I <3 Oregon's vote by mail system. Very simple, reliable, no stress.
This lady on Chris Mathews![]()
Slightly truncated.Why is Time even doing a workout photoshoot with Paul Ryan? I guess it's like that embarrassing shoot with Palin draped in American flags. They're actively creating stupid.
My polling place is at a Methodist church between my house and my school so I'll vote on election day. Plus it's entertaining dealing with the LaRouche folks outside the building
This lady on Chris Mathews![]()
It is Obama who will not get the senior vote because his health bill is based on Acctuarial Tables that the 15 member un-elected panel will decide if you have enough life left to make it worth investing in you or someone younger. That is why they are called the death panel. Then, Obama is making all of us pay for 30 million who pay nothing. But guess what, because he added 30 million new patients, those of us paying get our care rationed. Welcome to Obamacare and the reason Seniors will NOT vote for Obama.
Larouche still has followers? Isn't he some conspiracy nut that is so crazy that you can't even pin him down as being left or right but is more right? He's like Alex Jones before there was an internet.
Prediction: Biden is going to hammer Ryan with the 47% haymaker tonight. Romney won't be there to deliver his phoney apology. And it would sound odd for Ryan to defend it.
Or what if it's Obama all over again and Biden gets silenced by an unexpectedly aggressive Ryan?
I'm saying this after seeing that last debate where all of us was expecting Obama to clean house and kick Romney to the curb...
Check out Romney breaking ground here.
for a new PBS building
Yeah. They would make sporadic appearances on State's campus. And they'd always set up on Farm Lane or behind Wells making it difficult to avoid them.They're always on campus and at polling stations here; he must have a (relatively) large group of followers in the state, and they're often bussed from state to state. I've been seeing the same handful of them for years, to the point I know their names
That real?
I should have known you were a fellow Spartan based on your tremendous posts.Yeah. They would make sporadic appearances on State's campus. And they'd always set up on Farm Lane or behind Wells making it difficult to avoid them.
Ah, another Spartan! Are you still attending?I should have known you were a fellow Spartan based on your tremendous posts.
Ah, another Spartan! Are you still attending?
CNN's love affair with Paul Ryan is creepy. They're giving him a blowjob since morning.
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/poll-romney-jumps-to-7-point-lead-inPoll: Romney Jumps To 7-Point Lead In Florida
Mitt Romney has taken a strong lead in Florida, according to a poll released Thursday.
Romney leads 51 percent to 44 percent, in a survey by Mason-Dixon. The survey of 800 likely voters was conducted oct. 8-10, and has a 3.5 percent margin of error. In the previous Mason-Dixon poll, conducted in mid-September, President Obama had an edge of 48 percent to 47 percent.
"There's no question in my mind that debate made people stand up and pay attention, and it really wiped away any questions people had about Romney, whether they were undecided or soft for Obama," polling director Brad Coker told the Tampa Bay Times, which co-sponsored the poll.
The PollTracker Average shows Romney ahead in Florida, 48.2 percent to 46.6 percent.
@joshtpm: FL President '12: ROMNEY(R) 51.0% OBAMA(D) 44.0% (10/11/2012 Mason-Dixon). http://t.co/Yxt3btuy
CNN's love affair with Paul Ryan is creepy. They're giving him a blowjob since morning.
Hope Biden can explain the $716 billion attack tonight if Ryan has the chutzpah to bring it up.
I'm Canadian. Can I donate to the Barack Obama campaign? It won't be anything much but if it gets close and scary I may want to try to do my part to help out.
You can't donate to his actual campaign. I'm not entirely sure what the rules are for SuperPACs, though.
lol, I'd love Ryan to bring that up, considering he had that same baseline in his plan. That would cut any criticism of that number off and the knees. Go ahead Ryan, make Biden's day.
There ya go.[/QUOTE]
thanks! I still can't believe Floridians....esp. after vouchercare.
Will the vp debate be at the same time as the presidential one last week?
It's going to be difficult if they stick to that dumb 2 minute format. I really want to hear both of them go into things deeper instead of only being able to reply with high level talking points and accusations.
The last debate was infuriating from that standpoint.