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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Wait! PCCC? That's CCCP backwards. Liberals are Communist confirmed.



Hillary has been so fucking means-tested by now. I can't see this ancient 'scandal' doing anything one way or the other unless you are part of the 1/3 of the US that will never vote for anyone with a (D) next to their name.

HAHA I said means-tested. :lol
I meant stress-tested. It's Friday, there is alcohol nearby...

hahaha i'm cracking myself up over here... time for bed


WASHINGTON -- Taxpayers who do not produce documents for the Internal Revenue Service will be able to offer a variety of dubious excuses under legislation introduced by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX 36) a week after the IRS offered an incredibly dubious excuse for its failure to turn documents over to House investigators.

“The United States was founded on the belief government is subservient and accountable to the people. Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves,” said Stockman. “Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.”

Under Stockman’s bill, “The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act,” taxpayers who do not provide documents requested by the IRS can claim one of the following reasons:

1. The dog ate my tax receipts
2. Convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction
3. Traded documents for five terrorists
4. Burned for warmth while lost in the Yukon
5. Left on table in Hillary’s Book Room
6. Received water damage in the trunk of Ted Kennedy’s car
7. Forgot in gun case sold to Mexican drug lords
8. Forced to recycle by municipal Green Czar
9. Was short on toilet paper while camping
10. At this point, what difference does it make?

Stockman’s bill comes a week after the IRS refused to turn over to House investigators emails from former Exempt Organizations Divison director Lois Lerner that would implicate agency personnel in illegal targeting of citizens critical of President Barack Obama.

The former Pennsylvania senator, who is exploring a 2016 presidential bid, quoted President Ronald Reagan to make the case for a more robust government that can provide assistance to lower and middle income Americans. He argued that the Republican would “be appalled today” by GOP lawmakers who tailor their policy prescriptions to conservative orthodoxy rather than the economic problems at hand.

“One of [Reagan's] famous quotes was, ‘government isn’t the answer, government is the problem.’ But here is what he said in the beginning of that quote, ‘in this current crisis,’” Santorum declared. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a different crisis in America, we have a crisis of people in the middle of America feeling disconnected to this country and the opportunity they can provide.”

Santorum, who just published a book focused on economic populism, called on the GOP to adopt an agenda “that speaks across the economic spectrum” and become “the party of the worker, not just the party of business.” That agenda includes a greater focus on American-made manufacturing, vocational education, and building “the infrastructure of America.”

“Republicans, it’s okay for people to just work from 9 to 5 and have the opportunity to raise a family on the wages that you make,” he added, reiterating that he is open to raising the federal minimum wage.
Tony Lowe · Top Commenter · Western Carolina University
He sounds nice. I'm going to google his accomplishments right now and it says OOOH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?


This IRS thing is such a hilarious topic for the GOP to work up a lather over. Hasn't it already been proven that the IRS was going after Dem groups too, and not targeting any specific group?

Last I heard, there were 5 progressive groups vs hundreds of conservative. Also, some of the questions they were asking was very inappropriate and invasive. Then they'd keep stalling for approval for well over a year.

Anyway, what's with all the hard drive crashes going on over at the irs?
considering that the hard drive market conveniently went to shit around the time this ~*targeting*~ was going on

this conspiracy may go even deeper than we thought!

these IRS hard drives are clearly all Seagates


Last I heard, there were 5 progressive groups vs hundreds of conservative. Also, some of the questions they were asking was very inappropriate and invasive. Then they'd keep stalling for approval for well over a year.

Anyway, what's with all the hard drive crashes going on over at the irs?

As GhaleonEB pointed out progressive groups were treated the same as conservative. Conservatives just try and hide that fact because it doesn't fit their narrative.

Also if you have ever worked at a big company you would realize that hard drive crashes are pretty common when you have hundreds if not thousands of employees working on computers every single day.
Rick Santorum is making a movie called One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty (trailer included). Compares Christians to Jews in Nazi Germany.

Rick Santorum is bringing the nationwide fight over religious liberty to the big screen, and it is chilling.

As the Supreme Court weighs the Hobby Lobby case and activists at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference denounce the war on Christianity in America, Christian movie company EchoLight Studios, of which Rich Santorum is CEO, is preparing to release One Generation Away: the Erosion of Religious Liberty. The trailer, above, shows just how seriously Santorum and many fellow conservatives are taking the issue: if the United States continues down a path that erodes religious freedom, the country could be headed toward Nazi Germany. (That punch comes around minute 1:41.)

