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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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41% of Republicans think Benghazi is the biggest scandal ever? lmao.

Fox bubble machine is doing some real harm, though. When Obama leaves his presidency on relatively good ground and the next President is another "liberal," these people are going to go further off the rails.
41% of Republicans think Benghazi is the biggest scandal ever? lmao.

Fox bubble machine is doing some real harm, though. When Obama leaves his presidency on relatively good ground and the next President is another "liberal," these people are going to go further off the rails.
You don't think a US president getting his terrorist friends to kill a US ambassador is the biggest cover up in US history?
It was just last Friday after the revelation that Obama's Chicago thugs were snooping into Tea Party groups via the IRS that I asked who could be next. Well, it's the AP, only this time by the Justice Department:


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative's top executive called a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into how news organizations gather the news.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed incoming and outgoing calls, and the duration of each call, for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP.

In all, the government seized those records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown but more than 100 journalists work in the offices whose phone records were targeted on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.

In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.
So I sent my family an e-mail about this article, and my sister, a nurse, fired back with a response about budget deficits, salary freezes, and potential layoffs at her hospital system, the largest system in Louisiana:

I was like, damn, what do I say to that.

I think I managed to formulate a fairly decent response:

Thoughts on her e-mail? My response? I tend to presume many of you guys know more about these topics than I.

I live in LA too. Mother is an OB/GYN at the state hospital where it isn't pretty either. No offense but your sister sounds selfish in her argument talking about her lack of receiving a raise. Raises are not guaranteed by employers. If she thinks she deserves one, then she should go argue with her boss for it. That's what the right's philosophy is all about: fight for what you think you are worth. Maybe she can get her union to .... Oh wait, she works in LA, an employment at will state.

Also ask her what she wants. Does she want the government through Medicare to provide blank checks to her hospital and all the others while increasing taxes to cover it? Does she want there to be less regulations so that people can be denied insurance or tort reform with lower payouts when doctors fuck up? (My mother always liked to think she knew everything, but my father, the lawyer, taught me that doctors are just as human as the rest of us and make mistakes too. They also deliberately do this in medical schools to teach residence how to fix their mistakes during surgery.). Tell her life is about trade offs. Nothing is for free and sacrifices happen to change things for the better.

Also, you might like this article that was in the advocate today: http://theadvocate.com/home/5965711-125/story.html#.UZE9tsF9x8k.facebook Never believe anything is free. Especially when Jindal says privatization is.
It was just last Friday after the revelation that Obama's Chicago thugs were snooping into Tea Party groups via the IRS that I asked who could be next. Well, it's the AP, only this time by the Justice Department:


Obama is straddling the tyrant line
like a pro. You people still glad you voted him in not once but twice?

That being said, this won't get a mention on Fox, they like this shit.
Obama is straddling the tyrant line
like a pro. You people still glad you voted him in not once but twice?

That being said, this won't get a mention on Fox, they like this shit.

I'm amazed at what they could legitimately criticize the administration for they ignore....

but they instead decide to go full retard.

fucking lol.


bitch I'm taking calls.
So now I'm thinking: what are the reasons for them doing a snatch on the AP phone records? Obviously we'll get some PR laden explanation in the following days but is there really any reason for admin to justifiably do this? #terror, #homelandsecurity

Also yeah this is some bullshit but fuck yes am I still glad I voted Obama. Maybe if you guys could have put up a decent candidate it would have been a harder choice, James.
So now I'm thinking: what are the reasons for them doing a snatch on the AP phone records? Obviously we'll get some PR laden explanation in the following days but is there really any reason for admin to justifiably do this? #terror, #homelandsecurity

Also yeah this is some bullshit but fuck yes am I still glad I voted Obama. Maybe if you guys could have put up a decent candidate it would have been a harder choice, James.

I am guessing with only 20 lines targeted, that it was looking for something very specific.


No Scrubs
So now I'm thinking: what are the reasons for them doing a snatch on the AP phone records? Obviously we'll get some PR laden explanation in the following days but is there really any reason for admin to justifiably do this? #terror, #homelandsecurity

Also yeah this is some bullshit but fuck yes am I still glad I voted Obama. Maybe if you guys could have put up a decent candidate it would have been a harder choice, James.

Could be there was a big security leak and they were trying to find out who. I'd put my money on something like that.


bitch I'm taking calls.
If that's the case, the fourth estate is a damn joke for so many reasons and that is merely a cherry on top of the shit sundae that is modern journalism. I mean, I didn't have any illusions of grandeur about speaking truth to power being a real thing but government doesn't respect it, television and news publications don't respect it, how are we expected to respect it? Puts an awful taste in my mouth.


This current administration is a joke and not a funny one at that - now there is talk of obtained press phone records from Associated Press? What the hell....

So far the representatives of the media have been more than happy to just play their obedient role in order to get their precious little interviews and invitations. Maybe there would be more transparency, less lobbying power and what not in the government if journalists were on the attack regardless of who was in power and performed their damn job.
Also yeah this is some bullshit but fuck yes am I still glad I voted Obama. Maybe if you guys could have put up a decent candidate it would have been a harder choice, James.

