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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Chuck Todd was saying the other day that Cotton's campaign has been terrible. That he built his entire campaign around his military record and Obamacare repeal and expected to skate into office on that alone.

Btw NC Senate from PPP: Hagan 38-36 with the Libertarian taking 11. The undecided went for Obama 55-37 in 2012 though.
Hmm. Was expecting drastic numbers for hagan either positive or negative. Is her opponent full on repeal benghazicare type or more established?



Congressman Agrees Obama Is Killing Veterans, Suggests Obamacare Enrollees Will Be Next

CALLER: I’m a veteran and that’s just unbelievable. [Obama] has just pillaged veterans, and the veterans some of them are standing up saying, ‘I like the guy.’ But he is killing them. He is killing them, he doesn’t even know it.

FLEMING: Well again that’s true. That’s the reason why our founding fathers created a government that was a tripartite one in which there are checks and balances. But right now it’s not functioning that way. You just have a president that goes out willy nilly ad-libing it all the time, doing things to really appeal to his base, for political purposes and all of these unintended consequences all of these people who are being injured and damaged as a result of it, this is real lives that are being hurt by this president who’s main interest is just to promote his agenda and his political aims. [...]

HOST: We were just running a news thing of people being upset at the veterans, I guess there have been a rash of people dying. They feel like they’re not getting the care they need. That’s why you mentioned earlier, this could be the new system.

FLEMING: This is the type of thing you would see from Obamacare, a centralized system that when you have the president making all of the decisions, whose motivations may not be necessarily the best at all times.

Yes, Obama is killing vets, your old people, your parents, and your little dog too. Obama. Obama. Obama. Killer in Chief. Terrorist sympathizer. Gay lover. Etc, etc, etc.

These fucking people make my brain literally ache.
Chuck Todd was saying the other day that Cotton's campaign has been terrible. That he built his entire campaign around his military record and Obamacare repeal and expected to skate into office on that alone.

Btw NC Senate from PPP: Hagan 38-36 with the Libertarian taking 11. The undecided went for Obama 55-37 in 2012 though.

dat spin

PPP doesn't even do that

Those saying they plan to vote Libertarian in NC-Sen say they'd pick Tillis 47/27 over Hagan if they had to: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2014/05/hagan-tillis-continue-to-be-locked-in-toss-up.html …


27% for Libertarians for Hagan is pretty high.

Hagan gets more good news today- the NC State Legislature is looking at screwing over unemployed people by making them to go to the unemployment office each week to present ID.


If Hagan focused on stuff like this and internet issues in NC- she has two powerful issues to club Tillis, but so far she's done nothing.

As much as I think Hagan is bad on some things (internet issues) , the Republicans are just so much worse that I'm stuck voting for the lesser of two evils. I really wish Dems would primary like Republicans.
dat spin

PPP doesn't even do that

Those saying they plan to vote Libertarian in NC-Sen say they'd pick Tillis 47/27 over Hagan if they had to: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2014/05/hagan-tillis-continue-to-be-locked-in-toss-up.html …
Repeating what the pollster said literally verbatim is spin:

PPP said:
Undecideds in NC-Sen voted for Obama 55/37, pretty split on his approval at 40/42. Race should remain close

hurr ok


Holy shit.

Sandy Hook 'Truther' Tells Victim's Mother Her Daughter Never Existed

A playground in Mystic, Connecticut, dedicated to a girl shot during the Newtown massacre, is allegedly being vandalized by "truthers" who claim the shooting never took place.

A vinyl sign weighing 50 pounds was stolen last Tuesday from the Grace McDonnell Playground.

The sign featured a peace symbol that was based on the 7-year-old girl's drawing. She is one of the 20 children shot by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14, 2012.

Grace's mother, Lynn McDonnell, found out about the theft when a man claiming to have stolen the sign called her.

During a brief conversation, the sign-stealer allegedly told McDonnell that he took the sign because he believes the school shooting was a hoax, CBS2.com reports.

He also taunted her that her daughter never existed, a comment that suggested he thought McDonnell was part of the alleged conspiracy.

Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and six adult staff members at the elementary school after killing his mother at their nearby home, in one of the most infamous shootings in recent history.

However, a small group of "truthers" allege the shooting never occurred or was part of a ‘false flag’ operation designed to open the door to the confiscation of all guns by the government, RawStory.com reports.