One Generation Away is a documentary-style film slated to release September 1. The film focuses on seven ongoing cases studies of religious freedom across the country: Mt. Soledad in San Diego, wedding service providers in Oregon and Washington, Hobby Lobby, chaplaincy in the military, two education cases with a collegiate counseling program, and high school cheerleaders in Koontz, Texas. “The fight to protect our religious freedom is paramount to our country’s future prosperity,” Santorum says. “Taking that fight to the big screen and impacting the culture along the way allows us to inform on this critical subject in a meaningful and entertaining way.”

The film will include interviews with more than 40 political, business and religious leaders, including Steve and David Green of Hobby Lobby, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Jennifer Marshall of Heritage Foundation, Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, and Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association. “The tone and message of One Generation is that freedom must be available for all to be effective,” Jeff Sheets, president of EchoLight Studios and founder of Abington Ridge Films, explains. “Our intended goal is to promote ongoing, civil dialogue that respects each other even while at times disagreeing.”

The trailer makes the film’s overall position clear: religious freedom in the U.S. is under attack. A famous Ronald Reagan quote frames the trailer: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” Reagan says in the trailer. “And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.” (The original quote comes from Reagan’s 1961 speech arguing to block the passage of Medicare. Sarah Palin revived the quote in her closing remarks in the 2008 vice-presidential debate.)

The comparison to Nazi Germany is bound to raise eyebrows, if not criticism. It is not an uncommon analogy for Santorum—as Dana Milbank wrote in 2012, “Santorum sees Nazis everywhere: in the Middle East, in doctor’s offices and medical labs, in the Democratic Party, and now in the White House.” Sheets explains the inclusion of the Nazi comparison this way: “This example was used to illustrate the extreme consequences that can occur when freedoms begin to erode unchecked. The ‘Church’ in Germany sat by as their freedoms and the freedoms of the Jews were restricted. By the time they woke up, it was too late. America is NOT Nazi Germany nor is there an inference in the movie that our government is taking that extremist position.”

One Generation Away will be shown in churches as the premier of EchoLight’s new plan to take advantage of their theater-like setup and built-in audiences.

One thing that is true is that Christian dominance over the culture is fading. Blue Laws continue to go extinct, gay marriage has won, non belief is the fastest growing religious identification, etc.

That said, all their whining is just pathetic garbage. All they are 'losing' is a set of laws that they never should have had in the first place. They don't get to control other people's lives who do not follow their their particular religious views. However, they are constitutionally guaranteed their right to practice their religion and every decent atheist will protect their constitutional right to do so.


...Did he just invoke Godwin's law?

"Oh look at us. We're soooo persecuted. Woe is us. Woe is us. Now fuck gays, blacks, the poor, women, and non Christians."

You think somebody would call them on this "christian persecution" line since this shit has been going on for ages;

Pat Robertson said:
"Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history."

Poor old white Christian males, never getting a fair shake in this godless wasteland of country. I'm three out of four there (okay, maybe not THAT old) and I still think that's a load.
Poor old white Christian males, never getting a fair shake in this godless wasteland of country. I'm three out of four there (okay, maybe not THAT old) and I still think that's a load.
Maybe someday there will be a while Christian male president. Someday. Believe.
The film focuses on seven ongoing cases studies of religious freedom across the country: Mt. Soledad in San Diego, wedding service providers in Oregon and Washington, Hobby Lobby, chaplaincy in the military, two education cases with a collegiate counseling program, and high school cheerleaders in Koontz, Texas.
What are the complaints behind these . . .

Hobby Lobby .. . We are losing our right to enforce our views on birth control on employees. Well, sell the business and do something else then! Boo-hoo . . . you are business owner, not a Cult leader. You don't get to control your employee's private lives.

Mt. Soledad . . . A cross put on PUBLIC PROPERTY. Sorry, you don't get to use government land to push your religious views. Do that on your own land.

wedding service providers . . . You have to bake a cake for a gay wedding? Get over it or get out of the business of wedding cakes. I understand your disagreement with gay marriage and you don't have to approve of them. But should you be able to say to baking wedding cakes for black people? For Jews? For Atheists? And how often is this situation really going to happen anyway? If I was gay, I would not want to give my business to a bigot anyway . . . and I'd be wary about eating that cake!

What they are "losing" is a set of unfair rules that they had as a majority oppressing other minorities. If they want to see real persecution they can look at the Christians in Iraq or Egypt these days.



The fight to rid the country of same sex marriage is just like the right to rid the country of slavery.

There is a special place in hell for these people...

Ralph Reed is a terrible person, but this really isn't fair. He's clearly trying to make a point about how losing in court doesn't mean his side is wrong or doomed. Dred Scott is just our go-to example of a wrong Supreme Court decision. The merits of the case aside, it's a bad argument because it really does look like gay marriage is inevitable even without further court decisions, but that is the argument he's making, I think. He even says "I’m not comparing slavery to same-sex marriage, OK?"


