Wish we were getting that treatment in Pennsylvania. Though it could be the area I'm in since I'm not close to Philly or Pitt. Started some some Romney yard signs at intersections. Tempted to take a few of them down. I just hope the focus on the swing states hasn't resulted in them taking others for granted.
What exchange are you guys most looking forward to tonight? I'm sure Biden will try to go in on Medicare (Vouchercare) and probably hit Ryan on his marathon time in some offhand way. I think the most interesting this will be Biden's response to the Benghazi attack. Listening to the mother of the one guy that died (Smith, I think) talking to Anderson Cooper was infuriating if that's how the administration actually treated her and sticking to their "it was caused by the video" line.
Wish we were getting that treatment in Pennsylvania. Though it could be the area I'm in since I'm not close to Philly or Pitt. Started some some Romney yard signs at intersections. Tempted to take a few of them down. I just hope the focus on the swing states hasn't resulted in them taking others for granted.
Was just listening to Tony Kornheiser's radio show and Howard Fineman was on saying Pennsylvania is now a toss-up state.
It's not.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
That's not what she said in the initial statement above. The damage is done.
If anyone from the Obama campaign needs to be shitcanned, it's her.
She's terrible at her job.
Kosmo thanks you from the bottom of his heart
Pittsburgh (Allegheny County) here. Not noticing nearly as many Obama signs Western PA this time around, but I still think Obama is going to carry the state no matter what.wonder how many philly/pitt posters we've got in here
Stephanie Cutter on CNN right now talking about the administration's "mixed messages" regarding the Libya attacks. Anchor just brought up Vile Rat's mother's comments on AC360
I was at the dentist's office when I saw that.. What a ridiculous piece. The montage with the scary sounds during the transitions with the dates of the press conference was unbelievable. All they really showed was the progression of the intelligence gathered during the investigations. They are seriously trying to create something out of nothing here. The Ryan handjob they gave him right before that whole Libya attack was also a joke. I never really watch network news anymore, but if this is what is supposed to be the center, I don't know what to even think about how the other networks operate.
Okay, in honor of Awesome Uncle Joe, here's a fantastic collection of Onion pics of our VP..
wonder how many philly/pitt posters we've got in here
since every other 'swing state' seems to be adequately represented
Darrell Issa is such a partisan fuck.
1. Political witchhunt against Atty Holder with no proof of any wrongdoing from his office
2. Political withchunt against State Dept before they even finished their investigation
3. Now an "investigation" into BLS.
4. Probably an investigation into members of congress who watch PBS
5. Investigation about investigation
Or Biden's response to "the middle class has been buried for the last four years". I'm sure he's gone over that a million times over these past four days of prep that he has been involved in, but still. It wouldn't shock me if that is mentioned at least two times tonight. If Ryan hits him with it, and it sticks and Biden blows the response, it'll come up at least one or two other times.
Does he have his groove back?
Six days after it was sent out, finally got my Florida absentee ballet.
I'm in Montgomery county, just north of Philly. We've gotten calls from Obama's campaign but if I recall correctly from '08, we didn't really see anyone going door to door until just a few weeks before the election.Wish we were getting that treatment in Pennsylvania. Though it could be the area I'm in since I'm not close to Philly or Pitt. Started some some Romney yard signs at intersections. Tempted to take a few of them down. I just hope the focus on the swing states hasn't resulted in them taking others for granted.
Gallup will probably show another gain for Romney tomorrow because the final good pre-debate poll will be wiped out. After that or one more day, should see a move towards Obama unless something major happens in Biden-Ryan
On the debate tonight, I am hoping Biden can go after Ryan. It's a weird debate since Ryan likes numbers and Biden doesn't. But Biden needs to paint Ryan as someone who isn't serious, whose numbers don't add up, who wants to get rid of everything but SS and military spending and leave everyone else to fend for themselves. As a man with no compassion.
We'll see.
Ryan is like Romney in one sense, and this is a very different Republican team to the kind Democrats are used to facing. For the last several decades, the Democrats have been up against Republican politicians who had a certain resonance with the country, but were not really policy wonks. Instead, it was often the Democrats who were smart at policy it was Democrats who understood the fine details. They would find themselves up against Republicans whose strengths were different a rhetorical gift or a likeability factor. Think about Ronald Reagan, for example. Or take George W. Bush. Even George H. W. Bush and John McCain seemed inarticulate or uncomfortable when dealing with specific policy issues.
This time, you have a Republican ticket that is steeped in public policy and knows how to articulate ideas. Romneys entire training in the private sector primes him for these kinds of debates. After all, what do management consultants do? They provide crisp, compelling presentations on what a problem is and what their solution would be.
Paul Ryan, meanwhile, is comfortable with detailed policy discussions and is used to defending his ideas in Congress and in the media and coping with back and forth questioning on these issues.
Obama and Biden on the other hand have been in their respective presidential and vice presidential bubbles for the last four years and have simply not had to defend their positions in the same way they are more used to staff meetings (over which they preside), campaign rallies (where they meet adoring crowds) or fundraisers (where they meet adoring donors).
If Vice President Biden wants to improve on the presidents performance last week and reenergize a dispirited Democrat base, he will need to recognize that the Republican ticket he is facing is quite different and in this sense better than virtually any before.
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
Pic from Paul Ryan's Time photoshoot:
Six days after it was sent out, finally got my Florida absentee ballet. The Miami Herald's article was exaggerating. They've turned this ballot into a fucking mess. The lines are going to be ridiculous for people voting in person.
Worse, they warn you on the first sheet that if your signature doesn't match the signature on file, the ballot won't count. Like I know what that looks like. My signature ranges from semi-neat to completely illegible depending on the speed I signed it. I'm probably gonna have to figure out how to fill out a form on updating the signature.
I've been worried about mine. I sent a request over two weeks ago I think and I still haven't gotten one. :/
Just voted, wooo. Not like it'll matter in my state (WA). First time voting for president (first vote was in the 2010 midterms).
If you log onto http://registration.elections.myflorida.com you can at least check the status. See when it was mailed out.
Does anyone remember how accurate Pollster.com was in 2008? They just updated their map and based on the recent polls, they moved OH to Obama and NV to tossup
It does. If Obama somehow wins without the popular vote, the same GOP who defended Bush in 2000, will say he's illegitimate
Does anyone remember how accurate Pollster.com was in 2008? They just updated their map and based on the recent polls, they moved OH to Obama and NV to tossup
And that right there shows the immense hurdle Romney has to go through. Even with VA, NV, CO, and FL as tossup he still is past 270. He is not losing OH, IA, PA, or WI
I think he will pull out NV and CO in the end due to the Latino vote