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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Mike M

Nick N
Leadership and experience, after 16 years of amateur hour.
Hillary's 2008 campaign where they didn't know how primary delegates would be apportioned and then refused to change their strategy when informed if their error was the very fucking definition of amateur hour.

It was fucking flabbergasting.

“even when National Socialism begins in that horrible situation of democracy, that is something that God intended to happen"

The funniest part of this to me is how he quotes the Nazis going after the Trade Unionists. If there's one thing that unites Republicans across the country, it has been trying to destroy labor unions. Hell, the imminent Harris Vs. Quinn Supreme Court decision has a good chance of destroying public employee unions nationally in one fell swoop.
Man, if you guys thought comment sections are bad, you should read the replies for any tweet President Obama makes. Even his latest one of just a picture of him and an adorable smiling child.



So ridiculous.

Even as ridiculous as I find the GOP's policies and rhetoric to be, I can't say I'd be inclined to say anything nasty about a picture like that.

People can certainly disagree with Obama without being a racist, but often the same people who bitch about being called a racist are some of the first people to deny that there is significant racism plaguing the political discourse of this country.

And I will argue that pundits and other members of the media are only fueling this irrational behavior. Obama could argue that sky is blue and people will flip shit over that.
Someone like Obama represents a radical shift in political discourse and its driving the right wing crazy.

Obama, the dark skinned man. One who actively wants to support programs and ideas that benefits the poor who happen to feature minorities. One who isn't eager to deport Mexicans. Someone who is willing to challenge the idea of American exceptionalism and point out our flaws. Someone who doesn't want to take us to war and dick wave. Someone who is passive and calculating. Many on the right see their ideal leader to be like Vladmir Putin. Strong, aggressive, very pro military, rugged. Obama is a community organizer.


Came back from watching this documentary called Documented about Jose Vargas (pulitzer prize winning undocumented alien who has worked and written from washington post and the new yorker)


It's about undocumented people in the US. Pretty emotional, sorta wished it focused a bit more on the actual maze that is immigrating to the US, but it covers enough to get people to raise an eyebrow.

Can't find a single thread on gaf about it or him, but seems like something you guys would like.
So ridiculous.

Even as ridiculous as I find the GOP's policies and rhetoric to be, I can't say I'd be inclined to say anything nasty about a picture like that.

People can certainly disagree with Obama without being a racist, but often the same people who bitch about being called a racist are some of the first people to deny that there is significant racism plaguing the political discourse of this country.

And I will argue that pundits and other members of the media are only fueling this irrational behavior. Obama could argue that sky is blue and people will flip shit over that.
Someone like Obama represents a radical shift in political discourse and its driving the right wing crazy.

Obama, the dark skinned man. One who actively wants to support programs and ideas that benefits the poor who happen to feature minorities. One who isn't eager to deport Mexicans. Someone who is willing to challenge the idea of American exceptionalism and point out our flaws. Someone who doesn't want to take us to war and dick wave. Someone who is passive and calculating. Many on the right see their ideal leader to be like Vladmir Putin. Strong, aggressive, very pro military, rugged. Obama is a community organizer.
B-b-b-but amateur hour


Get out of here with that shit. Isn't Ernst cut from the same cloth as all the other Teapartiers? The Dems might have an opportunity or two to highlight her stupidity as she continues to say stupid things.

This is going to be a tough year for Dems but they should be able to maintain a very slim Senate majority. The map is just brutal and unforgiving. They have held all the seats they needed to save a couple -- and even in those cases they made up and then some for it by winning in places they were NEVER supposed to (i.e. Indiana, North Dakota, Missouri). In terms of the Senate, save that rare case where Scott Brown somehow was able to get away with driving his stupid ass truck all the way to victory, Democrats have performed flawlessly in elections.

p.s. Hillary is going to push Dems over the top where they need it in the Senate in 2016. I fully expect Schwartz or McGinty to be our next Senator with heavy support from the Clintons et al.

As for loons threatening to kill Bergdahl and how he and his family are getting death threats and all -- it's shameful. Speaking of loons, yesterday (Sunday) some dudes in Nevada talked of some revolution before killing a couple cops and some innocent people shopping around, then themselves. Some revolution! What a waste. There are too many shootings. Too many mentally ill people just walking around ready to go on a mini-spree at any moment. But we have people like PhoenixDark who seem to think it isn't a good idea to try and pass something dealing with lax gun laws and mental health in this country.


There's no fucking way Bruce Braley loses the Iowa Senate race short of some spectacular failure on his part (and no, that gaffe from earlier doesn't count). PD's just got another lame trio of predictions to defend (Iowa, Arkansas, and North Carolina - all going to the Republicans of course) like he did in 2012 (Romney winning, Scott Brown winning, Todd Akin winning).
Report: GOPers Persuade Virginia Dem To Resign In Effort To Block Medicaid Expansion

Republicans in Virginia have reportedly persuaded state Sen. Phillip P. Puckett (D) to resign and accept a prestigious job offer, giving the GOP a slim majority in the state Senate that would allow it to block Medicaid expansion.

