote?"
Where is the substance of this race? Where is the pacifistic student movements pushing student political groups towards total denouncement of the despicable military foreign policy we continue through Obama? Where is the denouncement of the military industrial complex?
The biggest problem in my opinion in the country is the fact that the Democrats are all bark and no bite. They can't pass shit and they can't do shit. When they are not in power, they have these amazing social movement ideas and are able to get all these amazing messages across to the youth of this country. Anti-War messages, the Decriminalization of drugs, social equality, infrastructure investment, etc. gain power and movement in a society in which they are the underdog. As they get into power, it almost seems like those groundswells of activity and passion are squelched by thoughts of "Great, my representative, my congressperson, and my president have Ds next to their names, we are finally getting what we want." The worst thing for a democrat is complacency.
Remember, Republicans and Democrats alike were prepared to vote for SOPA and PIPA until the entirety of the internet populace got together to protest and voice their frustration. They will listen to us if we do it on other issues, as well.
Imagine had the same voices of disgust and outrage from 2006 were the ones calling their democratic representatives in 2006-2010 to have them work on real progressive change. Imagine had they set their minds on creating a real solution to skyrocketing healthcare by way of real UHC, and not this lukewarm piss that is the ACA. Imagine had they had the balls and sense to say, "We are dialing down on this out of control military spending and will now take a portion of it to spend on renovating and replacing our decrepit energy grid, investing in alternative energies, etc. We are tackling skyrocketing education costs, ending the longstanding practice of future economic slavery thanks to one person working their ass of to try and achieve the American Dream. We are shifting the disproportionate amount of taxes from the lower income earners to the higher income earners, ensuring fairness in the system for all.
ETC. x10000000.
/rant, blogpost,livejournal, whatever.
I wasn't aware that millions of people selected the winner of basketball games.
I dont consider 3 points tight this late in the game.All 3 Quinnipiac polls:
Colorado: Romney 48%, Obama 47% (was Obama 48/47 prior)
Virginia: Obama 51%, Romney 46% (was Obama 50/46 prior) LOL
Wisconsin: Obama 50%, Romney 47% (was Obama 51/45)
You said you'd vote for Romney, no matter all of the other terrible things he will do, if he just promised to raise taxes. You're just as silly, if not more, as all those people you're looking down on.
Also funny seeing you look down on people who are out there trying to canvas for someone, even if they're the lesser of two evils. At least they're out there trying to improve things, not just ranting on a message board about how all the idiotic masses aren't out there fixing America like they should be.
Lakers were done in 2010 if they lost Games 6 and 7.
Guess what happened?
Honestly, the amount of cognitive dissonance for the Obama Administrations complete failings on civil liberties and the use of evil military tactics is astounding. Had Bush killed tens of thousands of civilians by the use of drones, you people would be up in arms. Had Bush done things that would allow him to detain indefinitely US citizens without due process or habeas corpus, you would have been screaming. Had Bush signed ACTA and consistently done other things outside of the Executive Branch's purview, you would have called for impeachment. In fact, when Bush did many of these aforementioned things, you guys were calling him the worst president ever, begging for impeachment (I am talking outside of the bogus wars, which Obama, to his credit, took his sweet time, but still wound down).
Refs bailed them out?
Yes, just like the refs gave the 2008 primaries to Obama.
Stay free, PD.
All 3 Quinnipiac polls:
Colorado: Romney 48%, Obama 47% (was Obama 48/47 prior)
Virginia: Obama 51%, Romney 46% (was Obama 50/46 prior) LOL
Wisconsin: Obama 50%, Romney 47% (was Obama 51/45)
I've posted in this thread that I find Obama's use of drones a gravely cynical attempt to protect himself from charges of weakness by the GOP. You may call it cognitive dissonance but I think it's pragmatic rationalization (which isn't that hard to do when drones aren't dropping bombs in my backyard).
A guy like Obama with no Military background, who's openly accused of sympathizing with the enemy by people who should know better (even Romney said so after Libya!) CANNOT go up against the Military and/or National Security Apparatus because he'd be met with instant rebuke/suspicion from the opposition, the media and even his own party. It'd be political suicide if he came in and said, "Okay, let's roll all this Bush stuff back". If an attack happened, he would be blamed. No politician is going to open himself up to that. For example, he tried to close Gitmo and try the folks there very early in his term. What happened? He got slapped down by BOTH parties and the GOP even has the audacity to say it's one of his "broken promises" on the campaign trail!
Perhaps I should change my avatar back, because I apparently needed a winking picture next to my post. I am not voting for Romney. For any reason.
Yay for complacency! The lesser of two evils is going to really get this country going, for sure.
Rock the Vote! Don't forget your list of candidates you should vote for. Don't worry about independent thought or research, that is unnecessary, and frankly embarrassing.
The debate probably had a more muted effect in the swing states, since they've been pummeled with advertising compared to the other 40ish states.Obama extending his lead in the Quinnipiac Virginia poll is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. Also, it seems very few people are moving away from Obama in these state polls
Perhaps I should change my avatar back, because I apparently needed a winking picture next to my post. I am not voting for Romney. For any reason.
Yay for complacency! The lesser of two evils is going to really get this country going, for sure.
Rock the Vote! Don't forget your list of candidates you should vote for. Don't worry about independent thought or research, that is unnecessary, and frankly embarrassing.