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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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What a surprise.
Politics of opposition. All the GOP really runs on anymore is being against Democrats.

But its so spiteful and has no ideas. Its vapid and angry. I don't understand it. Reagan as much as I disagree with him lead a party that had a competing vision, this is just a party of "fuck you" for no reason.


What a surprise.

Seriously? what music came out of the 50s besides elvis, the earliest rock and roll (which is only in the last half of the decade)?
You know, despite the economy not being so hot, if Obama continues with the current pace of jobs growth, he'll be on track to create even more private sector jobs than Ray-gun by the end of his term.

Is somewhat of a long shot but would love to see the mass suicides if that happened.



Wonder how great Texas' employment rate would be without all those government jobs...

Texas Democratic Party posted this in response

You know, despite the economy not being so hot, if Obama continues with the current pace of jobs growth, he'll be on track to create even more private sector jobs than Ray-gun by the end of his term.

Is somewhat of a long shot but would love to see the mass suicides if that happened.

That should have been easily accomplished. He took over near the trough of the biggest recession since the Great Depression. Employment had no where else to go but up, and fast. The amazing thing is not that job creation under the Obama Admin is near Reagan's, it's that it isn't well past it. It's a spectacular failure (for the US government as a whole).
But its so spiteful and has no ideas. Its vapid and angry. I don't understand it. Reagan as much as I disagree with him lead a party that had a competing vision, this is just a party of "fuck you" for no reason.

Seriously? what music came out of the 50s besides elvis, the earliest rock and roll (which is only in the last half of the decade)?

Old School Country.
Old School Country.

figures. though some of the material in those songs was a lot deeper and meaningful than "guns and pickups" of todays country.


Day two of PPP’s music-centric poll finds a partisan divide in the favorability ratings of many of the biggest music stars of the past several decades. Voters overall have extremely favorable reviews of Elvis Presley (73-14), The Beatles (76-15), The Rolling Stones (61-26) and the Beach Boys (74-16). They’re split on Michael Jackson who holds a 48-44 favorability rating. Kurt Cobain is viewed favorably by just 25% while 44% say they have an unfavorable opinion of the late grunge icon. And a majority of voters view Madonna unfavorably (36-51). When asked who is their favorite Beatle, 41% of voters choose Paul McCartney, 29% say John Lennon, 12% pick Ringo Starr and 11% go for George Harrison. Most voters (30%) chose Lennon and McCartney when asked who they thought was the best songwriting partnership of all time.

There’s a partisan divide for many of these ratings, however. There’s a massive 54-point party divide on Michael Jackson – Democrats have a favorable view of him at 59-30, Republicans are flipped and view him unfavorably by a 34-59 margin. The same with Madonna – Democrats narrowly view her favorably (43-41) while Republicans strongly dislike her (21-68). The party disagreements even extend to Favorite Beatle – Democrats choose John over Paul (39-36) while Republicans strongly prefer Paul over John (49-15) – it seems Republicans still haven’t forgiven Lennon for his strong political activism. Overall, Democrats (84-10) like The Beatles more than Republicans (66-24).

When asked what they thought was the best decade for music, Republicans chose the 1950s as their favorite decade and Democrats the 1960s. Overall, fully 75% of voters said the best decade of music was either the 50s, 60s or 70s.

Just 14% of voters admit they have illegally downloaded music from the internet, while 86% claim to have not.

We also asked voters which of the following musicians who've passed away would like to have back the most among Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, John
Lennon, Freddie Mercury, Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley. Hendrix received the most votes with 21%, with Whitney Houston at 17% followed by Elvis with 16%, John Lennon at 14%, Michael Jackson at 11%, Freddie Mercury at 8%, and Cobain, Joplin and Morrison in single digits. Here too though there was another party divide - Democrats most often chose Whitney Houston (25%) while Republicans want Elvis (30%). Most young voters (27%) picked Cobain.

Democrats have better taste in music confirmed.
Obama's Chicago thugs are at it again. First Gallup, now legitimate tea party groups. Who's next?

