God started the flood due to angels mating with human women and creating giants. I don't see why more fantastical creatures being included in the film too is an issue.
Because that happened.God started the flood due to angels mating with human women and creating giants. I don't see why more fantastical creatures being included in the film too is an issue.
Do you guys remember when religion wasn't just a reactionary Force? And promoted things like environmental stewardship and scientific discovery as a way to honor God's creation?Johnson added, though, that the movie seemed to promote theistic evolution and it had too much emphasis on environmental abuse.
Also: it has Russell Crowe on a boat.I actually really want to see Noah, it looks like "The Bible as epic mythic fantasy a-la The Ten Commandments" and that sounds like a blast
The passage of time is important because it allows us to assess how those arguments have faired. I contend that my arguments have been borne out, and the arguments of progressives like Chait and the president of the United States have not. Either Booker T. Washington was correct when he urged black people to forgo politics in favor eliminating "the criminal and loafing element of our people" or he wasn't. Either W.E.B. Du Bois was correct when he claimed that correcting "the immorality, crime and laziness among the Negroes" should be the "first and primary" goal or he was not. The track record of progressive moral reform in the black community is knowable.
It generally does not define culture as comprehensively as Lewis did, instead being careful to distinguish values from perceptions and attitudes from behavior.
The people he's talking with aren't saying this (certainly not TNC in his 2008 piece)! I think their talking past one another.TNC said:There is no evidence that black people are less responsible, less moral, or less upstanding in their dealings with America nor with themselves.
TNC said:It defies logic to think that any group, in a generationaly entrenched position, would not develop codes and mores for how to survive in that position. African-Americans, themselves, from poor to bourgeois, are the harshest critics of the street mentality. Of course, most white people only pay attention when Bill Cosby or Barack Obama are making that criticism. The problem is that rarely do such critiques ask why anyone would embrace such values. Moreover, they tend to assume that there's something uniquely "black" about those values, and their the embrace.
So is 6m+ signups and NC beating expectations by a huge margin good news or bad news for kay hagan?
I've heard the Christian Right is boycotting because of this. Fundies aren't happy. Would be hilarious if it bombs.Erick Erickson is PISSED Noah isn't as realistic as the bible (Spoilers for Noah but worth it for Erick's incredulousness)
@EWErickson 4h
20 minutes into Noah and it may be the dumbest movie ever made. There arerock monsters.
I also think there is a problem which Chait highlight that TNC seems to think Chait and the President are using culture to mean 'moral values' or 'way of thinking.' So when they refer to a culture of poverty it gets picked up as a negative judgement. But Chait and Obama in my reading aren't saying that the legacy and continued presence of racism and white supremacy have created a moralistic failure in black america but rather have lead to outward behaviors which are interpreted that way.
No...stop...don't go...Mike Rogers is retiring.
I really don't want to be a poll truther or question statistical analysis, but if the entire GOP strategy for 2014 is shitting on Obamacare, how can that possibly work if the law is successful? How can they run against the health care of 6m+ and counting? The projections of huge losses for Dems in the House and Senate just don't jive with recent developments, IMO.
6 Million Insured, Give Or Take A Few Million #MissionAccomplished?
For one thing, buying insurance through or one of the state exchanges doesn't mean that the purchaser supports the law. It also doesn't mean the person didn't have insurance in the past. The availability of a plan through an exchange may end up being a wash to many people--or may end up costing them more than their old plans.
So it would be foolish (47%-style foolish) to assume that every enrollee supports the law.
For one thing, buying insurance through or one of the state exchanges doesn't mean that the purchaser supports the law. It also doesn't mean the person didn't have insurance in the past. The availability of a plan through an exchange may end up being a wash to many people--or may end up costing them more than their old plans.
So it would be foolish (47%-style foolish) to assume that every enrollee supports the law.
Obama won the district by 6 in 2008, lost by 3 in you're saying there's a chance for a pickup?
lol Christie
lol Christie
It's okay, I didn't want context anyway.This is hilarious.
lol Christie
It's okay, I didn't want context anyway.
Christie said:"the report seems to indicate there was a traffic study of some kind."
squares well with this doesn't chris?Christie said:"I have a healthy respect for people's constitutional rights."
Chris Christie's Lawyers said:On page 115, the report also says that Kelly’s recent invocation of her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination “leads to a reasonable inference that her motives and actions here were, in whole or in part, improper.” The report makes the same inference for Wildstein on page 110 and adds that his silence “corroborates the substantial evidence.”
