brazen editing lynx
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:[IMG]
Oh god. That makes me want to take him even less seriously.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:[IMG]
Oh god. That makes me want to take him even less seriously.
I guess the big question is where is Romney is picking up his national lead from? It sure isn't in the Midwest, the Northeast, or the Left Coast.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
Yeah. We lead in vote-by-mail ballots cast, in-person early voting, total voting and total ballots requested. We also lead by a wider margin than we did at this point in 2008 in both ballots requested and ballots cast.
Ohio: We lead in ballots requested and ballots cast and are ahead of where we were at this time against John McCain.
I look forward to the veep debate - while likely not consequental - going off-script. Lieberman and Cheney basically were best buds at their debate. Biden and Ryan will be at each other's throats.
John Edwards was the VP candidate in 04, not Lieberman.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
was he supposed to look like a white rapper from the early 90s?
I think Obama will bounce back as long as he shows some balls in the final two debates.
Romney's bounce wasn't because of his policies, it was because he "won" the debates by being more assertive, and the media has run with the narrative that Romney dominated and Obama wimped out for more than a week.
All Obama has to do is change the media narrative--all of a sudden the headlines will say "Obama Hits Back," "Obama on the Comeback Trail", etc.
he's referring to 00, though.
I honestly don't remember a thing from the Edwards debate. :lol
Oh hey I didn't know somebody brought hopium. Pass it along, man.Well that was a nice long toke on the hopium pipe. Thanks.
A top campaign aide to President Barack Obama blamed the ongoing furor over the Administration's handling of the attack last month on the American consultate in Benghazi on Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
"The entire reason that this has become the political topic it is is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan it's a big part of their stump speech, and it's reckless and irresponsible," she said.
Cutter's comments sparked an immediate online furor because of the broad criticism, on Capitol Hill and in the press, of both the State Department's handling of security in Benghazi, where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed, before the September 11 attack; and the Obama Administration's early assertions that the attack was linked to an anti-Muslim video, which does not appear to have been the case.
A Republican National Committee spokesman, Tim Miller, tweeted that Cutter's line belonged "in the annals of people believing their own BS."
All Obama has to do is change the media narrative--all of a sudden the headlines will say "Obama Hits Back," "Obama on the Comeback Trail", etc.
Its true.Cutter made a uh ohs. i know what she meant but still..
Stephanie Cutter Says Libya Is A Political Topic Because Of Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan
1984 or 2004, Obama's next debate performance will decide.
Also, dammit Cutter.
Whyyyyyy would you ever wear a backwards baseball cap as a vice presidential candidate
He could just be picking up votes in safe states like TX or CA. It doesn't make a difference if obama wins california by 1 or 20.I guess the big question is where is Romney is picking up his national lead from? It sure isn't in the Midwest, the Northeast, or the Left Coast.
Oh god. That makes me want to take him even less seriously.
Cutter made a uh ohs. i know what she meant but still..
Stephanie Cutter Says Libya Is A Political Topic Because Of Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan
I guess the big question is where is Romney is picking up his national lead from? It sure isn't in the Midwest, the Northeast, or the Left Coast.
Whyyyyyy would you ever wear a backwards baseball cap as a vice presidential candidate
She reiterated the statement:
From the time of the attack in Libya, Mitt Romney has stopped at nothing to politicize these events. While Mitt Romney, Congressman Ryan, and their Republican allies in Congress have turned a national tragedy into a political circus, the President has been focused on getting the facts, finding the terrorists responsible, and bringing them to justice. Our nation’s security and how we handle the transitions in the Middle East and North Africa are critical issues in this campaign, and just 26 days before an election, the American people deserve real ideas and specifics from Mitt Romney.
Whyyyyyy would you ever wear a backwards baseball cap as a vice presidential candidate
The IBD/TIPP poll is trash
How you going to go from being up 5 points and only up 1 point today.
Return of the Muppet.Dat flex face, LOL.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
I hope for his sake Ryan did that photoshoot as a goof. He looks like something out of a 90s "father and son switch bodies" movie.
Return of the Muppet.
Or maybe's its the Ryan version of Blue Steel.
Paul Ryan has a body by P90X, and he agreed to show it off to TIME Magazine. But not everyones pumped up about the pics.
In a photo series taken in December 2011, Ryan is shown lifting dumbbells while wearing a red baseball cap backward and elaborate ear buds. The photos appear in this weeks issue alongside a profile of the GOP vice presidential nominee, whose devotion to the P90X workout is well-documented. (Before being named Mitt Romneys running mate, Ryan ran a daily P90X workout in the House of Representatives gym.)"He's trying to go through an extreme makeover. After running for more than a year in which he called himself severely conservative, Mitt Romney's trying to convince you that he was severely kidding," said Obama at a campaign event in Florida. "Look. What he was selling was not working. Because people understood his ideas wouldn't help the middle class so these days Mitt Romney's for whatever you're for."
Obama continued:
Suddenly he loves the middle class. Can't stop talking enough about them. He loves Medicare. Loves teachers. He even loves the most important parts of obama care. What happened? Now, what does he have to say this new version of Mitt Romney about all the things he's actually promised to do as president? Tax breaks for outsourcers? Never heard of such a thing. Saying we should cut back on teachers? Doesn't ring a bell.
and people actually think these states might shift
(especially ohio, i CANNOT stress enough that this state isn't shifting in this cycle, period)
Obama: Romney Now Severely Kidding
Yup I don't care what people think they know, if you live in IA or OH you know Romney is done
In IA Obama's people call and stop by a few times a week. Romneys people send us mailers
My wife is an independent and I am Democrat, Romneys people just send my wife mail and that's it while Obamas people have given her emails, calls and came by the house to hear her concerns
Ground game FTW