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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried. [...]

The Bloomberg review of 2,049 counties where the data was available included the 250 with the highest concentration of food stamp recipients. Among that group, 227 are wholly within one congressional district, with 160 represented by Republicans and 67 by Democrats.


dem bootstrappin counties.
“Just so you’ll know, global warming is a total fraud and it’s being designed because what you’ve got is you’ve got liberals who get elected at the local level want the state government to do the work and let them make the decisions,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., who hilariously serves on the House Science, Space and Technology committee, told constituents last week. “Then, at the state level, they want the federal government to do it. And at the federal government, they want to create global government to control all of our lives. That’s what the game plan is.”​

More here.

I guess. I mean it just shows how marginalized this group has become, which is GREAT! Unfortunately, their way of thinking is still on front street. This picture is AMAZING though


A cockroach shooting a cockroach...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This was pretty amusing too. White people support affirmative action...with a caveat:

The white adults in the survey were also divided into two groups. Half were simply asked to assign the importance they thought various criteria should have in the admissions system of the University of California. The other half received a different prompt, one that noted that Asian Americans make up more than twice as many undergraduates proportionally in the UC system as they do in the population of the state.

When informed of that fact, the white adults favor a reduced role for grade and test scores in admissions -- apparently based on high achievement levels by Asian-American applicants.

The takeaway is amusing, in a sardonic sort of way. The research suggests a lot of white folks are thinking, "College admissions should be based solely on quantitative metrics of academic skill -- unless that puts white students at a competitive disadvantage in the admissions process, in which case, never mind."

The food stamp counties going to Romney smirking is pretty annoying. It's the economy stupid. The simple explanation is that counties that are suffering economically will vote for the other guy. No hypocrisy needed. No reason to live up to the liberal elite stereotype.
EL DORADO HILLS, California — Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) took a strong stand against multiculturalism at a town hall meeting, arguing that immigrants need to shed their culture, become “the American race,” and if they’re unwilling to do so, “reevaluate” whether they want to be in this country in the first place.

Fielding questions about immigration reform, McClintock told the audience on Tuesday evening that he worries current generations of immigrants aren’t assimilating like in the past but instead retaining the culture from their native land. “There’s only one race here, it’s the American race,” he implored to constituents.

McCLINTOCK: Interestingly, that provision for patriotic integration is missing from the Senate legislation. The motto of this country is e pluribus unum, and one of its meanings is “from many nations, one nation, the American nation.” There’s only one race here, it’s the American race. And the only way you accomplish that is through assimilation. That is what our immigration laws are designed to promote, and that is precisely what illegal immigration undermines.

After the event, Emmanuel Perez, a Latino man from nearby Auburn, questioned McClintock directly about what it means to be American. “People bring their cultures and their personalities with them,” which makes this country stronger, Perez argued.

McClintock vehemntly disagreed, accusing proponents of multiculturalism of wanting to “divide America into warring factions separated by culture, by language, by attitude.” If immigrants aren’t willing to shed their past culture, said McClintock, “then perhaps that is nature’s way of telling you that, maybe, you should reevaluate your options.”

ThinkProgress spoke with Perez after the event, who was disappointed in the congressman’s remarks. “We’re not all the same,” Perez said. “I believe in the American dream, but his view isn’t my vision of the American dream.”




The Autumn Wind
The food stamp counties going to Romney smirking is pretty annoying. It's the economy stupid. The simple explanation is that counties that are suffering economically will vote for the other guy. No hypocrisy needed. No reason to live up to the liberal elite stereotype.
I hope you don't honestly believe that. Without even looking at the data I can guarantee almost all of those counties reliably vote Republican.
Anyone can pick up a phone and order troops to secret raids..


While Osama bin Laden was being killed by U.S. Navy SEALS in May 2011, President Barack Obama was playing cards in another part of the White House with four other members of his staff, the president's former personal assistant said on Wednesday.

"It was a very long day," Reggie Love said during an interview at an event sponsored by the nonprofit Artists and Athletes Alliance at the University of California-Los Angeles. "I spent the entire day at the White House.