Truthers offer numerous theories about what they say really happened, but all of them can be easily explained or debunked.

The Grace McDonnell Playground was opened on April 27, and is one of 26 being built in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey by the Where Angels Play Foundation, to honor the victims of the massacre.

The foundation has ordered a replacement sign, according to executive director MaryKate Lavin.

"We are going to keep moving forward," she told NBC Connecticut. "This is not going to stop us, but it is heartbreaking."

The sign theft at the Grace McDonnell Playground isn't an isolated event. It comes just days after vandals painted graffiti at a playground in Hartford dedicated to Newtown victim Anna Grace Marquez-Greene.

The sign was spray-painted with the letters “BEKS” with a peace sign and then the words “To Sandy Hook,” CBS Connecticut reports.

Police are still investigating both incidents.

What the fuck is wrong with this country?


Obsidian fan

"What is twitter? I don't have a twitter."

Took me a minute to realise this wasn't McNulty.

Mark Begich leads all of his potential Republican opponents, but the match ups are pretty close across the board. He's up 42/37 on Sullivan with third party candidates combining for 7%, he's up 41/33 on Treadwell with third party candidates combining for 9%, and he's up 43/27 on Miller with third party candidates combining for 6%. His leads over Sullivan and Treadwell stood at 4 and 6 points respectively in February, so the race is largely unchanged. Voters are closely divided in their feelings about Begich with 44% approving of him and 45% disapproving.
So looks like John Conyers failed to get the necessary number of signatures to appear on the ballot. He'll probably run a write in campaign and win though.


Is there a reason? On paper Cotton seems like a really good candidate, but hasn't been able to make strides thus far in polls.

I'm not sure. I think it's mostly because Cotton's entire campaign has been a joke and he's going against an established opponent or something like that.


What's the point in paying people to give you inaccurate poll info, beyond for fundraising ("it's a dead heat, give us money") or to quickly re-assure your supporters with bullshit.

I've always thought that was just part and parcel of the political machine. A way to funnel money between organizations without actually being an official kickback. Just pay someone too much for "polling", "testing" and "consulting".
What's the point in paying people to give you inaccurate poll info, beyond for fundraising ("it's a dead heat, give us money") or to quickly re-assure your supporters with bullshit.
Posturing. No one wants to support a loser.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats always pretend they're losing while Republicans always pretend they're winning. Good for wine and dining donors and journalists I suppose, but as 2012 showed us, deluding yourself doesn't actually help you win.

Feingold seems to be the exception to this, he spent the last month or so claiming he was winning. That's when I learned not to take internal polling too seriously.


Alright, Georgia primary voter here. I want Nunn to win the General, and I'm trying to think what the best use of my vote is next Tuesday. My Congressman, Jack Kingston, appears much more vulnerable to Nunn than David Perdue. I'd love the opponent to be Paul Broun, but it doesn't look like he's in contention to make the run-off. Should I vote for Kingston?
Alright, Georgia primary voter here. I want Nunn to win the General, and I'm trying to think what the best use of my vote is next Tuesday. My Congressman, Jack Kingston, appears much more vulnerable to Nunn than David Perdue. I'd love the opponent to be Paul Broun, but it doesn't look like he's in contention to make the run-off. Should I vote for Kingston?

I would. Chose your opponent. Isn't Handel also polling well? Not too sure which is the weaker of those two. Handel has got the Komen foundation incident where you can portray as bringing politics into non-political things, plus "war on women" (anti-abortion, plus she just said there is no wage gap)

I think I've found the worst WSJ opinion piece of all time.

A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration

Some select quotes:
nah the "kristallnacht" piece is still the best
I think I've found the worst WSJ opinion piece of all time.

A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration

Some select quotes:

Often, members of the Obama administration speak and, worse, think and act, like a bunch of teenagers. When officials roll their eyes at Vladimir Putin's seizure of Crimea with the line that this is "19th-century behavior," the tone is not that different from a disdainful remark about a hairstyle being "so 1980s." When administration members find themselves judged not on utopian aspirations or the purity of their motives—from offering "hope and change" to stopping global warming—but on their actual accomplishments, they turn sulky. As teenagers will, they throw a few taunts (the president last month said the GOP was offering economic policies that amount to a "stinkburger" or a "meanwich") and stomp off, refusing to exchange a civil word with those of opposing views.

