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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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dwarves as jews is a pretty common trope (harry potter uses it too) and tolkien was pretty upfront about them being 'inspired' by jewish 'culture'

tolkein said:
The dwarves of course are quite obviously, wouldn’t you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic, obviously, constructed to be Semitic

tolkein said:
“The language of the Dwarves . . . is Semitic in cast, leaning phonetically to Hebrew (as suits the Dwarvish character).” Indeed the dwarven tongue Khuzdul has a phonology and a triconsonantal root system that resemble Hebrew (and modern Ivrit for that matter)1

tolkein said:
Now Dwarves have their secret language, but like Jews and Gypsies use the language of the country

tolkein said:
I do think of the ‘Dwarves’ like Jews: at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their native tongue”
I wouldn't call him antisemitic personally as he showed a great love for the jewish people but he used pretty common racist tropes and didn't really deny it. Its more cultural ignorance

Edit: there's much more in their backstory he directly ripped from the jewish mythos (cough cough Arkenstone cough couch ark of the covenant, lonely mountain = israel)


Chichikov never finished game of thrones?that's honestly kind of disappointing because I agree with you on almost everything and it's really not like a standard fantasy book. Did you at least read until Bran's fall? That seems to be the part that hooks most people.


No Scrubs
Chichikov never finished game of thrones?that's honestly kind of disappointing because I agree with you on almost everything and it's really not like a standard fantasy book. Did you at least read until Bran's fall? That seems to be the part that hooks most people.

I got up to that part but couldn't get into it. I like the show well enough, but the writing really doesn't do anything for me. I just didn't think it was all that great. I totally get how people could like it though. Also the plot can be pretty predictable when you realize the general shape of the story and what Martin is doing with some of the tropes of the genre.


Chichikov never finished game of thrones?that's honestly kind of disappointing because I agree with you on almost everything and it's really not like a standard fantasy book. Did you at least read until Bran's fall? That seems to be the part that hooks most people.
I got quite a bit past it, I don't know, it's just such, for a lack of a better word, functional writing, like, it serves the purpose to move the plot forward and not much else.
I also don't really get why it needs so many characters, so many plot lines, so many places with weird names, I know people like that shit, but for me, if you need to refer to a map or a glossary to figure out what's the fuck is going on exactly (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at) it makes for a tedious reading.
And watching the show (which I enjoy for what it is, a really well made pulp), shit, there's still no payoff to this way of writing. And I'm not saying every story need have a single protagonist, a traditional structure or any of that shit, fuck, Pale Fire is like my favorite book ever, I can deal with telling story in unusual ways, but I'm not sure it serves anything here other than make me go "fuck, again with this whiny bitch? can I just skip this chapter?".

It probably didn't help that it's heavily influenced by one of my least favorite periods in history, the War of the Roses.
That's exactly my problem, I don't really care about world building in and by itself.
Like, if you use uninspired language to tell an uniteresting story, I couldn't give two fucks if you set it in a fully realized world backed by volumes of unpublished "history" and grammar rules.

But I know many people care dearly about those things, and I honestly find this fascinating, not in a condescending way (I hope at least) but because it's really alien to the way I enjoy books. Which is why I often stumble into Tolkien threads and why I slogged through the Silmarillion, which I think is the least enjoyable read I've ever finished in my life.
He's never going to be Gene Wolfe but Martin's prose definitely improves throughout the series; the last few books have some great writing moments IMO. But if you don't like world building it's one of the worst things to read.
I got quite a bit past it, I don't know, it's just such, for a lack of a better word, functional writing, like, it serves the purpose to move the plot forward and not much else.
I also don't really get why it needs so many characters, so many plot lines, so many places with weird names, I know people like that shit, but for me, if you need to refer to a map or a glossary to figure out what's the fuck is going on exactly (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at) it makes for a tedious reading.

I dislike fantasy for all the reasons you state, but I love Game of Thrones. I love books full of intrigue and backstabbing.

I couldn't make it past the first couple hundred pages of Fellowship though.
Was this posted?

Holy living FUCK.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm pretty with Chik on this one, although I did read all of the books so far. Its...a good series, insomuch as I enjoyed it and I'll read the next one, but it doesn't even approach my best fantasy works list.
On the Rand Paul thing, "an intern posted that / my acc was hacked" inc.

On the book thingie, those that had a problem with the way GRRM moves the story might wanna give this a spin. It's the only standalone work of his that *really* is standalone.

Far more character driven, and constantly pushes the plot forward. Might be a hair one-note, tho.

If you do read that and then wanna read Abercrombie's first law trilogy, I warn ye that some people find the first book sub-optimal. I liked it fine.



