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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
But he's such a tough talker and is getting things done! Nj needs a strong leader who doesn't take any shit!

Can't tell you how many times I've heard this here from Christie supporters especially in response to him being a huge dick.

The report from his lawyers the other day said that Christie was "in tears" when he found about the shenanigans his minions were up to. lol.



GOP cutting off their nose to spite their face, lol.

Also smh @ Bruce Braley. I think this will make it purely tossup now because he was leading by a good 6 or 7 points before. He's an idiot for saying that. Not quite as dumb as the 47% tape, but for a Senate race it probably can be just as damaging. Hopefully people forget about it. But the Koch brothers will make sure the state is blanketed with ads containing that quote leading up to the race. He's probably fucked but it is early. The ads will basically generate themselves tho. Too easy. Baw.

And I DO AGREE that Clinton helped Obama a lot. But to say the 47% tape didn't make Romney lose credibility, welp... I disagree. I think that was the other half of the equation along with Obama's campaign (which included Bill when you think about it) that really sunk Romney's chances. I think Mitt knew it too. I watched his Netflix thing, it was pretty cool. Even after the first debate he was not comfortable even though he just got finished kicking Obama's ass. He knew he had his work cut out for him.

What's up with Christie? I know bridgegate is making him look bad, but I can't be the only one getting the impression that the media is letting him get away with bullshitting. Christie's not going to actually get away with this shit, is he? Both he and the media are running around beating their chests over lawyers HIRED BY CHRISTIE. DERP.


Since we were talking about race on this page, thoughts on this:


False equivalency? Or is it that the liberals are the real racists after all? :O
It's more that Paul Ryan = bad, so it really doesn't matter what the actual quote is, they'll argue against it and attack him.

You'd get the same thing pulling it in reverse with say, The Five. I would assume.

EDIT: I'm sure there's a fallacy or cognitive bias name for this, but I can't think of it. Ingroup bias maybe?


Okay, case in point:


Trenton, New Jersey (CNN) -- He's baaaaack.
The defiant and combative Chris Christie that reporters knew from the past returned in full spring bloom on Friday, now that a report he commissioned cleared him of wrongdoing in the George Washington Bridge lane closure controversy.
A few minutes into his first news conference in more than two months, New Jersey's Republican governor flashed his famous cantankerousness at suggestions he was hiding something about the apparently politically motivated traffic jams last September in Fort Lee.
Fucking bullshit. He's 'baaaaaaaack' because you feel like saying he is. What part of he hired his own lawyers to clear his name does not sound shady to you, CNN?

Aren't there more independent lawyers coming forward with their findings soon? I hope so. Someone put Christie to bed before he lies and cheats his way to the nomination. This guy is a shitstain. It has become evident to me that he's building a superteam of brown nosers that will help him do as much lying and cheating as possible.


TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.

I stopped following TPM a few weeks ago and have had a hole in my political reading as well. I don't think there is a good 1:1 replacement for what TPM used to be, hoping some of the suggestions at least fill some of the void. I deleted my bookmarks before the sponsored content, but reading the post about it just now...I'm kind of stunned. Their decline has been notable in recent months but editorial content drafted by PhRMA? It's diametrically opposed to what TPM used to be about.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah. I certainly wouldn't say that "liberals are the real racists after all," but it's definitely true that some of us (most of us!) will find something to criticize when we think it's a person we don't like.

I remember a lot of posts here specifically talking about criticisms of Barack Obama and his black culture language right after the Paul Ryan statements came out.

Anyhow, it's unsurprising there would be a lot of Obamabots in the liberal side of the media, but it is still interesting how so little focus was put on both Obamas for statements like those when they were first made. I have to give a shout out to the Citizen Radio podcast for both covering those statements and criticizing the Obamas right when they first said those things. (People should check it out. Its a lot like the Giant Bombcast in that it's 50% jokes and side tangents and has a lot of inaccuracies, but great in opinions and news selection and overall entertainment value)

Personally, it's statements like that which are the biggest reason I don't like people like Paul Ryan, and a big example of why I'm disappointed in Obama.
TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.
As ghaleon said there's not a 1 to 1 replacement. But weigels blog along with the new republic are good (Brian beutler is moving there).

People hate when I say this but I really feel like having a curated twitter feed is the best solution. Following writers is the best solution.