Puckett is expected to announce his resignation Monday, The Washington Post reported. Three people familiar with the plan told the Post that Puckett would accept a job as deputy director of the state tobacco commission, while his daughter would be on track for appointment to a judgeship.

Puckett’s resignation would leave Democrats one vote shy of a majority in the state Senate. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) was counting on Senate support for Medicaid expansion, as the Republican-controlled House of Delegates has remained opposed to it.

McAuliffe said in a statement that Puckett’s resignation created “uncertainty” for his plan to expand Medicaid.

“I am deeply disappointed by this news and the uncertainty it creates at a time when 400,000 Virginians are waiting for access to quality health care, especially those in Southwest Virginia,” the governor said, as quoted by the Post. “This situation is unacceptable, but the bipartisan majority in the Senate and I will continue to work hard to put Virginians first and find compromise on a budget that closes the coverage gap.”

Del. Terry G. Kilgore (R), the chairman of the state tobacco commission, disputed that Puckett was resigning in exchange for the deputy director position while acknowledging that Puckett's resignation made him available for the job.

“If he’s available, we would like to have him because of his knowledge of the area, and he formerly was on the tobacco commission for years, and he knew what we’re about,” Kilgore told the Post.

Puckett did not respond to the Post’s requests for comment.

Wow, that's some slick shit.

It's rather hard to feel bad for McAuliffe given his criticisms of Obama's inability to work with republicans solely because he isn't sociable; it plays a role but isn't the deciding factor. McAuliffe has been schmoozing republicans Clinton-style for months, has hosted multiple parties, yet can't get a single one to support this.
Obama in response to a question of wishing he could go off on Congressmen who deny Climate Change
“Yeah, absolutely,” the president said with a laugh. “Look, it’s frustrating when the science is in front of us. … We can argue about how. But let’s not argue about what’s going on. The science is compelling. … The baseline fact of climate change is not something we can afford to deny. And if you profess leadership in this country at this moment in our history, then you’ve got to recognize this is going to be one of the most significant long-term challenges, if not the most significant long-term challenge, that this country faces and that the planet faces. The good news is that the public may get out ahead of some of their politicians” — as people start to see the cost of cleaning up for hurricanes like Sandy or the drought in California — and when “those start multiplying, then people start thinking, ‘You know what? We’re going to reward politicians who talk to us honestly and seriously about this problem.’ ”

The president added: “The person who I consider to be the greatest president of all time, Abraham Lincoln, was pretty consistent in saying, ‘With public opinion there’s nothing I cannot do, and without public opinion there’s nothing I can get done,’ and so part of my job over these next two and a half years and beyond is trying to shift public opinion. And the way to shift public opinion is to really focus in on the fact that if we do nothing our kids are going to be worse off.”
Neighbors: Las Vegas Shooters Bragged About Taking Part In Bundy Standoff

Neighbors of the couple who ambushed two police officers Sunday in Las Vegas told local newspapers the pair had bragged about spending time at Cliven Bundy’s ranch during the standoff with the federal government earlier this year.

The two suspects, whose names have not yet been released, fatally shot two police officers who were having lunch at a CiCi’s Pizza restaurant before killing a third person at a nearby Wal-Mart. The female suspect then shot the male suspect and then herself in an apparent suicide pact.

Neighbors in an apartment complex where the two suspects lived said they “had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views” and boasted about their gun collection, according to the Las Vegas Sun. The newspaper reported that residents of the apartment complex who spoke about the suspects also brought up the couple’s relationship with Bundy Ranch, where the two bragged about being present for the standoff between militia members and the Bureau of Land Management.

One neighbor who lived next door to the couple told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the male suspect had said he was kicked off Bundy Ranch at some point during the militia's protest against the BLM.

Carol Bundy, the Nevada rancher's wife, told the newspaper she had no reason to suspect that militia members at the ranch harbored violent intentions.

“I have not seen or heard anything from the militia and others who have came to our ranch that would, in any way, make me think they had an intent to kill or harm anyone,” Bundy told the Review-Journal.

Another resident of the apartment complex, Brandon Moore, told the Las Vegas Sun that the couple had also spoken about their plans to commit a mass shooting.

"They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine," he said.

Militias turning to violence against police/state workers? Shocking!

Mike M

Nick N

Wow, that's some slick shit.

It's rather hard to feel bad for McAuliffe given his criticisms of Obama's inability to work with republicans solely because he isn't sociable; it plays a role but isn't the deciding factor. McAuliffe has been schmoozing republicans Clinton-style for months, has hosted multiple parties, yet can't get a single one to support this.