If the United States today looks weak, hesitant and in retreat, it is in part because its leaders and their staff do not carry themselves like adults. They may be charming, bright and attractive; they may have the best of intentions; but they do not look serious. They act as though Twitter and clenched teeth or a pout could stop invasions or rescue kidnapped children in Nigeria. They do not sound as if, when saying that some outrage is "unacceptable" or that a dictator "must go," that they represent a government capable of doing something substantial—and, if necessary, violent—if its expectations are not met. And when reality, as it so often does, gets in the way—when, for example, the Syrian regime begins dousing its opponents with chlorine gas, as it has in recent weeks, despite solemn deals and red lines—the administration ignores it, hoping, as teenagers often do, that if they do not acknowledge a screw-up no one else will notice.

The Obama administration is not alone. The teenage temperament infects our politics on both sides of the aisle, not to mention our great universities and leading corporations. The old, adult virtues—gravitas, sobriety, perseverance and constancy—are the virtues that enabled America to stabilize a shattered world in the 1940s, preserve a perilous order despite the Cold War and navigate the conclusion of that conflict. These and other stoic qualities are worth rediscovering, because their dearth among our leaders is leading them, and us and large parts of the globe, into real danger.


I would. Chose your opponent. Isn't Handel also polling well? Not too sure which is the weaker of those two. Handel has got the Komen foundation incident where you can portray as bringing politics into non-political things, plus "war on women" (anti-abortion, plus she just said there is no wage gap)

The RCP average is:

Perdue: 25.5
Kingston: 17.5
Handel: 15.8
Broun: 11.5
Gingrey: 10

Really it's going to be Perdue in the run-off for sure, I'm mostly just choosing between Kingston and Handel. Handel looks to be little weaker against Nunn, she never went to college and just kind of lacks gravitas. I saw her speak once when I was at my University. Kingston messed up by saying poor kids should work as janitors to pay for their lunches, but otherwise isn't an embarrassment 95% of the time and is very low-key and soft spoken, and comes with decades of experience in Congress so he can't be portrayed as a lightweight that easily. Yeah now that I think about it if Perdue is a lock, I should vote for Handel.

Nunn could be so much stronger if she just had a message. Her commercials say a whole lot of nothing except "I'm an optimist, and I have a connection to the first President Bush". She's not strongly for anything or against anything.

Edit: What am I thinking? Handel won't win the runoff vs. Perdue (he's too strong), which defeats the whole purpose. I'll vote for Kingston.
I've been reading a lot of conservative opinions about how the Obama administration is embarrassing us on the global stage.

I'm like holy shit, did any of these people ever travel abroad during the Bush administration? There's no comparison. In 2007 I couldn't even watch a football match in a British pub without 10 people wanting to talk to me about Iraq and express their opinions on Bush. Again, no comparison.


aka andydumi
I've always thought that was just part and parcel of the political machine. A way to funnel money between organizations without actually being an official kickback. Just pay someone too much for "polling", "testing" and "consulting".

Same here. To the last minute, that raised campaign money must be used up.

I've been reading a lot of conservative opinions about how the Obama administration is embarrassing us on the global stage.

It's all preparation for anti-Hillary. Sow the seeds slowly now, so that by the time campaign is in full swing people have seen it mentioned for months and they will actually listen.
Mark Pryor's poll numbers are very encouraging. Shame about his baseball career, but keeping the Senate from flipping would be a great way to make up for it.
David Perdue (R candidate for Georgia Senate) suggests raising taxes

“Is it better to try to get out of the ditch by curbing the growth of spending or increasing revenue?” an editorial board member asked.

“Both,” Perdue replied emphatically.

“And that’s a euphemism for some kind of tax increase, of course,” the interviewer noted.

Perdue laughed and explained, “Well here’s the reality: If you go into a business, and I keep coming back to my background, it’s how I know how to relate is to refer back to it — I was never able to turn around a company just by cutting spending. You had to figure out a way to get revenue growing. And what I just said, there are five people in the U.S. Senate who understand what I just said. You know revenue is not something they think about.”
A reasonable and balanced position that will probably cost him support in the primary.
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