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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

I think with this new damning photo evidence from the even-handed Ramirez everyone should be able to see the parallels with Watergate. Just look at it!

Edit: Got your Hillary hate here if that's your preferred flavor of crazy! My paper was one day behind :(

What is the cheese supposed to represent?
What the fuck did he draw?

I can't recognize anything on the face.

Ramirez is exaggerating Obama's features, as any political cartoonist would. He's just a little more extreme. He draws Obama with his eyes perpetually closed. This could be to indicate smugness, or blindness to reality. He attenuates the President's already thin face to looking like a rod. And the big ears, which he drops down low, are blown up to shell size. The rod face and shell ears gives an almost phallic look, really.


Obsidian fan
Ramirez is exaggerating Obama's features, as any political cartoonist would. He's just a little more extreme. He draws Obama with his eyes perpetually closed. This could be to indicate smugness, or blindness to reality. He attenuates the President's already thin face to looking like a rod. And the big ears, which he drops down low, are blown up to shell size. The rod face and shell ears gives an almost phallic look, really.

No, he's just a fucking abysmal artist unless he's drawing a helicopter or boat or train. He's also an absolute idiot of the highest order who can't even make the simplest of visual metaphors without contradicting himself.

His freakish Obama is just a manifestation of his seething hatred of Obungler coupled with his total absence of skill.
Ramirez is exaggerating Obama's features, as any political cartoonist would. He's just a little more extreme. He draws Obama with his eyes perpetually closed. This could be to indicate smugness, or blindness to reality. He attenuates the President's already thin face to looking like a rod. And the big ears, which he drops down low, are blown up to shell size. The rod face and shell ears gives an almost phallic look, really.


Didn't he make drawings where he criticized Obama for saying he would go after Osama, then when Osama was killed he criticized him for taking credit for it?


Didn't he make drawings where he criticized Obama for saying he would go after Osama, then when Osama was killed he criticized him for taking credit for it?

From memory, there was a comic that mocked Obama for being naive in his claim that he would be willing to enter a soveriegn country to get Bin Laden if needed. Then when exactly that scenario played out, another comic came out downplaying the importance of the decision to go in.

I would love it if someone had the links handy.
From memory, there was a comic that mocked Obama for being naive in his claim that he would be willing to enter a soveriegn country to get Bin Laden if needed. Then when exactly that scenario played out, another comic came out downplaying the importance of the decision to go in.

I would love it if someone had the links handy.

Yeah, the latter comic was trying to say that, like, anyone would have made that call. I remember that too.
Why do you say this makes him more theocratic? Even if he was making a direct reference to the Quiverfull movement (and I think that's likely), it isn't as if he did so in proposing a new law. Knowing he believes that people should marry in their 20's and have lots of kids tells us nothing about his political beliefs.
Well, yeah, it was just commencement speech. But so many of these politicians do like to say how their faith guides their policies.

Well Romney picked Paul Ryan to be VP. This was largely viewed as picking the young 'smart' budget guy. But now I'm thinking that it was no accident that he also picked one of the most pro-life extremists in the House. Ryan co-sponsored a personhood bill along with Todd "women got ways of shutting that thing down" Akin. Romney himself said he supported the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.

I'm realizing that this was not just Romney toeing the GOP line. It is Romney policy.
I fucking hate the democrats and liberals on Sunday morning tv. They fucking suck.

Chris Rock was right once again.
Your woman is nastier than you ever imagined.
But you gotta come correct, because anything you mumble ain't getting done.
You can't be in bed, all unsure, like, excuse me, excuse me.
Ma'am, I have a request here.
Could you, um, lick my balls ?
I ain't licking nothing.
Lick your own balls !
See, if you'd said it right you'd been in there !
Now you got dry balls.
That's right, confidence always wins.

Nearly all of them are tepid apologists.

I think with this new damning photo evidence from the even-handed Ramirez everyone should be able to see the parallels with Watergate. Just look at it!

Edit: Got your Hillary hate here if that's your preferred flavor of crazy! My paper was one day behind :(

On this alleged 'cover up', is there anything new that was actually disclosed lately? Or is this just all about certain facts not being disclosed for 5 days last year?

And his drawing of Obama is terrible. I just can't even see a face. He's really gotta work on that. The fact that he always has to include a presidential seal or the marine helicopter shows that people would not associate the drawing with Obama.


Ryan co-sponsored a personhood bill along with Todd "women got ways of shutting that thing down" Akin. Romney himself said he supported the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.

