Diablos I can assure you that Christie has bigger skeletons in his closet than Bridgegate could ever become.
I want an Elizabeth Warren-Chris Christie presidential debate beyond all other things.
So now that E3 is over, I was thinking, if the big 3 were countries what would their political ideologies be?
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would definitely be very left wing as they strongly rely on the iron fist of first party titles and high taxes for third parties developing on their system.
Here's some he didn'tQ: Is there a way to impeach yourself?
A: Unfortunately for you, no
Q: Is this the place to chat with the man?
A: Yes
Q: Do you really think you have a chance? In my mind you are a disgrace to American politics.
A: Yes I do have a chance but I don't know what you think I don"t (sic) have a chance forbut thanks for your poorly worded and rude question
Q: Who is your dream all time republican presidential ticket?
A: Lincoln/Reagan
Q: I like the way you shake your booty, please run against Hillary, she scares me! Love you!
A: Thanks you (sic)...I think
Q: Why are you continuing to let sick people suffer, marijuana patients arw (sic) dying daily with every move you fail to make
A: That is WRONG! Our program is medically based and if you need it, you can get it
Q: What are your ties to organized crime?
A: None
Q: I stand behind you all the way, but often wonder how you have such a tough shell. Does it ever get to you? (negative press, accusations and haters)
A: Yes it does. But, if you want to be in this business you have to learn to deal with it.
Q: Who is your favorite Jersey Shore character and why?
A: None because they dont (sic) deserve it
Q: Is there a place we can buy the "Governor" fleeces?
Q: When will you come on down to Collingswood to fight me? I'm not afraid of you. You're all talk.
Q: Gov we came to a town hall meeting and u said u would meet with us parents and yet u still have not done so
Q: How do you pronounce "rino" in New Jersey?
So now that E3 is over, I was thinking, if the big 3 were countries what would their political ideologies be?
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would definitely be very left wing as they strongly rely on the iron fist of first party titles and high taxes for third parties developing on their system.
Nintendo is incredibly conservative and prudish, not exactly what I'd call "very left wing" (Yes, yes, single axis political spectrums don't work, etc.). North Korea is actually probably pretty close. Maybe China.
Q: I stand behind you all the way, but often wonder how you have such a tough shell. Does it ever get to you? (negative press, accusations and haters)
A: Yes it does. But, if you want to be in this business you have to learn to deal with it.
Jesus christ, how old are you by chance? Nintendo has had plenty of problems with violent games on their platforms in the past. It shaped the entire landscape of the industry and has left them branded by their past actions for decades now.Nintendo can be very progressive though. Look at how they don't mind copyrights for example. They also haven't had any problems with violent games on their platforms. Hell they are publishing Bayonetta and Devil's Third.
UGH, please no.
Nate Silver is officially considered a joke now right?
Because his world cup prediction stats have been extraordinarily wrong. He moved to sports, and yet appears to know nothing about sports.
Also, his other big running story is about burritos?
Jesus christ, how old are you by chance? Nintendo has had plenty of problems with violent games on their platforms in the past. It shaped the entire landscape of the industry and has left them branded by their past actions for decades now.
They're literally the last to the party on this point after their competition beat them to the punch ages ago, they're the opposite of progressive.
This is pretty damn progressive.Not sure what you mean about "not minding copyrights," either. This is the company that tried to shutdown Smash Bros at Evo.
Hillary vs. Romney would be crazy...
Microsoft is San Marino.So now that E3 is over, I was thinking, if the big 3 were countries what would their political ideologies be?
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would definitely be very left wing as they strongly rely on the iron fist of first party titles and high taxes for third parties developing on their system.
Nate Silver is officially considered a joke now right?
Because his world cup prediction stats have been extraordinarily wrong. He moved to sports, and yet appears to know nothing about sports.
Also, his other big running story is about burritos?
Nintendo is North Korea, where the leaders are considered gods and talking bad about them gets you thrown in a gulag.
If sports were that predictable Las Vegas casinos would be trillionaires by now.
Sports is fundamentally less predictable by design. Otherwise it wouldn't be fun to watch.
Nate Silver is officially considered a joke now right?
Because his world cup prediction stats have been extraordinarily wrong. He moved to sports, and yet appears to know nothing about sports.
Also, his other big running story is about burritos?
No no no. NOOOO. Obama put his ass AWAY. He can't come back!!I still think he is one of their better candidates. Not good enough to beat Hillary though.
Yeah, I think Soccer is too hard to make good predictions about. When one team is MUCH better than another, you can get some decent predictions. But if the teams are at all relatively closely matched, it is really hard. It is an inherently very low scoring game so you get very few data points to work with. Thus the data is very noisy.Soccer isn't as stats driven as other sports, he was never going to be very accurate. He was never going to be as accurate as Paul the Octopus, for example.
I have no doubt he could do a good job with baseball or football, but stats analysis doesn't lend itself to predicting the beautiful game.
Soccer isn't as stats driven as other sports, he was never going to be very accurate. He was never going to be as accurate as Paul the Octopus, for example.
I have no doubt he could do a good job with baseball or football, but stats analysis doesn't lend itself to predicting the beautiful game.
But I thought his whole thing was that he broke past the matrix and made excellent predictions.
The problem is, hes even botching the easy ones.
And read his articles, they spend like 3 paragraphs talking about how he has super computers running all night aiding his data.
