It was after Calvin and Hobbes, right?Eh, he may be dead but he has his fans. When I named my son Calvin my uncle excitedly asked if what was after Coolidge. "He was on of the last great conservative presidents!"
... "And Reagan!"
It was after Calvin and Hobbes, right?Eh, he may be dead but he has his fans. When I named my son Calvin my uncle excitedly asked if what was after Coolidge. "He was on of the last great conservative presidents!"
... "And Reagan!"
The more I learn about Jimmy Carter the more I appreciate him. Probably the only super religious president I like. I would only wonder what would have happened if he was elected in 1980 instead of 1976.
YesIt was after Calvin and Hobbes, right?
Well done.
The more I learn about Jimmy Carter the more I appreciate him. Probably the only super religious president I like. I would only wonder what would have happened if he was elected in 1980 instead of 1976.
@samsteinhp: deadline crunch. HHS: "There were more calls to the call centers this week than during the entire month of February"
The true battle of 2016, as predicted by soothsayer Dick Morris, in 2005.
Sorry Jeb.
I'm depressed just thinking about it. For one, Reaganomics wouldn't exist.
So a recent Associated Press-GfK poll puts the Health Care law support at the lows with only 26% supporting the bill.
I really did expect the numbers to be higher after people started getting benefits from the bill, but it seems the opposite is happening. Still, support for repeal also isn't super high and other polls have shown many of the disapprovers want it to be more liberal, not more conservative, so it doesn't exactly mean that Republicans are winning big on this failure either.
It mostly all comes back to the mandates. I know it's essential to the bill, but it's still an absolutely terrible way to handle health care. It puts most of the burden on people who really can't afford it and it incentives employers to cut worker's hours. I'm not sure people will ever come around to that part of the bill. As time goes on signups might increase, but so will the penalty and with it the hatred of the mandate.
People want preexisting conditions to be covered, premium prices to not go wild, and they do not want to be forced into directly paying for insurance themselves. At some point someone has to put forward a plan to satisfy these demands.
I know public option and single payer are both the options to that, but is there any study showing how bad it would be if we just cut the mandate and kept everything else the same? Surely premiums would jump, but do we know around how much those premiums would jump up by? Maybe other limits like mandating you keep insurance for a year after you get it and limiting sign ups to a January start would be enough to keep a lot of people from just staying off insurance until they get sick?
If the only way to fix this is a public option I wonder how long until we'll have a dem super majority again. And if we do somehow get a super majority in the next 6 years, I wonder if they'll be willing to call the ACA a mistake and actually fix it with a more liberal approach this time. As far as I can tell Landrieu might be the only democrat left completely against the public option, with a maybe for Pryor.
It's one of the reasons why I hope for a good 2014 senate hold, to keep the possibility of a senate super majority in 2016 open.
What are the substantive reasons Carter is the worst (or second worst after Obama, I guess) president ever? The economic problems? Unless I'm mistaken, they were out of his control, and had more to do with oil crisis during the time. The botched rescue mission to save the hostages held by the Iranian terrorists? Again, not sure why that was his fault. What else is there?
(And yes, I realize that most of the complaints from right-wingers aren't substantive, but let's just humor them for a sec)
Chris Christie Apologizes For 'Occupied Territories' Remark, Says He 'Misspoke'So much trolling
Also if Christie isn't damaged enough he refered to the occupied territories as the occupied territories in a speech today. BTW it was a Sheldon Aldelson event
You simply can't call Occupied Territories Occupied Territories when it comes to Israel. This shows the stranglehold AIPAC and zionist warhawks have on American politics.The source told POLITICO that Christie clarified in the strongest terms possible that his remarks today were not meant to be a statement of policy.
Instead, the source said, Christie made clear that he misspoke when he referred to the occupied territories. And he conveyed that he is an unwavering friend and committed supporter of Israel, and was sorry for any confusion that came across as a result of the misstatement.
He had the misfortune of preceding St. Ronnie.What are the substantive reasons Carter is the worst (or second worst after Obama, I guess) president ever? The economic problems? Unless I'm mistaken, they were out of his control, and had more to do with oil crisis during the time. The botched rescue mission to save the hostages held by the Iranian terrorists? Again, not sure why that was his fault. What else is there?
(And yes, I realize that most of the complaints from right-wingers aren't substantive, but let's just humor them for a sec)
You simply can't call Occupied Territories Occupied Territories when it comes to Israel. This shows the stranglehold AIPAC and zionist warhawks have on American politics.
Bush said:"There should be an end to the occupation that began in 1967. The agreement must establish Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people, just as Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people. These negotiations must ensure that Israel has secure, recognized, and defensible borders. And they must ensure that the state of Palestine is viable, contiguous, sovereign, and independent."
