How the fuck are they going to move past obstructionism when THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING PLATFORM SINCE 2009 HAS BEEN JUST THAT?Rove: Obama Poll Numbers Spell Disaster for Democrats
President Barack Obama's approval ratings with the public "are setting off alarm bells for Democrats — and for good reasons," Republican political strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal.
The Republican Party is the minority party, which means that this election is precisely the time for the GOP to move beyond obstructionism and show that it has the answers Americans want," Rove wrote.
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I love how 53% want Congress to counterbalance the President's policies, even though they're already doing far more than that (complete obstructionism). People are so stupid. So let's just give the Senate to the people who held the global economy hostage just because.
Oh and 40 to 34 Americans are more confident in Democrats -- but they still want to keep them from controlling congress. HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?
I can't believe these sadistic fucks are going to take back the Senate. November is going to hurt so bad. Hold me.