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ralph Reed is a terrible person, but this really isn't fair. He's clearly trying to make a point about how losing in court doesn't mean his side is wrong or doomed. Dred Scott is just our go-to example of a wrong Supreme Court decision. The merits of the case aside, it's a bad argument because it really does look like gay marriage is inevitable even without further court decisions, but that is the argument he's making, I think. He even says "I’m not comparing slavery to same-sex marriage, OK?"

If you're not trying to make a comparison to slavery, you probably shouldn't make a comparison to slavery.
Ralph Reed is a terrible person, but this really isn't fair. He's clearly trying to make a point about how losing in court doesn't mean his side is wrong or doomed. Dred Scott is just our go-to example of a wrong Supreme Court decision. The merits of the case aside, it's a bad argument because it really does look like gay marriage is inevitable even without further court decisions, but that is the argument he's making, I think. He even says "I’m not comparing slavery to same-sex marriage, OK?"

The thing is, him comparing same-sex to slavery might have been the better argument. Because if you follow his argument to its parallel conclusion . . . well, his side is indeed losing the argument in court so now he needs to resort to a massively bloody civil war over the issue!
The irony of course being that Jews in Nazi Germany did not have any sort of platform to speak out against their rights being eroded

I really just want to understand how these people can look at themselves in the mirror and think "Yup, knowing that gay people can get married is totally just as bad - if not worse - than Jews being slaughtered"


New survey about uninsured and Obamacare
Washington -- - An estimated 57 percent of Americans who bought marketplace health insurance were previously uninsured - most of them for two years or more - according to a comprehensive new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation that measures how people are faring in the individual insurance market after it was restructured under the Affordable Care Act.

The finding is considered the most accurate estimate to date for one of the most hotly-debated questions surrounding the health law.

Earlier estimates likely underrepresented the number of previously uninsured marketplace plan members by asking respondents about their coverage status over the past year, said Kaiser senior vice president Larry Levitt. The Kaiser survey asked plan members whether they were uninsured when they purchased coverage.

Overall, the nationally representative random sample survey of 742 people found that those in health law-compliant plans are more likely to say they're in poorer health than people in non-compliant plans.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/19/4189071/new-survey-finds-57-percent-with.html#storylink=cpy

Pretty big news considering that previously the estimates were a lot lower.
The irony of course being that Jews in Nazi Germany did not have any sort of platform to speak out against their rights being eroded

I really just want to understand how these people can look at themselves in the mirror and think "Yup, knowing that gay people can get married is totally just as bad - if not worse - than Jews being slaughtered"

I cringe every time a conservative trots out that certain Martin Niemoller quote. Tell me, Mr. Conservative, how do you feel about Socialists and Trade Unionists?


New survey about uninsured and Obamacare

Pretty big news considering that previously the estimates were a lot lower.
Too bad it's still unpopular. :-(

Great news even still...

Or 43 in a row!
I sincerely doubt all US Presidents were as religious as they made themselves out to be. I am sure some of them were closeted secular Americans.

Jimmy Carter on the other hand is probably the most brilliant religious President this country has seen (in more modern times at least). Bush II wore it on his sleeve but he's a disgusting human being. Speaking of Jimmy Carter, I watched his interview with Charlie Rose. The guy got such a bad reputation for things that weren't even really his fault and the interview just reconfirms this. It's a fucking shame Reagan fever swept the nation. To this day I can't understand how The Gipper dominated the electoral map like he did.


No Scrubs
Too bad it's still unpopular. :-(

Great news even still...

I sincerely doubt all US Presidents were as religious as they made themselves out to be. I am sure some of them were closeted secular Americans.

Jimmy Carter on the other hand is probably the most brilliant religious President this country has seen (in more modern times at least). Bush II wore it on his sleeve but he's a disgusting human being. Speaking of Jimmy Carter, I watched his interview with Charlie Rose. The guy got such a bad reputation for things that weren't even really his fault and the interview just reconfirms this. It's a fucking shame Reagan fever swept the nation. To this day I can't understand how The Gipper dominated the electoral map like he did.

Reagan knew how to play the TV media better than they did at the time. When I was in school we spent like a week on Reagan and TV news, covering what he did, how he did it and how to counteract it. If he had tried to run before the advent of TV news then he wouldn't have gotten elected, if he ran now he wouldn't make it. He just came about at exactly the right time to take advantage of election coverage.


Unconfirmed Member
Ruth Marcus from Washington Post seemed to just decode Warren's statements about her Presidential aspirations.

Why not simply declare that she will not run for president in 2016? “I am not running for president in 2016,” Warren responded. Yes, I pressed, but why not say, I am not running and I will not run ?

