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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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That certainly implies there's going to be a lot of spillover demand into January. Hopefully not too many get shafted during their month without coverage.

Edit: A couple new figures from the second page of that story:

In New York, about 157,000 people signed up in private plans sold through the state exchange, John Emery, a spokesman for New York State of Health, said today in an e-mail. In California, which also runs its own exchange, “our preliminary numbers are we’ve topped 400,000” enrollments in private plans, Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee said.

Over half a million in NY and California combined; I wouldn't be surprised if the latter is close to 500k on its own.


The Autumn Wind
So answer me this: What happens to anyone that signs up after tomorrow? When does their coverage start?
The complaints over the administration "changing the law like dictators" just baffle me. Agency discretion, implementation of statutes? Right over their heads.


Seriusly. How are efforts (tweaks and extensions) to accommodate last-minute enrollees a negative thing. Are they mad they won't be able to breathlessly report on all the poor people who missed the Jan. 1 coverage deadline? Or that they can't point to dismal enrollment numbers anymore?

This is what happens when you report stories from the GOP point of view instead of a neutral one...


I really don't get why the media is reporting efforts (tweaks and extensions) to accommodate last-minute enrollees as a negative thing. Are they mad they won't be able to breathlessly report of all the poor people who missed the Jan. 1 coverage deadline?

Yes. :(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, the only people I imagine who would be slightly pissed at this (aside from teatards, obviously) would be the insurance companies, and even then, they probably don't think it's much of a hassle.
Seriusly. How are efforts (tweaks and extensions) to accommodate last-minute enrollees a negative thing. Are they mad they won't be able to breathlessly report on all the poor people who missed the Jan. 1 coverage deadline? Or that they can't point to dismal enrollment numbers anymore?

This is what happens when you report stories from the GOP point of view instead of a neutral one...

because they want the law to fail so tweaking it so it works is an absolute travesty

This is exactly why bills have "as the secretary determines" or something similar to that wording. Maybe if they participated in drafting the law they could have stopped this.
because they want the law to fail so tweaking it so it works is an absolute travesty

This is exactly why bills have "as the secretary determines" or something similar to that wording. Maybe if they participated in drafting the law they could have stopped this.

Hell, if they had any experience passing legislation they'd know it. I understand part of this is just politics, but one can also argue this is another example of the shutting down of the republican mind. Say what you will about Bush, he passed legislation. He ran the government, or at least tried to. What we're seeing now is a complete disdain for all things government, even far right ideas like Ryan's budgets. Anything that takes any effort to create is faced with opposition.

It reminds me of that story about Palin popping off about the Duck Dynasty shit without even reading the article first. Why read, why research, why do anything. Everything is an instinctive reaction of anger.


Obamacare enrollment surges

The federal exchange site, healthcare.gov, saw nearly 2 million page views and the call center received more than 250,000 calls Monday, officials said. It was a record traffic day that left some consumers stuck in an electronic line on the website or on hold for long periods on the phone.
More than 6,700 Connecticut residents and small businesses signed up for coverage on Monday, more than double prior results for a single day, exchange officials said. More than 62,000 people have signed up for coverage, including Medicaid enrollees.

In New York, nearly 20,000 people selected private policies on Monday.
So 26,700 people from New York and Connecticut selected plans on Monday alone. There has easily probably been 200k in the past two days nationwide if not more.
btw Merry Christmas PoliGAF!

And my dad is spending (part of) the holidays spreading propaganda.


Merry Christmas, PoliGAF! I got:

- LotR EE Blu-Ray set. Haven't seen the EEs so looking forward to these (see here)
- My own Blu-Ray player (see here)
- Clothes
- A Nikon 35mm film camera (this year's highlight, see here)
- And, of course, what's a Christmas without a new frock?



Oh I understand why the GOP and right-wing media hate it. I don't get why the supposedly mainstream media has the same attitude...

