Angry Fork's assertion that Obama is a conservative is easily dismissed when you consider that he made health care reform a priority (the gop only ever paid it lip service) and pushed for the repeal of Dadt. That he is a pragmatic liberal makes him look consecutive only to somebody far left and intolerant of any compromise. Hence the tea party comparison. The reference to Pinochet is also telling.
1. A republican, market-based health care bill that is better than nothing.
2. Supports gay rights, after it was evident the nation was progressing this way. Before this he was either a bigot, or he just didn't care. Huey Newton and Bayard Rustin were 40+ years ahead of him. (Not knocking his "progression" btw, just the coincidental timing of his sudden change.)
3. Is at least mildly in favor of government granted jobs for anyone willing to work, and a raise in the minimum wage, but I don't see him fighting hard for this anytime soon. Too many kill lists to read.
4. Supports gun control.
5. Pro-environment. Doesn't go remotely far enough to help fix the crisis that is already here but he's at least pivoting away from Keystone construction.
5. Can play basketball, has a great smile and can be very charming if you're able to ignore the rest of his presidency for a few minutes.
1. A police state that would make Stalin and heads of East Germany exude sperm all over their trousers. The unconditional nationwide surveillance of everyone in the country. The extremely aggressive hunting of whistleblowers, war on journalism, etc. This should still be fresh in everyone's memory so I won't go on about it.
2. Drug war, inherently racist, devastating policy that he himself has admitted is a failure, before flip flopping. Supports private prisons.
3. Not in favor of or has discussed any reasonable, logical solution to the college crisis. Supporter of market-based student loans that will cause increases and exploitation in the years to come, but as long as he's able to wipe his hands of the affair later on by saying "I'm not president anymore" then it's okay.
4. Loyal to any banker. Not just the ones that got him elected, literally any single one. All of them.
5. Murder of US citizens without due process. Kidnapping, torture, and murder of non-US citizens without due process, including hundreds of children. (I think the due process bit is irrelevant, these murders wouldn't be justified even if a court said so, but that's too commie anarchist for some people so leave it some kind of a trial required at the very least). It should also be noted many of the people killed are unidentified, he sometimes doesn't know who he's murdering.
6. Supports racist, oppressive police (recently said Ray Kelly is great at his job, thinks he would be a good fit for head of homeland security). Raging hypocrite on anything related to race and civil liberties.
I know I'm forgetting more, maybe someone else can fill the gaps.
I'm expecting some justifications saying he has to worry about getting re-elected so he has to do all of these things. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND POLITICS!?!?!?"
This is called being pragmatic, everyone. And that's a good thing if you want to actually get things done instead of just complaining about problems.
Lenin got shit done too.
Obama actually hasn't gotten much done though (correction: hasn't gotten much done for the left, he's been great for the right), at least not enough to justify the claim that pragmatism is working. I don't know where people keep getting this idea except as an excuse to defend the home team.
Obama is not being pragmatic, he is a republican, he wants these things implemented, as do many democrats. And the current fascist, american-taliban party that holds the republican name wants a white Francisco Franco in charge.