Yeah, I think Soccer is too hard to make good predictions about. When one team is MUCH better than another, you can get some decent predictions. But if the teams are at all relatively closely matched, it is really hard. It is an inherently very low scoring game so you get very few data points to work with. Thus the data is very noisy.
But that is what makes it such wild sport to watch . . . you really don't know who will win.
Soccer isn't as stats driven as other sports, he was never going to be very accurate. He was never going to be as accurate as Paul the Octopus, for example.
I have no doubt he could do a good job with baseball or football, but stats analysis doesn't lend itself to predicting the beautiful game.
I agree, and I know that.
But does he? Hes spending a whole lot of time and putting a whole lot of focus onto a lost cause.
It reflects very poorly on him and his website.
Nate wasn't the only one who got the 2012 election. So what he did was not as impressive as you might think.
I have no idea why he's so bad at world cup prediction. His March Madness prediction weren't anything special either. Maybe sports isn't his thing.
I agree, and I know that.
But does he? Hes spending a whole lot of time and putting a whole lot of focus onto a lost cause.
It reflects very poorly on him and his website.
I just want to point out for the 80th time that I predicted the Obama-Romney EV count perfectly before the end of September.
Nate wasn't the only one who got the 2012 election. So what he did was not as impressive as you might think.
I have no idea why he's so bad at world cup prediction. His March Madness prediction weren't anything special either. Maybe sports isn't his thing.
I still think he is one of their better candidates. Not good enough to beat Hillary though.
I really think the GOP is painted into the corner on presidential elections. You have to be so conservative to win the primary that you will be unable to win the general.
I mean FFS, Cantor was too liberal!
I'd consider voting for Jon Huntsman. That guy seems remarkably level headed.
The "Fuck Obama" factor was probably tied more to lower turnout than Romney actually gaining votes over McCain, which can just be attributed to population gains.I can't really see Romney getting any more votes than he did last time. He only got a million more votes than McCain and that was with the "Fuck Obama" factoring in.
Romney will not run. No one likes a sore loser.
Uhm... It's not like women are going to suddenly start voting for Republicans just because they'd have a woman candidate. That's like saying black voters would have crossed over for Herman Cain.Anyone realizing that the GOP has TONS of women that could run? Haley, Martinez... it would be wise to counter what would otherwise be a huge strength for Hillary, because then no matter who wins, the US would finally have a first female President, and it could make less women (potentially) feel obligated to vote for Hillary.
I gotta get my Diablosing out before I hit the hay.Uhm... It's not like women are going to suddenly start voting for Republicans just because they'd have a woman candidate. That's like saying black voters would have crossed over for Herman Cain.
I gotta get my Diablosing out before I hit the hay.
Nikki Haley scares me, btw. No, it isn't a race or gender thing... more like her views. She looks like such a nice, rational human being but she's CRAZY.
After 8 years of OBUMMER and the Democratic brand going somewhat stale, it might just make people want a Republican back in the WH... of course Obama is nowhere near Bush levels of unpopularity back in 07-08.
But I still think there is going to be a fairly large crowd who will be more eager than ever to stick it to Obama by doing everything they can to make sure his successor doesn't agree with him. It won't be 2008 levels though.
Aw fuck I just don't know how 2016 is going to shape up.
Yeahhh but Sarah Palin looks as crazy as she sounds. Haley looks normal. At first glance if you had political amnesia you might think she's your everyday left-leaning politician from some western country or what have you. But no. She's a loon. That in and of itself is terrifying. With Palin at least what you see is what you get.She's Sarah Palin with a Southern accent.
I think there's a non-negligible chance that Wall Street manage to blow themselves up again before the 2016 election, and if they won't, it will most likely happen during Hillary's first term.In all likelihood by 2016 the economy and jobs situation will have continued to improve, ACA benefits will be more obvious, and gay marriage and legalized marijuana will be more widespread and entrenched. The US might not even be involved in a major conflict. Even if the rate of improvement continues to be slow (a likelihood given an obstructionist congress), the country will be noticeably "better" than when Obama took office.
Even if the voting public is bored, what exactly is any GOP candidate going to run on that will win anybody over? With everything else "out of the way" the key issue of 2016 is likely to be immigration, and the GOP is lining up on the wrong side of that argument if they want to win the Presidency.
I think there's a non-negligible chance that Wall Street manage to blow themselves up again before the 2016 election, and if they won't, it will most likely happen during Hillary's first term.
And that's how Republican administrations are born.
He should know better than trying to apply the same methodology to trying and predict football or basketball matches.Re: Nate Silver:
1. He started his career writing for Baseball Prospectus, where he helped invent their PECOTA projection system;
2. ESPN is paying him a lot of money now to try to predict things that are really hard to predict.
What makes you think she'll go after the banks hard?I think it's possible that if Hillary goes after Wall Street hard, it might help her if they go boom, and Hillary would stab Wall Street in the back to save her legacy. If it happens in 2019, then we might get 20 more years of the right. You'd see a real rise in extremism, especially left extremism, if this scenario happens in the next 5-6 years.
In some ways, I almost wish a Republican would win in 2016 so when Wall St blows up again they'd get the blame.
To tie all the Diablosing in a neat bow, the return of Mitt Romney to the Republican Presidential race is the most clear sign so far that Chris Christie is out of it. Running Romney again is an obviously stupid idea. The only reason anybody might even talk about it is the same reason they ran him in the first place -- there are no actually plausible candidates willing to run. In 2012, Christie wasn't willing to run (he needed the lap band surgery to mount a real Presidential campaign). In 2016 he isn't plausible any more.