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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I was hoping you'd give me something cause I haven't gotten an Obama gift in the mail for quite some time. :(



No Scrubs
One day, comrade, one day.

Not to sound like a proponent of Kautskyism, but its revival here as a day to demonstrate for workers who are undocumented is at least a step in the right direction.

The paper I interned at a few years ago (a small weekly) does a profile on important figures in the labor movements of the past every year. They're always fascinating reads. If it weren't behind a pay wall I'd post this year's. Not everyone has forgotten, but May Day should be much much bigger than it is.
If Colbert wins what?

Oh, this special election thing? Dunno, haven't paid the slightest amount of attention to it. Thought you were talking about Stephen Colbert or something.
If Colbert wins the "How many sisters do you have in Congress" contest.


If Mark Sanford wins, it will just go to show the power of redemption in American politics. Make the right appeals to Jesus’s forgiveness, state how we are all humans who make mistakes, and a certain section of the electorate will forgive you. It’s curious how righteous indignation is only left for the other team, though.

The only thing Sandford has going for him in his case was that his path along the Appalachian trail led to an actual relationship, and not a typical sordid affair. The fact that it was love and not lust that drove him probably makes it easier to forgive in some people’s eyes.
If Mark Sanford wins, it will just go to show the power of redemption in American politics. Make the right appeals to Jesus’s forgiveness, state how we are all humans who make mistakes, and a certain section of the electorate will forgive you. It’s curious how righteous indignation is only left for the other team, though.

The only thing Sandford has going for him in his case was that his path along the Appalachian trail led to an actual relationship, and not a typical sordid affair. The fact that it was love and not lust that drove him probably makes it easier to forgive in some people’s eyes.

These are Republicans we're talking about.


The paper I interned at a few years ago (a small weekly) does a profile on important figures in the labor movements of the past every year. They're always fascinating reads. If it weren't behind a pay wall I'd post this year's. Not everyone has forgotten, but May Day should be much much bigger than it is.

It's a rich history with a spectrum of personalities but most of it is inconvenient to discuss so it isn't.
Smaller sections will go for Sanford and will come in first. I'd bet my left nut this tightens up in the remaining 50% or so that hasn't come back.

EDIT: The margin is 8k votes or so and still 46% remaining. It'll be close.

About 5-10 minutes ago the race was between 1-2% and Colbert-Busch was winning both Charleston County and Dorchester County (now losing both, although the former only very slightly), so it's going in the opposite trend of what you're saying

I do think it'll tighten up though simply because of Charleston, not sure to what degree it will though

Edit: Maybe not, 71% reporting and results still the same


It shows people will vote along party lines no matter how shitty the candidate is.

These are Republicans we're talking about.

Tough crowd.

I agree with you though. The hypocrisy can only come from one side on this issue, by definition (i.e. from the 'family values' party). I was just pointing out that if a candidate wraps himself in the cloak of redemption, it can work with a certain group of people. And those people are Republicans.

Democrats have no tolerance for this however. If you screw up like Spitzer and Weiner, then you have to get out for good. Clinton is probably the one exception.

It will be interesting to see how NY reacts to Weiner's (possible) mayoral run.


No Scrubs
About 5-10 minutes ago the race was between 1-2% and Colbert-Busch was winning both Charleston County and Dorchester County (now losing both, although the former only very slightly), so it's going in the opposite trend of what you're saying

I do think it'll tighten up though simply because of Charleston, not sure to what degree it will though

I wasn't wrong about the smaller sections coming in first and going for Sanford, the two ones you mentioned seem to be the bigger ones. You just misunderstood what I meant by smaller sections. I could very likely be wrong about it tightening up though.

Tough crowd.

I agree with you though. The hypocrisy can only come from one side on this issue, by definition (i.e. from the 'family values' party). I was just pointing out that if a candidate wraps himself in the cloak of redemption, it can work with a certain group of people. And those people are Republicans.

Democrats have no tolerance for this however. If you screw up like Spitzer and Weiner, then you have to get out for good. Clinton is probably the one exception.

It will be interesting to see how NY reacts to Weiner's (possible) mayoral run.

If Sanford wins here I think it's fair to say Weiner's got a shot in NYC.

EDIT: Fucking SC, they called it. :(
This is what happens when the Democrats nationalize a race in a district where the national Democratic Party is unpopular

Maybe a little Bradley effect in the polls from conservatives embarrassed to admit they're voting for Sanford, too (well not necessarily Bradley effect because both candidates are white but similar idea in that people don't find it socially desirable to be voting for a man who had an affair while governor)


No Scrubs
This is what happens when the Democrats nationalize a race in a district where the national Democratic Party is unpopular

Maybe a little Bradley effect in the polls from conservatives embarrassed to admit they're voting for Sanford, too

Probably the latter. Just looking at how the district has swung in recent years tells the story, if this had been 2008 she may have been able to do it. Not 2013, not now.