He had that 2 hour one a few months ago.Man Christie has a terrible personality. If I was a reporter and had to take those insults for asking the questions I'd be so pissed. And this 45 minute press conference is a classic case of 'look at me' narcissism.
For one thing, buying insurance through or one of the state exchanges doesn't mean that the purchaser supports the law. It also doesn't mean the person didn't have insurance in the past. The availability of a plan through an exchange may end up being a wash to many people--or may end up costing them more than their old plans.
So it would be foolish (47%-style foolish) to assume that every enrollee supports the law.
Um. What's going on?
Man Christie has a terrible personality. If I was a reporter and had to take those insults for asking the questions I'd be so pissed. And this 45 minute press conference is a classic case of 'look at me' narcissism.
It will sell him to the GOP base. He knows what he's doing.
Man Christie has a terrible personality. If I was a reporter and had to take those insults for asking the questions I'd be so pissed. And this 45 minute press conference is a classic case of 'look at me' narcissism. guy Steven Seagal weighed in on the international dispute over Russia's annexation of Crimea this week. Spoiler alert: he's siding with his friend Vladimir Putin and not with President Obama, whom the action star believes is one Benghazi revelation away from impeachment. In an interview with the state-run Rossiskaya Gazeta, Seagal called Putin "one of the great living world leaders," adding that he "would like to consider him as a brother."
The fighting celebrity's American legacy is, at this point, more or less relegated to the pages of World Net Daily and Joe Arpaio's county in Arizona. But he's very famous in Russia, and has recently struck up friendships with a handful of Russian oligarchs. As the Moscow Times notes, Rossiskaya Gazeta's interview seems to gloss over Seagal's waning popularity in the West, presumably to insinuate that his comments may carry some bite overseas (if the amused response that greeted his previous comments on Ukraine is any indication, this assumption is not true). The Times paraphrases the general idea of those remarks:
In the interview on the set of a movie he is shooting in Romania, Seagal said President Vladimir Putin's "desire to protect the Russian-speaking people of Crimea, his assets, and the Russian Black Sea military base in Sevastopol is very reasonable."
Criticizing the "idiotic" U.S. policy on Ukraine, Seagal said the American media coverage of the crisis was promoting the agenda of U.S. President Barack Obama.
No, I think Chait is doing TNC a disservice here by ascribing that misinterpretation to him (whitesplaining?). There's a casual question here which is being sidestepped.
The "culture of poverty" argument goes like this:
* White supremacy damages black communities...
* Causing them to adopt maladaptive behavior patterns...
* Which reduce their ability to succeed.
TNC would argue this:
* White supremacy makes it impossible for black people to succeed...
* And, denied actualization, they create a separate culture which they control...
* Which is then characterized as maladaptive and part of the problem.
In other words, the argument that African-American "culture" makes them less likely to succeed is impossible to bear out unless you can point to an example of that happening where white supremacy, and the considered "superiority" of "white" American culture over the African-American counterculture, wasn't also present. Since this is America, it's impossible to produce such an example -- so the "culture of poverty" is kind of the intelligent design version of racism. "Just because white supremacy exists doesn't mean black inferiority doesn't also exist! You can't prove it!"
I also strongly disagree with you and Chait about TNC's "pessimistic turn". When Ta-Nahisi writes about racism, he's been very consistent in saying that racism is predominant, that it still represents a major and perhaps the major force in American politics, that people continue to insist that it has gone away in the face of all the economic and statistical evidence, and that while this is true it will certainly continue to be a scourge on America. He's been saying this for years and years. His position hasn't changed, only his target.
PD said:The biggest misconception is that this is a black issue. It's a poor issue. If we can discuss it on that level we can avoid the white guilt that seems to automatically set in with some people.
GOP cutting off their nose to spite their face, lol.
GOP cutting off their nose to spite their face, lol.
GOP cutting off their nose to spite their face, lol.
You know, I wonder if this could ultimately back-fire on GOPers. If many of them pay the fine instead of buying insurance, you'll have a lot of uninsured GOPers out there who opted out of ACA. A small percentage of them will get cancer, be in a severe accident, catch a dangerous disease, etc. And if they have no insurance, they likely have very little money. And they will end up as the people who don't pay their bills such that they are the moochers that everyone else ends up having to pay for in the form of higher premiums.
Thus, a bunch of GOPers may end up as the parasites who failed to take personal responsibility and become the socialist moochers. Go Figure.
TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.
TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.
TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM. is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.