I'm realizing that this was not just Romney toeing the GOP line. It is Romney policy.

To be a national GOP figure these days is to stand for some pretty abhorrent views and pieces of legislation. The base has the party by the balls, and they're all deathly afraid that they might not pass the purity test.


The Autumn Wind
I fucking hate the democrats and liberals on Sunday morning tv. They fucking suck.

Chris Rock was right once again.

Nearly all of them are tepid apologists.
True, but I'm not exactly a fan of the Republican method of "the loudest person is always right" either.


The quiverful movement needs to stop being a movement. There are enough people on the earth as it is. People need to stop having kids.

Besides, with the more children a Christian couple has, the more chances they have of popping out a child that may end up homosexual. Won't that be a lovely cunt punt for them. I await the day a Duggar child comes out of the closet.


The Autumn Wind
1. Encourage young people to have a bunch of kids.
2. Refuse to offer any kind of government assistance.
3. ?????
4. Profit!
In all the context I've ever heard it, the "Quiver" movement is almost entirely based on "Anti-Other"' fear in the modern age here in the states---minorities, immigrants, non-(nutjob/fundy'ish strain)Christians, non-straight, etc. Of course the great irony that the social policies with respect to sex ed and otherwise are a large part alongside the business and debt business they prop up are central to why they are a fading group as per the demography----so they just get this insular nonsense going while still trying to lord over all of said Others as if their historical crushing majority is sacrosanct and a perpetual given.

Political relevance to that, and the 20's comment, would be a telegraphing of a Romney admin being particularly....unkind...to all those in the Other camp and hope for a top on down discriminatory trickle. Not married, (probably) white, an acceptable sort of Christian, and not have kids? You're going to have a trickier time of it at the least.

And yeah, good luck trying to lecture them on overpopulation, as at best they'll just deflect away to blaming the applicable Others doing "breeding" as opposed to their own "procreating"----like the good little Dominionist shits they tend to be if they are up on a pedestal about this sort of thing.


The quiverful movement needs to stop being a movement. There are enough people on the earth as it is. People need to stop having kids.

Besides, with the more children a Christian couple has, the more chances they have of popping out a child that may end up homosexual. Won't that be a lovely cunt punt for them. I await the day a Duggar child comes out of the closet.
After the rapture and God's judgement upon this sinful world, overpopulation will be the least of your worries. You have seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of wrath coming down the pike.
You know, I miss you when you leave inexplicably for large amounts of time then come back.
Thanks. I'd miss me too. But this past semester was busier than I anticipated. I can now enjoy a respite...and post on PoliGAF.


After the rapture and God's judgement upon this sinful world, overpopulation will be the least of your worries. You have seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of wrath coming down the pike.

Thanks. I'd miss me too. But this past semester was busier than I anticipated. I can now enjoy a respite...and post on PoliGAF.


what the hell man


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I was watching some of the interviews Pickering gave today and he said the Democrats didn't invite him to testify? Seems kind of odd. Why let Darryl Issa have the Darryl Issa Show?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I did a fun thing today. I compared the jobs numbers between Carter, Reagan and Clinton (thanks, Ghal!), and wouldn't you know it? Reagan's record wasn't nearly as amazing as conservatives would have you believe. Even Carter's was more impressive in some ways, interestingly enough (for example, did you know that he has the two best years of job growth of any president, ever?).

Just a little something to make your conservative friends cry themselves to sleep.
So I did a fun thing today. I compared the jobs numbers between Carter, Reagan and Clinton (thanks, Ghal!), and wouldn't you know it? Reagan's record wasn't nearly as amazing as conservatives would have you believe. Even Carter's was more impressive in some ways, interestingly enough (for example, did you know that he has the two best years of job growth of any president, ever?).

Just a little something to make your conservative friends cry themselves to sleep.

Posted this numerous time before:

So I sent my family an e-mail about this article, and my sister, a nurse, fired back with a response about budget deficits, salary freezes, and potential layoffs at her hospital system, the largest system in Louisiana:

I don't pretend to know much about Obamacare. Not for lack of interest, but for lack of time to research it. I do know, however, how it has affected me as a nurse over the past year.

