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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Benghazi is Watergate+Iran-Contra x 10.

Man, even I underestimated GOP tomfoolery. I thought Benghazi would be long gone by this time. I mean, it's May 2013...

And I don't understand what the so-called whistleblowers are bringing to light. This is all so sad.


The Five.

They always deliver.
Fox's Bolling: Had It Been Sasha Or Malia Obama Who Died In Benghazi, Wouldn't We "Be Asking Different Questions?"

You fuckwits would be like, why are we paying for the President's kids travel expenses?

I guess one of those questions would be: what the fuck are the President's daughters doing in Benghazi?

FOX are the undisputed heavyweight champions of the world in manufacturing controversy. The purposely do this to rile up their audience and keep people watching (including those from the left looking to be outraged).

And I don't understand what the so-called whistleblowers are bringing to light. This is all so sad.

To be fair, one of them has accused the administration of demoting him in the State Department and blocking him from speaking to investigators. If that's true, that's serious.

But as I said on the previous page, I find it difficult to muster any sympathy with the GOP on this matter. They're poisoned the well long ago.
I guess one of those questions would be: what the fuck are the President's daughters doing in Benghazi?

FOX are the undisputed heavyweight champions of the world in manufacturing controversy. The purposely do this to rile up their audience and keep people watching (including those from the left looking to be outraged).

To be fair, one of them has accused the administration of demoting him in the State Department and blocking him from speaking to investigators. If that's true, that's serious.

But as I said on the previous page, I find it difficult to muster any sympathy with the GOP on this matter. They're poisoned the well long ago.

Uh, isn't that obvious? They're aiding Al Queda by giving them our nuclear codes.


No Scrubs
I guess one of those questions would be: what the fuck are the President's daughters doing in Benghazi?

FOX are the undisputed heavyweight champions of the world in manufacturing controversy. The purposely do this to rile up their audience and keep people watching (including those from the left looking to be outraged).

To be fair, one of them has accused the administration of demoting him in the State Department and blocking him from speaking to investigators. If that's true, that's serious.

But as I said on the previous page, I find it difficult to muster any sympathy with the GOP on this matter. They're poisoned the well long ago.

I seriously doubt that it is. If it were true the guy would have tried to come forward months ago. Maybe he's been offered a job if he testifies, or is just after some fame. If it is true that'd be fucked up though.


Such a self absorbed generation, then they wonder why their kids are the way they are

Well as I said, I'm not much of one for generational politics--in fact I usually find them to be a thin smokescreen for simple bigotry--but material conditions as they were in the youth and early adulthood of the Boomers, their work output is objectively nothing special. (Unless by "work ethic" they mean, "given the material abundance and extraordinary opportunities available to us, we continued to march on.") And then of course it's simply laughable when you compare it to those of say, Industrial Revolution Americans.
to be fair to the boomers, they have such an intense work ethic that it is totally fair for them to collect their social security checks and medicare, and they totally deserved to go to well funded public schools growing up. they earned it. our generation can get fucked though, we are lazy so it's cut cut cut for us.
to be fair to the boomers, they have such an intense work ethic that it is totally fair for them to collect their social security checks and medicare, and they totally deserved to go to well funded public schools growing up. they earned it. our generation can get fucked though, we are lazy so it's cut cut cut for us.
This is such a generalized statement. Notsureifserious
Someone obviously saw how bad an idea that was after Obama slammed Romney in the second debate on Libya. If he hadn't I guarantee they would have run with it.

Honestly, that debate pretty much saved the Obama admin. on Benghazi.

1)The moderator stepped in.
2) AND the Audience clapped.

In the eyes of the mainstream America, the event was tragic, but in no way the Obama's admins fault after seeing that.

They lost the debate six months ago before Obama was even guaranteed a second term.


Texas, lol

WEST, Tex. — Five days after an explosion at a fertilizer plant leveled a wide swath of this town, Gov. Rick Perry tried to woo Illinois business officials by trumpeting his state’s low taxes and limited regulations. Asked about the disaster, Mr. Perry responded that more government intervention and increased spending on safety inspections would not have prevented what has become one of the nation’s worst industrial accidents in decades.


Even in West, last month’s devastating blast did little to shake local skepticism of government regulations. Tommy Muska, the mayor, echoed Governor Perry in the view that tougher zoning or fire safety rules would not have saved his town. “Monday morning quarterbacking,” he said.

Raymond J. Snokhous, a retired lawyer in West who lost two cousins — brothers who were volunteer firefighters — in the explosion, said, “There has been nobody saying anything about more regulations.”


Texas has always prided itself on its free-market posture. It is the only state that does not require companies to contribute to workers’ compensation coverage. It boasts the largest city in the country, Houston, with no zoning laws. It does not have a state fire code, and it prohibits smaller counties from having such codes. Some Texas counties even cite the lack of local fire codes as a reason for companies to move there.

But Texas has also had the nation’s highest number of workplace fatalities — more than 400 annually — for much of the past decade. Fires and explosions at Texas’ more than 1,300 chemical and industrial plants have cost as much in property damage as those in all the other states combined for the five years ending in May 2012. Compared with Illinois, which has the nation’s second-largest number of high-risk sites, more than 950, but tighter fire and safety rules, Texas had more than three times the number of accidents, four times the number of injuries and deaths, and 300 times the property damage costs.

the whole article is just one big fail.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know, despite the economy not being so hot, if Obama continues with the current pace of jobs growth, he'll be on track to create even more private sector jobs than Ray-gun by the end of his term.

Is somewhat of a long shot but would love to see the mass suicides if that happened.



