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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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And, according to the article, last time he did this it was with legislator support. This time he's having to do it with executive order.

I guess New Jersey became Christieville after he got elected, because apparently this guy doesn't think any obligation the state took before him matters. He just puts his finger in his ears and pretends the state only started existing the moment he became governor. And even then he only has to do this because of his own personal screwups with overzealous tax cuts.

I hope New Jersey is paying attention to all this. It's pretty clear he doesn't deserve to be governor.
"I'm going to pledge to make the payments that we need to make to not dig the hole any deeper, but in a time when we're confronted with this type of challenge I cannot also pay the sins of my predecessors," Christie said.
I wish Obama could say that Bush's deficit was not his problem. What an utterly stupid position. Christie has been weaseling out of every freaking problem his administration has faced. The buck stops...where again?


No Scrubs
I wish Obama could say that Bush's deficit was not his problem. What an utterly stupid position. Christie has been weaseling out of every freaking problem his administration has faced. The buck stops...where again?

I'm glad more and more of Christie's bullshit is getting exposed. Especially in the press as they had been ball-washing him until this year.


W Bush judge, vouched for by Santorum. Republicans continue to drive the push for gay marriage.
Yeah okay, I guess you forgot about all those blue states that did even more heavy lifting by actually getting it through their legislatures... I'll agree Jones' opinion was great, and a refreshing (and rare) source of sanity from the state GOP.

Soooo Tom Wolf. I didn't vote in the primary, Wolf was clearly in the lead and no one was stopping him. Our representative is a hack but he'll win anyway. But as for the Gov, anyone but Corbett. We can't be too picky. This is PA after all. Wolf has a good platform, he's a business guy but knows what Democrats want and seems to have a willingness to improve workers' rights here (which we need). He'll fare well in the state.

I wanna move anyway, PA is getting so lame

I also think Wolf winning was a blessing in disguise for Schwartz, who can now set her sights on Toomey's seat. I thought (wrongly) all these years she was a lock for the Gov nomination since she's Philly-centric, but she's honestly a better fit for the Senate.


The difference is a guilty plea opens them up to suits by others, as the guilty plea is evidence. Not really applicable in this case, but would be in others.

They need to jail the CEOs though. Jail is the one thing that CEOs are afraid of.,
I think the fact that you can't have civil lawsuits based on a guilty plea is why the DOJ was able to secure one.
Shit, they weren't even able to get them to release the list of criminals they helped avoid taxes and they still parade it like a victory.

Putting bankers in jail would feel good, but I doubt it would change anything long term. The incentives are too large. People are still going to engage in bad behavior until the rewards are no longer worth the risk. Breaking the law doesn't matter to these people, they probably do more illegal things (drugs and hookers) in their private lives than anything they do on the job. You have to change or remove the financial mechanisms that make banking so profitable.
I strongly disagree.
We need to put that stuff in context, we're not talking about a poor kid with nothing to lose who would risk everything in order to escape the ghetto.
We're talking about people already making more money than their grandchildren will be able to spend, I think it's crazy to believe that they aren't afraid to lose their amazingly privileged lifestyle.

With that being said, I don't think that jail is necessarily the best punishment for such people, I said it before here, I think these are crimes of greed and we should punish them in kind.
Take away their everything, give them the drug lord treatment, then set a punitive tax bracket, 100% taxation over median income and be done with those pigs. Let those fuckers be average nobodies and live the rest of their lives like a schnook.

I'm generally not a huge fan of incarceration as a whole and I think there are only very few cases when this is your best option, but as long as we have that system in place, it's unconscionable to me to apply only to poor people.


The charisma is officially dead in New Jersey...
What about nationally?

Christie clearly does not give a fuck about his future in NJ if he really has his eyes on a Presidential bid. He probably doesn't even care if he loses the state at this point because he just might be the first Republican since '04 to secure states like OH and FL again.


No Scrubs
What about nationally?

Christie clearly does not give a fuck about his future in NJ if he really has his eyes on a Presidential bid. He probably doesn't even care if he loses the state at this point because he just might be the first Republican since '04 to secure states like OH and FL again.

If he can't carry his home state then why should anyone else vote for him? That's going to be the attack.

Plus you forget he's a dick, he won't win OH.


I think underestimating Christie even now is a mistake. He is still the best thing the GOP has going for it. Walker needs to prove himself to the rest of the country, Jeb needs to change his last name. Maybe he can marry another man and take his name for the most epic political demographic power grab of all time?

Yeah, I think they will be the last men standing. Everyone else is a joke. I look forward to Santorum and Perry bringing the uber-lulz at debates.


I think underestimating Christie even now is a mistake. He is still the best thing the GOP has going for it. Walker needs to prove himself to the rest of the country, Jeb needs to change his last name. Maybe he can marry another man and take his name for the most epic political demographic power grab of all time?