Hospitals cost an enormous amount of money to run. When a procedure or test is done, the charge for that service is not at cost for the service. There is, and must be, an upcharge to help cover the cost of maintaining the facility, paying the employees, maintaining equipment, providing malpractice insurance for providers, etc. All of these things are necessary for a hospital. In the past year, many Louisiana hospitals, while implementing new policies to conform to the rules and regulations of Obamacare, have had CONSIDERABLY less profit than in recent years (many, like ochsner, have lost a considerable amount of money - The Ochsner system as a whole was at a 20 million dollar deficit for 2012).

How does this affect me and my fellow nurses? I will not get a raise this year. I will not get a raise this year because Ochsner is trying to avoid layoffs. Other local hospitals are laying off employees. Nurses. Medical technicians. Janitors. All of these people are necessary to good healthcare. Hospitals are NOT laying off emplyees because they are overstaffed. Hospitals are laying off medical workers, and becoming understaffed, to defray overhead costs. This leads to crappy healthcare.

So, in an attempt to improve the nation's healthcare, insurance companies are having to lower their premiums, so they are willing to pay less for services (Medicare is also tightening its belt on what services will be covered at what costs), hospitals will get paid less for services provided, but will still have the same overhead costs, so emplyees will be compensated LESS for potentially MORE work, and healthcare, as a whole will begin to get sloppier and sloppier as medical professionals become underappreciated and overworked in their fields of practice.

Hopefully, these will be SHORT TERM effects of Obamacare, and that, once the kinks are worked out, everything will be smooth and efficient. In the meantime, I don't know ANYONE who actually works in patient care areas who is HAPPY about Obamacare.

I was like, damn, what do I say to that.

I think I managed to formulate a fairly decent response:

Thanks for the response!

Alright, so first, the insurance agencies mentioned in the article are lowering their premiums to better match premiums already charged by other insurers. This is not a case of one insurer suddenly strong arming hospitals in accepting payments equal to what another insurer is already paying. This is one insurer having to deal with excess administrative costs, salaries, etc. in order to compete with another insurer.

Second, I'm having trouble finding Ochsner's 2012 annual report online, but over the 2011 fiscal year, they took in $36 million more in revenue than they accumulated in expenses:


I'd love to see a comprehensive breakdown of their 2012 financials, so I'll keep looking around for those.

To address the issue of costs, not *all* hospital systems are willing or able to charge unjustifiably high prices for care, and prices can vary wildly between hospitals that are very near to each other, let alone further apart (more on that in a bit), and it is healthcare pricing in aggregate that effects what insurers charge, and how much patients pay out of pocket (with those uninsured being charged by far the highest rates, leading to unexpected medical expenses being the cause of over 60% of bankruptcies in America each year). It could very well be that the Ochsner system is charging reasonable prices for care, thus causing it to struggle in maintaining a consistent positive net income, while other hospitals are the source of high costs of care and are not struggling in a similar manner, and there's ample evidence to back up the idea that he latter is the case for many hospitals.

Further, it's not the nurses that make out like bandits when hospitals may decide to overcharge, but higher level staff will let nurses, etc. take the blow when expenses increase or revenues drop. For example, Kaiser Health News did a study on various children's hospitals throughout the country in 2011, and CEO compensation ranged from $1.5 million to $6 million depending on the hospital, and that's just the CEOs, thus it doesn't include the compensation for numerous other high level executives. In Oregon, it's been reported that hospital CEO pay has been growing at double the rate of the average worker within the state, and we're seeing similar trends elsewhere. These compensation packages are counted as part of a business' expenses, and thus contribute to any losses a business may face. When times are tough, these compensation packages don't drop, and often tough times are used as a justification for CEO compensation to increase, in correlation with a perceived increase in difficulty in running the company. In fact, to use an example from another industry, this is exactly what happened with Viacom's CEO in 2010, when his pay jumped from $50.5 million a year to $84.5 million, though he took pay cuts in 2011 and 2012 as a result of the significant PR backlash over the company's executive compensation in light of the (at the time) recent financial collapse and the company's significant layoffs in 2008, 2009, and 2011. Similar events happen in many, many industries.

It would appear to me that you and your co-workers are being caught in the crossfire that is occurring between the for-profit healthcare and insurance industries and the government's attempt to curb the unsustainable growth in the costs of care, though I'm not privy to the information necessary to say that with any certainty. I can't really say much other than it's disappointing and it saddens me that you seem to be undeservedly bearing some of the burdens associated with this transition.