Jeez . . . that is sad corruption in the light of day. Both the GOP and that Dem should hang their heads in shame for pulling such a corrupt bargain.


While bigots win in Hawaii, students lose.

This Lawmaker Complained Sex Education Was ‘Normalizing’ Homosexuality And His State Took Action

A middle school sex ed program will only be taught to Hawaii students if parents explicitly opt-in, the state Department of Education said today. The announcement was the culmination of a long campaign by a virulently anti-gay state legislator who objected that the program was “normalizing” homosexuality.

Hawaii State Rep. Bob McDermott considers gay sex “aberrant behavior” and has been fighting to eliminate the sex ed program, called Pono Choices, for months. McDermott believes that men should “not have anal sex” and “also has problems with oral sex.”

In January, McDermott produced an 18-page report lambasting the program. In the report, McDermott complained the sex ed curriculum was “simultaneously normalizing anal sex and homosexual behavior” and after taking the course students “might be under the impression that homosexuality and lesbianism are quite common.” He objected to the programs “implicit endorsement of homosexuality” and the presentation of “homosexual behavior as the equivalent of male-to-female relationships.”

After McDermott’s initial complaints, the state suspended the program for ten days last December. Following an internal review, the state said that the “the curriculum meets department standards” and “is a culturally responsive curriculum that has resulted in positive outcomes for students.” The program was reinstated.

Later, in response to McDermott’s continued complaints, the state created “a volunteer working group of parents, educators, religious leaders and health professionals to evaluate the curriculum’s appropriateness.” The panel largely affirmed the curriculum’s medical accuracy and age-appropriateness but recommended a few small changes. Nevertheless, simultaneous with the report of the volunteer panel, the state announced the program would only be offered on an “opt-in” basis. Previously, parents were given the option to “opt-out” of the program.

McDermott was particuarly fixated on the fact that curriculum included “anus” in the category of “genitalia.” (The Hawaii Civil Beat reported that McDermott was “obsessed with anuses.” ) The medical professionals on the volunteer panel noted that classification was common in certain areas of medicine, such as dermatology. The panel did, however, suggest some clarifying language.

It doesn’t appear to be a good time for Hawaii to be cutting back on sex education. The state has a significant teen pregnancy issue, with nearly 10% of girls becoming pregnant between the ages of 15 and 19. Just “54 percent of Hawaii’s high school students reported using condoms the last time they had intercourse,” the lowest rate in the nation.

McDermott has also sued to overturn marriage equality in Hawaii and objected to teachers participating in a tolerance program created by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Obama in response to a question of wishing he could go off on Congressmen who deny Climate Change

“Yeah, absolutely,” the president said with a laugh. “Look, it’s frustrating when the science is in front of us. … We can argue about how. But let’s not argue about what’s going on. The science is compelling. … The baseline fact of climate change is not something we can afford to deny. And if you profess leadership in this country at this moment in our history, then you’ve got to recognize this is going to be one of the most significant long-term challenges, if not the most significant long-term challenge, that this country faces and that the planet faces. The good news is that the public may get out ahead of some of their politicians” — as people start to see the cost of cleaning up for hurricanes like Sandy or the drought in California — and when “those start multiplying, then people start thinking, ‘You know what? We’re going to reward politicians who talk to us honestly and seriously about this problem.’ ”

The president added: “The person who I consider to be the greatest president of all time, Abraham Lincoln, was pretty consistent in saying, ‘With public opinion there’s nothing I cannot do, and without public opinion there’s nothing I can get done,’ and so part of my job over these next two and a half years and beyond is trying to shift public opinion. And the way to shift public opinion is to really focus in on the fact that if we do nothing our kids are going to be worse off.”
Bring it on, Obama.

I think Obama was instrumental in helping push public opinion on gay marriage over the hump. Perhaps he can do the same for climate change.

Of course his opponents will reflexively take the opposing position. This too can be a benefit. The truth will out. The evidence of climate change will only grow stronger over the years. And the people denying the science will be revealed as being on the wrong side of history. Again.

I find this all so frustrating. When I was young, I was transfixed by the idea of us terraforming other planets to make them habitable for us. The concept even appeared in science fiction movies like Aliens and Total Recall. But now, decades later, it turns out that we are terraforming . . . we are terraforming our home planet into a LESS hospital planet for us. :-(


Obama in response to a question of wishing he could go off on Congressmen who deny Climate Change

What I really wish is we could drop the cowardice and start calling it Global Warming again. While there is nothing factually incorrect about Climate Change, it was a term invented to battle anecdotes of abnormally cooler weather in certain regions, and to the uninformed it suggests that the overall trend is something other than warming on a global scale. The earth is getting hotter, which is the primary effect of the man made CO2 added to the atmosphere, and everything else is a result of that. We need to stop diluting the science for the benefit of deniers.
What I really wish is we could drop the cowardice and start calling it Global Warming again. While there is nothing factually incorrect about Climate Change, it was a term invented to battle anecdotes of abnormally cooler weather in certain regions, and to the uninformed it suggests that the overall trend is something other than warming on a global scale. The earth is getting hotter, which is the primary effect of the man made CO2 added to the atmosphere, and everything else is a result of that. We need to stop diluting the science for the benefit of deniers.
Neither term works well.

