So here's a question. We're over a year after Obama's job killing tax hike on the wealthy through both the income tax hike from the expirations of the Bush tax cuts, as well as the ones embedded in Obamacare. In some cases, some new taxes have been around for several years, as well as many new regulations, most notably from Obamacare.
And yet despite all these new shackles on our job creators, for some strange reason they still seem to be creating jobs. In fact, job growth was slightly higher in 2013 (after many of the tax hikes and such) than it was in 2012.
How do conservatives explain why our betters haven't fled to Somalia en masse already?
They just say that we could have so many more jobs if he wasn't inhibiting things.
Well sure, but that's a more difficult argument to make since, like I said, job creation was higher after the tax hike than it was before. And more importantly, haven't they said that by doing such things we'd be pulled back into a recession?
bakerXderek19 hours ago
If you look closely, you can see Jimmy's life flash before his eye's into Chris Christie's asshole 
As much as I dislike sarah Palin. How do people not get banned or yelled at for the C-word and bitch comment?
It just makes me cringe. Its fine to mock her but those comments are clearly used in a gendered way in that context.
I get the British use in soccer and what not but sometimes it just makes me want to disassociate my self from many on the left when its used as a license and shield
Not really a complant about moderation but about the fact that yeah she has put up with sexism from the left.
There was a big deal on neogaf when evilore said c word is ok to use. I think people ran wild after that.They should be banned for that, might need to message a mod, because they don't look in every thread. No room for that nonsense here.
Stump posted in the thread, so I think he saw those posts APK was talking about.They should be banned for that, might need to message a mod, because they don't look in every thread. No room for that nonsense here.
As much as I dislike sarah Palin. How do people not get banned or yelled at for the C-word and bitch comments?
It just makes me cringe. Its fine to mock her but those comments are clearly used in a gendered way in that context.
I get the British use in soccer and what not but sometimes it just makes me want to disassociate my self from many on the left when its used as a license and shield
Not really a complant about moderation but about the fact that yeah she has put up with sexism from the left.
I remember that. I get why there was backlash. Its less gendered in the UK. But like I said people are using it as cover not only to use it in the soccer threads but in clearly gendered ways. I didn't post in there because I knew the response would be "a c**t is a c**t, I'm not being sexist" but people should be conscious of that fact. Same thing with bitch.There was a big deal on neogaf when evilore said c word is ok to use. I think people ran wild after that.
ObjectivelyA actual letter from Ayn Rand to the Cat Fancy magazine back in 1966 (found via twitter)
Also she owned cats? That's pretty altruistic of her....
Also she owned cats? That's pretty altruistic of her....
Also she owned cats? That's pretty altruistic of her....
Cats are basically objectivists. She identified with them.
Owning cats makes you submissive, not altruistic.
All good pointsThe cats fulfilled a free market need for cuteness.
Cats are basically objectivists. She identified with them.
Is calling her a dumb bitch that much worse than calling her a dumb fuck?As much as I dislike sarah Palin. How do people not get banned or yelled at for the C-word and bitch comments?
It just makes me cringe. Its fine to mock her but those comments are clearly used in a gendered way in that context.
I get the British use in soccer and what not but sometimes it just makes me want to disassociate my self from many on the left when its used as a license and shield
Not really a complant about moderation but about the fact that yeah she has put up with sexism from the left.
Wow, Rep. Steve King has one position that's not either retarded or vile: he actually supports wind energy.![]()
YesIs calling her a dumb bitch that much worse than calling her a dumb fuck?
This sounds a lot like the defense of racists language or the thug controversy.I mean sure, on some level this is a reflection of that state of linguistic-misogynistic affairs where we have a derogatory term for women but not really for men, but really, looking at that thread, I'm pretty sure most people having problem with the dumb shit she says, not with her gender.
I don't know much about gendered swearing but I know in Spanish its the same thing as english and there are certain words that are used to demean women. Its not using different genders on words, they're completely different words with different meaningsI don't know, maybe it's because my native tongue is far less gender neutral than English and I'm just used to talking about women and men using different words on pretty much everything, but that doesn't bother me all that much (at least not on its own, if people being sexists fuck, that's a different story).
Its more gender neutral in those places (but its still is gendered on many occasions ) but that's doesn't excuse its used by Americans discribing a female politician. How many Aussies are in US politics threads? And even then respect the fact its doesn't translate. Cultural ignorance isn't an excuse.p.s.
Cunt is pretty much gender neutral in places like Australia, fuck, the only time I got banned from GAF was when I called Thomas Friedman a cunt.
