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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Bergdahl bashing infuriates me.

Given how massively and blatantly hypocritical the GOP has been regarding Bergdahl (look how fast they were in scrubbing their supportive tweets of Bergdahl), I have no doubt that if Bergdahl had died in Taliban hands, and Obama didn't trade for him, you'll have the GOP howling about how this is Benghazi 2.0 and how Obama lets more brave Americans die like he did with ambassador Stevens. And you'll have the full force of FoxNews and the complicit media going along with it. The GOP is all about opposing Obama no matter what. Doesn't matter if the opposition is hypocritical, illogical, or just down right stupid.

So, yeah, Obama was screwed either way.
Given how massively and blatantly hypocritical the GOP has been regarding Bergdahl (look how fast they were in scrubbing their supportive tweets of Bergdahl), I have no doubt that if Bergdahl had died in Taliban hands, and Obama didn't trade for him, you'll have the GOP howling about how this is Benghazi 2.0 and how Obama lets more brave Americans die like he did with ambassador Stevens. And you'll have the force force of FoxNews and the complicit media going along with it. The GOP is all about opposing Obama no matter what. Doesn't matter if the opposition is hypocritical, illogical, or just down right stupid.

So, yeah, Obama was screwed either way.

I'm even infuriated by Feinstein's "concern" trolling.


So apparently Fox News had formal squad mates of Bergdahl on last night and interviewed them...

Traitor, deserter, or whatever, the guy deserves to be home. Once he is home, then you can try him in military court. Stupid making it a fucking spectacle for christ sakes.
Sanders, McCain Announce Bipartisan Veterans Bill

The legislation would allow veterans to see private doctors outside the VA system if they experience long wait times or live more than 40 miles from a VA facility. And it incorporates provisions from legislation introduced in the Senate by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) making it easier to fire VA officials.

Similar legislation overwhelmingly passed the House last month and is included in the Sanders-McCain deal with the addition of an appellate process.

The bill also includes the construction of 26 new VA medical facilities in 18 states and uses $500 million in unobligated VA funds to hire additional VA doctors and nurses.

Mirrors what I was saying a couple weeks ago. Good job.


Sanders, McCain Announce Bipartisan Veterans Bill


Mirrors what I was saying a couple weeks ago. Good job.

I approve of this. My grandfather has always hated the VA because of long wait times and because the VA he goes to didn't have ER service after a certain period of time for a while.

I don't see why they couldn't go to another hospital of choice in the first place...
In another personal anecdote, Clinton writes about her secret meeting with Obama before the 2008 Democratic convention. “We stared at each other like two teenagers on an awkward first date, taking a few sips of Chardonnay. … both Barack and I and our staffs had long lists of grievances. It was time to clear the air. … One silver lining of defeat was that I came out of the experience realizing I no longer cared so much about what the critics said about me.”


Fan-fiction ENGAGE!

Clinton further expanded on the encounter in her personal journal. Her journal is a leather bound volume locked with a key she keeps tied to her wrist with a delicate ribbon. That ribbon, as it hangs under the weight of the delicate key, sways not unlike the sinewy skin that dangles from her bones. The journal describes . . .

. . . Oh dear diary, we entwined arms to offer up a toast as a sentiment necessary to build the bridges required to move forward. As our glasses and arms came closer together, the high contrast between his glistening dark skin against my own paleness momentarily confused my cataracts-laiden eyes. For an instant our palettes melted together not unlike an oreo cookie left too long in the Arkansas sun.
"For all we said and did I know you will help me, my darling," he said, and I believed him, and a realization came to me, one I found voice to say to him in this moment of coming together.
"Oh Hussein, despite what I've done, I know what the answer would be if I were to call you at 2am."
"Yes, my dear," he said breathlessly, "at all times . . . yes."
Oh dear diary, my heart grew two sizes that day.




Just saw NC reduced unemployment benefits down as little as 7 weeks. Right when my job is being threatened again.

At this point it's not even worth claiming unemployment.

Common Sense: Apply Directly to the Forehead

At first glance I read that that as "Apply Directly to Forehand."

I immediately thought of this:

A new poll in the Iowa Senate race shows Republican Joni Ernst with a more than six-point lead over Democrat Bruce Braley.

Ernst earned 48 percent of the vote in the Loras College poll of likely voters released Friday well above Braley's 41.7 percent. More than 10 percent said they are undecided. It follows a Rasmussen Reports poll, also released Friday, that showed the race in a statistical dead heat.