Yeah, I think they will be the last men standing. Everyone else is a joke. I look forward to Santorum and Perry bringing the uber-lulz at debates.

There's still so much from Bridgegate unresolved. I doubt it remains unresolved and further I highly doubt Christie remains as unscathed as he is when it's all said and done. The State's Attorney just moves at a molasses pace.
There's still so much from Bridgegate unresolved. I doubt it remains unresolved and further I highly doubt Christie remains as unscathed as he is when it's all said and done. The State's Attorney just moves at a molasses pace.

Yeah the good stuff hasn't even started yet. Nothing heard from Kelly and Wildstein yet.


There's still so much from Bridgegate unresolved. I doubt it remains unresolved and further I highly doubt Christie remains as unscathed as he is when it's all said and done. The State's Attorney just moves at a molasses pace.
It isn't late 2014 to mid-2015 yet :D That's why.

Like Bill Clinton, Christie excels at sounding like he's in charge of the situation.


It isn't late 2014 to mid-2015 yet :D That's why.

Like Bill Clinton, Christie excels at sounding like he's in charge of the situation.
No, no, no. Christie sounds like a bully. He's all bluster. They called Clinton Slick Willy for a reason. He was actually slick. Christie is pure crass.


No Scrubs
It isn't late 2014 to mid-2015 yet :D That's why.

Like Bill Clinton, Christie excels at sounding like he's in charge of the situation.

He's nothing like Clinton. Christie is a bully, Clinton would never do half the shit Christie has done. Especially when it comes to talking directly to the public.
He's nothing like Clinton. Christie is a bully, Clinton would never do half the shit Christie has done. Especially when it comes to talking directly to the public.
Clinton is a sexual predator which is pretty much a bully. But I understand your point.

Christie is charismatic and reckless like Clinton, the difference is that he isn't nearly as smooth.


No Scrubs
Clinton is a sexual predator which is pretty much a bully. But I understand your point.

Christie is charismatic and reckless like Clinton, the difference is that he isn't nearly as smooth.

Plus he routinely gets into fights with constituents during town hall meeting and when he starts loosing he has the cops drag them out. I swear to god, it's almost every time. You can set a watch by it.
More Democrats came out to vote than Republicans in Kentucky for the primary? 403,000 or so to 353,000. Is this normal there in primaries and given the situation where the Republican contest was supposed to be the more competitive one. If not, well then Grimes is going to win easily in November.

NYT link with the vote totals.
More Democrats came out to vote than Republicans in Kentucky for the primary? 403,000 or so to 353,000. Is this normal there in primaries and given the situation where the Republican contest was supposed to be the more competitive one. If not, well then Grimes is going to win easily in November.

NYT link with the vote totals.

The one thing about Kentucky is there are still a ton of people who are registered Democrat who haven't voted for a Democrat above local races since Reagan. So, they may have voted in a primary for Sheriff today in their small town, but they'll likely show up for Mitch in the general, especially in the coal counties.

Grime still has a chance and is likely the best possible candidate, but don't dig too much into these numbers.
Obama's second term has been an utter disaster lol. This live, fumbling statement on the VA just seems like another shit smear on national democrats. It just reinforces the image of Obama sleep at the wheel, even though obviously he's not to blame for systematic abuse in a few hospitals. Still, this is a systematic issue in an organization that has been run poorly for decades. It seems to me that if your presidency can't get anything done legislatively, the least you can do is ensure the stuff you do control works. But that hasn't been the case.
Obama's second term has been an utter disaster lol. This live, fumbling statement on the VA just seems like another shit smear on national democrats. It just reinforces the image of Obama sleep at the wheel, even though obviously he's not to blame for systematic abuse in a few hospitals. Still, this is a systematic issue in an organization that has been run poorly for decades. It seems to me that if your presidency can't get anything done legislatively, the least you can do is ensure the stuff you do control works. But that hasn't been the case.

Utter disaster? Lol millions more on health care, winding down of wars, got through a shut down without concessions, didn't fumble into Syria (congress saved him on that), breaking the filibuster, nominating lifetime judges.

Utter disaster I say

It seems to you everything is a 'gaffe' or scandal likely to cause voters to not vote Democrat. Its not.

The biggest flaw is the NSA and that was first term, just leaking in the early second. And IMO he's shown movement towards fixing many things I have a problem with.
The only reason we're not in Syria right now is because Obama couldn't sell the war and Kerry later threw a hail mary the Russians caught (the destruction of chem weapons). Am I glad he's not Bush? Of course. But I don't see that as a win. The filibuster being "broken"...how is that working out for democrats.

Back to the VA, why not have an independent group - or a collection of senators - investigate them instead of basically letting them investigate themselves? I can already tell you how this will play out: the report won't be good, but it won't be super damning, and Shinseki will resign after it's released.