Look at this idiotic question by Chuck Todd last week:


How is this even a serious question from someone I'm sure isn't a GOP shill?
No wonder Obama can't stand calling o TV reporters. They have no interest or understanding of policy, and therefore lurch from talking point to talking point. It becomes wrestling, with the only constant being the call for entitlement cuts.

I don't think the administration has done a good job of explaining that the secretary has broad power to implement the statutes and perimeters of the law, but you'd think a reporter would understand that and thus explain it to the public.
No wonder Obama can't stand calling o TV reporters. They have no interest or understanding of policy, and therefore lurch from talking point to talking point. It becomes wrestling, with the only constant being the call for entitlement cuts.

I don't think the administration has done a good job of explaining that the secretary has broad power to implement the statutes and perimeters of the law, but you'd think a reporter would understand that and thus explain it to the public.

I was hoping this would change with the advent of wonkblog and sites like it but it never did.

The media in washington by and large doesn't want to explain things, they want to tell stories, they're all aiming to write a gamechange or woodward type book. They have no idea how policy works, nor do they really want to, I can be you they never even read the law. Look at news stories and see how many times instead of stating the law they quote a think thank explaining it. In the post watergate era its all about 'holding power to account,' which means gottcha questions that further undermine any trust the public has. Its all about the narrative.

I went to a politico playbook event last week and it was a year end wrap up from the media, they admitted they have a bias towards sensationalism in politics and their solution? Stories on 'poverty' which is just a kind of sensationalism for the masses (though something that affects a far larger number and is more important).

That new york times piece on poverty is great story telling and illustrates a very real problem but you know you can talk about these things when legislation is up for debate;
talk about how cutting food stamps leads to poverty and hardship, talk about how voter id laws aren't just political talking points but have a measurable effect in elections, hell you can be critical of dems and talk about how the changes in the health care law do have negative effects on some people. Use numbers and not just those cited by the respective ideological think tanks. Have discussions and challenge the notions the politicians hold, they can change the 'narrative' instead of just being beholden to it. Its frustrated because their solution doesn't change the major problem, they don't act as referees they're the play by play which is by and large useless, I can watch the game myself.

Post some Kelly's back, you know, for the lulz.

Isn't this from the onion?

I am spending my christmas looking at my jawbone through the sockets of two of my recently extracted teeth.

It's creepy.



No wonder Obama can't stand calling o TV reporters. They have no interest or understanding of policy, and therefore lurch from talking point to talking point. It becomes wrestling, with the only constant being the call for entitlement cuts.

I don't think the administration has done a good job of explaining that the secretary has broad power to implement the statutes and perimeters of the law, but you'd think a reporter would understand that and thus explain it to the public.

I've been surprised at how much flexibly they've had in implementation, but yeah. You'd certainly hope reporters following the law would know. Certainly the administration could have or should be currently messaging the overall approach, which is to make small adjustments as implementation phases in based on how things are going. It would be irresponsible not to.
Nice pic Dax. :)

Republicans are so screwed in 2014.

Nah, I don't think they're hurt in any congressional elections, they will be hurt if they change the law. People still don't like 'obamacare' and running against it isn't harmful, if anything its just a net nothing.

The problem they face is if they focus ONLY on obamacare and at the time do nothing to propose solutions to jobs and the economy and stagnate wages.


Merry christmas yall!

Havent opened presents yet, but I got pants and money for sure :)

I can never have enough pants.

Edit: also happy holidays ya commie communists.



My two lower wisdoms that have been bombed out for at least the last 5 years, plus the third molar from the back on the lower left side were finally removed a week ago. Finally had the courage and the money at the same time again to get them out. I've met PoliGAFfers like Ghaleon when I still had them in, and all of them said I looked like they were irritating the shit out of me.

Here's the X-ray in email tags:

quote to see link

Note how the two wisdoms are barely visible.

