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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Except they don't mean it as a joke.

I didn't say they did; I put climate change deniers on the same level as creationists, which is just a mere step above people who are required, by law, to wear a helmet at all times but just slightly below people who eat crayons.
Obama in The Sims 4:


Read the comments at your peril. :-/
Even more than the POW, the right wing freak out over rape really crystallizes Obama derangement syndrome. They literally trot out women to suggest rape and sexual assault aren't a big deal, or are being "hyped up" by the administration.

Ultimately it reminds me of the very linear way many conservatives view racism: if someone isn't burning crosses in black people's yard, they aren't racist. Likewise if a woman isn't fighting for her life or being attacked by someone she doesn't know, it's not rape.

I wouldnt call it Obama derangement syndrome but just standard conservatism. They don't like that some of their behavior and behavior glorified in movies. That was once acceptable in college is now recognized as rape and sexual assault

George Will needs to be put out to pasture. The sad thing is that he passes for an 'intellectual' conservative these days. William F. Buckley must be rolling over in his grave.

Are you really calling Buckely any better? He was much better read but I wouldn't call many of his arguments better argued or position any different



Wow, that's some slick shit.

It's rather hard to feel bad for McAuliffe given his criticisms of Obama's inability to work with republicans solely because he isn't sociable; it plays a role but isn't the deciding factor. McAuliffe has been schmoozing republicans Clinton-style for months, has hosted multiple parties, yet can't get a single one to support this.

That is some shameful shit. This "Democrat" who is supposedly resigning is a horrible person if this all holds true. WTF. He isn't even trying to be subtle about it. He is basically telling people desperately in need of health coverage to go fuck themselves. Holy hell that's HORRIBLE especially coming from a Democrat. Way to represent your party and constituents who are counting on you in a tough election year, asshat. Go fuck yourself.

Also this reminds me of how pissed I am at the SCOTUS; I know it was going to be fully repealed but we instead we got a vastly superior outcome, but leaving Medicaid up to the states has rendered the most progressive part of Obamacare, expanding upon actual socialized medicine, up to the states... essentially dumbing it down to a 'red vs. blue' benefit which you can NEVER count on in most states unless you live in solidly progressive strongholds... it really cheapens the entire law and what it intended to do...

Oh well, I don't think I can be too confident in Terry McAuliffe anyway. I mean does anyone remember this guy from 2008? My only takeaway from this is that he (and ultimately Bill/Hillary) are testing the waters, making observations very closely here and how they take that strategy to the campaign trail in 2016. Should Hillary win, that will play a role in how she tries to sell/defend the law as President to people in states like VA where certain politicians are willing to fuck over hundreds of thousands of people for a better job...

Whatever, she's right though. Her ship is sunk, might as well start telling it like it is.


Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) is scheduled to hold an event at her state’s biggest coal-fired power plant on Monday, in a move designed to highlight her opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency’s new proposed limits on carbon pollution from coal plants.

Problem is, the coal plant she’s highlighting — the Big Cajun 2 power plant in New Roads, La. — is one of the nation’s dirtiest, most known for being the subject a high-profile U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit over its toxic emissions. What’s more, the CEO of the company that owns the plant recently said he believes that EPA should be regulating carbon pollution from coal plants, perplexing some as to why she chose to put a spotlight on that plant.

“It’s really weird that she would choose one of the largest polluters in the nation to highlight her opposition to these protections,” said, Jenna Garland, deputy press secretary at the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign. “Based on the CEO’s public statements, I’m not too sure he’s going to be happy about this.”



Obama's Thankfully 'Dictatorial' Approach to Climate Change


Are you really calling Buckely any better? He was much better read but I wouldn't call many of his arguments better argued or position any different
1. Watch a bunch of Firing Line.
b. Buckley would never write a whole column whining about people wearing jeans.

George Will needs to be put out to pasture. The sad thing is that he passes for an 'intellectual' conservative these days.
Ironically, he takes the opposite position as about 60% of the GOP platform.


George Will needs to be put out to pasture. The sad thing is that he passes for an 'intellectual' conservative these days. William F. Buckley must be rolling over in his grave.
Fuck Buckley.
That asshole supported Mccarthyism, white supremacy, Franco, Pinochet and opposed nuclear disarmament
Fuck, he wanted to nuke Vietnam.

Sure, he was more eloquent that your average tea partier, but his spew some fucking shameful crap.

Edit: though yeah, George Will is an idiot, and the worse thing about him that he pretends to be a centrist. Fuck him and his concern trolling.


Unconfirmed Member
*spit take*

Florida Congressman: If Humans Cause Climate Change, Then ‘Why Did The Dinosaurs Go Extinct’?

Hahahahahahahahaha... I am not laughing because this is funny... I am laughing because how sad this is.

What makes these things so incredibly annoying is that these people directly benefit from science, which goes all the way back to those ages and further to accurately predict where oil is likely available to be extracted. Not to mention how much evolutionary theory helped our medicinal sciences.

If everyone on earth chose to be as ignorant as they choose to be, most of those people would be much poorer and much less healthy than they are now as a result. Like even if they got their wish that science bent to their beliefs, it's not just human knowledge that would be lost, but actual real life benefits.

I still have a couple of episodes of Cosmos to finish up on, but I do wish they hammered the point a bit harder that these theories have real life consequences attached to them, though at least they did some of that with astrophysics and big bang theory.