"Most people were, like, down in the Situation Room and [President Obama] was, like: 'I’m not going to be down there. I can’t watch this entire thing.' We must have played 15 games of spades," Love said.

but it takes a real leader to be able to stomach the repercussions of your actions and watch events unfold


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Anyone can pick up a phone and order troops to secret raids..


but it takes a real leader to be able to stomach the repercussions of your actions and watch events unfold

Lol what?

About 3 hours of the operation was the helicopter flying to and from the compound. There is no reason for the president to, after spending the day conferring with his generals and military staff over the preparations and plans for the operation, sit in the situation room just for a helicopter ride.
I'm on a somewhat sane right-leaning message board that'd focused on electoral politics instead of policy, and the Arizona redistricting drove them fucking nuts. The idea a independent could actually side with the Democrat's made them so ungodly upset they want a new plan where it's 3 R's and 3 D's, but you need the support of at least 2 of each party for any plan to pass. It's hilarious.

Which message board is this? I'd be interested in checking it out.


In the "no shit" moments of the day that are still nice to hear:


SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Supreme Court refused Wednesday to revive Proposition 8, ending the last remaining legal challenge to same-sex marriage in the state.

Meeting in closed session, the state high court rejected arguments by ProtectMarriage, Proposition 8’s sponsors, that only an appellate court could overturn a statewide law.

A federal judge in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional in 2010, and state officials refused to appeal. ProtectMarriage did appeal, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that initiative sponsors have no right to defend their measures in federal court. The decision left in place the ruling by retired Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker.

In its challenge before the state’s highest court, ProtectMarriage argued that a single judge lacked the authority to overturn a state constitutional amendment. The group also contended that Walker’s injunction applied to two counties at most and that state officials had overstepped their authority by ordering county clerks throughout California to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

State officials countered that the challenge was a veiled attempt to persuade a state court to interfere with a federal judge’s order in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Same-sex couples began marrying in California in late June after a federal appeals court lifted a hold on Walker’s injunction. ProtectMarriage went back to the U.S. Supreme Court the following day, arguing the appeals court acted prematurely because the high court’s decision was not even final. The Supreme Court refused to intervene.

Then the group went to the state Supreme Court, asking the justices to halt the marriages immediately while considering the legal arguments. The seven-member court unanimously rejected the request for a “stay” or hold.

A county clerk from San Diego also asked the court to decide whether Proposition 8 remained valid law, but withdrew his request after failing to win support from other counties.

Voters approved Proposition 8 in November 2008, six months after the California Supreme Court decided 4-3 to strike down the state’s ban on gay marriage. The court later upheld the initiative as a valid constitutional amendment but ruled that gay couples who had wed before its passage would remain legally married.

Foreseeing the state court ruling, two same-sex couples filed a lawsuit against Proposition 8 in federal court. That suit produced Walker’s decision and the largely procedural ruling by the Supreme Court three years later.

Polls show that a majority of California voters now support same-sex marriage.

Boom. It's over.

Angry Fork

Happy about DeBlasio's recent upsurge in NY. Will be voting for him as he's the only one that goes head on against Bloomberg and NYPD's policies. Everyone else keeps pulling the reform word out rather than saying end it entirely. The people clinging to Quinn because she's a woman and/or lesbian annoy me, as the other dems are not anti-women or anti-gay and still have better opinions on every other issue.
Happy about DeBlasio's recent upsurge in NY. Will be voting for him as he's the only one that goes head on against Bloomberg and NYPD's policies. Everyone else keeps pulling the reform word out rather than saying end it entirely. The people clinging to Quinn because she's a woman and/or lesbian annoy me, as the other dems are not anti-women or anti-gay and still have better opinions on every other issue.

Plus he doesn't kill children for a living.

Angry Fork

I hold Huey in extremely high regard, and the more I learn about him and the party the more interested I become. It seems much of the reason the party began to crack (besides FBI sabotage) was the difference in ideas between Huey and Eldrige Cleaver, who decided an armed insurrection against police was necessary. And although I think he was morally justified in doing so against such an oppressive state, it was the worst idea for long term legitimate change and widespread protest.

Huey was right to say violence (in the sense of initiating it) alienated much of the black population they otherwise could have recruited (an argument current day leftists use to warn against siding with blac bloc anarchists). But even before the attacks on officers they were labeled as violent simply for legally carrying weapons (which was then made illegal of course). This was done in their own neighborhoods since police were doing the opposite of protecting them, the black panthers simply advocated protecting their own neighborhoods. All they did was hold weapons on the street corner and police didn't dare fuck with them any longer.