You guys?

And it wasnt a hard choice. It was easy not to vote for Mr Drone.

The biggest outrage of the last election was that the democrat party closed ranks and didnt allow an open primary.
Rep Stockman knows what all this is really about

@SteveWorks4You 10m
Obama's government is harassing Jews and conservatives and spying on journalists. ObamaCare gives him access to your private medical records
So Fox just reported that there used to be a part of the IRS that checked the work on Tax exempt status, to prevent things like this from happening. It was cut for budgetary reasons...

So now I'm thinking: what are the reasons for them doing a snatch on the AP phone records? Obviously we'll get some PR laden explanation in the following days but is there really any reason for admin to justifiably do this? #terror, #homelandsecurity

AP had a story in 2012 we're they revealed a foiled plot was done by a British MI6 Agent or something like that.
I do think thats worthy of investigating, I don't know why they took so much phone records but I don't have a problem with them investigating leaks like that that put people and agents in danger and tell our enemies how we're working against them.


Oversight is always one of the first budgetary cuts. Especially when you consider that internal oversight just means it's relinquished to the legislative branch instead of the executive. Easiest way to change the balance of power.
Oversight is always one of the first budgetary cuts. Especially when you consider that internal oversight just means it's relinquished to the legislative branch instead of the executive. Easiest way to change the balance of power.

Its part of starve the beast, create more scandals and further delegitimize the government.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Between Benghazi, Syria and the IRS its been open season on the President lately which is by all means welcome and necessary. I'm just trying to sort the bullshit from legitimate areas of concern. I don't need to beat a dead horse by saying the first item on my list is not worth further questioning.
You guys?

And it wasnt a hard choice. It was easy not to vote for Mr Drone.

The biggest outrage of the last election was that the democrat party closed ranks and didnt allow an open primary.
I dispair over legitimate shit that is going down concurrently but I stand by my choice to elect him. I don't know what you're on about in regards to open primary.
AP had a story in 2012 we're they revealed a foiled plot was done by a British MI6 Agent or something like that.
I do think thats worthy of investigating, I don't know why they took so much phone records but I don't have a problem with them investigating leaks like that that put people and agents in danger and tell our enemies how we're working against them.
I understand from the justice department's perspective why it was done if this was the reason. It's just worrisome that a lot of people who have leaked or blown cover on legitimate wrongs have gotten screwed and arrested for it in many cases because of this kind of patriot act type action. Reminds me of the dude who leaked the audio for when the army gunned down a bunch of civilians in the middle east. Is he still in military prison?
I understand from the justice department's perspective why it was done if this was the reason. It's just worrisome that a lot of people who have leaked or blown cover on legitimate wrongs have gotten screwed and arrested for it in many cases because of this kind of patriot act type action. Reminds me of the dude who leaked the audio for when the army gunned down a bunch of civilians in the middle east. Is he still in military prison?

I don't know about that case. But I think many of the people critical of prosecuting leaks have this really wide definition of what is in the "publics interest"


No Scrubs
From what I hear the DOJ only acquired date and times of phone calls, not content, and they got it from the phone company.

Which frankly ain't shit. I mean it's not great but the way people are talking about it make it sound like they're wiretapping the AP. I'm not happy but it is getting blown a bit out of proportion, it's not like they didn't have a warrant. They did have one right?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Which frankly ain't shit. I mean it's not great but the way people are talking about it make it sound like they're wiretapping the AP. I'm not happy but it is getting blown a bit out of proportion, it's not like they didn't have a warrant. They did have one right?

They had a subpoena.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I don't know about that case. But I think many of the people critical of prosecuting leaks have this really wide definition of what is in the "publics interest"
Just found it. Bradley Manning. His trial begins in June. A lot more complicated than I remember it being and misrepresented by me considering it was part of the whole Wikileaks deal and he's one of our own (army is probably strictest about punishing leaks) but still something to keep an eye on.
How did I miss this?

"Bachmann: 9/11 And Benghazi Were God's Judgment"

Does this mean those terrorists were just doing god's work?


I know this is not surprising but people need to be reminded we have taliban-like members of congress who want to infuse our government with their religious ideology.

Just found it. Bradley Manning. His trial begins in June. A lot more complicated than I remember it being and misrepresented by me considering it was part of the whole Wikileaks deal, but still something to keep an eye on.

Oh, that's not whistleblowing, that was leaking everything he had for political motives. Part of that might have been whistleblowing but not the entire thing.

Which frankly ain't shit. I mean it's not great but the way people are talking about it make it sound like they're wiretapping the AP. I'm not happy but it is getting blown a bit out of proportion, it's not like they didn't have a warrant. They did have one right?

They had a subpoena.