The Internal Revenue Service on Friday said that it inappropriately selected tea party political groups for special scrutiny in the 2012 campaign, an admission likely to fuel long-simmering suspicions among conservatives that the IRS has been singling them out for unfair treatment.

The IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, Lois Lerner, acknowledged at a conference on Friday the actions were wrong and apologized, according to the Associated Press. Lerner said groups with the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status faced additional screening.

Jay Sekulow, a conservative lawyer representing 16 tea party groups, told the New York Times in March 2012: “This is obviously a coordinated effort by the I.R.S. to stifle these Tea Party and Tea Party-affiliated groups, and to stifle free speech activities.” He added that the tactic was “as onerous as what they did to the N.A.A.C.P. in the 1950s.”



Your Daily:


Official talking points about an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya were edited by the state department to remove references to terrorism, a US television network has reported.

The revelation by ABC News contradicts earlier White House comments that the memo was mostly developed by the CIA.

Four Americans, including the US envoy, died in the raid on 11 September 2012.

Republicans suggest the Obama administration wanted to downplay terrorism ahead of the November vote.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens died of smoke inhalation when he was trapped in the burning consulate building, after armed men stormed the compound.

State department employee Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty also died in the attack.

The controversy stems in large part from an appearance on Sunday chat shows soon after the attacks by US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, who said the attack had grown out of an anti-US protest.

Other officials have said they knew at the time it was an organised, armed assault, possibly by an Islamist militant group.

Might as well include dat Fox News Spin (TM)


Can a Randian explain to me why the Free market is not fixing this problem in Texas??
It's a feature not a bug. The cost to businesses is minimal. Between not contributing to workers comp and payment caps on lawsuits, it's more profitable to pay off the grieving families than have actual safety standards.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's been a while since I've heard from the boy genius:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) belittled progressives during a speech at the conservative American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday.
“Progressivism is well-intentioned but it is also -- in my humble opinion -- arrogant and condescending,” Ryan said, according to a transcript. “Instead of helping people make their own decisions, it makes those decisions for them. It makes Washington the center of power and politicians the center of attention.”

While Ryan had harsh words for progressives, he conceded their "vision proved compelling."

"The Left keeps winning elections,” Ryan continued. “Why? Well, you can see the appeal. In uncertain times, people look for security. Progressives seem to have an answer … the progressive state offers a sense of security. But it’s a false sense of security because government can’t keep all its promises.”

Paul Ryan said:
Progressives seem to have an answer … the progressive state offers a sense of security. But it’s a false sense of security because government can’t keep all its promises.

"And I am here to ensure that it doesn't."


Not surprised, just curious about the rationale.
They perceive the Benghazi attack as politically expedient. So of course they resort to special pleading. And because of the campaign, they moved with remarkable celerity to exploit the attack. Unfortunately, their attempt to exploit the attack has only impeded efforts to gain full understanding of what transpired. Instead of a thorough review, the process has become a spectacle.
But its so spiteful and has no ideas. Its vapid and angry. I don't understand it. Reagan as much as I disagree with him lead a party that had a competing vision, this is just a party of "fuck you" for no reason.

Seriously? what music came out of the 50s besides elvis, the earliest rock and roll (which is only in the last half of the decade)?
Hard bop!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ive been out of the loop. What is the non partisan view of whats happening with these Benghazi hearings

Ambassador Chris Stevens found out the Bin Laden killing was staged and Obama killed him to make sure the secret would never be let out.


The Autumn Wind
It's a feature not a bug. The cost to businesses is minimal. Between not contributing to workers comp and payment caps on lawsuits, it's more profitable to pay off the grieving families than have actual safety standards.
Ah, the Fight Club model.

"A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one."

about that political demotion.


looks like the guy got obsessed about benghazi and his job performance suffered
I'd be very curious to learn this man's political views.

Dat latino outreach
“We have a Canadian border.... Why are we OK up there and not OK to the south?… Why is one a problem and the other is not? Because Canada is a place where people like to stay. They like Canada. We like Canada. We love to have them visit. They want to go home because it’s a nice place,” said Graham. “The people coming across the southern border live in hell holes. They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hell hole coming to America.”
But its so spiteful and has no ideas. Its vapid and angry. I don't understand it. Reagan as much as I disagree with him lead a party that had a competing vision, this is just a party of "fuck you" for no reason.