And I'm sure you know about cointelpro, J Edgar Hoover using secret police and all the resources of the state to murder peaceful dissidents like Fred Hampton. Widespread surveillance, sabotage, threats/blackmail of anti-war people, anti-capitalist, pro-civil rights, just unbelievably abhorrent stuff. And people act like the current NSA shit is fine, people forget what empires are capable of if it doesn't personally affect them (until it does).

Huey's autobiography is great you should read it if you haven't. Lots of info on how the organization process was started, the ten point program, the free food for kids program, the unbelievable obstacles Huey and comrades had to overcome and so on. Reading about the murder of Bobby Hutton enraged me so much, it's a sad/frustrating book at times but worth it.

Check out the black panther section at marxists.org for some info/links and also this back and forth with William Buckley to see his persona (which was the complete opposite of what's fabricated about him ie that he was some sort of violent uneducated thug.)

I will bet you, for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks when your members of Congress are home, and you look them in the eye and you say, ‘What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?’ They will have zero answer.

Guess who?

Bet you thought it was Obama or Reid


It's a Newt!
He's gotta try and justify his new version of Crossfire somehow, can't have Jon Stewart come on and completely dismantle the show again.

You give too little credit to Newt. Newt is smarter than people realize. I've often said Newt sounds like what a Republican thinks a smart man sounds like but at the same time, he's actually smart.

it's why I maintained he never had any desire to win the GOP nomination but rather use the platform to make more money and stay relevant. He's smart at strategy. Yeah, he overplayed his hand a bit with the gov't shutdown, but there's no denying Newt did a lot of what he wanted to do given the fact that Clinton controlled the Executive.

Newt understands politics much better than these morons running the show now. He understands you can't win elections by saying "we're not them" and then not giving alternatives (remember the contract with America?).

Newt is the most dangerous type of conservative. The kind that understands how to play the game.


Sidhe / PikPok
it's why I maintained he never had any desire to win the GOP nomination but rather use the platform to make more money and stay relevant.

My read was he wanted to win, but (mostly) wasn't willing to compromise or pander to win the nomination if that is what was required. He only wanted to win if he could do it on his own terms, whereas all the other nominees were prepared to do whatever it took.


No Scrubs
You give too little credit to Newt. Newt is smarter than people realize. I've often said Newt sounds like what a Republican thinks a smart man sounds like but at the same time, he's actually smart.

it's why I maintained he never had any desire to win the GOP nomination but rather use the platform to make more money and stay relevant. He's smart at strategy. Yeah, he overplayed his hand a bit with the gov't shutdown, but there's no denying Newt did a lot of what he wanted to do given the fact that Clinton controlled the Executive.

Newt understands politics much better than these morons running the show now. He understands you can't win elections by saying "we're not them" and then not giving alternatives (remember the contract with America?).

Newt is the most dangerous type of conservative. The kind that understands how to play the game.

Oh I agree. At the same time he's an opportunist and none of us should forget that fact. If he thought that toeing the party line would make him some money and benefit him he would do it. I think he knows full well that if he wants this show to succeed that he needs to appear more reasonable than he did during the primary. After all how can you have a show like Crossfire if one of the hosts is an ideologue. My point was that he's still playing the game, even by appearing reasonable.

My read was he wanted to win, but (mostly) wasn't willing to compromise or pander to win the nomination if that is what was required. He only wanted to win if he could do it on his own terms, whereas all the other nominees were prepared to do whatever it took.

This I think is giving him too much credit. He pandered plenty, he just got knocked out before the real fight happened and he needed to go full retard. My read on Gingrich is he's an opportunist. He'd have done it if he needed to, but got knocked out well before that happened.
My read was he wanted to win, but (mostly) wasn't willing to compromise or pander to win the nomination if that is what was required. He only wanted to win if he could do it on his own terms, whereas all the other nominees were prepared to do whatever it took.

No, he just wanted to sell books. He has zero desire to be President.

B-Dubs is right, he's an opportunist. For money.