Setting up half assed investigative reports reeks of Washington, not the type of bold thing you'd expect from anyone trying to change things.
The only reason we're not in Syria right now is because Obama couldn't sell the war and Kerry later threw a hail mary the Russians caught (the destruction of chem weapons). Am I glad he's not Bush? Of course. But I don't see that as a win.
He didn't go to war or launch a military attack. I didn't say its a win but its a part of his presidency. I think its a reflection on him he changed his mind.
The filibuster being "broken"...how is that working out for democrats.
Pretty well, you seem to be judging it against a hypothetical which isn't real. You'll also see more movement in nominations in the lameeduck. Remember these are lifetime appointments anything is a win as long as its not boggs.

Back to the VA, why not have an independent group - or a collection of senators - investigate them instead of basically letting them investigate themselves? I can already tell you how this will play out: the report won't be good, but it won't be super damning, and Shinseki will resign after it's released.

Setting up half assed investigative reports reeks of Washington, not the type of bold thing you'd expect from anyone trying to change things.
Because not everything is a Watergate type scandal. If something can be investigated thouroughly and fairly why invest the in some big political investigation if the normal routes are enough? Because you seem to want 'optics'more than results.
Politico: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is “leaning toward” appointing five Democrats to the Benghazi committee, according to a Democratic aide.

Wha? What good could possibly come out of that? Why in the world would you ever even consider legitimizing the Benghazi thing by turning it into a "bipartisan" affair.

Defending Hillary Clinton. That's really all it boils down to. Democrats don't want her subpena'd in front of an all republican jury. While I understand their reasoning, at the end of the day Clinton can handle herself, and an all GOP panel would no doubt end up going overboard and embarrassing itself while trying to hang her.


I think underestimating Christie even now is a mistake. He is still the best thing the GOP has going for it. Walker needs to prove himself to the rest of the country, Jeb needs to change his last name. Maybe he can marry another man and take his name for the most epic political demographic power grab of all time?

Yeah, I think they will be the last men standing. Everyone else is a joke. I look forward to Santorum and Perry bringing the uber-lulz at debates.

Christie is 100% dead in the water, the GOP base doesn't like him and he's a straight up asshole when people question him. Christie never had a chance besides in polling 3 years before an election... and even now that is gone


more movement in nominations in the lameeduck. Remember these are lifetime appointments anything is a win as long as its not boggs.

Now that you mention it, I feel like the awfulness of Micheal Boggs is distracting from the bigger issue with that deal which is that the GOP got to pick 4 out of 6 judges to fill those empty seats in Georgia. Also, aren't there still a staggering amount of empty judicial position left to fill out?

I think PD is right on this, the dems are not making very good use of their new ability to appoint judges without having the GOP block it. They should be appointing people at a rapid clip, before the 2014 election comes around and they potentially lose the senate.
Now that you mention it, I feel like the awfulness of Micheal Boggs is distracting from the bigger issue with that deal which is that the GOP got to pick 4 out of 6 judges to fill those empty seats in Georgia. Also, aren't there still a staggering amount of empty judicial position left to fill out?

I think PD is right on this, the dems are not making very good use of their new ability to appoint judges without having the GOP block it. They should be appointing people at a rapid clip, before the 2014 election comes around and they potentially lose the senate.
Look at yesterdays decision. Not all those judges are bad and Obama shouldn't just be appointing confirmed liberal judges.
Other republicans who are doomed: Lee Terry (NE-2) getting a conservative third party challenger

Terry as you may recall only won by 2 points in 2012 even though neither Romney nor Obama seriously contested this district (which Obama won in 2008) and the DCCC didn't make an effort here. However Democrats have a decent candidate with state senator Brad Ashford (a Republican turned Democrat, though state legislators in Nebraska are officially nonpartisan) and Terry only won his primary 53-47 against an underfunded nobody.
McConnell is proposing a series of Lincoln-Douglass debates with Grimes.

Only the loser ever wants debates. Stick a fork in him
Interesting. He has to vouch for 30 years of his career, so I would assume he would shy away from debates. Oh well. Alcohol poisoning incoming from drinking shot whenever he brings up Obama and Harry Reid.


Look at yesterdays decision. Not all those judges are bad and Obama shouldn't just be appointing confirmed liberal judges.

Ha, he definitely hasn't been doing that.

Again, I think the bigger issue here is that the GOP got to pick the majority of those judges. As a compromise. Even though Obama is the president.

Their ideological alignment is secondary to that, though I also disagree with you that "he shouldn't just be appointing confirmed liberal judges". Why not?I'm pretty sure his predecessors didn't have any reservations about leaving an ideological mark on the makeup of the courts. Especially not his direct predecessor.