How does Keynes appear out of nowhere and retroactively create the "homosexual movement"? Is this a Glenn Beck thing?
What are the substantive reasons Carter is the worst (or second worst after Obama, I guess) president ever? The economic problems? Unless I'm mistaken, they were out of his control, and had more to do with oil crisis during the time. The botched rescue mission to save the hostages held by the Iranian terrorists? Again, not sure why that was his fault. What else is there?
(And yes, I realize that most of the complaints from right-wingers aren't substantive, but let's just humor them for a sec)
Two things:Mark D. Bearden said:Good afternoon,
I am a staunch Republican, a self-proclaimed Fox News addict, and I didn't vote for the President. And I'm here to tell you that Obamacare works. I'm living proof.
I'm a chemotherapy patient, and was previously paying $428 a month for my health coverage. I was not thrilled when it was cancelled.
Then I submitted an application at I looked at my options. And I signed up for a plan for $62 a month.
It's the best health care I have ever had.
Wait wait wait
Weather Underground?!?!?!??!
The Weather Underground Organization (WUO), commonly known as the Weather Underground, was an American radical left organization founded on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. Originally called Weatherman, the group became known colloquially as the Weathermen. Weatherman organized in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) composed for the most part of the national office leadership of SDS and their supporters. Their goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for the overthrow of the US government.
What are the substantive reasons Carter is the worst (or second worst after Obama, I guess) president ever? The economic problems? Unless I'm mistaken, they were out of his control, and had more to do with oil crisis during the time. The botched rescue mission to save the hostages held by the Iranian terrorists? Again, not sure why that was his fault. What else is there?
(And yes, I realize that most of the complaints from right-wingers aren't substantive, but let's just humor them for a sec)
There was also a completely irrational freak out over Japan eclipsing us economically, buying up all our property and companies, and making the American way irrelevant.
Not THAT Weather Underground, this Weather Underground.
Both Weather Undergrounds originated in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The weather service was named after the student group.
There was also a completely irrational freak out over Japan eclipsing us economically, buying up all our property and companies, and making the American way irrelevant.
Shared prosperity?
Deficit spending.How does Keynes appear out of nowhere and retroactively create the "homosexual movement"? Is this a Glenn Beck thing?
Now comes the hard part, if I can be even half the troll Calvin's dad is I'll say I did a good job.Well done.
Shared prosperity?
Social Justice?!?!?
Oh the horror of horrors!
Apparently it is not a joke, from this documentary, can't be fucked to watch it now, but man, it looks super serious and well researched, it starts with this gem -
Then cuts to saint Reagan (pbuh).
I think it's StalinItsHappening.gif: The Movie.
Deficit spending.
Open your eyes sheeple!
At the same time, it was a reactionary sentiment, since their products were becoming ubiquitous in America, their businesses were interacting more with ours, and interest in Japan as a nation rose as a result.The anti-Japan sentiment went well into the 80s.
Check out this letter from a self-proclaimed staunch Republican on Obamacare:
Two things:
1) Obama has personally asked this man if he can use his story in a TV ad, and the man has said yes. So we'll probably be seeing that pretty soon.
2) He's from North Carolina. What does this mean for Kay Hagan?
Also, PPACA signups are surging in the last minute. Signups will blitz past 7 million before the deadline and go even higher during the extension.
At the same time, it was a reactionary sentiment, since their products were becoming ubiquitous in America, their businesses were interacting more with ours, and interest in Japan as a nation rose as a result.
Yep. Master level trolling.Equally great:
Not sure if serious.This doesn't seem like something Stalin would say. I mean "patriotism"? Does anybody even use that word outside of Americans?
Yep. Master level trolling.
Someone literally made it up in a letter to the editor in a Kansas newspaperThis doesn't seem like something Stalin would say. I mean "patriotism"? Does anybody even use that word outside of Americans?
Put Dwight D. Eisenhower between the two.Ooh, fun! Let me try:
It would be even better if you made the arrow go to the opposite direction.
Both of those explanations are god-tier. A six-year old would eat those up.Yep. Master level trolling.
I'd love to see his plan details, specifically the deductible and whether he got to keep his doctor. Surely he understands the right is going to comb through every detail, as the left has done for Koch horror stories.Check out this letter from a self-proclaimed staunch Republican on Obamacare:
Two things:
1) Obama has personally asked this man if he can use his story in a TV ad, and the man has said yes. So we'll probably be seeing that pretty soon.
2) He's from North Carolina. What does this mean for Kay Hagan?
Also, PPACA signups are surging in the last minute. Signups will blitz past 7 million before the deadline and go even higher during the extension.
Apparently it is not a joke, from this documentary, can't be fucked to watch it now, but man, it looks super serious and well researched, it starts with this gem -
2) He's from North Carolina. What does this mean for Kay Hagan?