Sidhe / PikPok
This I think is giving him too much credit. He pandered plenty, he just got knocked out before the real fight happened and he needed to go full retard. My read on Gingrich is he's an opportunist. He'd have done it if he needed to, but got knocked out well before that happened.

Fair enough. I don't have a strong recollection of those primaries any more.

I agree he was a lot sharper than the other candidates though. Though some of them being morons made it easy for him.
I forgot how hilarious Newt was in the primaries.

Dude was a master. Takes a question about his ex-wife and goes off on the media and how everyone in the room has felt "pain" in such a forceful manner until John King feels too stupid to go on. Fucking :lol


No Scrubs
I forgot how hilarious Newt was in the primaries.

Dude was a master. Takes a question about his ex-wife and goes off on the media and how everyone in the room has felt "pain" in such a forceful manner until John King feels too stupid to go on. Fucking :lol

He was amazing. Odious to be sure, but he was good at it.

Always good for a laugh. His moon colony killed me, I couldn't be serious for days.

Out of the 2012 candidates, I think only Romney, Santorum, Rick Perry and Bachmann had any real desire to be president and even the latter could go either way.



Obsidian fan
I like the Black Panthers, obvs. I especially think what they had to say about the Black Lumpen (and the Lumpen in general) was important, as they're often dismissed or even seen as opponents by traditional, White middleclass Marxists. Indeed, when I read it it actually changed the way I viewed the unrest we had here 2 years ago.

I think Leftist groups (especially in the US) need to try and tap back into minority communities and hopefully try and spread some of that sweet sweet class consciousness. Fertile ground, IMO.
Core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) data in today's GDP release showed that inflation fell to 0.8% in the second quarter of 2013 from an upward-revised 1.4% in the first quarter.

The lowest level on record for Core PCE inflation is 0.7%. That was in the first quarter of 2009, in the fallout of the financial crisis and the ensuing recession. Core PCE also touched 0.7% twice in the early 1960s, which is about as far back as the data go.

Core PCE also hit 0.8% in the fourth quarter of 2010, but rebounded after that to 2.3% in the second quarter of 2011. Since then, it's been trending down.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/core...second-lowest-level-ever-2013-7#ixzz2bzywN57M


Isn't inflation that low bad? Can't it be a sign of a weak economy: nobody can raise price because nobody has money, wages aren't going up, real interests rates are higher (I remember something in econ about inflation being good for debt because in real terms your paying less, the loan holder is losing money and you, the debtor, are relatively gaining) among other things.
Isn't inflation that low bad? Can't it be a sign of a weak economy: nobody can raise price because nobody has money, wages aren't going up, real interests rates are higher (I remember something in econ about inflation being good for debt because in real terms your paying less, the loan holder is losing money and you, the debtor, are relatively gaining) among other things.



Unconfirmed Member
I have to say it was kind of nice of Gingrich to suggest to have a scientific goal. It's hard to find any politicians with any scientific goal. It wasn't even that bad of a goal either. It'd basically be an exercise in self sufficiency in 100% unlivable environments. It's not hard to imagine how what we learn with that could help both immediately here on earth and as another step towards further space exploration.

It's so sad to me that everyone decided to treat the idea like a joke, when there was plenty of other things about Gingrich to joke about.


No Scrubs
I have to say it was kind of nice of Gingrich to suggest to have a scientific goal. It's hard to find any politicians with any scientific goal. It wasn't even that bad of a goal either. It'd basically be an exercise in self sufficiency in 100% unlivable environments. It's not hard to imagine how what we learn with that could help both immediately here on earth and as another step towards further space exploration.

It's so sad to me that everyone decided to treat the idea like a joke, when there was plenty of other things about Gingrich to joke about.

Well in all honesty it wasn't a serious suggestion, it was the sort of thing you come up with when you need the press. I'll be the first to admit it'd be cool though.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says there's no "objective evidence" of racial discrimination in elections.

"The interesting thing about voting patterns now is in this last election African-Americans voted at a higher percentage than whites in almost every one of the states that were under the special provisions of the federal government," Paul said Wednesday according toWFPL's Phillip Bailey. "So really, I don't think there is objective evidence that we're precluding African-Americans from voting any longer."


Hey, Rand, maybe they voter higher because special provisions stopped racial discrimination, eh!?

herp derp?
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