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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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There is going to be even more pressure from the far right next time around, meaning the the Republican Presidential primaries are going to be even more of a circus than last time.

Jon Stewart is going to have to expand The Daily Show to an hour to accommodate everything.

The 11:30 slot is going to Larry Wilmore.


He should know better than trying to apply the same methodology to trying and predict football or basketball matches.

What makes you think she'll go after the banks hard?
She's more a Wall Street shill than Obama (and that's saying something).
Don't get me wrong, I hope she wins and I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see any reason to believe she'll be any better than Obama on that front.

Given the choice between turning on Wall St. and losing the 2020 election.

2020 is the big election due to being a presidential year and redistricting for state elections.

Take a state like NC, if HIllary wins in 2020 and can flip the state legislature some, the Dems can gerrymander the Republicans out and lock in control for 10 years.

Do I trust Hillary? No. Will I vote for her in primary- no. That said, I do think for her own sake she would do the right thing if it was convenient.


To tie all the Diablosing in a neat bow, the return of Mitt Romney to the Republican Presidential race is the most clear sign so far that Chris Christie is out of it. Running Romney again is an obviously stupid idea. The only reason anybody might even talk about it is the same reason they ran him in the first place -- there are no actually plausible candidates willing to run. In 2012, Christie wasn't willing to run (he needed the lap band surgery to mount a real Presidential campaign). In 2016 he isn't plausible any more.
I think Romney wants to though, pundits be damned. People seem to be coming out of his 'ideas summit' thinking he is extremely passionate about his party and concerned about the direction it is going in, and he wants to run again.

There is going to be even more pressure from the far right next time around, meaning the the Republican Presidential primaries are going to be even more of a circus than last time.

Jon Stewart is going to have to expand The Daily Show to an hour to accommodate everything.
Yeah, I am going to miss The Colbert Report. He's not meant for Letterman's job. I think it is a huge mistake. Who's with me?


Yeah, I am going to miss The Colbert Report. He's not meant for Letterman's job. I think it is a huge mistake. Who's with me?

We can all admit John Oliver is probably better than both The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, right?
I mean sure, it's not a really fair comparison as he only has to do one show a week and has a higher budget, but my god, he is KILLING it.

We can all admit John Oliver is probably better than both The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, right?
I mean sure, it's not a really fair comparison as he only has to do one show a week and has a higher budget, but my god, he is KILLING it.

He's also fresh. Give him a year and see if he can maintain it.


He's also fresh. Give him a year and see if he can maintain it.
I think shows that riff of the news can often get better in time, sketch comedy get fatigued, and run out of ideas, but I don't think the world is going to stop giving you shit to make fun of.

Either way, his run was phenomenal so far, even though I did got some weird look on the subway for watching an old wrinkled penis
but for real, god bless him for making the most out of the fact that he's on HBO


Unconfirmed Member
I think there's a non-negligible chance that Wall Street manage to blow themselves up again before the 2016 election, and if they won't, it will most likely happen during Hillary's first term.
And that's how Republican administrations are born.

And if that happens, we can probably blame Obama. It'd be all on him for picking his DOJ and SEC leaders that wouldn't do anything meaningful to bring these guys back in line.

Not that the republican guy would be any better, but that probably wouldn't matter in the end.


So whats the deal with the "Lost" IRS emails. Do we think they lost them on purpose? I am more surprised that emails are stored locally verses on a network server. My computer has crashed twice in the past 5 years at work and I lost all of my "local" information which amounted to pretty much nothing since everything is stored on network servers instead. I know the government is behind on technology........ Maybe now republicans will want to invest in more technology so they can properly subpoena everything under the sun.
And if that happens, we can probably blame Obama. It'd be all on him for picking his DOJ and SEC leaders that wouldn't do anything meaningful to bring these guys back in line.

Not that the republican guy would be any better, but that probably wouldn't matter in the end.
It's going to be pretty funny when we bail out more too big to fail banks, despite Dodd-Frank allegedly fixing the issue; I can already imagine the Greg Sargent " Why This Isn't Obama's Fault" article. Or at least it would be funny if it didn't lead to massive job losses.

Whoever becomes president next is probably fucked, as is their party. Probably not in the first term but definitely the second. The exact same thing is happening on Wall Street right now.