“Because we can’t get so deeply involved in the politics of 2016 that we miss the importance of the issues in front of us today in July of 2014 and the 2014 election,” Warren replied, jumping slightly ahead of the calendar. “It is absolutely crucial to stay focused right now on this set of issues and that’s what I’m doing.”

Hmmm. “The point is not to try to create any ambiguity,” Warren added. “I am not running. I think I am being definitive.”

She's clearly keeping her options open by dodging that question. People who keep saying she simply doesn't want to be president need to take note.

But mostly I'm just impressed at how that journalist figured out a way to get around that PR wall to get an important non answer.
Reagan knew how to play the TV media better than they did at the time. When I was in school we spent like a week on Reagan and TV news, covering what he did, how he did it and how to counteract it. If he had tried to run before the advent of TV news then he wouldn't have gotten elected, if he ran now he wouldn't make it. He just came about at exactly the right time to take advantage of election coverage.
I think Reagan got really lucky. He got to run against Carter during the Iran hostage crisis. Easy win.

Then during the early 1980's, the Alaskan North Slope, North Sea, and Mexico's Cantarell oil fields all came on line causing oil prices to drop and the economy took off. Boom, easy re-election.

The oil prices then crashed further and Russia that was so dependent on oil exports finally crashed. Boom, Reagan the cold war hero.

But I'd say most of it was just dumb luck. He just happened to be president at the right time. And if anything, I think he really has really hurt the Nation because people have drawn the wrong conclusions by linking various things to some of his actions.

Bill Clinton also benefited from some great luck as well . . . that late 90's internet boom was sure nice for him.


No Scrubs
I think Reagan got really lucky. He got to run against Carter during the Iran hostage crisis. Easy win.

Then during the early 1980's, the Alaskan North Slope, North Sea, and Mexico's Cantarell oil fields all came on line causing oil prices to drop and the economy took off. Boom, easy re-election.

The oil prices then crashed further and Russia that was so dependent on oil exports finally crashed. Boom, Reagan the cold war hero.

But I'd say most of it was just dumb luck. He just happened to be president at the right time. And if anything, I think he really has really hurt the Nation because people have drawn the wrong conclusions by linking various things to some of his actions.

Bill Clinton also benefited from some great luck as well . . . that late 90's internet boom was sure nice for him.

Yea, literally everything that could have gone well for Reagan did. From events, to politics to election coverage, there's nothing he didn't luck out on. He was just a guy who was there at the right time.
I love biden but I don't know why I'd pick him over Clinton. What does he offer she doesn't? Clinton is more a break from the Obama administration and offers a lot of unique perspectives
is there any limit for how many times you can be vice president?
Not that I know of they just have to be eligible to be Pres and electors can't vote for people from the same state.


I think Reagan got really lucky. He got to run against Carter during the Iran hostage crisis. Easy win.

Then during the early 1980's, the Alaskan North Slope, North Sea, and Mexico's Cantarell oil fields all came on line causing oil prices to drop and the economy took off. Boom, easy re-election.

The oil prices then crashed further and Russia that was so dependent on oil exports finally crashed. Boom, Reagan the cold war hero.

But I'd say most of it was just dumb luck. He just happened to be president at the right time. And if anything, I think he really has really hurt the Nation because people have drawn the wrong conclusions by linking various things to some of his actions.

Bill Clinton also benefited from some great luck as well . . . that late 90's internet boom was sure nice for him.

To be fair to Carter, Reagan did negotiate with the Iranian terrorists to give them what they wanted if they kept up the hostage taking until after the election.
A Biden candidacy would legitimately excite me. I don't dislike Clinton or anything, but the most exciting prospect of her running is seeing Democrats sweep down ballot rather than anything about her (to me, anyway).


I dunno, I just hope Clinton doesn't catch Mark Penn fever again, among all the other things that doomed the earlier, but oh so critical days of her '08 run.

Clinton / Biden '16?
Seems redundant. Biden for Secy. of State (or Defense even) makes more sense.


A Biden candidacy would legitimately excite me. I don't dislike Clinton or anything, but the most exciting prospect of her running is seeing Democrats sweep down ballot rather than anything about her (to me, anyway).

Agreed. I think Clinton would have a better shot/higher margin of victory and all, but I like Biden more. Unfortunately, I think he might be a bit too old. He'll be like 73 in '16. That would make him over 80 by the end of his presidency if he got 2 terms. He would have to have one hell of a VP.
What would Biden's campaign platform be, anyway? I really enjoy his personality but don't remember his objectives from earlier campaigns. Regardless he's really on the old side for the presidency.

Clinton...I just can't get excited for her, too cozy with the corporate world.
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