What makes these things so incredibly annoying is that these people directly benefit from science, which goes all the way back to those ages and further to accurately predict where oil is likely available to be extracted. Not to mention how much evolutionary theory helped our medicinal sciences.

If everyone on earth chose to be as ignorant as they choose to be, most of those people would be much poorer and much less healthy than they are now as a result. Like even if they got their wish that science bent to their beliefs, it's not just human knowledge that would be lost, but actual real life benefits.

I still have a couple of episodes of Cosmos to finish up on, but I do wish they hammered the point a bit harder that these theories have real life consequences attached to them, though at least they did some of that with astrophysics and big bang theory.

Pshah. God put the coal and fossil fuels under the earth for us to use. Duh.


Why we still got Noah?
You know left-wing hollywood, they love remakes. That's why the only original films are coming out of places like Sherwood Pictures, Five & Two Pictures, Pure Flix Entertainment, Possibility Pictures, Gener8Xion Entertainment, Crystal Creek Media, and EchoLight Studios.


A huge meteor wiped out the dinosaurs. An exterior force caused that sudden climate change, just as humans are causing one now. The death of the dinosaurs supports climate change removed from natural cycles. Though I suppose the bigger problem is so many politicians don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
A huge meteor wiped out the dinosaurs. An exterior force caused that sudden climate change, just as humans are causing one now. The death of the dinosaurs supports climate change removed from natural cycles. Though I suppose the bigger problem is so many politicians don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

God sent that meteor because too many dinosaurs were having gay sex. It's in the bible.


A huge meteor wiped out the dinosaurs. An exterior force caused that sudden climate change, just as humans are causing one now. The death of the dinosaurs supports climate change removed from natural cycles. Though I suppose the bigger problem is so many politicians don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Are you implying Obama is an asteroid?


Unconfirmed Member

Senate numbers looking pretty mixed right now. Senator Castration in Iowa is actually doing pretty well.

The good news about Georgia is that the SurveyUSA poll putting democrats down also puts Kingston up for the primaries, which is a much easier fight than Purdue.

As for Iowa, you're talking about a poll taken by a small catholic college with no real polling history. And even if she is somehow popular in Iowa, I doubt that's any indication at all about the national outlook for races in NC, LA, and AK, which republicans still need.
Nobody can live to be 6000 years old. Typical liberals, learn some facts about reality.
Jesus said that the end of the world would happen during the lives of people then living. Well, the world hasn't ended so OBVIOUSLY there is someone still alive from back then!

The Bible gotcha!

Angry Fork

Off topic but does anyone know why empty vessel was banned and if it was permanent? I usually come here once in a while to see his posts but realized he's still banned.


Only in Obamas america is getting POWs back a bad thing.

I'm really really really pissed of at mccain being a party to this btw. I know he's sorta senile, but damn.


The Fox News media machine sure is good at what it does.
The one that stands out is the Sympathetic/Anger one. Democrats are more sympathetic and Republicans more angry, which makes some sense. Everyone else basically is split.

But then there's the Neither. 65+ and Republicans/Conservatives are the only splits not near or above 60%. It's only a 13 point spread between Neither and Anger for Conservatives!


Not at all surprised at the numbers.

At first, I was perplexed as to why the GOP would go hard on this. A president getting a POW back home? Who would be against that? This is clearly a losing issue. But I foolishly forgot how powerful the Fox noise machine is and how effective repetition is in shaping public opinion. Constantly repeat that Bergdahl is an anti-American traitor, that we're giving up hardcore Taliban leadership for him who will strike us the moment they are free, mix in the usual anti-Obama derangement, and you got this great cocktail to splash in the face of Obama.


Only in Obamas america is getting POWs back a bad thing.

This is what black-or-white decision making / politics gives you. People just rote follow an ideaology (never negotiate! ever!), damn the cost (sending away 5 taliban guys we already cleared for release)


I think it's less an ideological point than a tribal thing, gotta pick your sides based on who is on the teams already.

Which is why you got all those flip-flops chronicled.
I think it's less an ideological point than a tribal thing, gotta pick your sides based on who is on the teams already.

Which is why you got all those flip-flops chronicled.

This is the sad part about our politics. It's that if the other side is for it, you must be against. War mentality.

It's why things like climate change are allowed to actually be a "debate."

"Dems believe in climate change!? We must deny its existence!"


Angry Fork

This is the sad part about our politics. It's that if the other side is for it, you must be against. War mentality.

This isn't sad, that's what politics should be. The problem is democrats haven't taken that role yet, and so we keep capitulating to the demands of the right, who actually care about their principles however wrong they may be.

If you want progress you need a tea party of the left, not in terms of lies/distortion, but in ideological determination and resistance.
This isn't sad, that's what politics should be. The problem is democrats haven't taken that role yet, and so we keep capitulating to the demands of the right, who actually care about their principles however wrong they may be.

If you want progress you need a tea party of the left, not in terms of lies/distortion, but in ideological determination and resistance.

No, that's not what politics should be.

Politics should be taking a position you actually believe to be true.

Because Obama/Dems accept climate change doesn't mean the Republicans should deny it and then mislead their constituents into thinking it's a hoax causing massive problems.

I agree in fortifying your position better and yes, the Dems could be less compromising at this point. But I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is people taking a position solely because of whom they've aligned with.

For instance, because someone is a liberal doesn't mean they have to be against the death penalty. But in today's climate, you're almost feel pressured into it simply because if you don't, you're on "their side." That's how you end up with a political dichotomy where little actually happens and progress is stifled.
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