No regrets, two minutes, well worth it.
I don't know if that's a fair comparison, when people talk about "thug culture" they're using coded language because saying what they really think is unacceptable.Yes
This sounds a lot like the defense of racists language or the thug controversy.
They're reaching for that word because it has a certain power that in the context comes from Palin's gender. There's a reason why Palin gets called a bitch and c**t so quickly.
I don't know much about gendered swearing but I know in Spanish its the same thing as english and there are certain words that are used to demean women. Its not using different genders on words, they're completely different words with different meanings
Its more gender neutral in those places (but its still is gendered on many occasions ) but that's doesn't excuse its used by Americans discribing a female politician. How many Aussies are in US politics threads? And even then respect the fact its doesn't translate. Cultural ignorance isn't an excuse.
Edit: the posts that made me make this post were both made by Americans. And like I said this is a wider criticism. Sexism is a huge problem in Politics and picking political candidates. Clinton, Warren, and yes Palin (and Haley, Martinez, and Snowe face this too)
He's from Iowa.
Does Sarah Palin even have a cunt? Have we seen the evidence?!? What is she hiding? Where is Glen Rice during all of this?As much as I dislike sarah Palin. How do people not get banned or yelled at for the C-word and bitch comments?
It just makes me cringe. Its fine to mock her but those comments are clearly used in a gendered way in that context.
I get the British use in soccer and what not but sometimes it just makes me want to disassociate my self from many on the left when its used as a license and shield
Not really a complant about moderation but about the fact that yeah she has put up with sexism from the left.
She'll be walking very differently had Glen Rice went devil's highway on her.Does Sarah Palin even have a cunt? Have we seen the evidence?!? What is she hiding? Where is Glen Rice during all of this?
Meh, watching Christie on Fallon made me cringe. It was pretty nice to see Chris Rock get his digs in while Christie was backstage though.
It was such a PR stunt. For example: he said his family was more embarrassed at how he danced with Fallon than anything dealing with bridge closures because he "actually did that".
Is there really any steam left in bridgegate? Because I feel like outside of the beating he took in the polls, he's getting away with it. A Presidential campaign can right a lot of the wrongs in his approval post-scandal because it will be ancient history by the time mid-2015/early 2016 rolls around.
Meh, watching Christie on Fallon made me cringe. It was pretty nice to see Chris Rock get his digs in while Christie was backstage though.
It was such a PR stunt. For example: he said his family was more embarrassed at how he danced with Fallon than anything dealing with bridge closures because he "actually did that".
Is there really any steam left in bridgegate? Because I feel like outside of the beating he took in the polls, he's getting away with it. A Presidential campaign can right a lot of the wrongs in his approval post-scandal because it will be ancient history by the time mid-2015/early 2016 rolls around.
The worst is over for him I think, unless there is another scandal or they find a HUGE piece of evidence. A few months ago everyone in here was projecting so much confidence that this is going to essentially end him, now everyone is more neutral about it. I think he has been granted a second chance. He has to work hard to regain some credibility, but he's not sunk.The AG's investigation isn't done yet, so who knows.
As it relates to the GOP and their political agenda, Benghazi is a complete delusion from start to finish. Not quite the same as bridgegate where someone knowingly fucked up and is getting away with it because his lawyers and the media said he could.If we've learned anything in politics, that nothing is ancient history.
The worst is over for him I think, unless there is another scandal or they find a HUGE piece of evidence. A few months ago everyone in here was projecting so much confidence that this is going to essentially end him, now everyone is more neutral about it. I think he has been granted a second chance. He has to work hard to regain some credibility, but he's not sunk.
He'll come up squeaky clean or figure out a way to get out of it...It will depend on what they dig up, but we always knew this would die down so long as nothing came up. Christie's fate is tied to that investigation, there's not much else to say about it until they're done.
Christie, Bush and Walker are really the only credible candidates the party has for Pres.
A deep bench of stupidity, ignorance and pure lunacy, sure.But, but, but I thought the GOP had a "deep bench" for 2016?
He'll come up squeaky clean or figure out a way to get out of it...
Christie, Bush and Walker are really the only credible candidates the party has for Pres. Jeb is tainted by the family name that his brother soiled, he's got a huge handicap coming right out of the gate and he knows it. Walker could be their last hope if all goes wrong for Christie, but he'd squirm on stage next to Clinton and I'm not convinced he can work his magic on the rest of the country like he did in WI.