If I remember in the morning I can post the writers I like and what they do a good job covering.
Also smh @ Bruce Braley. I think this will make it purely tossup now because he was leading by a good 6 or 7 points before. He's an idiot for saying that. Not quite as dumb as the 47% tape, but for a Senate race it probably can be just as damaging. Hopefully people forget about it. But the Koch brothers will make sure the state is blanketed with ads containing that quote leading up to the race. He's probably fucked but it is early. The ads will basically generate themselves tho. Too easy. Baw.
Meh. He'll still win. I'd put an avatar bet on it if I didn't already have one with PD
that I'll lose


Meh. He'll still win. I'd put an avatar bet on it if I didn't already have one with PD
that I'll lose
Nope, he's really done it now, he wishes he could have the problems of Todd Akin after this:
The Braley campaign misspelled a couple of basic Iowa-farm-related words--detasseling and baling--in its press release defending the U.S. Senate candidate's street cred with farms and farmers.

A sharp-eyed Des Moines Register editor noticed that the news release said: "Bruce grew up in rural Iowa and worked on Iowa farms, detassling corn and bailing hay."
TPM is now running sponsored articles, so that's it for me, deleted out of my bookmarks. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement media source? Should be generally progressive in terms of politics, focus on beltway/inside news, assume a high level of literacy on the part of the reader, and must absolutely positively not be willing to run advertorials. Not looking for a general news source, I have those. Also not looking for a blog, I have those. Looking for a 1:1 replacement for TPM.
Vox.com when that gets up and running. Sarah Kliff recently went to Vermont to look at the single-payer efforts there, so I'm really looking forward to her article when that's put up. Otherwise, follow reporters on Twitter (I can give you a list if you want). TNR is usually pretty great.
I stopped following TPM a few weeks ago and have had a hole in my political reading as well. I don't think there is a good 1:1 replacement for what TPM used to be, hoping some of the suggestions at least fill some of the void. I deleted my bookmarks before the sponsored content, but reading the post about it just now...I'm kind of stunned. Their decline has been notable in recent months but editorial content drafted by PhRMA? It's diametrically opposed to what TPM used to be about.
You know, I was thinking about shooting Josh an email about why I've been visiting TPM less and less...I think I'll still do it, but I don't think it'll do any good.


Meh. He'll still win. I'd put an avatar bet on it if I didn't already have one with PD
that I'll lose
Haha, which bet is that?

It made him lose credibility, but I don't think it was the deciding factor in Romney losing the election. I'm confident that he would have lost the election even if the tape had never existed.
I'm not so sure. He had a lot of momentum after the first debate but it was padded in between crashing and burning after the 47% remarks and Obama kicking his ass the second and third time around. The tape was a glimpse into the real Mitt Romney and it basically defined his character.

btw, his "Mitt" documentary was good. But I think especially after the 47% tape it is worth noting that this man is used to faking it on camera. It just goes to show you that he is a real life Mr. Burns when he thinks the cameras have stopped rolling.
I can't link now but TPM had a story yesterday about the RNC forcing an apology out of an Ebony magazine editor for stupid racial comments on twitter. The first paragraph of the article noted such network aggression/concern trolling has become the RNC's "bread and butter." So I read the rest of the article expecting multiple examples to justify such a charge but it only featured one (the msnbc Cheerios fiasco).

It struck me as another case of lazy click bait journalism. Whether you believe the RNC's "bread and butter" is forcing network news to apologize for alleged sleights or not, you'd probably expect the article to make its case with more than one example.

It has always been a " liberal" site but it's becoming more of a petty "negative GOP news" rag, almost like an MSNBC take on web journalism. The obsessive Christie coverage really seems like it was the beginning of the end. Also very little of the Christie coverage was original, there were multiple stories built off other news programs ("check out this interesting theory Maddow has!"). Now the only exclusive stories are Sahil's "Why X Should Be Worried About Y." No thanks.
Since we were talking about race on this page, thoughts on this:


False equivalency? Or is it that the liberals are the real racists after all? :O

Context matters. Michelle Obama's exhortation made directly to an African-American audience that college education should be pursued and too many African-Americans fantasize about being celebrities rather than becoming teachers is not racist. In this context, it's basically old-person-laments-young-generation. It's kind of a vacuous thing to say, but not racist.

As well, the reason that somebody says something matters. Paul Ryan said what he said to generate political support by appealing to white people who think black people are lazy. This increases divisiveness in the society for his personal gain. Michelle Obama expressed a sincere concern about too few (middle class) African-American youth pursuing college careers because they dream of being a celebrity instead.

The statements really aren't in the same universe. Maher instead should have used a quote from Obama speaking to the entire nation about how black people too often demand government handouts.
"Let's go with another Bush" - GOP

Fluent in Spanish, Bush has credibility within the Hispanic community that could help broaden his coalition. He also has the gravitas many Republicans say is required to compete with former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democrats’ leading potential contender.
Me alegro que pueda traducir "auto deportación" en español.

Do Republicans seriously think because he has a Hispanic wife and speaks Spanish he will win votes as the head of a party which has killed immigration reform time and time again?