So whats the deal with the "Lost" IRS emails. Do we think they lost them on purpose? I am more surprised that emails are stored locally verses on a network server. My computer has crashed twice in the past 5 years at work and I lost all of my "local" information which amounted to pretty much nothing since everything is stored on network servers instead. I know the government is behind on technology........ Maybe now republicans will want to invest in more technology so they can properly subpoena everything under the sun.

Why is Hillary's economy collapse a foregone conclusion? We haven't even had a boom cycle yet. Dow gonna dow, it's not an indicator of economic health.
Muslim reporter describes being ridiculed at the Texas GOP convention


Heba Said, a senior at the University of Texas at Arlington, is the opinion editor of the school paper, The Shorthorn. The 22-year-old said she applied for media credentials and attended the convention hoping to share with her readers what it was like to sit in on panel discussions with delegates.

Instead, Said writes, “I discovered a cult-like hatred that is simply disgusting.” From her report:

As I walked through the halls, people stopped in their tracks and frowned and shook their heads at me. Panelists threw the word “Islamist” around as if it were perfectly OK, and one man even asked if I felt alone at a meeting. I was referred to as “you people” and “y’all Muslims” more times than I can count. The worst part was the way delegates looked at me, as if I were something to fear when I approached them.​
“I did not observe any of this," said Steve Munisteri, Texas GOP chairman. “I never heard a single anti-Muslim statement, and I never saw any anti-Muslim activity.”

Sounds typical but I kinda wondered if she might have been exaggerating . . . and then I read the hateful comments which made me realize she was not exaggerating.
After 8 years of OBUMMER and the Democratic brand going somewhat stale, it might just make people want a Republican back in the WH... of course Obama is nowhere near Bush levels of unpopularity back in 07-08.

I think that kind of dynamic does sort of exist. There often is the swinging pendulum effect.

But I do think that will dominate in 2016 for a couple reasons.
1) The demographics continue to shift. More latino, Asian, and young voters. And the old white conservatives continue to die.
2) The GOP is continuing their 'purity purge' where they are eliminating moderates. The candidate will like be someone too far to the right to win. Their 2014 successes will fool them into believing the 'we need to be MORE conservative' view.

Mike M

Nick N
“I did not observe any of this," said Steve Munisteri, Texas GOP chairman. “I never heard a single anti-Muslim statement, and I never saw any anti-Muslim activity.”
Makes me wonder if he'd be capable of recognizing it if he saw it. Kind of a corollary to the whole "if they're not burning a cross, they're not racist" mindset.

We can all admit John Oliver is probably better than both The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, right?
I mean sure, it's not a really fair comparison as he only has to do one show a week and has a higher budget, but my god, he is KILLING it.

John Oliver is killing it. Last Week Tonight is basically his contribution to The Bugle put on steroids. But I agree that it is much easier to a once a week show than a daily show. I don't know how those daily shows can keep it up.



We can all admit John Oliver is probably better than both The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, right?
I mean sure, it's not a really fair comparison as he only has to do one show a week and has a higher budget, but my god, he is KILLING it.

Yeah, every episode of LWT has been god-tier. Really good stuff.


Debbie Cole, a 51-year-old mother of four, thinks her state should expand Medicaid to give more people the help they need to survive. But when she signed a petition asking Missouri lawmakers to consider accepting Obamacare’s optional Medicaid expansion to provide coverage for additional low-income residents, her request didn’t elicit much sympathy from her Republican state senator, Ed Emery.

His response? If you want Medicaid expansion, just move to a different state.

Cole shared Emery’s letter with public radio station KCUR. According to the copy that KCUR published, Emery thanked his constituent for getting in touch, but explained that he ultimately can’t support Medicaid expansion because it’s the wrong choice for Missouri. “We live in a nation and an era that facilitates physical moves between states. Individuals and families are free to consider moving to states with differing and even contrasting government policies,” Emery wrote.

I wonder if the continued success of Medicaid expansion in other states will eventually force Republican state governments to accept the expansion, or if the constituency that would benefit from expansion is ultimately too small and poor to force their hand.
I don't believe Romney will run. It'll be very interesting to see who he endorses though, and supports with his PAC. It's not going to be Christie lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I think that kind of dynamic does sort of exist. There often is the swinging pendulum effect.

But I do think that will dominate in 2016 for a couple reasons.
1) The demographics continue to shift. More latino, Asian, and young voters. And the old white conservatives continue to die.
2) The GOP is continuing their 'purity purge' where they are eliminating moderates. The candidate will like be someone too far to the right to win. Their 2014 successes will fool them into believing the 'we need to be MORE conservative' view.