If you want some entertainment. I'm not by any means an Obama fan, but this place is a shit-show. I'm getting downvoted to extreme because I called a guy out who complained that he can't criticize Obama for fear of being called a racist. For one the comment he was originally replying to had zero to do with race, and two, race does not belong in a discussion of what makes the president a bad leader. Of course because I broke the circlejerk the downvotes are flowin

If you want some entertainment. I'm not by any means an Obama fan, but this place is a shit-show. I'm getting downvoted to extreme because I called a guy out who complained that he can't criticize Obama for fear of being called a racist. For one the comment he was originally replying to had zero to do with race, and two, race does not belong in a discussion of what makes the president a bad leader. Of course because I broke the circlejerk the downvotes are flowin

TBH, if Bush were still president Russia wouldn't be taking over Ukraine right now. He loved to stick his nose in other nations' business, but sometimes that's just necessary. [323 points]

Looks like it's time to kill myself, there's no hope in this world anymore.
I would really be interested in a poll done on various messgae boards that displays their political alignment. I also wonder if Reason's "Most Gamers are Libertarian" study is true.


No Scrubs
Kind of hard to do, since he also said it out loud. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/rand-paul-bowe-bergdahl-107538.html

But to be fair to him it was pretty clearly a joke, and it was about trading Democrats to Mexico rather than to the Taliban.

Eh, I'd have more sympathy if the joke was actually funny.

I would really be interested in a poll done on various messgae boards that displays their political alignment. I also wonder if Reason's "Most Gamers are Libertarian" study is true.

Somehow I doubt that.
He may have been joking, but you know his constituents will eat it up and agree that it really should happen.
Hey man, don't judge the party by our elected leaders or the few nutcases in the party who constitute a large enough majority to regularly elect like-minded crazy people into public office


Looks like it's time to kill myself, there's no hope in this world anymore.

The circlejerk is so strong it's unbelievable.

It's Reddit. Isn't that the biggest collection of libertarian, neckbeard, fedora wearing men on the internet?

Yup, it really is. r/hiphopheads is great tho because it's rap and it's diverse for reddit (and by that I mean only 60% suburban white guys not 90%) and the people there are cool as hell. The opposite of the fedora wearers and such
Also Stormfront has a fairly large astroturfing presence in the main subs along with other right wing groups so keep that in the back of your head when you see something from one of the main subs.

It's still has a ton of horribly ignorant racist teenagers too so...
The "smartest guy in the room" effect aka the "everyone in the world is an idiot except me" effect pervades on Reddit as much as anywhere else on the internet.
Looks like it's time to kill myself, there's no hope in this world anymore.

Its reddit. Not that most politics threads on OT are much better. I lolled at net neutrality stuff being the most important thing too. I really hate how all people on the internet seem to care about is drones, nsa or net neutrality. The first is just is politically popular in movies and culture, the second are just nerds caring only about themselves

edit: I'm not saying these issues are wrong. Just that thats ALL they care about. Its frustrating as someone who cares about what in my opinion are more pressing issues. I don't think you 100gigabit connection for 40 dollars is anywhere near as important as people not going hungry, schools, civil rights, jobs, etc. (And I know its not all or nothing)

But those posts which go "I'll vote for this republican guy if he supports net neutrality, thats my major issue". I'd vote for an MPAA backed SOPA supporting Dem without thinking twice.

I would really be interested in a poll done on various messgae boards that displays their political alignment. I also wonder if Reason's "Most Gamers are Libertarian" study is true.

No, they're liberal. That might not hold on message boards which is driven by annoying technolibertarians, but 'gamers' are liberal.
That's... not really better. Or less worse.

Its a hell of a lot better. One takes away a few videos from the internet (really wouldn't do as much as people think). The other takes away unemployment, drags heels on LGBT rights, better foreign policy, cuts benefits, attacks social security, attacks universal health care, etc.
Its a hell of a lot better. One takes away a few videos from the internet (really wouldn't do as much as people think). The other takes away unemployment, drags heels on LGBT rights, better foreign policy, cuts benefits, attacks social security, attacks universal health care, etc.

You`re still saying you`d vote for an openly corrupt candidate, so i'd be wary of saying that such a candidate would not cut benefits or attack social security.

You're correct on the lgbt thing, tho.
You`re still saying you`d vote for an openly corrupt candidate, so i'd beware of saying that such a candidate would not cut benefits or attack social security.

You're correct on the lgbt thing, tho.

It was more a comment on their political positions rather than corruption.