I tried to get them out two years ago, but the dentist that was trying to do it backed out and cancelled the appointment because I started gagging. This one put me so far under (IV sedation) that it seemed like 10 minutes had passed when it was a 4 hour appoint.. I don't even remember the dentist working on me. I was concious for the entire thing. They gave me a bone graft too. Gonna get an implant later.
My two lower wisdoms that have been bombed out for at least the last 5 years, plus the third molar from the back on the lower left side were finally removed a week ago. Finally had the courage and the money at the same time again to get them out. I've met PoliGAFfers like Ghaleon when I still had them in, and all of them said I looked like they were irritating the shit out of me.

Here's the X-ray in email tags:

quote to see link

Note how the two wisdoms are barely visible.

I tried to get them out two years ago, but the dentist that was trying to do it backed out and cancelled the appointment because I started gagging. This one put me so far under (IV sedation) that it seemed like 10 minutes had passed when it was a 4 hour appoint.. I don't even remember the dentist working on me. I was concious for the entire thing. They gave me a bone graft too. Gonna get an implant later.


My teeth are not the best. I kept really bad care of my teeth and I guess you reap what you sow... You really do think your invincible when your younger.

Good to see you got it taken care of. Hopefully it gets rid of the pain.


Democrats are on the losing end of a 13-point swing in the polls since October, resulting in an early lead for the GOP heading into 2014, according to a new poll on the midterm elections released Thursday.

The CNN/ORC International survey shows Republicans holding a 49 percent to 44 percent lead over Democrats, a swift reversal from just two months ago, when the Democratic Party stood steady with an 8-point lead over the GOP, 50 percent to 42 percent.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...publicans-democrats-101544.html#ixzz2obYk80Qp

A website not working is more critical than some 50 people who nearly caused another recession? Really?



I know it is a year out, and I know these things can change on a dime. But given how insane the shutdown was and what the implications would have been had it not been resolved, it is downright terrifying that public opinion has already totally forgotten about that lesson and how toxic a small sect of the GOP is to not only the US but the global economy.
My two lower wisdoms that have been bombed out for at least the last 5 years, plus the third molar from the back on the lower left side were finally removed a week ago. Finally had the courage and the money at the same time again to get them out. I've met PoliGAFfers like Ghaleon when I still had them in, and all of them said I looked like they were irritating the shit out of me.

Here's the X-ray in email tags:

quote to see link

Note how the two wisdoms are barely visible.

I tried to get them out two years ago, but the dentist that was trying to do it backed out and cancelled the appointment because I started gagging. This one put me so far under (IV sedation) that it seemed like 10 minutes had passed when it was a 4 hour appoint.. I don't even remember the dentist working on me. I was concious for the entire thing. They gave me a bone graft too. Gonna get an implant later.
I'm sure you were warned already, but for the love of god don't drink out of a straw, spit, suck, or smoke until your mouth heals. And eat soft food (pasta, soup, etc). You don't want a dry socket, especially during the holidays because more than likely most dentists are out of town or have no intention of working until after New Years.

A website not working is more critical than some 50 people who nearly caused another recession? Really?



I know it is a year out, and I know these things can change on a dime. But given how insane the shutdown was and what the implications would have been had it not been resolved, it is downright terrifying that public opinion has already totally forgotten about that lesson and how toxic a small sect of the GOP is to not only the US but the global economy.

Because the public loves the status quo and the conservative rhetoric


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"Negative attitudes extend to both sides of the aisle: 52% believe that the policies of the Democratic leaders in Congress would move the country in the wrong direction; 54% say the same about the policies of congressional Republicans," Holland said.

And 54% say the same thing about President Barack Obama's policies

Well, alrighty then.


I'm sure you were warned already, but for the love of god don't drink out of a straw, spit, suck, or smoke until your mouth heals. And eat soft food (pasta, soup, etc). You don't want a dry socket, especially during the holidays because more than likely most dentists are out of town or have no intention of working until after New Years.

Yup, being doing all that. Don't smoke at all so don't need to worry about that. I did cave and go out with the family for chinese yesterday. I only chew with the front right side of my mouth with anything though, I'm not even risking it with soft food. So afraid of getting something wedged into the missing front molar's spot and ripping the stitches or something
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