Speaking of young voters, I do wonder which way they will go. Young white voters took a hard right turn between 2008 to 2012 that I really don't get. I really don't think they'll come back for Hillary if the young white demographic is basically the internet libertarian demographic like I suspect.

Still, even if they stay republican, young voters overall will still highly favor democrats, since the young demographic is where the biggest changes are with for racial demographics. I just wonder if we should drop the pretense that there is a young demographic to change things alongside race when really it's simply all racial.

That is, of course, unless republicans do something dumb like run on a "bomb iran and jail the gays" campaign.


I don't believe Romney will run. It'll be very interesting to see who he endorses though, and supports with his PAC. It's not going to be Christie lol.

Of course he isn't going to run. He's going to sit in the background and take pot shots at Hilary the entire time like the troll he is.


It doesn't really matter if we haven't had a boom yet, recessions happen on average every 7 years and this recovery (limited as it is) is getting in its 5th to 6th year.

However, it is just as likely that the next recession hits in 2017 after the next President has already been elected and she or he gets to run in 2020 just as the next recovery is taking place.

Also keep in mind not every recession is as bad as the last one, the next one might just be a mild sniffle like the one in 2000, and therefore nothing to hope the other side gets saddled with or to worry about too much if Obama or the next Democratic President gets hit with.
Of course he isn't going to run. He's going to sit in the background and take pot shots at Hilary the entire time like the troll he is.

Which is tragic. The netflix documentary on him did WONDERS by making him relatable and human, and he is throwing all that goodwill away by being a tool once more. He sounds more and more like a child deprived of his toys instead of being dignified.

This is my message to Mittens. People had a choice. They overwhelmingly said they prefer Obama over you. The end. Please go away.
KARL: Well, what do you say to those Tea Party — those groups claiming they represent the Tea Party, going after you, going after other Republican leaders? What contribution are those groups making?
CANTOR: Listen, there’s a lot of frustration out there. I have seen it. There’s frustration against this president. There’s a frustration against Washington, of not being able to stop this president when he says I’ve got a phone and a pen and I’m going to do what I want if you Republicans don’t agree with him. There is frustration.

And one of the things that, you know, I want to remember, is Tea Party means taxed enough already. You know, these are moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers that got into the political debate and process back in 2009 after the lurch leftward, expansion of government with Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, cap and trade, stimulus and the rest.

I'm dying!

He's actually trying to blame HIS loss on Obama.

Wth? People in here talking romney 16 and hillary taking wall st to task?! Looks like the full moon on friday the 13th got some people acting funny'!


I'm dying!

He's actually trying to blame HIS loss on Obama.


Technically, he's not wrong...

Obama winning spurred the rise of the Teatards. The GOP nurtured the parasite, and now it's eating its host alive. Thus, Cantor losing to someone who doesn't need to be anywhere near a public office locally, much less nationally.


Well, that's a brilliant way to keep your state Republican.
Muslim reporter describes being ridiculed at the Texas GOP convention

Heba Said, a senior at the University of Texas at Arlington, is the opinion editor of the school paper, The Shorthorn. The 22-year-old said she applied for media credentials and attended the convention hoping to share with her readers what it was like to sit in on panel discussions with delegates.

Sounds typical but I kinda wondered if she might have been exaggerating . . . and then I read the hateful comments which made me realize she was not exaggerating.
As someone who lives in the Deep South, I hear a lot of random talk about Muslims out of nowhere. I went to go buy a poker table the other day from a home-grown furniture store and the dude just randomly starts talking about Muslims and how he hates them.


People are still treating Chris "screw bridgegate I can't even run a state competently" Christie as have a legitimate chance?

The guy who oversaw his state credit being downgraded multiple times, is billions in the hole per year and can't manage his way out of a paper bag?
I don't know why you guys are counting Romney out. If he thinks he's got a shot, he'll run again. He's got nothing better to do and he's got piles of money. Sure, it is kind of tradition that losers don't run again . . . but there is always a first time. And if the rest of the field is a pack of loons again, why not?


I don't know why you guys are counting Romney out. If he thinks he's got a shot, he'll run again. He's got nothing better to do and he's got piles of money. Sure, it is kind of tradition that losers don't run again . . . but there is always a first time. And if the rest of the field is a pack of loons again, why not?