If you want some entertainment. I'm not by any means an Obama fan, but this place is a shit-show. I'm getting downvoted to extreme because I called a guy out who complained that he can't criticize Obama for fear of being called a racist. For one the comment he was originally replying to had zero to do with race, and two, race does not belong in a discussion of what makes the president a bad leader. Of course because I broke the circlejerk the downvotes are flowin

It's not hard to make the case that Obama isn't a good president, however post-Bush I'm not sure we can call anyone a "bad" president unless they truly fit the bill. I think Obama will go down as an average, disappointing president at best with one major accomplishment (Obamacare). The good thing for him is that Obamacare will be quite a transformational accomplishment, and any improvements it sees over the next couple decades will be credited to him (just as FDR is credited for social security despite other presidents making it what it is today).

At the end of the day he presided over the further destruction of civil liberties, a faltering economy that never took off, a puzzling foreign policy, and an inability to get even the most mundane of things done with the opposing party.


Also Stormfront has a fairly large astroturfing presence in the main subs along with other right wing groups so keep that in the back of your head when you see something from one of the main subs.

It's still has a ton of horribly ignorant racist teenagers too so...

Case in point, this:
Has net 44 upvotes. A post that pulls the race card out of the blue. My pointed response has net -19.


I would really be interested in a poll done on various messgae boards that displays their political alignment. I also wonder if Reason's "Most Gamers are Libertarian" study is true.
isidewith was recording the stances from various sites but their redesign seems to have broke it

if you go to any poll: http://www.isidewith.com/polls
click "votes from:" and scroll down
Fox News
Google Plus
Project To Restore America
the sample size is beyond tiny now that they are doing running results though


Can't seem to find the old 2012 GAF results, but it was something like:
Greens: 45%
Democrats: 30%
Libertarians: 20%
Republicans: 5%
The family of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have received threats following his release after five years in captivity at the hands of the Taliban, an FBI spokesman told CNN on Saturday.

"We are working jointly with our state and local partners and taking each threat seriously," FBI Special Agent William Facer said in an e-mail.

Facer declined to detail the nature and severity of the threats.
The tea nuts really are frankenstein's monster. Especially the batshit ones calling for his execution.


Reaction ranged from anger to shock to befuddlement after Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock compared the nation's direction to Hitler's Nazi Germany during a farewell speech at the Indiana Republican Convention on Saturday.

"The people of Germany in a free election selected the Nazi Party because they made great promises that appealed to them because they were desperate and destitute. And why is that? Because Germany was bankrupt," he said.

Mourdock, who has stoked outrage with incendiary comments in the past, then alluded to the 70th anniversary last week of the D-Day invasion during World War II, saying, "The truth is, 70 years later, we are drifting on the tides toward another beachhead and it is the bankruptcy of the United States of America."


Mourdock did not explicitly mention President Barack Obama or Democrats, but he did warn listeners to beware of politicians who promise entitlements amid growing debt then blame others when the plan begins to crumble.

Mourdock seemed to understand that his comments might spark controversy.

"Now I know some of you, especially some of the guests in the room, are thinking, there's a wild-eyed Republican speaking craziness," he said during his speech.

But, "We are in a grave situation," he said. "And my last duty to you as a Republican at this convention is to ask you to influence everyone you know in this state and without."
“even when National Socialism begins in that horrible situation of democracy, that is something that God intended to happen"


Yeah, pretty fucking nuts. However, I am not surprised by this. I figured it would happen.

The Bergdahl detractors are the same ones that love to remind people how liberals spat on returning troops from Vietnam.

Are the even aware of that? Do they even care?



If you want some entertainment. I'm not by any means an Obama fan, but this place is a shit-show. I'm getting downvoted to extreme because I called a guy out who complained that he can't criticize Obama for fear of being called a racist. For one the comment he was originally replying to had zero to do with race, and two, race does not belong in a discussion of what makes the president a bad leader. Of course because I broke the circlejerk the downvotes are flowin

Every online political forum is a circlejerk.

I actually suspect the Kochs, and maybe even liberal groups, pay folks to troll online forums. It's known the Chinese and Russian governments do this.


And he's coming home to this shit. Sigh.

He won't get to see it at Leavenworth pretty soon. I think he's getting charged, and if he's convicted they could give him anything up to death for desertion in war (they won't give him death obviously, but I think it's possible he gets 10-20)

Desertion is pretty damn serious.
He won't get to see it at Leavenworth pretty soon. I think he's getting charged, and if he's convicted they could give him anything up to death for desertion in war (they won't give him death obviously, but I think it's possible he gets 10-20)

Desertion is pretty damn serious.
What is your familiarity with the UCMJ?
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