Braley has largely been viewed as the favorite in the race. The Cook Political Report still ranks the contest as Lean Democrat. The RealClearPolitics average gives Braley a 4.3 percentage-point advantage.

The Loras College poll, conducted from June 4 to 5, surveyed 600 likely voters. Its margin of error is 4 percentage points.

senate is gone
"Millions in this country feel like strangers in this land. You recognize that don't you? An old America is passing away; a new America rising to take its place. We recoil from that culture. It's foreign to us. It's offensive to us," McDaniel said

Geee . . . I just can't decode what he is trying say here.
Geee . . . I just can't decode what he is trying say here.

Can't wait for him to out shitlord Mississippi's former Senator, Theodore Bilbo.

Bilbo criticized Murphree for calling out the National Guard to prevent a lynching in Jackson, declaring that no black person was worthy of protection by the Guard.[16]

Bilbo proposed an amendment to the federal work-relief bill on June 6, 1938, which would have deported 12 million black Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment.[25]

Bilbo revealed his membership in the Ku Klux Klan in an interview on the radio program Meet the Press. He said, "No man can leave the Klan. He takes an oath not to do that. Once a Ku Klux, always a Ku Klux."[29]

Bilbo was outspoken in saying that blacks should not be allowed to vote anywhere in the United States, regardless of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution. Black World War II veterans complained of longstanding disfranchisement in the South, which Mississippi had achieved in 1890 by changes to its constitution related to electoral and voter registration rules. (Other Southern states followed with similar changes through 1910, which survived most court challenges.) Bilbo's campaign was accused of provoking violence related to voting. Critics accused Bilbo of giving war contracts out to his friends.

He was a prominent participant in the lengthy southern Democratic filibuster of the Costigan-Walker anti-lynching bill before the Senate in 1938. Bilbo said:

If you succeed in the passage of this bill, you will open the floodgates of hell in the South. Raping, mobbing, lynching, race riots, and crime will be increased a thousandfold; and upon your garments and the garments of those who are responsible for the passage of the measure will be the blood of the raped and outraged daughters of Dixie, as well as the blood of the perpetrators of these crimes that the red-blooded Anglo-Saxon White Southern men will not tolerate.[29]


Can't wait for him to out shitlord Mississippi's former Senator, Theodore Bilbo.

Little known fact, Tolkien, who was quite a racist himself, named Bilbo after Theodore Bilbo, who was a personal hero to him.

okay, not really, but all that "blonde people fight savages on elephants" crap he shoves in his books can get quite uncomfortable to read at times. also boring, OMFG so fucking boring.

Mike M

Nick N

Little known fact, Tolkien, who was quite a racist himself, named Bilbo after Theodore Bilbo, who was a personal hero to him.

okay, not really, but all that "blonde people fight savages on elephants" crap he shoves in his books can get quite uncomfortable to read at times. also boring, OMFG so fucking boring.

Oh god, let's not start that again...


Oh god, let's not start that again...
Sorry, I just saw the Desolation of Smaug and I'm still reeling from its awfulness.

And in any case, we're safe here in poligaf, no?
I don't think we get those "tolkeinologists" that roam the OT around these parts.

Little known fact, Tolkien, who was quite a racist himself, named Bilbo after Theodore Bilbo, who was a personal hero to him.

okay, not really, but all that "blonde people fight savages on elephants" crap he shoves in his books can get quite uncomfortable to read at times. also boring, OMFG so fucking boring.
Fantasy racism accusations are some of the most far fetched and silly. The light dark dichotomy (which is by no means racist) is far to easily misconstrued this way. There's clear eurocentricism in his work but I would call it racist by any stretch.

I take the antisemitism charges about the dwarves smore seriously than racism in Tolkiens work.


No Scrubs

Little known fact, Tolkien, who was quite a racist himself, named Bilbo after Theodore Bilbo, who was a personal hero to him.

okay, not really, but all that "blonde people fight savages on elephants" crap he shoves in his books can get quite uncomfortable to read at times. also boring, OMFG so fucking boring.


Not your best joke there


Fantasy racism accusations are some of the most far fetched and silly. The light dark dichotomy (which is by no means racist) is far to easily misconstrued this way. There's clear eurocentricism in his work but I would call it racist by any stretch.