If he loses again he'll be another Adlai Stevenson.
I don't know why you guys are counting Romney out. If he thinks he's got a shot, he'll run again. He's got nothing better to do and he's got piles of money. Sure, it is kind of tradition that losers don't run again . . . but there is always a first time. And if the rest of the field is a pack of loons again, why not?

Mitt Romney can become president. Few people would argue that. The problem is that while Romney is electable the GOP isn't. He would eventually have to go further right in the primaries against Hilary and than try an awkward balancing act when selected as the candidate. I can't see any GOP candidate winning the election until the party gets their shit together. But unfortunately they have a niche base to answer to.
I don't know why you guys are counting Romney out. If he thinks he's got a shot, he'll run again. He's got nothing better to do and he's got piles of money. Sure, it is kind of tradition that losers don't run again . . . but there is always a first time. And if the rest of the field is a pack of loons again, why not?

Adlai Stevenson and Thomas Dewey got multiple nominations.....and still lost.


Mitt Romney can become president. Few people would argue that. The problem is that while Romney is electable the GOP isn't. He would eventually have to go further right in the primaries against Hilary and than try an awkward balancing act when selected as the candidate. I can't see any GOP candidate winning the election until the party gets their shit together. But unfortunately they have a niche base to answer to.
Romney already redefined himself in 2012 as far-right though. I don't know how much further he could go... not much...

The thing about R-Money is with campaign finance laws consistently being tailored to satisfy the uber rich (i.e. him), 2016 might make all the more sense because it'll be even easier for him to raise a fuckton of money.


Speaking of young voters, I do wonder which way they will go. Young white voters took a hard right turn between 2008 to 2012 that I really don't get. I really don't think they'll come back for Hillary if the young white demographic is basically the internet libertarian demographic like I suspect.
You answered your own question, and you are basically right. Kids who are 18-24 have an idiotic libertarian streak in all the wrong places.

We're getting older, we aren't the 'kids' anymore. :-(
Nixon was twice the republican nominee.

Crazy things do happen.


Nixon was a master politician, Romney is an awkward joke. Granted I greatly enjoyed his Netflix doc but he's unwilling to show that side of him in public.

I still think Scott Walker will be the nominee in 2016. He's still the only candidate who hasn't pissed off the tea party or establishment, and he's a hawk.
You answered your own question, and you are basically right. Kids who are 18-24 have an idiotic libertarian streak in all the wrong places.

We're getting older, we aren't the 'kids' anymore. :-(

I think this is a slight overreaction. Democrat's were never going to continue to keep 66% of the 18-24 vote as they got older. Especially when the past four years weren't great economically for anybody. However, if it turns out that the 18-24 year old vote consisently votes 55-60% for the Democratic candidate as they get older, that's a big win for the DNC, especially if younger voters stay along the same lines as they come of voting age.
Nixon was a master politician, Romney is an awkward joke. Granted I greatly enjoyed his Netflix doc but he's unwilling to show that side of him in public.

I still think Scott Walker will be the nominee in 2016. He's still the only candidate who hasn't pissed off the tea party or establishment, and he's a hawk.

But what if he loses in November?


I think this is a slight overreaction. Democrat's were never going to continue to keep 66% of the 18-24 vote as they got older. Especially when the past four years weren't great economically for anybody. However, if it turns out that the 18-24 year old vote consisently votes 55-60% for the Democratic candidate as they get older, that's a big win for the DNC, especially if younger voters stay along the same lines as they come of voting age.
Not slight, not profound either... just an annoyance more than anything else -- lots of these 'libertarians' worship Infowars and Rand Paul. It's sad to see considering we (well, some of us) used to account for that age demographic.

Watch, it'll be Ted Cruz who ultimately runs.
Of course he's running. He will never get past the primary though. He'll hang on for dear life though. It will be spectacular.
smh @ Cruz throwing away his Canadian citizenship btw. Canada is such a great country, nothing to be ashamed of.


Man, I would love that to be the case, but the guy's way too incompetent to succeed.
Who says he needs to be competent? All he needs is a larger-than-life bag full of money (which he'll get) thanks to the SCOTUS.
I doubt he'd get the nomination, but he's going to run, kicking and screaming the whole way through. If you thought Green Eggs and Ham before the shutdown was bad...

If people like Perry and Bachmann can run ANYONE can.
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