There is probably so much shady shit going down right now between GOP lawyers and politicians and their willingness to keep Christie's head in the clear.
But, but, but I thought the GOP had a "deep bench" for 2016?
A deep bench of stupidity, ignorance and pure lunacy, sure.
It keeps turning into a bigger IF though. Christie is more than prepared for this. It has been made crystal clear especially by his own lawyers coming out front and center projecting nothing but absolute certainty in the face of the law that their guy is not guilty of any wrongdoing, period, end of story. Even if the AG or anyone else ties him to something, Christie's people are going to go to war, and they will likely take very calculated but effective steps to shield him. They're ready for this which also leads me to believe he's going to be a formidable Presidential candidate. All of this is tactics/optics and it will spill over into his campaign. It shows that he can take a lot of shit and still have the guts and connections to persevere.He's absolutely sunk if they can tie him to this though. It's corruption of the old school, the kind of shit people expect from Jersey.
I'm scared of him because he just won't go away. He is one of those politicians that people continue to like or at the very least overlook his wrongdoings for whatever stupid reasons. Not too long ago I called him the new Giuliani (all hype) but I'm not so sure now.Why are you scared of Christie, Diablos? If the guy was that confident in running for President, he would've ran in 2012 when he still had that unknown aurora attached to him and everyone (by "everyone", I mean the media) was hoping he would run.
He probably would've gotten the nod over Romney and maybe sucker a few white Dems into voting for him. I don't know if it would've been good enough to beat Obama though...
It keeps turning into a bigger IF though. Christie is more than prepared for this. It has been made crystal clear especially by his own lawyers coming out front and center projecting nothing but absolute certainty in the face of the law that their guy is not guilty of any wrongdoing, period, end of story. Even if the AG or anyone else ties him to something, Christie's people are going to go to war, and they will likely take very calculated but effective steps to shield him. They're ready for this which also leads me to believe he's going to be a formidable Presidential candidate. All of this is tactics/optics and it will spill over into his campaign. It shows that he can take a lot of shit and still have the guts and connections to persevere.
He'll settle on a communications strategy heading into 2016, no worries...Sure he can take a lot of shit, but you completely leave out the fact that he can't talk to a regular person for 5 minutes without having the cops drag them off while he calls them an idiot. He doesn't play outside of Jersey.
He'll come up squeaky clean or figure out a way to get out of it...
Christie, Bush and Walker are really the only credible candidates the party has for Pres. Jeb is tainted by the family name that his brother soiled, he's got a huge handicap coming right out of the gate and he knows it. Walker could be their last hope if all goes wrong for Christie, but he'd squirm on stage next to Clinton and I'm not convinced he can work his magic on the rest of the country like he did in WI.
There is probably so much shady shit going down right now between GOP lawyers and politicians and their willingness to keep Christie's head in the clear.
He'll settle on a communications strategy heading into 2016, no worries...
The worst is over for him I think, unless there is another scandal or they find a HUGE piece of evidence. A few months ago everyone in here was projecting so much confidence that this is going to essentially end him, now everyone is more neutral about it. I think he has been granted a second chance. He has to work hard to regain some credibility, but he's not sunk..
Far from being excommunicated by Republicans after his loss to President Obama, 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is enjoying a brand resurgence of late, drawing several potential 2016 candidates to his "ideas summit" this weekend in Utah and even earning some 2016 speculation himself.
In Utah, Romney has billed his summit as an opportunity for a new generation of conservative thinkers and political leaders to strategize about the best path forward for the party and the country. No fewer than six potential 2016 GOP candidates made the trek to the Park City, including Christie, Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, Gov. Susana Martinez, R-Ohio, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who was Romney's running mate in 2012.
Romney once worried he'd be branded a "loser for life" by his party if he failed to unseat the president, but it hasn't quite worked out that way. Despite the crowd of up-and-comers at his summit, many people there were more abuzz about the possibility that Romney himself could jump into the race in 2016.
Rommey "is the only person that can fill the stage," said MSNBC host and former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough at a private dinner on the summit's opening night, according to The Washington Post.
"He would be a giant in a field of midgets," added Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat who's weighing a 2016 bid himself.
He'll settle on a communications strategy heading into 2016, no worries...
Would never happen. Will never happen.
Oh good, two losers.Rommey "is the only person that can fill the stage," said MSNBC host and former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough at a private dinner on the summit's opening night, according to The Washington Post.
"He would be a giant in a field of midgets," added Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat who's weighing a 2016 bid himself.