I take the antisemitism charges about the dwarves smore seriously than racism in Tolkiens work.
The non spoilered part was (I hoped) obviously a joke, I don't think it's a racist book per-se (and he obviously didn't name his character after The Man).
It is however heavily rooted (like Tolkien himself) in colonialism, maybe I'm too sensitive, but what can I say, I find that whole white people fighting against the hoard of dark skinned cruel and stupid savages to a bit off putting.
Maybe if I didn't find the writing so fucking dry I would let that pass, but when it's walking walking, terrible poetry, walking, walking, terrible poetry in a made up language, you get time to think about those things.


No Scrubs
The non spoilered part was (I hoped) obviously a joke, I don't think it's a racist book per-se (and he obviously didn't name his character after The Man).
It is however heavily rooted (like Tolkien himself) in colonialism, maybe I'm too sensitive, but what can I say, I find that whole white people fighting against the hoard of dark skinned cruel and stupid savages to a bit off putting.
Maybe if I didn't find the writing so fucking dry I would let that pass, but when it's walking walking, terrible poetry, walking, walking, terrible poetry in a made up language, you get time to think about those things.

Honestly, it's a lot less dry when you've got all the back story but I can totally get where you're coming from.


The non spoilered part was (I hoped) obviously a joke, I don't think it's a racist book per-se (and he obviously didn't name his character after The Man).
It is however heavily rooted (like Tolkien himself) in colonialism, maybe I'm too sensitive, but what can I say, I find that whole white people fighting against the hoard of dark skinned cruel and stupid savages to a bit off putting.
Maybe if I didn't find the writing so fucking dry I would let that pass, but when it's walking walking, terrible poetry, walking, walking, terrible poetry in a made up language, you get time to think about those things.
yes yes come to the dark side

Little known fact, Tolkien, who was quite a racist himself, named Bilbo after Theodore Bilbo, who was a personal hero to him.

okay, not really, but all that "blonde people fight savages on elephants" crap he shoves in his books can get quite uncomfortable to read at times. also boring, OMFG so fucking boring.

Read better fantasy. Gene Wolfe, sir. Or more modern stuff like Joe Abercrombie or George RR Martin.


Read better fantasy. Gene Wolfe, sir. Or more modern stuff like Joe Abercrombie or George RR Martin.
I tried to read A Game of Thrones and couldn't even finish it.
I don't know, maybe I just don't get that genre, but I don't understand why these books are written the way they are, I find it tedious to read.
I tried to read A Game of Thrones and couldn't even finish it.
I don't know, maybe I just don't get that genre, but I don't understand why these books are written the way they are, I find it tedious to read.

world building. half the time the story is secondary to building a fantasy world.


world building. half the time the story is secondary to building a fantasy world.
That's exactly my problem, I don't really care about world building in and by itself.
Like, if you use uninspired language to tell an uniteresting story, I couldn't give two fucks if you set it in a fully realized world backed by volumes of unpublished "history" and grammar rules.

But I know many people care dearly about those things, and I honestly find this fascinating, not in a condescending way (I hope at least) but because it's really alien to the way I enjoy books. Which is why I often stumble into Tolkien threads and why I slogged through the Silmarillion, which I think is the least enjoyable read I've ever finished in my life.
no joke, pepsi

just a lamentation, that you can't watch a "lot" of Twin Peaks like you can watch a "lot" of say Justified

oh yeah

i'm talking in netflix terms. I've been binging. only got like 8 to go. it still 30 some odd hours

That's exactly my problem, I don't really care about world building in and by itself.
Like, if you use uninspired language to tell an uniteresting story, I couldn't give two fucks if you set it in a fully realized world backed by volumes of unpublished "history" and grammar rules.

But I know many people care dearly about those things, and I honestly find this fascinating, not in a condescending way (I hope at least) but because it's really alien to the way I enjoy books. Which is why I often stumble into Tolkien threads and why I slogged through the Silmarillion, which I think is the least enjoyable read I've ever finished in my life.

different strokes for different folks. I guess I just really enjoy kind of exploring a different history. Its like opening a new history book full of new people and cultures you never imagined. I love and grew up loving maps and history and exploring a fresh one is always enjoyable. Its like discovering Atlantis and their history books. I also love non-fiction usually more than fiction so its combining both which is awesome.

I also enjoy it as a kind of greek/roman/norse myth for our generation. stories that are full of grand adventures from 'long ago'. I completely get why people don't understand it. I was taken aback by the fandom GOT spawned.

I've never understood people trying to put them on the pedestal of 'great literature' because its not. And its purpose isn't the same. I love both steinbeck and tolkein but think they occupy different spheres and are serving different purposes.

edit: I think Lewis' work is better in a literature sense than Tolkien's.

and bringing it back on topic. I <3 my former professor

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