I figured as much. This hardly sounds like Patriot Act type shit.
So what's the outrage here?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Which frankly ain't shit. I mean it's not great but the way people are talking about it make it sound like they're wiretapping the AP. I'm not happy but it is getting blown a bit out of proportion, it's not like they didn't have a warrant. They did have one right?
They had a subpoena.
I figured as much. This hardly sounds like Patriot Act type shit.
Well now my rant seems a bit ridiculous. It's probably easier for DoJ to get a subpoena than anyone but that's not really using any overreaching or patriot act powers to do so. Always easy to get incensed before you get the full story.
Oh, that's not whistleblowing, that was leaking everything he had for political motives. Part of that might have been whistleblowing but not the entire thing.
See, I rely on you guys to point me in the right direction in regards to getting a better grip on what I encounter as surface issues.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So what's the outrage here?

Someone in the other thread makes the good point that they asked for more information then they probably needed. Which is enough for me to be upset about, but not "oh no what a travesty of justice and a step towards Orwellian press control"
Well now my rant seems a bit ridiculous. It's probably easier for DoJ to get a subpoena than anyone but that's not really using any overreaching or patriot act powers to do so. Always easy to get incensed before you get the full story.See, I rely on you guys to point me in the right direction in regards to getting a better grip on what I encounter as surface issues.

learn to read and interpret better next time instead of being so quick on the "whitty I'm angry" respond mode?


bitch I'm taking calls.
learn to read and interpret better next time instead of being so quick on the "whitty I'm angry" respond mode?
I'm not sure what you mean here. But I learned something from the discussion and I don't think I've insulted or upset anybody so I'm not too regretful.


Which frankly ain't shit. I mean it's not great but the way people are talking about it make it sound like they're wiretapping the AP. I'm not happy but it is getting blown a bit out of proportion, it's not like they didn't have a warrant. They did have one right?
I think approaching it from a strict legal/process misses the point.
I really don't understand what the harm that supposedly caused by those leaks, it was published a day before Obama was going to announce it.
Are they butthurt that they stole his thunder?

That's not a good enough reason for me to try and go after journalistic sources (though truth to be told, I think there's hardly ever any reason to do it).


I think approaching it from a strict legal/process misses the point.
I really don't understand what the harm that supposedly caused by those leaks, it was published a day before Obama was going to announce it.
Are they butthurt that they stole his thunder?

That's not a good enough reason for me to try and go after journalistic sources (though truth to be told, I think there's hardly ever any reason to do it).

False. They were forced to announce it before they were ready to.

Brennan talked about the AP story and investigation in written testimony to the Senate. "The irresponsible and damaging leak of classified information was made ... when someone informed The Associated Press that the U.S. government had intercepted an IED (improvised explosive device) that was supposed to be used in an attack and that the U.S. government currently had that IED in its possession and was analyzing it," he wrote.

He also defended the White House decision to discuss the plot afterward. "Once someone leaked information about interdiction of the IED and that the IED was actually in our possession, it was imperative to inform the American people consistent with government policy that there was never any danger to the American people associated with this al-Qaida plot," Brennan told senators.


These last few days have given Fox News so much new material, I hope they don't choke on it.

The "snooping" the DOJ did on the AP wasn't such a hot idea, even if it was just done a teeny bit. I'm usually not cool with that behavior unless the journalist is a secret terrorist working with a secret terrorist organization that plan to overthrow the presidency, or something.


We'll never know when they were going to tell us now, but how was the national security of the US hurt by that leak?


A U.S. official briefed on the case said the Saudi informant in Yemen may have been pulled out of the country prematurely because of concern about public disclosures about the plot. The informant, even after receiving the bomb, was awaiting further instructions, which meant that he was in position to continue providing intelligence for some time, the official said.
Okay, so as a whole:

The AP leaked a story before the government was ready to announce it. The government wanted to know where the leak came from, so they acquired a subpoena and asked the phone company to hand over the dates and call times of journalists at the AP. Probably more information than they needed but on the whole nothing too bad.

That about sums it up?


I missed that detail, might have to read a bit further on that story (in don't want to parse word selection too deeply, but to me "may causes" is not a good enough reason).
Most of what I read about it was pertaining to keeping cooperation between Saudi and the US under wraps for political reasons, which I don't think is a worthy cause (we deserve to know who we are in bed with, it's for own good too).

Either way, I still feel VERY uncomfortable about going after sources, historically, the government and the media were able to work quite well together to make sure national security is not hurt by reporting, even if that leak is bad, there are really negative effect on our ability to effectively report the government.


Okay, so as a whole:

The AP leaked a story before the government was ready to announce it. The government wanted to know where the leak came from, so they acquired a subpoena and asked the phone company to hand over the dates and call times of journalists at the AP. Probably more information than they needed but on the whole nothing too bad.

That about sums it up?

Or the AP held onto a story for a week until they were assured by officials that the national security risk was allayed(perhaps the above mentioned informant was pulled). Then in reaction Brennan fucks up and accidentally leaks information that IS actually sensitive. That the CIA had an operative on the inside. Then in order to punish the AP the admin seeks an overly broad subpoena that is against its own guidelines.
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