The problem with 'global warming' is that people then expect some big shift in temperatures. But the global warming is just a 2 to 5 degree increase in average temperatures. That is a trivial amount in comparison to seasonal and even daily temperature swings. So people just won't notice it other than if they look at the statistics and see that we are breaking new high temperature records twice as often as we break new low temp records.
Neither term works well.

The problem with 'global warming' is that people then expect some big shift in temperatures. But the global warming is just a 2 to 5 degree increase in average temperatures. That is a trivial amount in comparison to seasonal and even daily temperature swings. So people just won't notice it other than if they look at the statistics and see that we are breaking new high temperature records twice as often as we break new low temp records.

and even if they do understand this part, getting them to understand how profound an impact those couple of degrees in aggregate can have on the weather and environment, which can cause those abnormal isolated lows in temperature.
Neither term works well.

The problem with 'global warming' is that people then expect some big shift in temperatures. But the global warming is just a 2 to 5 degree increase in average temperatures. That is a trivial amount in comparison to seasonal and even daily temperature swings. So people just won't notice it other than if they look at the statistics and see that we are breaking new high temperature records twice as often as we break new low temp records.

The problem is that 2-5 degree warming. Thats what is causing the problem.


*spit take*

Florida Congressman: If Humans Cause Climate Change, Then ‘Why Did The Dinosaurs Go Extinct’?

Miller: It changes. It gets hot, it gets cold. It’s done it for as long as we have measured the climate.

Liu: But man-made, isn’t that the question?

Miller: Then why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Were there men that were causing — were there cars running around at that point, that were causing global warming? No. The climate has changed since earth was created.

Hahahahahahahahaha... I am not laughing because this is funny... I am laughing because how sad this is.


MSNBC's The Cycle just ended the show with a clip from Dave Chappelle's standup and they forgot to bleep out "motherfuckers." I don't think they're gonna put that clip on the website lol.


will gain confidence one day

Wow, that's some slick shit.

It's rather hard to feel bad for McAuliffe given his criticisms of Obama's inability to work with republicans solely because he isn't sociable; it plays a role but isn't the deciding factor. McAuliffe has been schmoozing republicans Clinton-style for months, has hosted multiple parties, yet can't get a single one to support this.
Well fuck that guy. Have some principles, you piece of garbage.
George Will's article today was shameful. Basically victim shaming sexual assaults on campus.

Also, lol @ that dinosaur comment. What a moron.
George Will's article today was shameful. Basically victim shaming sexual assaults on campus.

Also, lol @ that dinosaur comment. What a moron.

Even more than the POW, the right wing freak out over rape really crystallizes Obama derangement syndrome. They literally trot out women to suggest rape and sexual assault aren't a big deal, or are being "hyped up" by the administration.

Ultimately it reminds me of the very linear way many conservatives view racism: if someone isn't burning crosses in black people's yard, they aren't racist. Likewise if a woman isn't fighting for her life or being attacked by someone she doesn't know, it's not rape.



She fixed it, but it's not much better

"Through reading coaches, technology investments, and expanding charter schools"

So instead of putting money into existing schools and trying to improve them, she is just going to dump money into charter schools instead of fixing the issue.
She fixed it, but it's not much better

"Through reading coaches, technology investments, and expanding charter schools"

So instead of putting money into exciting schools and trying to improve them, she is just going to dump money into charter schools private corporations, donors, and lobbyists instead of fixing the issue.

That's the gist of it.

Charter schools are a front for extracting taxpayer monies into the bank accounts of private investors.


No Scrubs
She fixed it, but it's not much better

"Through reading coaches, technology investments, and expanding charter schools"

So instead of putting money into exciting schools and trying to improve them, she is just going to dump money into charter schools instead of fixing the issue.

My response remains the same.
*spit take*

Florida Congressman: If Humans Cause Climate Change, Then ‘Why Did The Dinosaurs Go Extinct’?

Hahahahahahahahaha... I am not laughing because this is funny... I am laughing because how sad this is.
So fucking sad. He's got to have heard the whole KT Asteroid theory. It is in Disney movie call 'Dinosaurs' FFS.

But this whole 'the climate has always changed' is such sad intentional muddying of the waters. According to the traditional cyclical patterns, we should be getting colder right now. But mankind's release of tons of greenhouse gases has swamped that old pattern and put us on a warming trend.

If you are a dumbass then just say so instead of spreading intentional FUD.
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