As a Floridian, I'll just say: Don't underestimate Jeb Bush. He's not like his brother and is probably the best candidate the GOP has.
I think Bush would do fine in a primary (but he'd run into the same problems McCain and Romney had that forced them to move uncomfortably right on many issues) but he'd be dead weight in the general election for one reason - he's George Bush's brother.

Especially if Clinton were the Dem nominee, at which point it'd become a proxy battle between the 8 Clinton years and the 8 Bush years. Clinton would win that every time. Anti-Bush rhetoric has softened because he hasn't been a force in politics, you can be sure Democrats would rouse up their base against a return to that, whereas Bill Clinton's scandals were never even problematic while they were happening.

Btw ACA Signups is projecting 6.72 million QHPs by 3/31! And it's been going up every day! With the extension we'll probably see the 7 million goal reached.
Bush's biggest problem is how easy it is going to be to tie him to his brother.

For immigration reform? So was his brother
For lower taxes? So was his brother
Against recognition of Gay Marriage? So was his brother
Pro Foreign Intervention? So was his brother
For education reform? So was his brother

There's literally nothing different and it will be so easy to quickly make an ad with the same words coming out of his brothers mouth (imagine how effective this will be). There's this idea he's more reasonable or moderate but they said the same thing about Bush Jr. The GOP and Bush would run on the same ideas because they have no new ones (besides maybe twisting religious liberty into the right to discriminate and privatizing schools). Who does he pick off? Where does he help the GOP? This idea they need to moderate is pretty much them saying we need to leave the tea party and go back to Bush.

People want the clinton years back. The more effective route for the GOP is to tie her to Obama but that runs into two problems A) the people you need to win over like minorities support the President and B) she wasn't here advocating policy, she was flying around the world.
It's more that Paul Ryan = bad, so it really doesn't matter what the actual quote is, they'll argue against it and attack him.

You'd get the same thing pulling it in reverse with say, The Five. I would assume.

I remember my conservative friends emailing around "Quotes from Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth or Unibomber Manifesto?"

Nope, he's really done it now, he wishes he could have the problems of Todd Akin after this:

This is Calvin Coolidge dressing up like a farmer to get votes. He got flak for not changing out of his dress shoes.



A Hilary vs Jeb showdown will be a about the Bush years vs the Clinton years. Which would you rather have?

How can the GOP win such a fight? They can try to use gender and age, but can they really do that without pissing off female voters? Also, if they're going to attack Hilary on age, then you can easily counter that by showing how the GOP nominated McCain without any reservations. Also, their god Reagan was of similar age when he came into office. How will they answer that?


Sidhe / PikPok
Also, if they're going to attack Hilary on age, then you can easily counter that by showing how the GOP nominated McCain without any reservations. Also, their god Reagan was of similar age when he came into office. How will they answer that?

The same way they respond to all demonstrations of irrationality or hypocrisy - by ignoring it completely.


Unconfirmed Member
I think y'all are overestimating the degree of negative feelings towards Bush 43.

His favorability ratings have been ticking upwards since he left office (as is the case for most ex-presidents) and are a net positive in many polls.

Well right now it would seem petty to remind everyone how terrible Bush was and so time has healed some wounds, but believe me, it will be pretty easy to reopen those wounds given an opportunity like Jeb running for president. Even if that's not the case, your link still puts him at the lowest of all ex-presidents by a large margin.

You complain about the republicans and overall population being such doves lately, but that's 100% because Bush was so terrible on foreign policy by starting the war in Iraq over false pretenses and never presenting a reasonable, discernible end game. And yes, on the ever important economic front, Bush is still seen as responsible.

Jeb Bush would have to decide to either run around in circles distancing himself from W. while defending W.'s policies, try to distance himself by changing his policies and having to deal with being called a flip flopper, or defend his brother and open himself to economic and foreign policy attacks. None of those are great options for him.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Anyone else find it strange how the press adores Chris Christie when his entire claim to fame is him being a dick to the very same press?
Anyone else find it strange how the press adores Chris Christie when his entire claim to fame is him being a dick to the very same press?

He was also mean to teachers and their unions. As the husband of a teacher' in Chicago, I can honestly say the media loves nothing more than hating teachers and pushing corporate education reform.


Anyone else find it strange how the press adores Chris Christie when his entire claim to fame is him being a dick to the very same press?

He makes their job easy. Just point a camera at him and go; the right loves it because he 'doesn't take shit from the liberal media' and the left loves it because he's practically a caricature of their idea of a "corrupt conservative politician".


Unconfirmed Member
And look at him now, his political career is dead. Over with. Finished.
Eh, he may be dead but he has his fans. When I named my son Calvin my uncle excitedly asked if what was after Coolidge. "He was on of the last great conservative presidents!"
... "And Reagan!"
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