I can't believe he won though, the guy secretly left the state to go cheat on his wife in Brazil, didn't tell anyone, denied it until they had him dead to rights and finally admitted it. Family values my ass.

That's great news!

If Weiner doesn't actually make it through the primary process after this I will scream.
Probably the latter. Just looking at how the district has swung in recent years tells the story, if this had been 2008 she may have been able to do it. Not 2013, not now.

I can't believe he won though, the guy secretly left the state to go cheat on his wife in Brazil, didn't tell anyone, denied it until they had him dead to rights and finally admitted it. Family values my ass.

The family values part isn't even the big deal IMO, Sanford used government funds to pursue his affair. Fiscal responsibility my ass, too.

So it's officially been called? Politico reports that with 75% of the vote in, Sanford has a 10K lead.

If Mark Sanford wins, it will just go to show the power of redemption in American politics. Make the right appeals to Jesus’s forgiveness, state how we are all humans who make mistakes, and a certain section of the electorate will forgive you. It’s curious how righteous indignation is only left for the other team, though.

The only thing Sandford has going for him in his case was that his path along the Appalachian trail led to an actual relationship, and not a typical sordid affair. The fact that it was love and not lust that drove him probably makes it easier to forgive in some people’s eyes.
Vitter was just Sex.


No Scrubs
The family values part isn't even the big deal IMO, Sanford used government funds to pursue his affair. Fiscal responsibility my ass, too.


Can't believe I forgot that part. If at any point he starts going on about family values or fiscal responsibility I will punch a wall. I never expected Colbert-Busch to win, but I honestly thought that it would be a lot closer than it was.

If nothing else this makes me wonder how Weiner is going to do in the mayoral race. Will NYC turn out to be harder on people making these sort of mistakes than Charleston?
Ugggh. Lame. Gives the GOP something to crow about, even though they had to fight tooth and nail to win a seat Romney won by 18 points.

I hope this gets Democrats to put up decent candidates in every district, no matter how red they are. Obviously we can't get Elizabeth Colbert-Busch to run in every Republican district, but you never know how a race will develop.
Tough crowd.

I agree with you though. The hypocrisy can only come from one side on this issue, by definition (i.e. from the 'family values' party). I was just pointing out that if a candidate wraps himself in the cloak of redemption, it can work with a certain group of people. And those people are Republicans.

Democrats have no tolerance for this however. If you screw up like Spitzer and Weiner, then you have to get out for good. Clinton is probably the one exception.

It will be interesting to see how NY reacts to Weiner's (possible) mayoral run.

I'd prefer it if Democrats did have tolerance for it, given that there isn't hypocrisy involved. Weiner never should have been abandoned by Democrats unless it was for his foreign policy views (which frankly do deserve it).
Something tells me they won't be bragging about this.
I've heard a lot of pundits spin it as bad news for Democrats if they couldn't win this district, or even if they won it by an unconvincing margin. Context, what is that

Not like it wouldn't have been anything more than a rental anyway.
Something tells me they won't be bragging about this.

go on twitter.

and weiners problems were the fact that there are photos in the public hands and you have the whole wolf blitzer interview


Maybe in New York but that's deadly anywhere else. To be fair Larry_Craig hasn't had a comeback.


I'd prefer it if Democrats did have tolerance for it, given that there isn't hypocrisy involved. Weiner never should have been abandoned by Democrats unless it was for his foreign policy views (which frankly do deserve it).

I agree with you. Democrats have lost good people due to scandal. Imagine how forceful a person like Spitzer would be if he was still on the case of the big banks. And I don't agree with Weiner on everything, but he definitely was a liberal attack dog who could espouse liberal idea effectively.

go on twitter.

I took your advice. Oh god. People can rationalise away anything.
I agree with you. Democrats have lost good people due to scandal. Imagine how forceful a person like Spitzer would be if he was still on the case of the big banks. And I don't agree with Weiner on everything, but he definitely was a liberal attack dog who could espouse liberal idea effectively.

Both of those people can't work nationally though. The north eastern arrogant attitude is HATED outside of the north and by people who agree with them politically.

Spitzer should stay in law and out of politics though. he's antagonistic to way too many people for nothing but his ego.

I took your advice. Oh god. People can rationalise away anything.

"now liberals care about family values, what about gosnell, hahaha"

Everything is either or with conservatives. There needs to be studies done on how they think and if their world view is more black or white than liberals. There is no nuance in their statments
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