Avon Barksdale
The tea party may be the best thing to ever happen to the Democrats.
"On our knees for America"? Dear lord, this needs a photoshop.
The tea party may be the best thing to ever happen to the Democrats.
Just a heads up guys, for those who don't know. I didn't. Don't ever post that ronpaulit'shappening gif. It's banned (and apparently has been for a while now?).
rip mamba
Just a heads up guys, for those who don't know. I didn't. Don't ever post that ronpaulit'shappening gif. It's banned (and apparently has been for a while now?).
rip mamba
Just a heads up guys, for those who don't know. I didn't. Don't ever post that ronpaulit'shappening gif. It's banned (and apparently has been for a while now?).
rip mamba
Is Mamba coming back? Please say he's coming back...
I remember them saying not to overuse it, but that's about it.
What if he doesn't exist anymore?Is Mamba coming back? Please say he's coming back...
Eh. I don't know who those guys are, and I've never heard of them before. Either way, that doesn't seem like a significant portion of commentators to me. There's always going to be a couple people who do that here and there on both sides.
What? Lame to the max. Hope he's not gone for too long.
The objection is to the animated, seizure-inducing version. Happening can continue in still images.
He'll be back on July 3rd.
There's probably enough overlap between diehard teahadists who aren't going to vote for any immigration reform period, and the reasonable Republicans who understand voting for a far right bill would probably make them look even worse than simply not passing anything, that would kill such a proposition. Much like how the farm bill didn't pass for similar reasons, the far right hijacked it with amendments and then ended up not voting for it anyway.Willis is a rather prominent Media Matters writer/researcher; you've almost certainly run across his work without knowing it (same with me, until I started following him on twitter).
I have big doubts about a discharge occurring in the House. Seems more likely that the House will pass some type of far right immigration bill in an attempt to cover their ass, similar to how they've handled major events in the past. As Josh Marshall pointed out, there is no immigration cliff or time requirement. The House doesn't have to pass anything, and ultimately they'll probably kill reform by producing a bill that most of the senate/Obama cannot support; can anyone imagine a conference bill the senate and House republicans will agree on?
Many republicans have clearly decided that the party doesn't need a makeover, and maximizing the Evangelical/white/old voter is still a solid idea to them. Most republican congressmen don't have to worry about Hispanics in their district thanks to redistricting, so they won't be punished.
And in 4 years when Hillary or whoever attempts to pass an immigration bill, someone from the WSJ will write an article about how Obama killed immigration reform back in 2013 by demanding that the "controversial" pathway to citizenship was adopted.
"On our knees for America"? Dear lord, this needs a photoshop.
Just a heads up guys, for those who don't know. I didn't. Don't ever post that ronpaulit'shappening gif. It's banned (and apparently has been for a while now?).
rip mamba
Many republicans have clearly decided that the party doesn't need a makeover, and maximizing the Evangelical/white/old voter is still a solid idea to them. Most republican congressmen don't have to worry about Hispanics in their district thanks to redistricting, so they won't be punished.
Case in pointThe GOP is a regional party. Lots of House members have districts that are solidly Republican and to win, they need to stick to the hard-right lest they be primaried off of the ballot. Thus, local House Republicans are killing the national Republican party in order to save their own seats.
In a way, the Gerrymandering may have sown the seeds of their own destruction. It has made them strong in their districts but nation-wide and often state-wide, they lose.
Of course the problem is that we are stuck with nonfunctional government for the next decade or so.
One could easily put something phallic in that hand.
The tea party may be the best thing to ever happen to the Democrats.
I was thinking more something like this.
Should say "I'm down"
Sorry fish, you can kiss him all you want, he's not going to turn into a
Don't worry, it just gives them something to work with when Pelosi gets the Speaker's gavel.So McCain and Schumer did a really nice photo op shaking hands and smiling for... failure. :USA:
Haha wowhttp://www.nbcnews.com/video/meet-the-press/52355266#52355266
Maddow on meet the press destroys jim demint on gay marriage. Some other GOPer tries to play the victim card in response, lol.
Later that same guy argued the mid-term elections would be big cuz of it and when maddow pointed out that since then his group and the GOP lost all battles against same-sex marriage prior to the SCOTUS ruling and went from 9 to 12 states and now 13. Guy was all "yeah, but we got the evangelicals out to vote" and Maddow all "and still lost." lolz
The conventional wisdom around Washington these days is that the Republican Party needs to pass immigration reform if its going to survive. But remember: House Republicans arent the same thing as the Republican Party. And they probably dont need to pass immigration reform to keep their majority. In fact, passing immigration reform at least with a path to citizenship might put them in more danger. Two figures from Janet Hook in the Wall Street Journal show why.
First, only 38 of the Houses 234 Republicans, or 16%, represent districts in which Latinos account for 20% or more of the population.
Second, only 28 Republican-held districts are considered even remotely at risk of being contested by a Democratic challenger, according to the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.
So for about 200 of the Houses Republicans, a primary challenge by conservatives angry over amnesty is probably a more realistic threat than defeat at the hands of angry Hispanic voters, or even angry Democrats. Our guys actually do primary over immigration, a top House Republican aide who wants to get immigration done told me.
Of course, that leaves some 34 Republicans who have reason to fear a Democratic challenge. And it leaves dozens who privately support immigration reform and dont have much to fear from either Democratic or Republican challengers.
Why would he do that and lose his speakership? Immigration doesn't matter to most republican districts, they won't be punished if the bill dies. Boehner doesn't have a reason to pass anything tbh. He could be Speaker until 2020 if he wants, thanks to the census/gerrymandering.That confirms that immigration will pass the House as long as Boehner has the backbone to bring it to the floor. They only need a handful of Republicans, right? I'm sure they could find them.
It all turns on Boner.
lol. that's not happening next year... i mean it might... but nawwwDon't worry, it just gives them something to work with when Pelosi gets the Speaker's gavel.
Safer for the mother. That poor, defensively, potentially future Christian/Republican will never have a future of it's own. ;.;
Why is it that user slippery slope it's always wrong about everything?
Haha wow
Gay marriage isn't abortion. There will always be a pro life movement, and new pro lifers are created every day thanks to ultrasounds. But there is no life changing epiphany in relation to gay marriage: nothing changes except gay people get married. If republicans couldn't oust the judge in fucking Iowa, there's no chance at some country wide rejection of gay marriage. The game is over.
Why is it that user slippery slope it's always wrong about everything?
But the game is not over. Only legal in 13 states. If they were smart, the GOP should have been praying for Prop 8 to be declared unconstitutional nationwide. But instead, the issue will be around as a wedge issue where the GOP will continue to lose over time. Drip, drip, drip. The demographics just get worse & worse as old people die and the younger people that don't even see it as an issue become a larger & larger share of the electorate.
This issue will be a millstone around the GOP's neck for another decade or so.
Abortion remains a vexing issue because it is right around the 50/50 mark with a big gray area in the center that depends on how you word poll questions and write legislation. But I think the advantage is for the pro-choice side because of a 'silent majority' that is created by adding in the people who will say they are pro-life but will support pro-choice when push comes to shove since their sisters, wives, daughters won't be able to get abortions if the pro-lifers close down clinics.