Obsidian fan
The reason the US isn't "in" Syria was because taking action would have certainly caused the nuclear deal with Iran to be shitcanned. Both parties know which side their bread is buttered on. Obama doesn't care about Syria (as evidenced by his administration's almost total inaction), but the Iran deal has been in the works a long time and is more important to him.

The US was never going into Syria, and even the administration was stressing how cosmetic any strikes would have been. Anyone who wasn't an idiot has known all along Obama wanted absolutely nothing to do with Syria and jumped at every chance he could to get out of it. The only people who think he was some sort of warmonger itching at invasion are those who either have a consistently negative view of him, or get their news and discussion from shitty places/crank outlets.

The US was never "going in". The US isn't even too big on regime change. No amount of wanting to relive 2003 so you can be right this time will make it so.
Ha, he definitely hasn't been doing that.

Again, I think the bigger issue here is that the GOP got to pick the majority of those judges. As a compromise. Even though Obama is the president.

Their ideological alignment is secondary to that, though I also disagree with you that "he shouldn't just be appointing confirmed liberal judges". Why not?I'm pretty sure his predecessors didn't have any reservations about leaving an ideological mark on the makeup of the courts. Especially not his direct predecessor.

Likewise the republican senate under Bush didn't have a problem ignoring blue slip complaints on judges. The inaction on this issue is really stunning, and the longer democrats wait to shitcan this rule and start confirming judges, the worse it'll look for them. If they had simply done it a couple months ago it wouldn't be a story. You can argue that the story won't hurt dems regardless, but I really don't think they need more negative media freak out moments right now. Because that's what will happen if the blue slip nonsense is ended and Obama starts "packing the courts."


how did the Allison swartz collapse happen? i remember months ago about her possibly being gov of pa

Tom Wolf spent a shitload of his own money on some really effective TV spots starting late last year. They were actually some of the best political ads I've ever seen. He subsequently took a huge lead over the rest of his primary opponents and the race really was never in doubt since that point. I wouldn't say she collapsed considering she was never really competitive. The rest of the Democrats in the primary simply got blitzed. Wolf probably won on name recognition alone.


Tom Wolf spent a shitload of his own money on some really effective TV spots starting late last year. They were actually some of the best political ads I've ever seen. He subsequently took a huge lead over the rest of his primary opponents and the race really was never in doubt since that point. I wouldn't say she collapsed considering she was never really competitive. The rest of the Democrats in the primary simply got blitzed. Wolf probably won on name recognition alone.

It was a dead heat right up to the finish!


Pelosi putting 5 Democrats on the BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI panel.

Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee; Adam Smith of Washington, the senior Democrat on House Armed Services; Adam Schiff, a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Linda Sanchez of California, a Ways and Means Committee member; and Tammy Duckworth, of Illinois, who serves on the Armed Services Committee and is an Iraq war veteran.
“I often am jealous of my three colleagues up here who have Republican legislatures who could actually have Republican policies implemented, where in my state, everything that I’ve had to do has been the issue of a compromise or battle with the Democratic legislature,” he said.
Christie responding to why his state is a mess. Another day another Christie dodging responsibiliity moment. If you didn't like bills, why did you sign them?


CHEEZMO™;112863907 said:
The US was never going into Syria, and even the administration was stressing how cosmetic any strikes would have been. Anyone who wasn't an idiot has known all along Obama wanted absolutely nothing to do with Syria and jumped at every chance he could to get out of it. The only people who think he was some sort of warmonger itching at invasion are those who either have a consistently negative view of him, or get their news and discussion from shitty places/crank outlets.

Yeah, I agree with this 100%, it was pretty clear from the jump that Obama wanted nothing to do with Syria and was only paying lip service to Israel.


Unconfirmed Member
So then pelosi's giving republicans the full power to say "a bipartisan committee has found Obama and Hillary complicit in misdeeds regarding Benghazi".

I don't know if that sentence means anything to the average voter, but the nightly news and Sunday shows just eat that crap up, which does eventually change the average voter's views. Imagine how differently those shows would have covered the ACA if a few republicans voted for it and publicly played along with the negotiations. I also remember that when the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission came out with their report, the majority's findings were treat as the entire commissions findings, despite cries from the right otherwise.

Maybe it'd work if they use the minority opinion section of the report to call out what a shame the investigation was, but I don't know if I see that coming. Just look at what the ranking democrat on the committee is saying about it.

"We must be in pursuit of fairness and transparency, not only for the families of these great Americans who we lost, but also for the American people," Cummings said.


He's not wrong, but at some point that duty has to be considered fulfilled, and we instead owe it to those Americans to not let people drag out this tragedy for political purposes, and owe it to the family members to let them move on with their lives. You're simply allowing this to happen by playing along with this farce instead of saying that the issue is settled, all relevant information is already out there, and it's time to move on.
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