Now, to finish this off by returning to my point about the incredible disparity in the price tags of care from hospital to hospital, here's the Huffington Post article Hospital Prices No Longer Secret As New Data Reveals Bewildering System, Staggering Cost Differences:

*insert article here*

Thoughts on her e-mail? My response? I tend to presume many of you guys know more about these topics than I.
Dunno about recently, but the "Hanoi Jane" stuff comes from her strident anti-Vietnam War activism, which really came to a head when she actually visited Vietnam and toured around and then was photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft gun.

My dad calls her a traitor for that to this day.
Dunno about recently, but the "Hanoi Jane" stuff comes from her strident anti-Vietnam War activism, which really came to a head when she actually visited Vietnam and toured around and then was photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft gun.

Was Ho Chi Minh really that bad? Why do Americans think Vietnam = North Korea?


Was Ho Chi Minh really that bad? Why do Americans think Vietnam = North Korea?

After North and South was merged when Americans left, over two millions South Vietnamese were sent to reeducation camps and we don't really know how many died there. Estimates vary but we are talking about hundreds of thousands.

The events in Cambodia were closely related and we all know what happened over there. Millions fled from Vietnam (boat refugees etc) and I am glad to say many found a peaceful life in western countries like Finland. They integrated well despite all the cultural differences but it must have been hell to know what their relatives had to go through.
After North and South was merged when Americans left, over two millions South Vietnamese were sent to reeducation camps and we don't really know how many died there. Estimates vary but we are talking about hundreds of thousands.

The events in Cambodia were closely related and we all know what happened over there. Western influence wasn't exactly all lollipops and roses but communists were something else.

Cambodia happened due to Western influence.


Cambodia happened due to Western influence.

Cambodia happened, because of insane control freaks who called themselves communists. The same reason why I lost relatives in Russia, why my friends had to report every action to Stasi scum and so on.

You can blame western influence for many things, like what happened in Russia during the years of Yeltsin, but carpet bombing and all the other atrocities in Vietnam were just an excuse for KRouge to present themselves as a peaceful entity. No good guys at the time, just a bunch of murderous and self-righteous groups fighting for power without any consideration towards normal citizens.
So I sent my family an e-mail about this article, and my sister, a nurse, fired back with a response about budget deficits, salary freezes, and potential layoffs at her hospital system, the largest system in Louisiana:

I was like, damn, what do I say to that.

I think I managed to formulate a fairly decent response:

Thoughts on her e-mail? My response? I tend to presume many of you guys know more about these topics than I.
That's a pretty good response. You should probably include some sarcasm, like "OH NO! LESS PROFIT!" The report on the hospital's expenses and profit are probably the best piece of evidence you have for your argument. You should make it a very, very clear point that medicine should not be a for-profit industry. That, thanks to hospitals like hers, people who were injured at the Boston bombing have to deal with thousands of dollars of medical costs. Here are two additional articles:
1. America's overpaid doctors
2. The HUGE Times' healthcare piece.

The two articles are related. The reason why America's healthcare costs so much is because Americans pay too much for their services. That is, doctors and hospitals can charge whatever the fuck they want. The only way to solve healthcare costs is to tell hospitals and doctors how much they can charge for a certain service. The ACA mainly increases access to healthcare services; it doesn't do too much about cost. What's happening is not the law's fault; it's simply the hospital trying to preserve its immoral profit margins.


The ACA mainly increases access to healthcare services; it doesn't do too much about cost. What's happening is not the law's fault; it's simply the hospital trying to preserve its immoral profit margins.

I generally agree but I would observe that there are several cost control measures in Obamacare, they're just long tail -- mostly they involve doing experimental pilot programs that are then upscaled by HHS. So we won't have much to point to (aside from restrictions on insurance premiums) for a while.
Was Ho Chi Minh really that bad? Why do Americans think Vietnam = North Korea?

Ho Chi Minh had nothing to do with the US invasion of South Vietnam. Vietnam was controlled by the West before Ho Chi Minh ever existed, and control over Vietnam is exactly why the US started a war there.


Setec Astronomer
Not doing bundled payments also incurs a massive amount of overhead keeping track of all the various procedures and codes for procedures so they can all be billed appropriately.
I generally agree but I would observe that there are several cost control measures in Obamacare, they're just long tail -- mostly they involve doing experimental pilot programs that are then upscaled by HHS. So we won't have much to point to (aside from restrictions on insurance premiums) for a while.

Oh, yeah I know. That's why I said it doesn't do "too much" on costs. IPAB (which Republicans are trying to block), Medicare payment reforms, pilot programs, etc.
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