Wow, that works on so many levels.
Only a third drop is insanely good. Most lose 50% or more. Fox News continues to distort facts and poison people's minds anywhere they can.Wouldn't most execs give their left nut for those kinds of numbers?
Guess we can't have anything bad about Saint Reagan.
Only an 8 million dollar decline in the second week is actually pretty good for a theatrical release. Not that Fox would have much business know-how about the film industry seeing as how they took a huge loss on that Vince Vaughn turd The Internship which drove their profits down.
You can do this too Pennsylvania.
Devil's Advocate: But what if the strikes are limited to sites where the chemicals are? Why should we let Syria get away with killing a bunch of kids?Great news. More GOP controlled states accepted the expansion than I expected after the SCOTUS ruling. The budgetary benefits for the state are significant, let alone the moral reasons to extend coverage.
Obama, between Summers (ug) and Syria (ack) is about to make two huge mistakes. Very disappointed.
Regardless of what the strikes target, and whether any of us feels its a good idea, had they not been killing kids already?Devil's Advocate: But what if the strikes are limited to sites where the chemicals are? Why should we let Syria get away with killing a bunch of kids?
Regardless of what the strikes target, and whether any of us feels its a good idea, had they not been killing kids already?
It's baffling to me that there are different reactions based not on whether they were murderred, but how.
A chemical weapon is much more indiscriminate in it's killing power than a rocket or gun fire. Some weapons should not be allowed out of their bottles and chemical weapons are one of them.
I fail to see how killing hundreds is a red line after 100,000 people were killed. The same people could have been killed via shelling of conventional munitions and we'd do nothing. Yes, chemical weapons are more indiscriminate. But that word also applies to the casualties that came before.
This is specifically about chemical weapons though not the killing of childrens or citizens.
Well Michigan did vote for the Obama of Obamacare fame 54%-45%, so it would look incredibly bad for them to fight against it. I'm still surprised GOP controls anything in Michigan. I don't know how they allowed Republicans to take power of the ability to gerrymander, but I guess 2010 was crazy for everyone.
Oh no.
Looks like de Blasio is going to cruise to victory
Looks like de Blasio is going to cruise to victory
Oh no.
Fox News is a false flag operation, Roger Ailes an undercover Democrat.That cannot be real or Fox has been infiltrated by The Onion ( which would explain the past few years).
Obama discussing black on black violence, parents not raising their children...guess Fox will ignore that and focus on the MLK-esque income inequality bits.
Summers isn't going to be Fed Chair. It always seems to be one person pushing for him to get the job, not the President. In today's media, all you need is one paper willing to run a story based on "someone affiliated with the Obama administration" and suddenly articles spring up everywhere.
Class remains a huge problem as it intertwines with race, even if it's a dirty word among conservatives.Obama discussing black on black violence, parents not raising their children...guess Fox will ignore that and focus on the MLK-esque income inequality bits.
Well Michigan did vote for the Obama of Obamacare fame 54%-45%, so it would look incredibly bad for them to fight against it. I'm still surprised GOP controls anything in Michigan. I don't know how they allowed Republicans to take power of the ability to gerrymander, but I guess 2010 was crazy for everyone.
I think people drastically underestimate the amount of Tea Party districts in Michigan. It's insane. Almost the entire northern half of the lower peninsula, along with most of the upper peninsula.
Are districts in MI based on population?
Obama discussing black on black violence, parents not raising their children...guess Fox will ignore that and focus on the MLK-esque income inequality bits.
Oh no.
http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/po..._08/conservative_jobs_plan_in_a_nu046630.php?Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is making no excuses for unemployed Americans, urging them to get off their butts and start working, and criticizing the unemployed for failing to contribute to the standard of living.
Speaking to a group of conservatives in Charleston, S.C., on Monday evening, the Iowa Congressman said that it wasn’t the economy that was sluggish, but the 100 million non-working Americans giving up jobs to “unskilled” illegal immigrants….
“We borrow money from China to pay people not to work and we say we’re going to grow our GDP because we have sympathy for people that are in this country illegally,” he said.
King equated America to a family, comparing the amount of non-working Americans to children refusing to do their chores.
“Now what kind of a family — if you had six kids and a third of those kids would say ‘I’m not doing the chores, Mom,’” King said. “…pretty soon those kids would be on the ‘you get to eat after you do the work.’”
Right, and my point is, why? If it's not about who were killed by them, how is it logical to initiate military strikes when they are used and not when other weapons are used to kill the same people?
My view is intervention in conflicts like this should be about the lives that are being lost. But that's not the priorities of the administration; they're not making that case. It's just, using weapon X to kill a hundred thousand people means we'll do nothing. Using weapon Y to kill a few hundred means we'll start bombing. It's very strange.
David Marsters, 68, who is running for selectman, says he told Secret Service agents who questioned him Tuesday that he was not threatening the president when he posted the message at 8:17 p.m. Friday. It appeared above a picture of Obama and a link to a story about how some Republican lawmakers think the president deserves to be impeached. The message said, "Shoot the ..." and included a racial slur. "I think it's a lot of hogwash," Marsters said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "I did not threaten the president. ... I might have used the wrong words. ... I didn't say I was going to do it."
He said his post was taken out of context."What I really meant to say is, 'When are we going to get rid of this (expletive),'" he said. "I should have said, 'I hope the bastard dies.'"
"We borrow money from china"
Lovely. Please someone with knowledge of how economics works tear this guy apart.
Just gonna drop this here:
But don't worry. The dude has an explanation:
There's more: http://bangordailynews.com/2013/08/...s-shoot-posting-wasnt-a-threat-against-obama/But don't worry. The dude has an explanation:
He said his comments would have been no different had the president been Mitt Romney. I would say, Shoot the n*****, because white people are n******, too. He said where he comes from (Massachusetts) black people call white people by the same slur.
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who helped sell Congress and the American people on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan under former President George W. Bush, believes the Obama administration has failed to justify any potential military intervention in Syria.
One thing that is very interesting, it seems to me, is that there really hasnt been any indication from the administration as to what our national interest is with respect to this particular situation, Rumsfeld said in an interview with Fox Newss Neil Cavuto scheduled to air later Wednesday, as quoted by The Hill.
White House press secretary Jay Carney pressed the administration's argument earlier this week, telling reporters that failing to respond to a reported chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime in Syria would pose a "significant" threat to U.S. national security.
Rumsfeld made news in June when he told a conservative gathering that he was unsure if President Barack Obama had switched sides in the War on Terror.
"You know, I just don't feel competent to answer," he told a questioner. "I can't tell."
And here I thought that story couldn't get any worse. Goddamn it world...
I always get a kick out of my friends who lean right when they talk about China basically owning American because we have so much debt with them.
They hold less than 10% of our debt. They just own the majority of our foreign debt, but that's still not the huge portion the GOP would have it's constituents believe. China is a like a big scary word for these people.
That, and what we promised to pay them--US dollars--is something we create by entering numbers on a computer. Joke's on them.