Wonder how great Texas' employment rate would be without all those government jobs...
Honestly, that debate pretty much saved the Obama admin. on Benghazi.

1)The moderator stepped in.
2) AND the Audience clapped.

In the eyes of the mainstream America, the event was tragic, but in no way the Obama's admins fault after seeing that.

They lost the debate six months ago before Obama was even guaranteed a second term.

You are probably right, but the Obama administration did try to do a quick cover up for one reason or another. It reminds me of the stories of Bin Laden using his wife as a human shield or all the disinformation the White House leaked about that raid. I think these guys are just used to lying and playing the news cycle.
Is somewhat of a long shot but would love to see the mass suicides if that happened.
There won't be mass suicides. This is a multiple choice spin:

a) Bush laid the foundation for the recovery and Obama's policies actually hindered economic growth than if there were a Republican president.

b) Romney/McCain/Hillary would have done a better job. (If Hillary runs in 2016, forget that last one)

c) Obama cooked the books to make himself look better.



This was just posted on Sam Seder's "The Majority Report" YouTube channel:

"Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone joins us to discuss his latest piece, Everything is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever [link]. In the interview we discuss, how there is no secret conspiracy because all these scandals are out in the open, how the ones making the rules are the ones breaking the rules, and Eric Holder's doctrine of collateral consequence means the elite have no accountability while the rest of us are of little consequence."

[One, Two, Three, Four]
~45 minutes total


The Autumn Wind
You're surprised Republicans omit Iraq when it comes to embassy attacks? After they've all decided to omit 9/11 as a terrorist attack?

Mike M

Nick N
Can a Randian explain to me why the Free market is not fixing this problem in Texas??

What problem?

If there was any demand for safe workplace environments, these companies wouldn't be able to hire employees or sell their product. These people know the risk when they take a job there, if they don't like the terms they're free to look elsewhere.

Market's working just fine.



Texas, lol

the whole article is just one big fail.

I liked this part
Walter T. Price IV, a Republican state representative from Amarillo, sponsored a bill to give smaller rural counties the option to impose fire codes. Though it is a straightforward bill, Mr. Price said, he has already heard complaints from business owners that such requirements could be financially burdensome

Every single fucking time. Raise minimum wage, health care, institute necessary codes to save lives? It will hurt mah business! Think of the poor businesses!(who cares about the actual people)

If your business is a fucking death trap, it doesnt deserve to be in business. Christ...


Can a Randian explain to me why the Free market is not fixing this problem in Texas??

A fire code would have required frequent inspections by fire marshals who might have prohibited the plant’s owner from storing the fertilizer just hundreds of feet from a school, a hospital, a railroad and other public buildings, they say.​

There is your problem, leave the fertilizer plant alone!


aka andydumi
Well, considering how incredibly masturbatory and poorly written that original article is, it really does deserve to be ripped to shreds.

I can just picture some editor reading the first draft, nodding approvingly about how lazy the youngest generation is, then telling his unpaid college intern to fetch him another coffee, sort through his e-mail, do the initial proofreading, check the sources in the article and get it back on his desk in an hour and a half even though it's supposed to be said intern's lunchbreak while the editor catches up on his stock portfolio.

(no I'm not bitter at all)

Heh, my two friends worked at Time for several years, and this is not far off the truth.

Do people on the right think Americans care about Benghazi or are they frustrated that Americans don't care about Benghazi?

Frustrated. They try to make it a big deal because there's little else going on right now.

I honestly think other news organizations are afraid of Fox and don't ever want to call them out on their shit. Fox knows they have free reign.

Others just don't care anymore.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode

Bill O' says that we can't compare the embassy attacks under Bush with Benghazibenghazibenghazi cause those "happened in Iraq during the war".

The hell?

If you discount all of the US foreign service attacks that DID happen in Iraq during that time, there were still 13 attacks which took place outside of Iraq.

1 in India
3 in Pakistan
1 in Indonesia
2 in Saudi Arabia
1 in Uzbekistan
1 in Syria
1 in Greece
1 in Syria
2 in Yemen
1 in Turkey
If your business is a fucking death trap, it doesnt deserve to be in business. Christ...
I will never understand how people will side with businesses that:

1. Cannot provide a safe working environment
2. Cannot provide their employees with a livable wage
3. Cannot provide their employees health insurance they can afford
4. Blow up and endanger the public


No Scrubs
I will never understand how people will side with businesses that:

1. Cannot provide a safe working environment
2. Cannot provide their employees with a livable wage
3. Cannot provide their employees health insurance they can afford
4. Blow up and endanger the public

It could happen to anyone! I mean haven't your fertilizer plants blown up in the middle of a residential area before?


bitch I'm taking calls.
to be fair to the boomers, they have such an intense work ethic that it is totally fair for them to collect their social security checks and medicare, and they totally deserved to go to well funded public schools growing up. they earned it. our generation can get fucked though, we are lazy so it's cut cut cut for us.
I laughed, but am also tempted to paste this into my Facebook as a test...


I will never understand how people will side with businesses that:

1. Cannot provide a safe working environment
2. Cannot provide their employees with a livable wage
3. Cannot provide their employees health insurance they can afford
4. Blow up and endanger the public
It's not even "siding with business".

Work safety is a classic case of a market failure - business want to reduce its risk long term, but that cost money, and if your competitor doesn't do it, he can undercut your prices.
Work safety laws level the playing field, they allow businesses to compete on making a better product and enable them to work on reducing potentially costly accidents without worrying about the impact on their bottom line.

Capitalists used to understand that, and that's one of the (oh so many) reasons why Ayn Rand was a joke even in conservative circles, but then the GOP went full retard.
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