Seriously? what music came out of the 50s besides elvis, the earliest rock and roll (which is only in the last half of the decade)?

Elvis, Buddy Holly, Frank Sinatra, and Johnny Cash. And some others.

The latter half of the decade was important (of course nothing compared to the 60s) when it came to rock and pop.

That said, the 50s was by far and away, IMO, the best decade for Jazz.

As long as we all agree the 80s is the worst decade since 1950, I'm okay.
Is he wrong? Mexico sucks. Graham has worked in good faith with regards to immigration, I don't think it's fair to throw pot shots on this; it sounds like something Joe Biden would say out loud.

Yes he's wrong. Not everybody coming to America from Mexico comes from "hell holes" unless all poverty stricken areas are now "hell holes" (whats the poverty rate of south Carolina?) and that's not the language you use to describe an ally and neighbor.. Many go back, they like their home country and don't like it derisively called a "hell hole". I'd rather live in a lot of Mexico than South Carolina. And many mexicans are actually looking towards their home country for opportunity

and the whole tone about "we can't have everybody coming to great ol' america, only the few the proud."

When Jeff Sessions does damage control for you, you messed up
Fortunately for Graham, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was there to step in and assure the committee, and anyone listening to the hearing, that “while there’s poverty in Mexico and some really poor areas, it’s not a hell hole.” Moreover, he went on to suggest that Graham himself didn't mean to describe Mexico as a "hell hole."

But Sessions' attempt at damage control was quickly undermined by Graham, who responded by saying: "You’re right. I wasn’t slandering Mexico; I’m just talking about all the places people want to leave, for whatever reason.”

Would that be the rest of Latin America?

No doubt, Graham is aware that Mexico's economy is growing at a faster clip than the U.S. economy. And no doubt, he is aware that that particular "hell hole" is one of the United States'  top trade partners.
The whole Benghazi thing blows my mind. Not the Republican side, moreso on Obama.

How in the flying FUCK did Dems get lucky enough to have this man not only have absolutely NO skeletons in his closet...but actually have his administration scandal free for almost 5+ years with the best the GOP could do has already backfired and the people don't even give a shit.

Holy fuck, that's amazing on so many levels.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The whole Benghazi thing blows my mind. Not the Republican side, moreso on Obama.

How in the flying FUCK did Dems get lucky enough to have this man not only have absolutely NO skeletons in his closet...but actually have his administration scandal free for almost 5+ years with the best the GOP could do has already backfired and the people don't even give a shit.

Holy fuck, that's amazing on so many levels.

It's not even really an "obama" scandal. The security of foreign embassies falls on the hosting nation. Otherwise they wouldn't be diplomatic facilities.
It's a feature not a bug. The cost to businesses is minimal. Between not contributing to workers comp and payment caps on lawsuits, it's more profitable to pay off the grieving families than have actual safety standards.

Sadly this is the correct answer. :(


It's not even really an "obama" scandal. The security of foreign embassies falls on the hosting nation. Otherwise they wouldn't be diplomatic facilities.

Thing is, it wasn't an embassy. It was a CIA operation and that is what caused this whole "scandal". The State Dept. did not want to take the blame for another agency's fuckup and fought them on the contents of the talking points.

It seems the media is hungry for an Obama scandal as well since they are pushign so hard on this non-story


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Thing is, it wasn't an embassy. It was a CIA operation and that is what caused this whole "scandal". The State Dept. did not want to take the blame for another agency's fuckup and fought them on the contents of the talking points.

It seems the media is hungry for an Obama scandal as well since they are pushign so hard on this non-story

IIRC it was an embassy that also happened to have a CIA facility.... which is why the communication was so spotty. You had the CIA and the State department playing tug of war with the white house press secretary... The defense department was also paritally involved as well.


No Scrubs
It was a CIA location posing as a consulate. Foreign governments are only responsible for securing embassies

Either way this is far from a huge scandal. This isn't going to be Watergate or Iran Contra simply because those two involved the breaking of laws and other horrible things.
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